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Chapter 2 – Sex Match with the Grappler Girl

I, who successfully convinced Clarice in a different kind of match, tried to explain the ‘rules of engagement’ to her.

However, it seems that the other party has no idea of what sex is yet, a thing I didn’t expect in this sex-crazed world.

“Hmm? Why did you stop? Hurry up with your rules, my body is already itching to fight!”

When I saw her looking at me with complete trust in her eyes, I don’t know if she’s that of a fool or she’s the one fooling me around. 

No, there's no point in thinking about it. It must be a kind underhanded trick.

“Well, the rules are easy. We just fuck each other and if you can make the other partner feel good, then it’s your win. “

“Just that?”

“Yep, just that. You don’t punch and kick them; you use your body to make the other person feel good.”

“How would you know if you have won or lost?”

Clarice tilts her head.

“When you make the other person cum. You see, our bodies extract fluids when we feel good too much. It’s a win if you make the other person’s fluids come out.”

“I see. I think I get it somehow.”

“Basically, you can make the other person feel good no matter where you play with them. Touching, groping, anything that can make the other party feel good without getting hurt is allowed. Still, each body has its own kind of weak points. Well, if tempered, they could also serve as your primary weapons. They are the penis and the vagina.”

I briefly described to her the male and female genitalia.

For a wholly devoted martial artist, she seemed to have very little knowledge of how copulation, the basic nature of humans, works. 

Despite that, she has a well-trained and toned body, as if they’re telling me the harshness of the training she went into.

“In other words, we’re going to put each of our genitals together and clash them. If you can make the other party cum first, it’s your win. For that reason, touching your partner in various places is allowed. Do you finally get it?”

“Umu! I properly understood. Well then, Aki, let’s have this match of sex right away!”

After running around trying to escape from her grasp, and after pulling out the match to my advantage, I finally accepted Clarice’s challenge.

Since we’re outside, it is not possible for the both of us to go completely naked.

In the meantime, Clarice tried to take off my pants to expose my meat stick underneath.

“Mu, it’s surprisingly difficult.”

While she was struggling, I peeled Clarice’s top off, exposing her rich and ample breasts.

Her tits, which were being suppressed by her clothes, swayed grandly as they were brought in the open. I could clearly see the deep cleavage it created when I glanced at them from above.

In martial arts, her brick-shattering legs would be her powerful weapon, but in sex, these tits are already enough to replace it.

A girl with large, alluring breasts is kneeling in front of my crotch. Her arms, which had been nothing more than a weapon earlier, were clumsily trying to undress me.

“It’s kinda swelling up. Is this what they call an erection?”

Clarice, who had her face between my legs, looked up at me as if an explorer trying to report her new findings.

“That’s right.”

“Fufun, so I’m one step ahead of you then.”

Seeing her all happy about it, it made me twitch my crotch more.

‘Uwaaa, it just bounced.”

Clarice finally exposes my penis. My already rock-hard member jerked, but Clarice avoided it with her quick reflexes.

“That wasn’t an attack, was it? Can I hit it back as well?”

“No no no no! absolutely not! This is different!”

I denied it in panic. I’ll definitely be in trouble if she were to hit me with that power.

“That was a bodily reaction just now. Even Clarice’s tits would shake like that as well.”

“Hmm, I don’t really know.”

For now, I’m relieved that I have managed to convinced her. After emphasizing more that it was a match to make each other feel good, we decided to continue.

Her hand carefully touched my meat stick. It’s a pretty awkward touch, so to say, but my rod still reacted to the cool sensation of the foreign element.

“Uwaa, it’s throbbing really hard. Ah, Aki’s penis twitched just now!”

“That’s just the way it should be when I’m feeling good.”

“Hee. So does my hand feel good? how about this?”

Clarice poked at the tip of my meat pole using her fingertips. It’s not much of a stimulus by itself, but the sense of immorality of being innocently played around created a frustrating sensation inside me.

“It will take me forever to cum if you do it like that.”


I squat down a little bit to do the same as her, but on the level of her chest. Then, I inserted a hand in between them, twitting them over and over as I enjoyed the sensation of her soft and large mountains.

“Hnnn……I feel, somewhat weird……”

I continued sneaking my other hand all over her body, finally ending in between her legs. I stroked up her inner thighs, crawling myself over until my fingers reached the base in the middle. From there, I stroked her precious part over her underwear. 

“Hyauuuu! No, I’m not gonna let you. Let’s go for the real thing!”

My vision swirled all of a sudden. Before I knew it, I was already pushed down and being mounted on top by Clarice. My thoughts returned upon seeing her quickly removing her underwear.

I looked up and saw her vagina up above, fully blossomed and flooding with love nectar, probably anticipating this action since earlier.

Upon having a thorough observation, her abs were nicely carved, a complete contrast to her lush breasts. The strength of her hands as they placed themselves on my chest and her pretty girl face gave quite the contrast. At the first glance, it was a nice gap, but after looking her like this for a while I saw her more like a well-proportioned statue.

“Aki, you want me to put your cock in my cunt, right?”

Clarice put her two fingers in parallel to the slit, pushing them open. A light breeze entered the middle part of the vulva, which has never been exposed to the outside air, for the first time.

“Hyuun! It feels really weird after all. I have to hurry and put this penis inside of me……”

Clarice’s hand grabbed my meat stick. Once she had stabilized her position, she sank her hips into my cock.

But just like I taught her, she did it slowly and carefully.

Bit by bit, the rod pushed all the way through. Clarice’s vagina is tight, as she said it’s her first time.

Nhaaa! Kuh, it’s quite……fuuuhn.”


Clarice looked a bit pained as she swallowed my meat stick, so I changed my angle a little bit.

I also reached for her breasts on top of me to distract her. I pushed them up to support her breasts, kneading and rubbing all over. Her tits sank my fingers as they changed shape from its softness.

“Ahnn! Aki, that’s not fair! That’s, oh, God!”

Her slightly boyish way of speaking is too unbalanced with her girlish tone and these soft breasts, but that also made her more prominent than the other girls I had sex with.

“Are you not feeling good?”

“No, it feels good, aaah, but because it is, it’s not fair, hnnn.”

For her, it was still a match she has to win. I had almost forgotten that I have to make her cum first, or I’ll face the consequences.

Still, as she is in the middle of a slow insertion, it wouldn’t be a good idea to give her too much stimulation. She might lose control of her power if I force her. Who knows if she gets to punch me in reflex? Let’s continue to give her a gentle, comfortable feeling that will distract her from the pain.

“Hnnn……how is it, Aki? I inserted your cock properly!”

Clarice voiced out after doing so. She looked down at me with pride as she swallowed my meat stick deep inside her.

“Yes, that's great, Clarice. Now then……”

“I already know, you don’t have to say it! Instead, you should prepare yourself, Aki, for I’m going to move from here and make you feel super good!”

Clarice responded in high spirits as she began to move her hips.

“Hnn, nguu, o…kay. Muu, its hard.”

Although she’s the one taking the initiative, it’s not going well because she’s still not used to it.

It would be nice if I felt even a bit of pleasure, but I don’t, and Clarise doesn’t seem to be feeling good either.

I want to respect her efforts, but it’s more important that she learns how comfortable sex is first.

And so, I called out to her.

“Change of plans. I’ll take the lead this time.”

‘Eh? Aki. What are you, hyaaaa!”

I thrusted my hips up from underneath.

“Make sure to properly support your body.”

“Hnn, o-okay.”

After giving a safety precaution, Clarice placed her hands firmly on my chest. Soon as she did that, I stretched my free hand and reached for her clitoris.

“Hiuuu! There, aahh, oh my God. Huauuuu!”

I gently stroked her already plump and swollen clit. As she hadn’t much interest in sex, she would overreact even with just a little stimulation, almost like she never masturbated in the first place.

I moved my hips back and forth and side to side, piercing her G-spot where she should feel the most pleasure.

With her clitoris stimulated and her ass being thrust up, her vagina squelched and tightened, with love juices flowing out of it in abundance.

“Aaaah, Aki’s cock, Aki’s cock is raging inside my pussy! Oh, my God! Hiiii! Aaah, ah, aaaaaaaaahn!”

Soon, Clarice’s expression began to melt from all the things being done to her.

At this point, I don’t care anymore if I lose the match, as long as she feels good about it.

I moved my hips even harder, thrusting more inside Clarice.

“aaaaah! Oh, God! There, there! Hnnnnn, I’m going to cum……I’m going to cum, I’m going to cuuuum!”

Bikubikubikubiku! With a series of big jerking, Clarice finally climaxed.

Perhaps the first climax was too stimulating for her, Clarice almost collapsed to the ground, out of consciousness. I reached out my arms to catch her, and when I did, she immediately woke up.

“Uuu……I ……came. I see. I lost……”

“How is it, did it feel good?”

Clarice looked away a little, but she nodded, albeit shyly.

‘Yeah, that was really good, that……”

She stammered and tried to think about something for a bit.

For now, I tried to pull my meat stick that’s left inside of her as I support her body. Before I could do that, however, my hand was firmly caught.


Soon as I start lifting her body, Clarice puts in a groan, as if she’s trying her best to tighten her vagina up.

“Uhm, Clarice……? Our match is over.”

“Yeah, I lost to you, Aki……that’s why, Aki, you have to teach me how to have sex! I want to be stronger in sex!”

“Eh, Okay. Wait-“

Due to the sudden momentum, I agreed to Clarice by reflex.

“Really!? Then, I want you to teach me right away!”

“You mean right now?”

“Yes, right now!”

She bounced her ass happily on top of me. it’s kind of frustrating, feeling a light stimulation on my meat pole that I failed to extract, but I have no choice.

I need to calm down this grappler girl first.

And now that I’m doing this, I have to make her super good she won’t have the gall to hold me back anymore. All for my safety of course.

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