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Chapter 9 – Annette’s Liberation

After all that is said and done, we finally reached halfway.

This time, it’s my turn to make her feel better.

I pushed Annette on the bed, and covered her with my body.

Even though she’s on her back, Annette’s large breasts made a strong statement of their presence.

I stared at such beauties on her front.

“Mister Tomoaki?”

The ephemeral woman stared back. But instead of keeping up to the staring contest, I planted a kiss on her.

“Nn, chuu.”

It was a light one at first.

“Chuun, lero……kuchu.

Then it went deeper.

After running our fluids between our mouths, I went out and drew my tongue into Annette’s neckline.


Because of our previous actions, her body is completely turned on. She was far more sensitive than she was before. 

Piece by piece, I gradually removed her clothes, sweeping my hands over her luscious body.

Starting from the top, I slowly stripped her dress, as if to tease her and myself. I caught her large breasts which slipped out underneath them, then pulled them a little forcibly.

“Ahn, nnn.”


Annette’s lush twin mountains bounced and swayed. Unable to bear it, I vigorously ripped apart the remaining inner garments, completely exposing them into the outside air. 

“No, please don’t look at me like that……”

“Don’t wanna.”

I said my rejection as I ogled her twin peaks. Annette tried to cover them with her hands, but the sight of her holding those naked tits made me thirstier instead.

Her nipples, worthy of her large breasts, stood erect, asserting their existence.

I reached out and directly examined their softness within.

“Ahh, fuu……”

I rubbed her breasts with both hands. Although they’re soft, they’re elastic as well. I could feel them pushing back the harder I grip at them with my fingers.

“Ahn, nn, no, my chest is, hnnnn!”

I held one of her nipples in my mouth. I licked it up with my tongue while I stimulate the outer parts with my lips.

“Hyaaauuuu. Mister Tomoaki, you can’t……!”

“I can’t……?”

Albeit reluctant to part with it, I let go with my mouth, and looked up at Annette. Then, with a huff, I blew on the nipple that I just let go.

“Hyaaauunn!? What are you, aaahh.”


I didn’t touch her nipples this time, but licked up the area around them. Round and round, my tongue slid close to her areola.

“Fuuu, hnn, aaah, aaaaah, oh God! No good!”


With an enticing cry, Annette held my head in her arms and pressed my head against her own chest, causing her nipple to jump at the exact center of my mouth.

I sweetly bit the lost cherry that went in.

“Hyaaaauuuu! So good, aaaaah, fuuuuh.”

Along with a loud scream, the ex-wife fell into disorder right away.

I sucked up her nipples like a baby.

“Ahnn, noo, don’t do it. Uuuhh!”

To the other nipple that I wasn’t sucking, I stimulated it with my hand. I rubbed it with my index and thumb, squeezing and pinching it up as we went by. I had so much fun violating her breasts, and each time I watch her get wild, my libido rises up.

“aaaahm Uuuhn, hnn, aaaaaaaah!”

Annette’s body bounced like a wild animal being caught. I wondered if she came from the nipples alone. My meatpole is already stiff; it’s tip already dripping with precum from enjoying her tits.

I raised my body and looked down at her on my knees.

“Ah……Tomoaki’s cock sure is amazing.”

Annette exclaimed in awe as she marveled at my big, erect, heaven-sent meat pole. As I would feel awkward if she stared at me for too long, I started to take off the rest of her clothes.

I already removed her underwear, and all that’s left is her clothes on the lower half of her body. As I couldn’t wait any longer, I quickly ripped them, leaving Annette in her natural state when she was born, with nothing left in our way.

“aaah, this is……hyuu!”

I reached out to the exposed secret place. Similar to her breasts, it tried to swallow my finger as if it had been anticipating for it to come.

“aaaaaahhn! There……hnnnnnnn!”

I then rubbed against her already plump and swollen clit. As a result, her hips bounced wildly and love juices started splashing out.

The amazing scenery pushed me into ruining her façade first instead of penetrating her right away, but I knew, it was better this way.

In order for me to free her, she should have the desire for it first.

“More, please make me feel good even more.”

Annette begged. I followed her orders and began stimulating her, inserting my finger bit by bit as it as it scratched the only entrance she had. I didn’t miss her open clit, and stroke it in a circular fashion as well.

“aaah, uuuh, more……”

She wasn’t contented with that, but I was just beginning. 

With a sly smile in my head, I commenced something naughty.

“How’s this?”

I pinched her clit hard as I asked.

“Hyuuu! Aaaah, fuuu, aaahhnn, yaaaa! Oh, God……put it in already”

“Put what in, I don’t understand?”


“Your cock! I want you to stick your cock inside me, Mister Tomoaki! Please, please scrape my cunt hard with your hard cock!”

The ex-wife of the minister shouted, already in a miserable state. I finally took pity and answered her plea.

Not by words, of course.


As she desired, I inserted my cock inside of her all at once.

Her pussy, wet from all it has been through, firmly accepted my cock as if it has been looking forward for it since.

“Aaaaaah! It’s in, Mister robber’s cock has entered at once……! Nnn, fuaaah……”

My meat rod pushed through the gap of Annette’s vagina, trying to feel the crack of what it’s been missing.

“aah, fuu, nnnn! Aahn, yaaa, aaaah!”

The walls throbbed as it tightened itself to keep my penis from escaping. As if to deny its pleas, I pulled my meat rod forcibly at the last minute until it’s barely off her entrance. 


The brunt actions caused head part of my cock to scrape her insides, making her scream. The pleasure of having the back part of my penis was great, but it paled in comparison to what she felt being rubbed inside.

“Ahiiiuuuuuuu! Aaah, aaaaahnnnnn!!”

I plunged my cock again. The penis that penetrated al the way to the back rammed to her cervix in one go.

“Fuuu, hnn, aaah, ah, yaaa, aahhnn!”

I covered her body with mine as I brutishly shook my hips over her. Since she’s been asking for it strongly, by doing this, I was able to overpower her.

Then, I leaned my head down below

“Fuuu, hnnn, Mister robber, what are you, hyauuuu!”

I took one of Annette’s nipples in my mouth as she was about to ask.

While my waist was busy in its swinging, I buried my face in her chest, licking the nipples clean with the tip of my tongue.

“Aaahh, hnnn, Tomoa-hyaaan!”

While supporting myself with my left hand, I squeezed her ample breasts with my free right hand.

Her breasts were soft, so they changed shape as it goes. Her mouth, her fingers, even her left and right nipples give her different sensations as I continued banging my crotch over her.

“Aaah, aaahm don’t! Fuuh, hnnn! Aaah, fuuaa,, aaaaaahhhnn!”

I released her nipples from my mouth to take a look at Annette’s face.

The minister’s ex-wife is now in a completely disheveled state, far from the desolate beauty she had earlier. She’s even exposing a drooling face, one that has completely succumbed itself to pleasure. Seeing her without any trace of melancholy anymore, I felt relieved, and laid my hands on her again as I concentrate on shaking my hips.

“Aaah, don’t, Mister robber, I, I can’t! I’m cumming!”

It’s fine, Lady Annette. Go ahead, cum with all your strength.”

“Fuuuuhhnn, aaah, fuaaa, aahhn! Nnn, kuh, aaaaah, cuming, I’m cummiiiiing!”


All of a sudden, Annette’s waist bounced back. This caught me unprepared, causing me to push my body upwards in an awkward state. I immediately retaliated, which also triggered her to fight back.

From that point, was a series of hips clashing with each other.

Every thrust I took caused her insides to quiver, causing it to contract itself further on the next round. 

Soon, I could no longer withstand the contraction, and finally spat out the seed I had inside.

“Fuuaaa……Hnnn, coming, it’s coming in……Mister Tomoaki’s semen……Hnnnn!!”


I finally came inside. Annette’s inside relentlessly squeezed at me, even in that state. I couldn’t help but moan at the sheer pleasure of it.

After our intense ‘conniving’, I was lying on the bed, fully exhausted as if a boulder was placed on my body. However, thanks to my determination, it prevented me from falling asleep.

I don’t have time to relax. Not now.

“Mister Tomoaki?”

“What is it?”

Suddenly, Annette, who is lying next to me, called out to me as she rubs my chest while I'm lying on my back.

I turned my head towards her. She’s really close, almost within reach for a kiss. 

Being sandwiched by her arms, her large breasts where even more emphasized than they were. I have to turn my gaze away, or else I would have been sucked into that alluring, deep cleavage.

Annette continued in a very anxious, forlorn tone.

“Mister Tomoaki, you’re leaving now, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I have to go back at once to discuss it with my colleagues. Thank you, Annette. With this, we may be able to unseat the leading faction. Really, thank you.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

Though she me gave a smile as she said that, I still felt the melancholy hidden beneath it.

“Mister Tomoaki.”

Once more, she called out to me. she seemed a bit hesitant about something she wants to say.

I looked at Annette and waited for her to continue her words.

She stared back, and seeing she’s still hesitating,

“It’s okay. Just say whatever you want.”

I called out to her slowly to reassure her. Then I lightly stroke her cheek to dispel the sadness on her face.

Her hand wraps around mine as I caress her cheek.

“If, supposedly, just an example……”

She stammered there, as if she couldn’t make up her mind to take another step. There was resignation and uncertainty in her wavering eyes, but behind that, I could see a bit of hope. And so, I waited quietly, anticipating her next words.

Eventually, as if she had made up her mind, she said her wish.

“……Can you take me out of here and bring me to your city?”

“Of course.”

I replied, raising myself up a little and kissing her lightly on the cheek.

I’m sure Annette must have been suffering all this time.

I know I can’t erase the pain completely. But along with the other people in Blossom which shared the same kind of pain as her, I’m sure, one day, she’ll be able to look forward to the future with bliss.

“Well then. Shall we go? To our city, and your new home.”

I raised Annette up and quickly got ourselves ready for our upcoming journey.

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