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Chapter 5 – Preparing a Collaborator

It’s been about a week since I took Hannah’s anal virginity.

Up until today, I’ve been called by her for several times now.

But just like the usual, she didn’t want to offer her virginity, so I gave her a lot of anal loving each time.

She had already learned to have anal sex with me, and together with it, she had also discovered the great pleasure of having sex.

It must have reached her to the point that she couldn’t get over it with just by masturbating anymore.

After all, only I can reach the places where she feels best.

Because of that, she can only masturbate using her vagina, which was less deep than her anus, but because of this, her sex drive is only increasing day by day.

I’m sure she’ll be at my mercy sooner or later, and I would be able to plunge it in at that point without any resistance, but that’s no fun.

I want her to offer her virginity to me, personally.

“Now then. There should be something that will help me breakthrough, but what is it……”

I was in my usual place, the headmistress’s office, re-reading Hannah’s dossier.

I’m currently looking for some information that can serve as a key to open Hannah’s tight door.

“Physical information, personality, family structure, favorite things, things she doesn’t like, future goals, hobbies……they are all pretty common.”

Even with all the information so far, I can’t find a good way to start.

In her case, I can’t use the help of other students that are uninvolved in my plan at all, like I did with Inez and Amelia, as it was too risky. If we’re not careful, the information that I’m taking interest to the students will definitely be leaked.

All it needs is a rumor for me and my plans to fall. Thankfully, Julia and the others are trying their best to stop that.

Besides, Hannah is studying on her own in the infirmary during regular class hours.

Meaning she didn’t have much contact with the other students, so I can’t just use any student as a collaborator.

The only thing I can do is to develop her anal skills steadily.

The pleasure she learned from anal sex gradually adds to her anticipation of the real thing.

When this anticipation of unknown pleasures becomes uncontrollable, Hannah will have no choice but to offer her virginity in the end.

It seemed to be the most successful strategy so far.

But it would take some time.

Unfortunately, Hannah was already in her third year, so I didn’t have that much time left.

As I didn’t have the time to enjoy her for a long time, I need her to fall as quickly as possible.

“This is impossible. She would have already graduated before she manages to fall. If that happens, all my efforts up to that point will end like a bubble.”

If I were to miss out on such a good woman, my pride would be hurt.

“What should I make of this……Hmm?”

When I thought I had already looked into every nook and cranny, I was distracted by a certain number on the document at hand.

It was Hannah’s class number.

Each year level is divided into a number of classes, and she is in the second class of the third-year students.

Coincidentally, it was the same class as Inez’s.

It was then that I had an idea.

But for that, I needed Inez’s help to carry it out.

And so, I put away my materials and left the room to find her, heading for the student council room where I knew she would be.


I walked down the corridor to the student council room, only found that they were apparently in a meeting upon reaching the place.

“Let’s take a peek.”

I used some of my cloaking magic and slowly opened the door.

I made sure that the people inside didn’t notice me before slipping myself inside.

About ten people were gathered in the room, and they were making some sort of back-to-back remarks.

I peeked at the document and saw that it was about the recent spate of “impure heterosexual exchanges” in the suburbs.

Apparently, many of the young ladies here are becoming adventurous.

If the parents heard about this, they would be very upset.

Meanwhile, Inez was talking in a position like the president she was.

All of a sudden, she looks at my position.

I felt strange for a second, as my covert spell is something that a mage can’t see through, much more a student like Inez, unless one is a master of martial arts that can feel people’s presence through their instincts.

I was on guard for a moment, but that was soon lifted by her next remark.

“Hmm? The door is open. Can someone close it?”

“Yes, Ms. President.”

But it looks like her focus was towards the door behind me.

Oh, I forgot to close it.

I breathed a sigh of relief that I hadn’t been spotted and continued to watch the meeting.

“……so, it is decided that we will raise our vigilance towards this matter. Any other questions?”

“None, Ms. President.”

“Then we will begin preparing the handouts immediately.”

In the end, they came to the conclusion that they would keep a close eye on the situation.

It’s funny to think that Inez, who was having sex with me all over the school, is policing public morals outside the school.

It’s a good sign that the cover-up is working.

After the student council members left, Inez was the only one left.

When I confirmed this, I broke the spell and revealed myself.

“Eep! Ah, it’s you!”

Surprised by my sudden appearance, Inez couldn’t help but yelp and stand up from her seat.

“Don’t make too much noise, Inez. The walls here are not as thick as in the headmaster’s office.”

“You’re the one to talk, transgressing here on your own!”

“Hey now. Don’t be so angry. I didn’t come here to fight with you.”

Apparently, Inez still very critical of me.

Once we get to the bed, she becomes cute at once, so that gap of hers is pretty good in its way.

“……So, what exactly do you want from me?”

After calming down, Inez sat down on her own chair.

The student council president’s chair is not as plush as the headmistress’s, but it is still plush in its own.

But when Inez, who has a certain charisma on her own, sits there, she feels like a proper boss of the students.

As I sat down near her, I began to talk.

“Actually, there’s a new girl I’d like to get my hands on. I need your help.”

When she hears my words, she sighs loudly and blatantly.

“I’m flabbergasted. Are you still planning to increase them?”

“Why did you think I would be content with just a few people? I feel like you’re misunderstanding something.”

I have several times the energy of an average person.

I was confident that with the help of my magic altogether, I could deal with about 10 people at once.

“......I’ll have a lot of respect for you if you manage to go that far.”

Inez paused as if to say, “It can’t be helped.”

“So, who are we dealing with?”

“Oh, you’re going to help me?”

“I’m just curious. Is it a student or a teacher? Don’t tell me…… a little girl?”

“Oi, I may be a pervert, but that’s going too far.”

Though Inez was saying that, it was pretty clear that she was interested.

“Wait. Are you thinking of her as some sort of rival?”

“What kind of rival is that!? Of course, I am not!”

I enjoyed Inez’s reaction and got down to business.

“My new target is Hannah Galland, third year.”

When I mentioned Hannah’s name, Inez’s eyes grew stern.

“Do you know her?”

“Yes, I do. We’re classmates, after all.”

“As expected of the president of the student council, you know all the students, even those who hardly ever attend the class.”

“You can’t get anywhere by flattering me. But Hannah……that girl is……”

Inez went in thoughts for a moment.

It seems that she and Hannah are not just classmates.

“If you know something, tell me.”

“You see, I was classmates with Hannah in our first year, but she stopped coming to class halfway through that year.”

“Has she been hanging out in the infirmary since then?”

Yes. Also, she wasn’t very good at socializing. I visited her in the infirmary a few times, but she seemed more comfortable there.”

“I see. A recluse in a way.”

If that was the case, it would be more effective to take her out of the infirmary, first and foremost.

Being in an unfamiliar place might weaken her stubborn thoughts.

It’s also for the good of her, as she was about to become a doctor in the near future with her talents.

“Then let’s do that thing.”

“And what the hell is that……thing?”

I stood up and told Inez, who had a curious look on her face.

The next moment, she stood up briskly.

“No way! You can’t! I’ll never do it!”

Inez backed away from me with a flushed face and headed for the exit.

But when she tried to open the door, for some reason, it wouldn’t budge.

“No way, why?”

I put my hand on Inez’s shoulder.

“I’m not going to let you go, okay? You’re going to have to cooperate with me.”

Thus, began our joint operation to make Hannah give in.

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