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Chapter 2 – Apologies and Reparations ※

That’s a good smell.

Really appetizing.

It’s grilled meat, after all.

Even from here, I could hear the sound of meat sizzling.

Also, it’s kind of hot.

Is it from the griddle, perhaps?

Wait. Since when there is a brothel offering grilled meat in their remaining hours?

“……No, this isn’t the time for that!”

After pulling out one shot at his partner in the brothel, Yoichi fell asleep while hugging Rina.

He got up in a hurry, only to see a figure of a woman on her knees burning herself on a wide grill that woke him up.

“Just what the hell are you doing?”

Despite not seeing her face because she is on her knees and facing her back at him, he could recognize that she was probably the administrator from the other day because of her kimono.

“I’m told this is the sincerest way to apologize in your world. I apologize for the repeated inadequacies.”

“You got it all wrong! That’s a result of excessive use of tropes in general fiction! Because no one actually does it in real life!”

“Even though it’s excessive, this humble one couldn’t think of a better way to convey her apologies for the issue at hand……this humble one truly apologizes for her incompetence as an administrator.”

“Even the way you formally talk is getting weird! Stop doing it!”

“Then, you will forgive me?”

“I forgive you! I forgive you, so don’t do it again!”

“Oh, thank goodness!”

“Yes, thank goodness indeed.”

The smell and sound of roasting meat, the heat emitting from the grill, the kimono being scorched, and her skin being burnt from the heat……all of it were gone in an instant.

No traces were left, and the beautiful administrator, now free from the burnt smell of oil and scorched-free kimono, sat down once again with glee.

“Oh, boy, I’m glad to hear that my sincerity was appreciated!”


Why does it sound like more of a threat than an apology? What would happen in case I didn’t forgive her there?

Well, it’s no use questioning it now. Neither do I want to complain about it anyway.

“Even so, meeting you again right after doing that thing……”

The administrator comes to Yoichi with a nasty grin.

“Ugh, shut it……wait, you were watching?”

“Well, it’s kinda like force majeure, so……For now, let’s get back to the matter at hand.”

The administrator, who has been grinning annoyingly, suddenly revealed a serious face.

“Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience my incompetence has caused you.”

When she said this, the administrator pointed three fingers on the floor and bowed deeply.[1]

“Well, that was……”

Yoichi couldn’t help but be horrified at her serious apology.

According to the administrator’s explanation, she mistakenly believed that her work was over once she had completely repaired Yoichi’s body and given him the skill set.

“But when I came to check Mister Wisteria藤(Tou)-Temple堂(Do), or in this case, your whereabouts, I couldn’t find you in any place in the other world, so I traced my steps back, and to my surprise I found you being back in the same world as before! Moreover, after having a good time with the nurse, you even had done that and those with a cute girl in that shady shop……I was shocked that time……hey, are you listening?”

“I couldn’t even if I don’t want to. So, in other words, you were watching me all along as I screw someone.”

“You, h-how could you say that with such a straight face!? Now I’m getting embarrassed.”

The administrator blushed and covered her cheeks with her hands as she swiveled herself from side to side.

Yoichi should be feeling thankful that she changed the fate of a man who was supposed to die, but somehow this administrator’s current attitude is making him a little irritated.

“So, to sum up, your transition of me has failed. I can’t even use your bestowed skills in my world.”


At Yoichi’s words, the administrator’s complexion switches from red to blue.

“I was looking forward to living in another world, you see. So much that I’ve already fantasized about what kind of life plan I’d like to lead next, whether it’s a tumultuous adventure in a new land with no strings attached, or a leisurely, slow life……To be honest, I was a little depressed when I realized that the poor working life of mine will continue until the moment I die……but yeah. That will be too much to wish for someone as wasteful as me……Ah, bummer. Now I have to deal with the next month’s bill again……”

Words of sarcasm was leaked out of Yoichi’s mouth, and the administrator, who has received them all, began to tremble and shake with a pure blue face.

“I am really sorry for my incompetence!”

(This is the third dogeza she did to me ever since we met……and this time it’s a full body prostration with even her forehead on the ground!? Also, that’s quite the momentum she did there.)

Yoichi sighed lightly at the sight of the administrator, who just threw her whole body and face down to the ground with quite an impact.

(I may have said a little too much……)

Whatever I say, it doesn’t change the fact that she saved from what should have been a death sentence for me.

Instead of complaining about it, I should even be grateful.

“Well, I am already contented with me ending up in pretty good shape despite the accident. And for that, I am really grateful.”

“Please wait, Mister Wisteria Todou! It will really affect my reputation as an administrator if I let this go as it is. To begin with, the reason I showed up like this tonight was not just to apologize to you.”

From her full-body dogeza, the administrator raised her head as well as her arms and rolled her body around. Now she’s just running up a banzai pose while lying on her back on the floor, but her expression is quite serious.

“What do you mean?”

“The reason you can’t use your skills now is because the magic power, or in case, the mana, which should be powering your skills doesn’t exist in that world.”


“That means you can use your skills in your world as long as you have mana.”

“Ummm, but it doesn’t exist in my original world, does it? This mana.”

“Yes. So allow me to provide you with that crucial mana instead!”

“Hou……(wait, seriously!?).”

“In addition, I will give you all the maximum blessings an administrator could grant to a person, which should enhance your current skills to some extent! Well, it’s only within your basic skill set, though.”

“Uhm, the proposal is wonderful, but……”

“……Is that still not enough for you?”

“No, no! I think it’s a very attractive offer, honest! But is it really okay?”

“What is?”

“Well, I will get the ability to use skills that don’t exist in our world, right? Won’t this upset the power balance of the world or something?”

“Oh, you mean that! Well, you don’t have to worry. I’m sure Mr. Wisteria Todou will do a good job at it, so feel free to use it as you wish.”

“No, is it really okay?”

“Of course! Don’t worry. If there’s anything, I’ll be ready to intervene personally.”

“You’ll intervene personally, huh…… (let’s restrain ourselves as much as we can).”

“Oh yeah. Is there a limit on how much mana I can use? Like MP in a gaming sense.”

“It’s unlimited.”

“Come again?”

“Unlimited. You can use as much as you want.”

“Though I’m really thankful, but again, Is that okay?”

“What is?”

“What I mean is, if you lend such unlimited source of mana to me, won’t it be a burden for your job?”

“I’m the administrator of the world. The amount of mana you will use will never be a burden to me. Or if I told you that the amount of mana it would take for Mr. Wisteria Todou to use all of his skills 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for a hundred years is not even enough energy for me to take a single breath, would you feel at ease?”

“O, oh……”

However, the fact that the person lying her back in front of him is not just a clumsy woman, but also a so-called god-like being, made Yoichi a little upset. Of course, he didn’t speak it out loud.

“Then is it time to go?”

“Ah, right. Um, how do I use the skills?”

“You’ll learn it when you get there. As long as you have any doubts in your mind, 【Appraisal】will be activated accordingly.”

“I see. Then, that will be all for now.”

“Okay. Enjoy the rest of your life.”

When Yoichi woke up, a bountiful pair of twin hills were in front of him.

“Hey, are you awake?”

It seems that Yoichi woke up in Rina’s chest and felt that his condition hadn’t changed much since before he went to bed.

But unlike before, he was now able to tell that it was all not a dream.


Name:Sayaka Fujino(Rina)


Occupation:Sex worker

Condition: Healthy

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 54 kilograms

B:89 W:66 H:88

Current Address


(Oops, that’s it, me. It’s not good to see the address and contact information of another person.)

Yes, right now, Yoichi is looking at Rina’s status window. In other words, it means that his 【Appraisal】 has been activated.

Yoichi felt a little sorry for seeing a weight that was five kilos heavier than her real name and profile, and her three slightly different sizes.

(Well, how should I put it, this woman has of this excellent figure already. Most entertainers and adult film actresses would just be mackerels on her.)

If I want to know, all I have to do is stare at it to scroll the window even more. With this, I will be able to see her background, life experiences, so on and so forth.

However, I still feel sorry for just seeing her real name.

Yoichi decided not to look at the details of her partner’s history, etc., anything that would cause him to feel a great deal of guilt.

He thinks that if he were to discover something darker in her, he would not be able to enjoy her service in the future.

As for the others, just by looking at the ceiling lights, he would be able to see the detailed specs of them all.

The manufacturer’s name, model number, place of production, power consumption, quantity of light, reference price, etc.……

The longer he stares, the more detailed information will be displayed.

(Alright, it wasn’t a dream at all!)

However, this skill called 【Appraisal】is convenient in its own way, thought Yoichi.

By further appraising the results, for example, in the case of ceiling lights, he was able to learn even the background of the Asian workers involved in their production.

But that’s not all.

For example, by appraising a monster, he could easily detect its weaknesses.

Not to mention the inherent weaknesses of the species, old wounds, medical history, and weaknesses based on lifestyle differences from individual to individual.

(There’s no such thing as fighting a monster in this world, though……No, wait.)

The individual’s inherent weaknesses.

This is the part that caught Yoichi’s attention.

Then he caught sight of Rina’s figure again, and his eyes widened.

(This is……)

While he was getting excited by the incredible ability of the “appraisal,” Yoichi’s son started to get up.

“Uhmm, do we still have time?”

“Yeah, around 15 minutes or so. It has been around 25 minutes the last I checked it.”


Never before have my junior been revived after less than 30 minutes of sleep.

This may or may not be due to the skills given to me by the administrator. But for now, let’s think about it later.

I have an erection, and I still have time.

I have to make good use of it.

“Uhm, you see, can we……oooh!?”

Out of the blue, Rina began to gently rub Yoichi’s member.

“Ufufu, it’s getting bigger……want to do it again?”

“Is it fine?”

“Of course. There is still time after all.”

But, just as she was about to apply the lube in her hand, Rina stopped moving and looked back at Yoichi as if she had realized something.

“Hey. Do you want me to do it in my mouth for a change?”

“With your mouth?”

“Yes. If it’s the mouth, then there’s no need for rubber, right?”

“No rubber……”

Yoichi activated 【Appraisal】 on Rina once again.

Condition: Healthy

This means that currently, Rina does not have any diseases. In that case, there’s no need to be afraid of a real blowjob.

“Uh, please.”

“Fufu, very well.”

“Um! Do you think it’s okay if I go on the offensive too?”

“Of course you can. So, it’s sixty-nine then?”

“Yes. That would be perfect.”

Rina lay on top of Yoichi soon as the latter rolled on his back, then she thrust her hips in front of his face.

“Well then, let me please you a lot……Haaamu.”


The feel of a raw and wet flesh for the first time in a long time.

Soft lips wrapped around his penis base, and a tongue stuck into it as if it was some kind of octopus tentacle.

(Such a big difference a single piece of rubber can make……)

Rina’s tongue moved slowly at first. She began by stimulating around the shaft, licking around it, and hooking it with the tip of her tongue.

Then, her head began moving up and down.

The tightly squeezed lips provided the main stimulation, while the tongue inside twisted and twirled to whatever it wants to go to. Occasionally, it went around from the sides, then to the back, and sometimes, to Yoichi’s very front to stimulate his pee hole.

Whenever her tongue reaches the bellend of his penis, Yoichi couldn’t help but hold his moans. The feeling was so pleasant he couldn’t help but bear himself from pulling her face away from his crotch.

The glans, now being wrapped around by the mucous membranes of her throat, is now being sucked in full. Rina’s mouth was pursed all the time, so every time her head moves up and down, it always creates a loud sloshing sound.

Yoichi was a little baffled by the stimulation beyond his imagination, but he’s not the type to be outdone. He activated【Appraisal】 to see the weakness inherent of the individual, set his target at Rina, and from there, several locations were displayed.

First, he gently licked around her cunt, which is the weakness common to all human women – especially the most sensitive area, which is around her clitoris.

“Nhuuu! Nnnn……Nnn!!”

Even without relying on Appraisal, every time Yoichi’s tongue makes its move, Rina’s hips shook and swayed hard. He then extended his tongue and poked directly on her clit, gently peeling off the foreskin hiding the little pea, where he focused his twirling next.

“Nhaaaaaaa! Ahaaa, nmuuu……lero……jupu…”

Rina’s head stopped moving for a moment, but her tongue movements became even more violent after the pause as if she wants to retaliate.

However, the real thing just starts from there.

(Let’s see……a little bit into the folds, right around here……?)

Yoichi traces one of the erogenous zones unique to Rina, as indicated by 【Appraisal】.

First, he tried to stimulate the area that his tongue could reach.

“Nnnn! Nnn, nnn, nnnnn……”

What gave back was a distinctly different reaction from earlier.

The trembling of Rina’s hips becomes much more intense. Still, she didn’t stop her blowjob, as if to show off her professionalism.

(The next one will be……a little deeper in her vagina, just right at the back of her stomach……)

Yoichi removed his tongue from the weak spot, then inserted a finger on the vaginal opening of the nubile prostitute, reaching another spot that cannot be reached by his tongue.


At this moment, Rina gasps briefly, wondering how could inserting a single finger make her feel good to this extent.

But these reactions were just the beginning.

Yoichi moves his inserted finger once again and pinpoints another place indicated by【Appraisal】.

“Nhaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Aaaaah, no moore!”

It was a spot with a slightly gritty texture, and although he only stimulated it a little, Rina panted like a crazy bitch.

“Aaaahaaahh……ungguuuu!! H-how? My weakest point, how do you……haauuunnnn……”

After stimulating it for a while, Rina’s responses gradually settled down, perhaps because she got used to the pleasure. The weak point also disappeared from the 【Appraisal】reading.

Apparently, it’s not enough to stimulate the same place all the time.


Moaning a bit, Rina couldn’t help but stop her sucking because of the unimaginable stimulation in her crotch. However, she immediately went back to her role the moment she regained her senses.

As expected of a professional, she got used to it pretty quickly, thought Yoichi.

As if not wanting to lose to her partner, Rina pursed her mouth and made a jupo-jupo sound as her tongue violently entwined with the penis inside.

Based on my recent findings, these pinpoint erogenous zones are unique to each individual and don’t last long as they switch places over time. It can disappear in the middle of the process, or on the contrary, it can appear in the middle of it. Also, it seems that the number increases accordingly as the overall pleasure increases, and even if left unattended to disappear, new weak points would appear nearby, so you won’t run out of spots to choose from.

This time, while stimulating those points, Yoichi directly licked her clitoris.

“Nhiiiiiiiiiiiii!? Over there is no good!”

Despite finally getting used to the unusual pleasure, Rina being attacked precisely at the familiar point made her bend her back and pant heavily. The plump and swollen clit quickly peeled off its hood as Yoichi gently coiled his tongue around the pea.

While further licking the exposed bean, Yoichi moved the finger that was on standby inside her vagina, and with scraping motions, he stimulated the point that recently appeared in the vaginal canal.

Love juices flowed out of her pussy right away, and the area around his mouth immediately became wet and sticky. However, he didn’t care about it and just kept on moving his tongue.

Rina’s brown pleats got soaked and tingled, and the pink vulva at the back of the petals twitched slowly as if it were a living creature. They lightly tightened Yoichi’s finger that was still plunged with ease.


The lovely moans raised their pitch. Maybe because the pleasure is just too much now, Rina gave up on sucking Yoichi’s dick and just continued grinding her hips on top of his face, like some sort of broken machine.

She’s still holding his meat stick inside her mouth. However, she could neither move her lips nor her tongue. Rather, she couldn’t move them anymore.

In the middle, an alarm sounded, signaling that they’re all out of hours.

“Thanks for the hard work. I had a great time.”

Yoichi pulled his fingers out of her mouth and raised his upper body slightly on his elbows.

“Ha……, Eh? It’s already over……?”

“Un. It’s already time.”


Rina groaned in frustration as she waddled to her feet. She faced Yoichi, then unexpectedly, sat on his crotch once more.

This made her treasured place hit his still hard crotch. However, Rina is planning to do something even more than that.

“Hey, stoooop!!”

Yoichi got up in a hurry and pulled back his cock, which was about to enter Rina again.

“Ah……no, wait……”

“That’s my line! Aren’t there others waiting in line for you?”

“But I don’t have any more customers today? It’s the new year, after all.”

“Well, that’s……but I’ve already had enough fun, so…”


(She’s pretty much a different character now. Did I get carried away to make her do this much?)

Rina groans as she gazed at Yoichi with dissatisfaction. So, she spreads her arms and wrapped them around the latter instead. Warm and soft breasts as well as soft sweaty skin got entwined with his bare skin.

“You know the main street when you go out of the store and turn right?”


Rina whispers in Yoichi’s ear, who is confused by the sudden hug.

“Do you understand? That main street.”

“Ah, yeah.”

“There’s a 24-hour coffee shop across that street. I’ll meet you there. Let’s see, around 15, no 10 minutes, I’ll be there. Wait for me, okay?”


Seeing that her partner is still confused and unable to comprehend the situation, Rina broke the embrace and placed her hands on the man's shoulder, staring into his eyes.

“Promise me, alright?”

“Ah, yeah.”

For now, Yoichi nodded, and Rina paid him back with a light kiss on his lips.

“Then, later.”

“Uhm……, yes.”

Even after he finished preparing and left the store, Yoichi was still unable to process what just happened to him.


“Sorry. Did you wait long?”

As Yoichi was drinking coffee in the coffee shop referred to him, Rina came in, a little out of breath.

Her hair was a bit disheveled, and she also looks like she’s only lightly touched up with her makeup.

Despite that, she looks good in her simple style, which consists of a tight two-toned sweater, long skirt, and a light coat.

Her tight-knit sweater under the open-front coat is clearly hugging the shape of her breasts, though, and in the middle of them, some things which should be her nipples are poking out.

(No bra……?)

“Are you done?”

“Ah, un.”

Yoichi drank the remaining coffee and stood up.

Since this place has a pay-as-you-order system, his bill has already been paid.

“Then, let’s go!”

Rina grabs Yoichi’s arm. Right after, he carefully returns the cup to the return slot and leaves the store.

“This way.”

After a five-minute walk with Rina holding his hand, Yochi arrived at some kind of love hotel.

“This time, it’s on me.”

“No, wait……”

Rina quickly finished the formalities without hearing a word and pulled Yoichi into the room.

“Shall we take a shower first?”

With cheeks red and breathing on her shoulders, Rina spoke to his partner in a compelling tone as she drops her bag on the floor.

Her coat that is not buttoned in the front is vigorously flung off as well, but the sleeves got caught in her arms, so she wasn’t able to get it off.

“Ahh, geez!!”

Rina waved her arms in frustration and tried to pull her arms out of her coat sleeves, but she failed, so she turns her gaze towards Yoichi.

“Hey, what are you still standing for? You should take off your clothes too.”

While saying this in a firm tone, Rina finally threw her undressed coat on a sofa nearby.

“Eh, ah, un.”

Yoichi is not that insensitive not to know what is going to happen here and now.

But he’s still wondering if it’s okay to just get in the flow.

Puzzled, he tried to unbutton his shirt for now.

After taking off her coat, Rina took off her sweater with great vigor.

Finally, the pure white, shapely pair of plump breasts appeared, unwrapped.

“I knew it. You weren’t wearing a bra.”

But Rina just smiled seductively and put her hands on her hips.

“It’s not just my bra, you know?”

As she said this, Rina unhooked her skirt. The skirt slips down, and underneath, the pristine lower half of her body emerges. Her pubes are wet and glistening, as if they want to show off the remnants of their last act. In addition, he could see a clear liquid dripping down her inner thighs.

At that moment, the confusion disappeared from Yoichi’s mind. He also hurriedly took off his remaining clothes and came completely naked in one go.

“This. I brought it with me.”

Rina took the furisode she was wearing in the store from her bag.

“Do you want me to wear it again?”

When Yoichi nodded silently, Rina slipped the sleeves of the furisode. But it seems she didn’t bring the obi with her, so her front is laid bare.

“Wait for me in bed.”

Rina grabbed a couple of condoms out of her bag and got on the bed, leaving one in her hand while tossing down the rest on the dashboard by the pillow.

“Okay, make yourself comfortable.”

Rina opens a pack of condom in her hand, then puts it over Yoichi’s upright cock.

“So hard. Can I put it in?”

“Of course.”

At his word, Rina, who has been running her fingers in and out of her own private area, straddles Yoichi, then grabs and squeezes the most exclusive part of his body.

“Hnnn……nnn……then, I’m putting it in now.”

She aimed his cock against her mound, and after preparing her resolve, her hips slowly sank down.


Rina’s treasured flesh softly wraps around Yoichi’s meat pole.

Although it’s the second time, the degree of pleasure is almost the same.

“Nhaaaaa……it’s in……this is what I wanted all along……”

After Yoichi’s rod firmly made it up to the root, Rina began to slowly move her hips.

“Nhuuuu……nnn……aaahh……how is it? Feels good, right?”

Although we did it with rubber, She really did a nasty way of putting it in, thought the man.

After a little bit of pushing, the hot and sticky vaginal mucous membranes successfully entwined the entirety of Yoichi. She is now covering the whole girth of his member with her wet and juicy insides, far unlike the intercrural sex that stimulates only half which is mostly the backside.

It was not as strong as being squeezed by hand, but it is only where he could feel the unique sensation of the entire glans being gently mushed in the soft and wet membranes of the organ that gives birth to life.

If Yoichi were to rank it in the degree of simply pleasure, perhaps the combined service of Rina’s bare thighs and hand job he had of her earlier might be even higher.

However, the mental euphoria of the event that he was entering a woman’s vagina is still an irreplaceable pleasure……at least to Yoichi.

Every time Rina moves her hips up and down, his meat pole would be rubbed and nudged repeatedly in her walls.

It’s not a tight fit, just a soft, slimy thing rubbing against another soft, slimy thing, but what Yoichi felt was a pleasure that made his brain feel full of bliss.

“Un. This is the best, after all.”

“I’m relieved……I’ll make you feel even better, okay?”

Rina, who was just moving up and down since earlier, starts moving her hips back and forth this time.

Loud squelching sounds began to emerge from the junction that previously only made a faint squish as the angle changed.

Yoichi’s penis was assailed by different kinds of pleasurable sensations. it kept coming in various directions, sometimes in his bellend, sometimes in his shaft, sometimes in his base. He couldn’t believe how a simple sensation like this transformed significantly, even though it was only the pumping angle that has changed.

(uh……this is bad!)

Rina’s movements became more and more intense.

With each movement, her ample breasts and the lightly woven kimono swayed, and because of that, it slid off soon after. This exposed Rina’s white shoulders and dainty upper arms out in the open.

“Haaa……how is it now? Feeling better than before?”

“Wait……I’m already……”

“Ahnn, it’s getting even harder in my pussy…… It’s fine, you know? You can let it out now.”

The movement of Rina’s hips became even more intense.


Soon, Yoichi reached his limit and ejaculated.

In the end, he only lasted less than five minutes after insertion.

However, the amount of semen that flowed out was so much he felt like it was the same amount he had produced in his first time with her.


Rina raises her hips, pulling Yoichi’s member out.

The rubberized flesh of rod slumped down to his belly.

Rina stood up and then stooped down a little, kneeling between her partner's legs. After a few moments of affectionate gazing, She took off the cum-filled condom from his cock.

“You came a whole lot for a second time.”

From the way Yoichi looked at it, it was a little less than the first load he had earlier, but since she took it off a little brashly from below, some of it leaked out. If he considers that spilled amount, it will be almost the same quantity as the load he pumped out earlier.

“Ufufu……I’ll clean it up for you.”


Rina then began to lick the slumped, semi-erect object.

Yoichi lets her partner’s tongue run all over, in which the latter siezes this chance to trace the underside of the drooping shaft. Rina then lifts it with her tongue, swallows it back to her mouth, and slups the back portion of the fluids that still remained.

After that, she backed away a little, making her tongue focus on the tip of his cock.


The now sensitive glans got stimulated right away, making Yoichi unable to hold back his voice.

“Wait, over there is……!!”

The tip of Rina’s tongue dug into the hole where urine is supposed to pee, and Yoichi involuntarily pulled back with a jerk.

Rina wasn’t bothered by it and continued licking what was left of the semi-energetic son.


But then, she noticed something.

In less than a minute, Yoichi’s penis, which should have been atrophied, became stiff and rigid once again.

This also made Yoichi to let out a cry of surprise at the change.

(……how in the world did this happen?)


Rina laughed a bit in his reaction and swallowed his member once more.


But before he could have time to ponder the question of why he was revived in such a short time, Rina’s aggression intensifies.

“Haamu……jupuu……lero, lero……jupuu……”

Taking his hardened object in her mouth, Rina relentlessly stimulated Yoichi’s member with a mouthful of suction.

Yoichi could only find a teasing smile in her eyes as the woman looks up at him.

This is far, far better than going inside a vagina with a rubber.

From that moment, Yoichi realized that the feeling of being stimulated raw, albeit orally, was entirely on a different level.

“Hey……I said……wait……guh……cumming!”

After about three minutes of intense sucking, Yoichi reached his limits.

“Nmmmm! Mmmph……!”

He came in Rina’s mouth as it is.

“Ohooo……hey……no way……”

Despite that, Rina didn’t stop stimulating Yoichi’s member. With her tongue, she busily sucked it as it continued pulsing and pumping out cum.



After a brief ejaculation, Rina pulled Yoichi’s thing out of her mouth, pursing it a bit. Then, she cupped one of her hands near her lips.

She spat the semen she had received back to her palm after that, in a really sloppy way.

The semen that didn’t make it dripped in her small hand and fell onto the sheets.

“I wasn’t able to make you cum with my mouth a while ago, so I did it here……but this amount even though it’s already your third time……impressive.”


Even Yoichi couldn’t believe it himself.

Despite Rina’s non-stop actions, Yoichi’s son regained vigor once again.

“Fufu, looks like bringing you here from the store is the right choice. So, one more?”

There is still the remaining condoms provided by the hotel. Rina thinking ahead that it was not enough made Yoichi feel thankful for the woman’s preparedness.

After giving him the remaining condom, he put it on himself and then pushed her down the bed.

“Okay, put it in. I’m ready.”

Rina lies on her back and spreads her legs. Yoichi then inserts himself from the front.

Immediately, the pleasure of penetration was transmitted to the meat stick from the folds of her pussy. The sensation remained almost the same as before.

Yoichi shook his hips violently, thrusting it all the way to the base at once.

Then pulled his waist back until the head was almost slipping out of Rina’s hole.

This made the rod sloshy with love juices again, where he just sinks it into her womb entrance once more.

Their joining parts are now flooded with love juices, and the dripping mucus makes Rina’s hips wet to the point of being gooey.

With big strokes, Yoichi moved his hips even faster. Every time his meat pole goes in and out of her vaginal opening, a loud thumping sound always follows.

“Nnnnnnn!! Customer’s hard cock is rubbing inside my pussy……and my hips couldn’t help but move on their own……no, cumming, I’m cumming!”

Rina’s hips pull back slightly whenever the rod comes out of her vaginal opening, and after it was pulled out halfway, Rina pushes her hips up to meet it as it entered again.

As they are almost clinging on each other, they could only move their hips a few centimeters, but who would think that this slight difference would accelerate their pleasure to an extreme extent?

Rina’s soft breasts jiggled and swayed every time their genitals clash.

Even after insertion, Yoichi continued to move his hips as hard as he could without a break.

Come to think of it, my body doesn’t feel as tired as it used to be. My son, as well.

Normally, I would have been out of breath in less than a minute after moving this hard, but now it seems that I can move as much as I want without getting tired.

“Yes! That’s it, over there! Hhaa, haaaa……not good, no, I’m cumming, I’m cummiiiiinnngg!”

Rina’s vagina tightens, and her entire body spasms violently.

At the same time, Yoichi ejaculates for the fourth time.

Despite that, it was still releasing a great amount of semen, as if the number of times he did it was entirely irrelevant in itself.

“……you’re quite amazing today.”

“Yeah…… I’m surprised to find out myself.”

Witnessing Rina’s helpless figure in her disheveled kimono, Yoichi’s sexual desires rose up again.

“You still……want to do it?”

Rina couldn’t help but look at his partner with a mixed expression of anxiety and expectations inside.

“Well, mine is still standing, so……”

“Then, let’s do it more.”

At once, Yoichi pulled out the stained condom in his meat rod, opened a new pack, put it on, and slowly inserted it inside again.


Rina’s expression is twisted with pleasure once more.

It’s already his fourth time with her, but the feeling of Rina’s vagina didn’t dull in any way.

Yoichi counted the number of times he came today. He let out one shot at the store and three at this hotel.

(No, it’s five shots if I include the hospital nurse’s.)

Well, it’s a good thing that my head is still able to keep cool, even though I have let out five shots in one day.

Yoichi spoke in his head and invoked 【Appraisal】 once more.

There, it showed the erogenous zones once again, but this time, it was located deep inside the vagina, where it cannot be reached by any of his fingers.

Yoichi adjusted the position of his hips so that the tip of the glans could dig into that weak point, then thrusts himself down.

“Nhiiii! Yes, there! That’s iiit!!”

Rina’s body, which was supposed to be tired and limp already, jumped up and down once more.

And every time Yoichi hit a weak spot, she begins to squirm like mad.

“Hnnnnn, so good!! Ahaaa, hnnnnn……cumming, I’m cummiiiinngg!”

Rina stretched her back in full and began convulsing in excitement. At the same time, her vagina also squeezed tighter.

Yoichi began thrusting further towards the newly emerging weak point.

‘Wait, wait, wait! I’m coming, I’m coming agaaaiiinn!!”

Rina continued to squirm like crazy, with tears and drool being spit all over the place.

In the meantime, Yoichi’s meat pole was being squeezed tighter and tighter, and soon he was at the end of his rope.

Despite that, he still kept moving violently.

Finally, while thrusting up the deepest part of her vagina, he ejaculated.

“Ehehehe……aaahhhiin……a penis, a penis is throbbing inside my belly……”

Rina lets out a dazzled look as she looks at the empty space with unfocused eyes.

(Un. 【Appraisal】. Yikes.)

Yoichi aimed the 【Appraisal】 skill on himself, and much to his surprise, it seems he has aquired tremendous stats, aside from his abilities.

In the end, Rina fell asleep after his ejaculation, so Yoichi, having no other choice, lightly wiped the vagina covered in her love juices, adjusted the furisode, and wrapped the body of her partner properly in the futon, all by himself.

(She said she’d pay for the hotel bill……but.)

Even though it was completely private, in the end, it’s still a service done by a pro.

Leaving a note of thanks and some bills for the hotel fee, Yoichi went back to his hospital room all alone.

Translator Notes:

[1]. Mitsuyubi (三つ指), aka the three-finger bow.

It is a semi-ceremonial greeting used by Japanese housewives to pay homage to their husbands, although the need to do it was often disputed as it was 1. not formal enough, 2. not really needed because it was well, their home (who goes all formal even at their home?) 3. it’s a pain in the ass to do, as you can make a simple bow instead. I mean, you’re family, right?

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