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Chapter 6 - The True Value of [Return+]……and the Setting Error

The next morning, Yoichi remembered an important thing: he still had to set up his home point in the [Return+] skill.

(But, how do I set up my home point? Would it be enough if I just think about it?)

《Do you want to set the current position as home point 2?》

(……Yes? Wait, Home Point 2?)

It seemed that Home Point 1 was already set, so Yoichi had no choice but to set his current location as Home Point 2.

As for Home Point 1, he thought it could be the brothel where he had received the skill, but as Yoichi need to confirm it anyway, he didn’t think about it much.

As for confirmation that the home point is successfully set, it was displayed in front of Yoichi via a program window, so there should be no problems.

Or at least that’s what he thought.




  • Jana Forest
  • Espoir 305
  • Not set
  • Not set
  • Not set


Number 2, Espoir 305, is the name and room number of the apartment where Yoichi lives.

But where the heck is Jana Forest?

(Oh, damn, I’m starting to get nervous. It is that thing, isn’t it, that sort of thing. Hey administrator! Did you just flunk out again!?)

Even if something happens, I can cancel the skill within an hour.

“So with that, [Return] to [Home Point 1]!”

Suddenly, the scenery in front of Yoichi changed.

He was sure that he was in his apartment just a few minutes ago, but now Yoichi is in a forest with a thick vegetation.

He felt no sense of movement or floating that happened in particular, just a sudden change in vision and the feel of the ground changing through the soles of his shoes.


Suddenly, Yoichi heard a rustling sound behind him, like something crossing over a heap of tall grass.

When Yoichi looked back, there was a rabbit there.

“Eh? oh, it’s a rabbit……wait a minute……”

The rabbit was also looking at Yoichi with its nose twitching.

Then all of a sudden, it jumped……towards Yoichi’s direction.


The next moment, Yoichi found himself slumped over, not in the forest, but in a familiar, very familiar room.


He breathed a huge sigh of relief upon confirming that cancellation had been successfully triggered, and he was able to secure his safety.

If it had been just a normal wild rabbit, Yoichi would not have been this terrified.

(No, if it was a normal rabbit, I’d rather jump on it and smother it instead!)

There were two problems Yoichi encountered upon seeing that animal.

The first problem was its size.

It was as big as a retriever, a Borzoi, or any large dog.

There maybe rabbits that existed of that size at least in some other parts of the world, but at the very least, Yoichi didn’t know the existence of a rabbit with a size of a large dog.

But it was the second problem that determined his escape.

It had a long, sharp horn with a cone-shaped spiral pattern growing out of its forehead.

The moment he saw its pointed tip approaching his body, there is one thing he immediately realized.

That the rabbit was out of this world.

“Yes! Another world confirmed!”

After recovering his breathing, even though he was still shivering a little from the rabbit trauma, Yoichi’s mind was filled with excitement after he realized that fact.

With this, Yoichi was able to confirm one thing – that he could go to another world.

And that’s not all.

Where was Yoichi now?

He is at his home.

Yoichi, who went to a forest in the other world, is now at home in his original world. In other words, it turns out that he can go back and forth between the other world and the original world without any repercussions nor rituals or gates needed at all!

Initially, when he was in the chasm of time and space together with the other Todou, Yoichi chose to go to the other world as well, despite only having the basic skill set in his arsenal.

As for why he chose so, it’s all because of one thing – he wanted to escape. He wanted to escape from his life as a break-even employee, his life where he was just working just to survive and his routine where he was just constantly worrying about paying his credit card bills that were due the next month.

He wanted to reset everything and start his life all over again.

Of course, just because he can escape to another world doesn’t mean everything will be fine.

In a world where the common sense of his original world does not apply, he may even encounter more hardships there compared to this world.

Even so, Yoichi still wants it. He’s got enough of this bland life; he wants to taste something new.

That’s why he could only be so depressed when he found out that the transition failed the first time, and the second time as well.

The thought of returning to his boring break-even life made him quite depressed, and not just only once, but twice.

However, what brought him back was the administrator’s return, and the fixing of the “Skill pack.”

Thanks to these skills, which are now considered as cheats, he is now able to see the light. With these skills, he could now imagine having a relaxed, happy and fulfilling life that he thought he could only attain in fictional works, a possibility in which he already deemed a dream the moment he grew up in this harsh reality.

However, fate is really fickle sometimes.

Who would have thought that right after he had resolved himself, he finds out that he could go to another world as well?

And it was not about just going to another world.

As it turns out, he could go back and forth in this world too!

Right now, Yoichi has already recovered his trauma from the horned rabbit and is now imagining the possibilities he could do to start his new and unique life.

Like water coming out of a punctured pressure tank, ideas kept on coming out in his mind.

If he meets any kind of inconvenience in the other world, he could just bring in any civilized equipment from this world: weapons, guns, gadgets, generators, and the like. With the help of his skills, anything and everything is now convenient and possible.

The best part is, there is the possibility that he could also acquire the technology in that world as well and take it to here. In other words – MAGIC.

Though the skills he acquired from the administrator are enough to be qualified as ‘magical,’ it also gave him a ‘futuristic vibe’ due to how systematized it is. “Fantasy World” magic for him are firing balls of fire and bolts of lightning in one’s hands, materializing out of thin air, and anything of the like - those he often sees in fictional works and such.

Plus, the administrator also said that the world over there is a fantasy world filled with swords and magic.

If this is really the kind of fantasy world he often sees in light novels, Yoichi was sure that there will be exciting adventures waiting for him once he arrives.

There is also the chance that he might engage in bloody battles with demons, monsters, and the like or explore dangerous dungeons and ruins that are forgotten in the history of time, and he might also become a nobleman if he uses his knowledge of this world well and take all the credit for it!

What’s more, if polygamy is allowed, he can even create a harem!

(Elves, Beast-ears, Magical girls……crap, I can’t help but get excited!)

Yoichi’s dream of living in another world that he hadn’t seen yet had expanded widely before he knew it.

  • It is now possible to instantly move to a Home Point from any location under any circumstances.

It might look like a scam description due to how lax it is, but if you look closely, you can see that it shows how powerful this skill is.

Just from the words ”From any location” alone, it doesn’t matter if you’re returning to another world or anywhere else, as long as that place was set as your home point, you can go there and also return from there any way you like. The same also goes for “instantly move” and “under any circumstances.”

With this, Yoichi then thought. “How about the energy consumption of these skills? It will definitely be a tremendous one, right? Considering I am traveling back and forth in worlds and all. What if the supply suddenly cuts off in the middle? Will I get stuck in between dimensions forever?” but then he realized that all these worries are worthless.

It was because he realized that his main source of power is that Administrator. If he were to imitate again what she just said, “Even the amount of magic power required for Mr. Wisteria Todou using all of his skills at full capacity continuously for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for 100 years is not enough to supply the energy needed for me to take a breath.”

From the point of view of a diminutive being like Yoichi and the rest of his kind, this amount of energy has already surpassed astronomical levels, but from the point of view of a god-like being like the administrator, it would be just a breath or two to her.

It is because of this that Yoichi was now confident. That even if he uses his skills to travel between worlds no matter how many times he like. It won’t pose a problem.

(Well, if there is one, she will definitely say something. Until then, let’s use it as we like.)

With this, Yoichi has found another thing that he wants to do.

To travel to another world, enjoy his second life and use his skills to his fullest content.

But to make that possible, he must make preparations.

(First of all, information. Let’s learn about this other world first.)

Earlier, Yoichi had activated [Return+] without thinking because of his reflex, but he remembered that [Return+] also had a function that allowed him to check his home point from a remote location.

Yoichi immediately tried to activate the function, but……

(Crap, I can’t see it clearly.)

The image of the forest-like place he had just seen was reflected in his consciousness, but there seemed to be some kind of noise that prevented him from seeing it properly – a sign that it was indeed a distant and different world.

(Even with the upgraded skill, not all the functions were working properly.)

Considering this, it was already fortunate that he had been able to successfully transfer to the other world.

(If that is the case, we won’t know what will be waiting for us at the destination. For the time being, I must prepare accordingly.)

Then, it occurred to Yoichi.

“I wonder what would have happened if I got transferred in that world in the first place?”

The skills given to Yoichi were handy for daily life, but there was nothing that he could immediately use in battle for survival.

Moreover, he had no blessings at that stage, so he would be transitioning with much lower skill levels than what he has now.

Would he have been able to survive in that state?

(……For once, I’m glad the administrator is a screw-up……)


Later that night.

Soon as Yoichi fell asleep, that white space appeared again.

And as expected, there was the woman in kimono waiting for him.

“Oh, Miss Administrator, hello.”

“What do you mean “Hello!?”

The manager seemed to be angry about something.

But even though she looks angry, the way she lets out a hissing cat vibe doesn’t really help all, and instead of being intimidated, Yoichi finds it even cute.

Yoichi already had an idea of what was causing it but decided to play it off for now.

“S-so, what is it?”

“You went to the other world, right?”

“Y-yes……was it a bad idea?”

Yoichi finds that it was the case from the way the administrator’s tone went. The administrator dropped her shoulders and sighed heavily, confirming that it was really the case.

“Of course it is bad……but well, that was my mistake in the first place……”

In the end, it was her being a screw-up after all.

“Then, will I be forbidden to go to that other world from now on?”

“No, it’s my fault that this happened, and it’s against my pride as an administrator to take away the skills I’ve given away.”

Upon hearing that, Yoichi stroked his chest in relief.

“But still, you, Mister Wisteria Todou, needs to know how dangerous it is what you have done!!”

After that, the administrator spoke to Yoichi on how this world and that other world exist in different dimensions and that if he were to go back and forth between the two, the flow of time and space would become strange.

That it was also fortunate that he used Cancel to return. If he would have passed the one(1) hour limit to cancel the skill and used the [Return+] function instead, he would not have been able to return to his original time, and worse, it wouldn’t be strange if he went back to stone age or a future era because of this.

“But now, I have fixed and linked the time and space between this world and that world, so you are now able to go back and forth without any problems.”

“Oooh, as expected of the administrator! You are really a reliable person!”

“Is that so? Ehehehe.”

(So easy.)

“For the time being, I’ve set up the time in the world over there to Japan Standard Time, so you won’t have to worry about the time difference between here and there.”

“So you’re saying that the other world has the same rotation period and orbital period as this Earth?”

“Nope. Because that world is not a planet.”

“Come again?”

“If I were to put it more simply, I would say that that world follows similar to the concept of what Flat Earther Conspiracists in the western part of your world were talking about.”

In other words, the world is flat and has an end, and the sun and moon revolve around the world.

“So, in that world, there is no time difference between the west end and the east end, and the length of the day is the same whether it is in the center of the world or in the far north and south?”

For Yoichi, who grew up in an oblate spheroid planet, the concept of the end of the north and south not being a pole but literally the end of the world was a concept too difficult to understand.

(Even if the spacetime were aligned, in this world, the length of the day changes with the seasons, and the climate varies from its distance to the equator……wait……with this concept, isn’t this world more like an open-world map of a Fantasy RPG?)

“So you’re saying that the day over there is conveniently 24 hours long?”

“It’s not exactly, but I think it’s more or less the same. There may be slight discrepancies between the worlds, but I’ll adjust it as we go along.”

The administrator stated as if she’s getting annoyed, so Yoichi thought that he should put a halt to his questions for now. Plus, reading her vibe, he was sure it would be a long story if he were to ask in detail, so he decided to leave all of that to the administrator.

“Oh, right. Now that I remember, what will happen to me if the transfer was successful on the first try? With my standard skill set, I don’t think I’m confident in surviving there on my own……”

“No, the time period you were supposed to land was different in the first place, and the forest is not that deep as it is now. Besides, I’ve made arrangements for you to meet some good adventurers and start your otherworldly life in a good way.”

(However, she was also the culprit who messed it all up. I’m grateful for that now, though.)

“One more thing, I can’t seem to check my home point of another world from earth. Was it really that impossible?”

“Earlier, it was not, but now it is.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Well, that is it for today. Do you have any other questions, Mister Todou?”

“Just so that I’m clear, are there any taboos about traveling between worlds? Wouldn’t it undermine your position or something?”

“Not really. Well, I’ll intervene if something happens, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

(That’s already enough to make me worry, though. Imagine a powerful being who can align two worlds’ time on a whim, interfering with your actions out of the blue……let’s just try not to overdo it.)

“Any more questions?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Well then, Mister Wisteria Todou, I hope you enjoy the rest of your life~.”

“Yes, Thank you. (……How many more times will I have to hear that line?)”

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