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Chapter 11 – Nina and Irene’s Double Team

When we returned to the mansion, Irene greeted us.

“Welcome home, you two. Dinner is ready for you.”

“Is it really alright for this humble self to join?”

As Irene is now present, Edith’s knightly demeanor returned.

She sounded exactly like what you hear from a daughter of an upper class.

Well, she used to be a princess, so it’s not surprising she could easily play the role of a hypocrite knight, which are both nobility.

“Of course, I had it prepared with those intentions in mind.”

It’s a great contrast to Irene, who is also a former noble from a prominent family, but compared to Edith, she feels more like a skilled secretary.

The two of us were taken by Irene to the dining hall.

From there, the table was lined up with food for four people, and Nina was already sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for us.

“Ah, big brother! Welcome home!”

“I’m home, Nina.”

Nina stood up from her seat and hugged me.


I staggered a bit while taking her hug.

“Ara ara. Nina really loves you, Tomo.”

“Yes. It’s really heartwarming for master.”

The two of them made Nina’s innocence more apparent, which I felt guilty for putting my hands on her.

“No, I didn’t have a choice at that time……as I was defending myself in the head, I noticed that Nina, who was hugging me, went quiet.

“Nina, what’s wrong?”

“Nina smwells something.”

I cringed at those words.

I’ve only lightly wiped myself off, so if sniffed carefully, one could still smell the traces.

Since I said I only had a reasonable talk after I came out of the church, If I was found lying and had sex in a haphazard way, I would be subjected to another assault for sure.

“Oh, they served me some kind of unusual tea at the church, so maybe that’s what is smelling.”

“Fuuuun, is thyat so…”

She seems not totally convinced, but I guess I’m safe for now?

“Anyway, let’s go back to our seats. The food is getting cold.”

“Oh well, Tomo is right. Let’s have a meal before that.”

Irene agreed with my words, and we finally got to eat.

After that, we enjoyed the dinner while chatting about various things.

“So Nina is studying her maths now? That’s great!”

“Yes! And big sis is rweally good at teaching!”

“As expected of my master, she is a woman of many talents, so it’s not obvious she’s a great teacher as well.”

“Oh, you two. It’s no big deal.”

The lovely dinner scene continued for a while.

After dinner, we saw Edith off to her duty and were about to go back to our rooms, when Irene stopped us.

“Tomo, may I have a word with you?”

“Of course. What is it?”

“To tell you the truth, I need your help grading the test papers I grace to Nina. I remember you could do the math, right?”

“Yeah, okay. Just leave it to me.”

After I agreed, I followed Irene to her room.

Once I entered, Irene closes the door.

So far, so good, until she placed the lock on it.

I, who became suspicious, called out to her.

“Uhm, Irene? What are you……ugh!”

That’s when some kind of impact pushed me to the side and made me fall down on the sofa.

“Wh-what the-?”

When I quickly got up, I saw Irene standing on her knees.

Nina is also right beside her.

Was she the one who pushed me away?

She’s a smaller build, so maybe she was hiding in the shadows somewhere.

“Nina told me about it, Tomo. I knew something happened to you at the church.”

“Nah, it was nothing big……”

“Ara, so it’s a small thing that you had fun with the sister over there?”

My body instantly froze.

Not just my extremities, but even my eyes were locked in place.

“Nina told me it’s thin, but it was definitely a smell one would get after sex, and from that, I can imagine the rest.”

Irene looks down at me and continues.

“Like I said before, I’m not trying to be mad at you. However, shouldn’t you at least make up with at least something for my feelings?”

“Yeah! It’s not fair that big brother is doing something good while Nina was studying!”

They stared at me hard, so I had no choice but to meekly nod.

A few minutes later, I was moved to the large bed with the three of us together, and from there, I was immediately sucked off by the two.

“Nchuuu. Lerolero.”

“Peropero, chuu!”

My cock is being licked by an innocent girl and a mature woman, both possessing extraordinary beauty. Soon, it erected to its full capacity.

“How is it, our fellatio?”

I responded to Irene’s question with ragged breaths.

“It feels really good, both of you. Don’t tell me you’re teaching Nina about these things too?”

The blowjob I was receiving from Nina is better than it was before.

She’s crawling her tongue over my fat rod, poking at the exact spots where I’m weak at.

Even though we had sex once, Nina, with her limited knowledge about sex, can’t do this on her own.

And the only person I could think of that can instruct her is Irene.

“Yes, she’s like a sponge, absorbing all of them faster than I thought she would. The normal studies as well.”

I didn’t think that Nina would neglect her studies because Irene was teaching her, but for Irene to teach her erotic techniques to others, that is one thing I didn’t expect.

“You’re having that surprised look on your face. Well, I was too, just before this. When I saw her working so hard in her studies, I couldn’t help but want to take care of her more.”

“So, that’s what happened……”

I look at Nina, who is licking my meat rod at the side of Irene’s body.

Maybe Irene felt something maternal about her.

“It seems that we have talked too much. I’d be happy if you feel good as well.”

With that, she turns back to Nina.

“Nina, just keep on making Tomo’s cock feel good, okay?”

“What about you, swister?”

“Fufufu, I’ll just watch over here.”

From the way they looked, they’re like a really close mother and daughter.

Even though they are a bit close in age, relationship-wise.

“Haamu, juruururu.”

Nina sucks my meat rod in full with her mouth through the tip.

She closes her mouth so that it would leave no gaps, then she vacuums it up.

While she’s doing that, her tongue crawls on the back muscles, stimulating my meat rod in a clever manner.

My cock shivered in delight as it got violated from the spot that was easy to feel aroused.

Even though she was already taught by Irene, she must have practiced a lot since she became this good in a short time.

To think they’re doing this all for me……I couldn’t help but feel hot underneath.

“Big brother, does Nina’s sucking feel gwood?”

“Yeah, it feels good. You’re doing really well.”

“Ehehe, you see, Nina has been pwacticing.”

I couldn’t help but want to stroke her head as she smiled at me.

However, before I could even do it, I was interrupted by a new stimulus underneath.

“ugh, Irene, that’s!”

The person who had created the new pleasure was Irene, who should have been watching over Nina earlier.

She’s now licking a man’s most vital point, my balls from below.

“How is it? it’s my first time I have licked you here……”

She asks this as she takes both of my balls inside her mouth and rolls them around with her tongue.

“Hamu, lerolero, chorochoro.”

The situation of having someone else sucking on my vital points should definitely send chills down my spine, but it’s Irene who’s doing it, and I completely trust her.

There’s no one in this world I can trust more than her.

Besides, Irene-san's balls-sucking gave me a pleasure I'd never felt before.

“It’s tickling at first, but now I want to feel more.”

And when Nina’s blowjob is added to the mix, the pleasure increases multiple fold.

“Mogomogo, chuuu, leronn!”

“Juzuzuzu! Jururu!”

The combined harassment of the two increased my excitement in a blink of an eye. Now I’m already at my limit.

They violated my genitals from my meat pole to my balls in unison, and from there, I felt a sense of fulfillment along with a sense of pleasure.

“Both of you, I’m about to let it out.”

When I said that, their slurping intensified.

Nina is great, but Irene is just spectacular.

She hits the most delicate part of my body in such a way that only pleasure can come out from them. Not even a trace of danger could be felt from her at all.

“Tomo, come out a lot, okay?”

“Come, big bwother, do it inside Nina’s mouth!”

With those words as a signal, I shot my semen at the two of them.

The ejaculation was a vigorous one, but thanks to Nina sucking the head of my dick, there was no leakage.

Nina drank the spurted semen while at it, gulping down like it was some kind of fresh milk.

“Fufufu, she’s still drinking. That’s a lot of semen, isn’t it?”

I felt a little embarrassed as Irene told me this.

“But still, this is just the foreplay. We want to be entertained by the real thing, so we’re counting on you for that.”

“If you say it that way, I won’t be able to afford not to do my best.”

It seems that this wasn’t enough to make up for the two of them.

So, I fired myself up and got ready for my next act.

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