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Chapter 1 – Where the Consolation Money Went

“I’m such a useless man……”

Yoichi thought, deliberating the fact that he might miss his card payment once again.

Yoichi’s card’s due is as early as next month.

But in the midst of this, he suddenly had acquired a 100,000 yen out of the blue.

If he could put this towards his payments, he should be able to get through this month.

And if he would be able to save enough money, he might be able to get through in the next month.

Yes, this 100,000 yen is very important, and it's not an exaggeration to say that this amount was the link to releasing Yoichi from his broke life.

Nevertheless, Yoichi had sneaked out of the hospital that night.

Now that the examination was over, it was not forbidden to go out, so "sneaking out" may not be the right word.

But when he thought about the building in front of him, he had a guilty conscience.

It was a brothel.

Yes, this is a place where men pay to have a good time with women.

Yoichi was intending to sleep quietly until after the examination and go home the next morning, but his play with that nurse had left him unsatisfied.

He thought he would feel better after pulling one out, but it was still just a handjob, added to the wonder of the nurse doing that with no apparent reason, all of those kept Yoichi wide awake.

The next thing he knew, he found himself standing in front of this building with the cash in his hand. Yoichi often used this shop when it was busy, and his pay is high.

10,000 yen for 60 minutes.

It was a wholesome brothel without the ‘real thing.’

The reason why it was a little cheaper than the others was because this is a place where you have to wear a rubber.

To be honest, Yoichi cannot think of any decency in the sex industry, and the possibility of getting caught in the noose is not zero, so he’s afraid to use a shop with the real thing involved. The ‘real thing’ meaning you are allowed not to use rubber, and are allowed to cum inside. He has heard that in those establishments, prostitutes are thoroughly tested, but for example, if a customer who slept with her just before you had a serious illness, there is a possibility that you might be infected.

It would be nice if they didn't take any customers from the time of the test until they have slept with you, but it would be difficult to confirm or achieve this.

Because this brothel was cheap, safe, and satisfying enough, Yoichi used to go here quite often.

(The girls are professionals and even with rubber, they will entertain you enough, so it’s okay here.)

Also, it had the option of choosing a much lesser time, so it’s much cheaper.

Since Yoichi is a one-shot wonder, 15 minutes is practically enough, but he wants to relax afterwards, so he always chooses the 60-minute course.

On this day, just after the New Year's Day, they offered a 3,000-yen discount per hour, called "Himehajime Special Service."[1]

It seems that this plan will be pulled until the middle of January.

Yoichi told himself that 7,000 yen would not count as an expense,

not thinking that if he spends it in even small increments, it could also lead to a fatal one.

In the end, he decided that he’s gonna get a big splurge today, to celebrate himself for coming back from a serious accident that almost took him his life.

He went inside. Yoichi did not have a reservation, but a girl who had taken care of him several times before was available, so he chose her.

The restaurant was decorated with kadomatsu (small pine trees) and crane and turtle decorations, as well as a faint background music of Gagaku (Japanese court music).

(It would be disgusting if they were playing in the room too, wouldn't it?)

He entered the room with that in mind, and upon realizing that the BGM didn’t reach inside, he was completely relieved.

“Happy New Year!”

Inside the room, a woman in a red furisode (Formal kimono used in celebrations) greeted Yoichi with a traditional bow with three fingers outstretched, a classic greeting used by wives of the past Japan.

It was a pretty young lady, wearing a cheap-looking kimono with a flamboyant pattern while sitting upright, but even he could tell that she was looking a little unaccustomed to it as she bows her head down.

Her furisode was wide open, causing her white shoulders to stick out, and the hem, which was too short for that outfit, showed the woman’s plump thighs.

“Ah, yeah. Happy New Year as well.”

The woman got up slowly and smiled brightly like the sun.

She has an eye-catching hairpin with bobbing decorations inserted into her long, brightly colored hair, and when she lifted her head, its ornaments swayed along with it.

However, despite how obnoxious it was, it failed to grab Yoichi’s attention. Instead, his eyes were magnetized at the cleavage that was about to pop out from the widely opened kimono.

“Ara, it has been a long time, Mr. Customer. Am I right?”

“Yes. It’s about six months since I last saw you?”

“Thank goodness. I almost thought I got the wrong person.”

Even though it’s a part of their business, it still felt nice to be remembered like this.

This girl’s name is Rina.

She is about 5'6"(180cm) tall, a bit plump but not overweight, with D-shaped breasts (self-proclaimed, though not an exaggeration), and has almost no waistline, but not that fat to be protruding her belly.

She's got a big ass and plump thighs, and if he would give a rank to the girls here, she would be 4th in the top 10 list.

She's a beauty in her own right, and she's a man-loving woman. She also does a good job, so she's actually quite popular, but Yoichi didn't expect to be able to go out with her without a reservation, so he thanked God for his good fortune.

(……wait, is that really a God?)

The first thing that came to mind was that woman in a sloppy kimono.

“My kimono, how is it?”

Rina stood up. Putting her hand in the widely opened collar as she shifted it a little, she looked at Yoichi with enticing eyes.

Ah, really? You sure I can do that?”


“That ahreeee~ that.”[2]

“Ufufufu. Men really like that, don’t they?”

“Ah, did you go through that a lot?”

“Well, as long as it makes the customers happy, it’s totally fine.”

“Alright, let’s do that.”

Yoichi untied the obi (huge ribbon-like belt) of her furisode and lightly tugged on it in the end.


And like a spinning top, Rina laughed happily as she spun around in place, letting her obi's full length be pulled. The ends of her long sleeves and her long hair fluttered softly in the air.

The year is just beginning, but Yoichi is already enthusiastic.

“Aaah~, it’s all gone.”

Now that the obi was all off, her breasts and her crotch, which were covered by the front, were fully brought to the open.

“Wow, no panties?”

“Ufufu, you’re not supposed to wear any under a kimono, after all.”

The collar of the kimono that hangs down lazily hid her breasts, but as there was nothing between her legs to block them, her neatly groomed pubic hair was exposed, and a glimpse of her pink treasure is visible from behind it.

The sight of it alone made Yoichi feel his inferiority as an ordinary man.

“So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all off?”

While saying this, Rina held the tip of her collar and fluttered the ends of her kimono.

Each time, her plump and round breasts swayed neatly, and the light brown erect nipples appeared and disappeared in plain sight.

(This Himehajime event is the best!!)

Excited by a different situation than usual, Yoichi quickly took off his clothes and walked over to Rina, who was left with only a single clothing.

“Keep the kimono on for now.”

Yoichi spoke, slipping his arms into both ends before throwing it open.

The front of the kimono opened flutteringly, exposing both of her soft, white breasts, as well as the slightly darker nipples at each tip.

He enjoyed the view for a few seconds. After that, Yoichi wrapped his arms around the woman’s back and hugged her.

(Hugging her gives the best feeling, as always.)

“Ahh, it’s hitting me.”

Because of the sudden skin-to-skin contact, the other party felt his hardened manhood rising against her belly.

“ufufu……it tickles……”

Of course, Rina’s breasts got pressed against Yoichi’s pecs as well.

As if showing their innate elasticity, Rina’s breasts changed shape, and they easily adjusted themselves in the narrow space in between the two’s bodies.

From that point on, Yoichi felt something that he couldn’t describe with words.

Through the soft lumps of treasures, he could feel Rina’s body heat and her heart beating fast.

In each other’s embrace, the two kept staring at each other for a while. Rina didn’t say anything, and just wore herself a thin smile as she looked at Yoichi’s face.

However, that bewitching, yet somehow wistful expression only aroused Yoichi's lust, and he took her lips as they were.

After enjoying the soft feeling of lips meeting lips, Yoichi stuck out his tongue as if to explore, and Rina stuck out hers at almost the same time. Both organs intertwined with each other for quite a long while.


(As expected of a professional. A kiss alone was already enough to make my brain go haywire.)

The tongues intertwined with each other’s sticky saliva, but before long, Rina was the one invading Yoichi's mouth.

From the front to back, and then from the back of his teeth to his upper jaw, Rina relentlessly laid waste to his orifice with her skillful use of her tongue.

Every time her hot, soft appendage touched the mucous membranes of his mouth, a slightly frustrating indirect pleasure, different from the stimulation between his legs, hit Yoichi.

They did that for a while, but eventually, Yoichi couldn’t resist anymore, so they broke their embrace and moved to the bed.

“What do you want to do? Do you want to do it in my mouth? Or do you want a full-body ‘lip service’ first?”

“I want to do it with your bare thighs first……can I?”

It’s not that he didn’t like being done orally, but if he chose that option, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy her bare thighs.

Each has their own preferences, and Yoichi is the type that will choose being rubbed by bare thighs rather than a fellatio.

“Then let's get started, shall we?”

Upon speaking it, Rina sat on the thighs of Yoichi, who’s already lying on his back. She covered his manhood with rubber and smeared it with lube.

Then, she began to gently stroke the back part of his penis.


Yoichi couldn’t help but gasp at the mistress’ skillful touch.

For a while, Rina continued stroking his cock, before grasping it softly with both hands. It caused the applied lotion to blend into the rod more evenly, and despite gripping it hard, her palms and fingers were so soft that it amplified the pleasure instead.

This time, she went for the head.

Putting even more pressure on her hands to stimulate it more, Yoichi couldn’t help but shudder as if he wants to pull it back.


Rina released one hand to grab the lube, and after applying a good amount once more, she lightly leaned the upright dick, then sat down in a way that her private part is directly against the base of the said rod.


Even with the rubber, Rina’s body heat could be felt through.

“I’m gonna move now, okay?”

Soon, Rina rubbed the moist part of her cunt – her slit, stimulating it around the base, all while gently cupping the head part with her hand.


The sound of the wet part of the vagina rubbing against him, the sound of the glans being stimulated by the hand and lube, and the rough care and occasional moaning of a young woman echoed in the whole room.

“How is it, are you feeling good now?”

To be honest, Yoichi thinks that this intercrural play feels better than the real penetration.

While it’s nice that you can get pleasures from a simple handjob with lotion or even a blowjob, it still couldn’t be compared to the feel of a woman’s genitalia rubbing against you.

In a sense, real penetration is still the best, but for Yoichi, who has not experienced a real one for more than ten years, adding the fear of the disease that might cost him, he has long forgotten the goodness of that feeling.

So, even a pseudo-experience like this, where genitals rub against each other in this way, is already enough to make him feel satisfied.


While her hands were busy stimulating the tip, Rina did her best to wiggle her hips as well.

(This is the first time I did it with someone in a kimono……and she’s so erotic!)

Yoichi reached out his arms for a bit, and Rina, who saw that, leaned herself forward. That allowed him to reach her breasts, which he fondled and occasionally pinched up to the end of her nipples, which were already hard.

“Hnnnn……haaa……my tits, it feels good……”

Anyone would feel happy as a man if her partner reacts in this way, even if it was just an act.

“Haaa……hnnn……aaahn, aahh……”

As Rina's movements intensified, her panting became louder and louder.

Though it’s still questionable if a woman can get this much pleasure from rubbing her private part alone, much more if it’s coming from a prostitute who has done it a couple of times and probably got used to it already, because it makes a man feel so much better to have a woman moan like this, Yoichi didn’t care to probe further.

Instead, he just thought it was part of the service.

“Haaa, haaa……hnnnnn……!!”

Maybe it was exhaustion, or perhaps it was pleasure, but Rina's breathing was getting heavier and heavier. Rina's soft breasts bulged and shook violently as she moved her hips back and forth, her lengthy hair getting disheveled with it.

The mucous membrane of Rina's vagina, which was wrapped around the pole to the halfway point, was hot as if it was on fire, and even though she did not add any lube to it, the slimy fluids had increased.

While moving her other four fingers skillfully to stimulate the entire head and the neck of the cock, Rina rubbed the back of the glans with her thumb without mercy. The limit soon reached Yoichi.


“It’s okay, just let it out……”

With her hand wrapping around the glans and his shaft being covered by her vagina, Yoichi ejaculated into the condom.

“Ahaaaa……hnn, nn, it's still coming out……”

In time with the penis pulsing, which was releasing its semen in a vigorous amount, Rina bent forward even more, making her back slit grind further as if she was squeezing the semen from the root. The two hands wrapping around the glans also continued their rubbing despite the accumulated amount of white fluids in them.


Yoichi couldn’t help and leaked a pathetic cry. He got no choice, as his hips were locked in place, his dickhead is gripped hard, and his shaft is getting rubbed by a slimy pussy, all happening during his ejaculation – where his sensitivity is at its peak.

“Nfuu……how cute…… Hnnn, nnfu, nfuu……!!”

Rina, who’s now in the position where her clitoris is being rubbed due to her forward-leaning posture, began having her sets of moans.

However, since Yoichi’s ejaculation has ended, his meat pole began to slowly deflate.

Rina looked a little regretful that the stimulation to her clitoris had weakened, but when she confirmed that the ejaculation had stopped completely, she stopped moving her hips and slowly removed the condom.

“Ufufu, you let out quite a lot.”

Rina picked up the condom with the semen pool and shook it lightly to show it to Yoichi, dazzling with joy.

There were still 40 minutes left until the time limit.

But unfortunately, that's not enough to revive Yoichi.

Whenever he does this, for the remaining time, he will sleep naked with the girl in his arms.

Rina is still wearing a kimono, but she's nearly naked, so there is no one to stop them from embracing each other and having an unobstructed skin-to-skin contact.

After all, it was never more blissful to sleep while feeling the warmth of the soft and beautiful female skin directly with your own. At least, that was for Yoichi.

“I'll wake you up when it's time, okay?”

When he heard that, Yoichi tangled his arms and legs around Rina's limbs and buried his face in her soft chest. Then he was fast asleep.


Translator's Notes:

[A1]Himehajime (姫初め) means three things, the way of celebrating New Year by eating the traditional hard rice (強飯), the first intercourse of the new year, and loss of virginity/maidenhood.

And yes, it’s a pun to Eat sticky food in the first day of the year, in this case, a pussy.

[A2]An old jidaigeki-related meme wherein someone (usually a middle-aged man) pulls on the obi of a young woman wearing a kimono, causing her to spin around as it unravels. Usually accompanied by the tugger saying "It's fine, isn't it? (よいではないか、よいではないか)" in a sexually suggestive tone, while the young woman says "ohhh myyyy~! (あ~れ~)(ah~reeee~)" as she spins.

This is, of course, an inherently voluntary game the two are playing, as simply putting her arms down would stop the young woman's obi from unraveling.

Kind of like “What are you doing, step-brother!” in the west.

This gesture is originated from the implied rape in Japanese culture which involves the Shogun grabbing the waistband of his consort and ripping it off so hard that she spins several circles and falls on the bed with her clothes splayed open.

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