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Chapter 6 – Sister Marietta

The day after I went to Julie’s house, I decided to head to the church to meet the sister I was introduced to.

Of course, Edith was there to escort me.

“Yesterday was a terrible mess.”

She said as she walked beside me in a mortified manner.

“I’m sorry. I guess I pushed myself a little too hard.”

I was too exhausted to walk properly after having sex with Julie yesterday, so I asked Edith to help me on my shoulder on the way back to the mansion.

Because of this, we had to leave a large portion of the fruits that Edith had harvested behind.

This was also why Edith is in a bad mood right now – she hadn’t obtained the fruits that she had been looking forward to.

“But Julie said she’s going to make jam out of the fruits we left, so now we have another thing to look forward to……right?”

Edith sighed openly as I said this.

“Haaa, it can’t be helped. But you definitely have to make it up to me next time, you hear?”

“Alright, but take it easy on me when that time comes, okay?”

With that, Edith’s mood improved, and we started walking again.

“Oh, by the way, the church we’re going to is an Eros Church, right? Are you also in it, Edith?”

She nodded when I asked her that question.

“Of course. Rather, is there any woman in this world who hasn’t joined the faith yet?”

“So, it's that widespread……”

I’ve heard its widely believed in, but I didn’t expect the influence to be this wide.

If they put so much faith in this religion, it’s definitely a great importance if I want to know this world better.

After about ten minutes of walking, we arrived at the said church.

Since it’s located near the center of the city, it just shows how important the facility is.

The church building is made up of bricks, and although it’s not that big, it’s still a magnificent one.

“Well then, I’ll be excusing myself because I still have to help out with a few things.”

“A few things?”

“They’re no big deal. I’ll be back in a few hours……Also, I’ll be damned if it becomes like the time with Julie’s, you understand?”

“Y-yes, I understand."

Edith gave one last scary look to remind me.

Then, she chuckled as she walked away.

After regaining my composure, I walked inside the church.

“Pardon for the intrusion.”

Inside, there is an altar-like structure at the end of a row of chairs, just like the Japanese churches I saw in my world.

From the way they look, the interior can seat about a hundred people or so.

Since there was no answer, I walked to the back, to where a statue of a woman is placed.

Is that their idol, perhaps?

“Ara, a black-haired man……are you perhaps Sir Tomoaki?”

Someone spoke, and I turned around.

From there was a beautiful blonde girl wearing a what supposed to be a nun outfit.

She’s a bit shorter than me, but still pretty standard for a woman’s height.

She also has a kind expression of her face, exactly like what’s expected of a nun.

However, as expected, her clothes are also very revealing.

It’s already on the level that one could think of it as cosplay.

“Yes, I’m Tomoaki. I was introduced to you by Julie.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. My name is Marietta.”

“Nice to meet you, Sister Marietta.”

I lowered my head in introduction, but she stopped me.

“-! Oh no, please don’t. I seem to be younger than you, so please call me Marietta instead.”

She muttered after she took a gasp, as if she had confirmed something.

“you……you’re really not turning your eyes away from me……”

“Marietta is a beautiful woman, after all.”

“Beautiful……this is the first time I was told that in my life.”

Marietta’s face turns red at my words.

At first glance, she’s also the natural beauty, so I can’t help but think she came to this city after being kicked out as well.

Then, after clearing her throat to regain her composure, Marietta asks me.

“You look like it’s your first time seeing a church from the way you gaze around. Is it your first time?”

“I came from a really far away land, you see. Can you tell me more about it?”

“To think there’s a male who wants to know about Eros, I’m surprised……Well, if you want to know about the religion, I can’t think of a more appropriate place than here.”

“Thank you. That would be really grateful.”

“Even so, this will take a while. Mind if we go to the back of the church first? To properly accommodate you as well.”

“Yes, with pleasure.”

With that, I was led from the side of the altar to the back of the church with  Marietta leading the way.

“This is the only place available, so please bear with me in the small space.”

It was a simple, unadorned room.

There’s only one chair inside, aside from a bed, maybe because they weren’t expecting any visitors here.

Having no other choice, I sat down on the bed.

“This may be preposterous, but is Marietta the only one running this church?”

“Unfortunately, yes, since there are no clergy who wants to come to this city. That said, this church isn’t officially recognized, so……”

Well, the city itself is not officially recognized either. 

“But there are also a number of other unofficial churches, not only in this city, so even though it’s not normal, it’s not uncommon either.”

She continues, I don’t know if it was to defend herself to inspire herself further.

“Still, I can’t deny that if it wasn’t for the help of Julie and the others in this city, I wouldn’t have managed to get by up to this date.”

“By help, you mean-“

“Yes, she shares some of her crops to the church every week.”

So that’s what their relationship was all about.

Still, to think a dark elf, of all the other species, to be closely related to the church, is fascinating in its own way too.

Then again, this is a reversed world.

“Then, can you please tell me about the Eros Religion?”

“Sure, ask me anything you want.”

Finally, we’re getting on the point.

“First, I want to know where the Eros religion began.”

“……it all started when an epidemic began hundreds of years ago.”

“The origin of it came from an illness?”

“Yes, but it wasn’t that deadly. However, although it didn’t affect the people’s lives at that time, it affected their fertility. Meaning, the ones affected by the disease had their chances to impregnate or be impregnated drastically reduced.”

It sounded more serious than I thought.

“As there is no known cause or cure, the disease easily became widespread, affecting the majority of the world and even dampened people’s sex drive.”

“I’m surprised humanity didn’t perish from there.”

“That’s because it was when the guru of Eros was born.”

Marietta suddenly became quite enthusiastic when she brought up the founder of the Eros cult.

‘She might not have been given a name, but one thing was for certain - that she was a woman.”

She’s getting more and more heated……

“As she felt that the fate of humanity is at stake, she traveled around the world in extreme costumes and took the initiative to mingle with men. Then, with a group of women inspired by her, she set up the Eros cult, which then became the major religion we have today.”

“So that’s what defined the values that we have today. But what happened to the disease?”

“It naturally disappeared about a hundred years ago. However, the men who were ravaged by the disease for several generations had low sex drive even after they recovered, and even today, the birth rate is only being kept up by the activities of the Eros Religion.”

“I see, so it was all caused by a disease.”

“Of course, the commandments of Eros’ Teachings subtly changed over time, and has now added some commandments, including to be more proactive about sex anytime, anywhere. Now that the disease is gone, we now have more rooms to maneuver.”

Come to think of it, I saw women mingling with each other in the open when I came to this city……to think that’s also part of Eros’ teachings...

“Nevertheless, that was a very spirited commentary.”

When I said that, Marietta gasps and blushes.

“Aah, I’m sorry……it’s just when it comes to teaching Eros Religion, I become-“

“No, I think you’re great, Sister Marietta, being able to work hard for what you believe in.”

“Sir Tomoaki……thank you.”

The people of this city must have been very supportive because the church has a good sister like her.

“Ah, to think I even forgot to serve tea to my guest…… I’ll bring one to you now.”

“You don’t have to do that-”

She left before I could even stop her.

After a few minutes, she returned with a hot drink.

“Here you go, our church’s special tea.”

“Oh, thank you very much.”

I took a sip and enjoyed Marietta’s tea with its pleasant bitterness.

The aroma is excellent as well, to the extent that it won’t lose even against the ones being served in the mansion.

“To tell you the truth, that tea is made from the wildflowers that I picked op near the city.”

“Wow, I didn’t think of it at all. It was very delicious.”

“Fufu, thank you very much.”

Marietta smiles, happy of being told that it was delicious.

She’s like a Holy Mother.

“You see, I put in a lot of effort making it especially for you, Sir Tomoaki. I’m glad it’s all worth it.”

You came all the way out there for me?’

‘Yes. The Eros religion are all women. For a man to take an interest in it, it’s already an honor for us.”

“Well, in that case, I have to dedicate myself to savor it before I return.”

We continued chatting for a while.

However, I didn’t notice it at that time.

That the tea made by her, an ardent believer of the Eros Religion, couldn’t possibly be an ordinary tea.

Like a hare that obediently slid in a hunter’s snare, I was perfectly caught in Marietta’s trap.

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