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Chapter 1 – Julie’s Invitation

A few days have passed since the incident at the office, where I was caught having covert sex with Edith.

Irene gave me a generous squeeze that day.

Right now, I’m currently spending my morning studying in my room.

The topics? Of course, all about the general knowledge about this world.

Though I was still terrible at it, I could now read and write at least a few simple words.

The first thing I learned was Irene’s name.

When I showed her what I had written, she was very pleased.

It was the first name I had learned since I came to this world, apart from my own.

After that, I also studied the names of Edith and the others.

It wasn’t an easy thing to do, mastering another language you haven’t heard of entirely, but it’s an inevitable path if I want to live here in harmony.

That’s why I’m doing my best in every lesson they give me.

“You got the letters here wrong. The last stroke is crooked.”

“Oh, I see……like this?”

“Yeah, that’ll work.”

Today, I’m taking the usual language lessons from Edith.

Though the really hard scolding after she woke up from the bed made her depressed, it was only for a short time, and with a little self-encouragement, she bounced back on her feet soon after, as if all of it was a lie. 

Of course, I didn’t see her salivating a bit when she was being scolded by Irene. Yep. I totally didn’t see anything.

To be honest, I was a bit thankful for the incident. As she’s now taking her tutor work properly, the lessons became a lot easier to understand.

In exchange for teaching me, I taught Edith how to write her own name in my world, and she was really pleased about it.

In fact, she seemed to be more excited than I was when I was struggling to write her name, to the point that I couldn’t help but worry. Why is she putting lots of energy over something so irrelevant?

Oh well. At least Edith is happy with it…

As I was proceeding with my studies, a maid came to my room.

Apparently, there was a letter from Julie.

I tasked Edith to read it for me, as I still don’t have the confidence to decipher hard words. It said that she wants to introduce someone to me in my work as the city’s gigolo.

“I’m surprised. For a person like Julie to say that she wants to introduce someone.”

“It was unexpected for me as well. She’s so busy growing crops that she doesn’t go out that much.”

It was like telling Julie indirectly that she doesn’t have many friends, which was extremely rude, but the fact that she’s introducing someone really surprised the both of us.

To be honest, I was already at the point where I would immediately believe her even if she told me that her plants were the only friends she got.

That’s how lonely her existence is.

“For the time being, I’ll go and check on her.”

“Then, I’ll go with you.”

“Thank you. But before that, we have to speak with Irene first.”

We rounded up our studies. Then, after asking for Irene’s permission, we headed for Julie’s house.

Julie’s dwelling is located on the outskirts of the city.

As her house is bordered by a large tract of farmland, it was far away from the city’s center.

Its fields were a spectacle of a bountiful harvest. They are so abundant that you won’t easily see what’s ahead of you unless you climb to a higher place.

Julie said she did everything from planting to harvesting, and seeing the outcome all over me, it was easy to understand how great her magic is.

Sadly, I didn’t come here to admire the crops. After walking around for a while, we reached the house where Julie is staying.

Knock knock.

“Julie, it’s me. I came here after reading your letter!”

Soon after, Julie appeared on the other side of the door.

“……Tomo? Come inside.”

Though she still doesn’t talk much, I could quickly tell that she’s in a happy mood right now.

That alone was enough for me to come.

“Well then, I’ll be waiting outside, like the usual.”

Edith muttered as she stared at Julie.

“Eh, but, I didn’t come here today to do it with Julie-“

“……there’s a new fruit patch I’ve made a little further back in the house. You can stay there if you want.”

Julie said as she stared back at Edith.

“Is that so? Then, I’ll receive it with gratitude. Can I share it with Lady Irene?”

“……, of course.”

And just like that, a tacit agreement was made between the two – without my knowledge.

“Ohohoho. Don’t feel bad about it, master. For us, women, sweets are second only to love in our list of favorite things. I’ll be off now.”

Edith gave me a teasing smile to me before leaving the place.

Then, it occurred to me.

“……perhaps, the letter is because-!?”

“……I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I returned my gaze at Julie, but she just looks away.

I’ve been had. To think they used my incapability to read letters thoroughly, they might have secretly negotiated the terms in my letter!

And in exchange for bringing me in, Edith was bribed with fruits!

But Irene also agreed. She, who’s strict with the management of my job as a gigolo, gladly consented to it.

Was it really a bribe?

“So, you lied to me when you said you had someone who you wanted to introduce me to?”

“Ah, that part is true. They are good persons for Tomo……I think.”

“I-I see. I got a little worried back there.”

Then I was ushered to Julie’s room, where I was offered a cup of tea.

While drinking the contents of the cup, I was told about the person I was going to be introduced.

“……whom I’m going to introduce to you are the sisters of the church.”

“Church? A religious group? I see.”

Religion is always a powerful entity in any world. 

It can bring together people across countries, and wars can be fought over it.

As it gave an influential impact to this world as well, it was indispensable knowledge for me who’s gonna live here for good.

“……it is a religion that became widespread throughout this world, and its name is Eros.”


Just hearing the name already made me figure out its contents.

I mean, it’s too obvious not to.

“……Basic explanation, it was a set of teachings that women should be sexually active.”

“Very basic explanation indeed.”

Could it be that this Eros Religion, was the root of all the reversal in attitudes of men and women when it comes to sex?

Or is it because of the way of life in this world that the Eros Religion was born?

Somehow, I want to ask these sisters about that part.

“……, most of the women in this country are believers of this religion.”

“Irene and the others as well?”

I asked, and Julie nodded.

But I haven’t seen any of them praying or anything like it.

“What about their precepts, and all that? Do they have commandments to follow?”

“……Women are taught to wear revealing clothing.”

“I see. So that’s how it was……”

I wondered for a while that a lot of women are showing a lot of skin, and thought that it was due to the influence of their high libido, but to believe it was to follow the doctrine of Eros Religion…

That’s about all I know. About the rest, you’ll have to ask Marietta about it.”

“Is Marietta the name of the sister?”

Julie nodded to my question.

“Really? Then I guess I have to prepare a lot of questions beforehand.

This Eros Religion seemed to have spread far and wide in this world.

Because of that, I’m sure that they have a lot of extensive knowledge that I may be needed in my future life here.

For now, I have to thank Julie for introducing me to the sisters.

“Thank you, Julie. This will definitely be a good learning experience for me to see what they’re like up close.”

However, she only turned to the side after seeing my reaction. Was she still shy of being praised?

“……Thank you, Tomo. Glad to hear it.”

Giving thanks is a natural thing to do. She deserves it.

Still, I guess it’s better if I thank her physically in addition to that.

“Julie, is there anything I can do to help you? Like helping you on the farm and anything.”

Then, Julie, who was taken aback by my recent words, looked at me.

“……anything, you say?”

“Yes. Anything to repay your will.”

Right after I said that, Julie stood up and came towards me.

“……Then, stay where you are, Tomo.”

“Here? Okay.”

I stayed on the chair as I was told, then all of a sudden, Julie got down on her knees and hugged me from the front.

“Uhm, Lady Julie!?”

The shock of her actions made me lose my balance a bit, but she was able to catch me.

She hugged me and buried her head on my chest as she was.

“Suu, haaa……aaaah, Tomo……”

“W-what is it?”

My tongue got tied as I spoke at Julie, who just called my name, and we ended up staring at each other.

“……Can we do it, like this?”

If you ask me in that adorable state, I won’t be able to endure not being horny.

Still, I have no intention of refusing her, since I already said that I would do anything.

I was even happy to know that I’m going to do it with Julie.

In fact, right after watching the tacit agreement between Edith and Julie, I already had a hunch that this was going to happen.

Therefore, I don’t have any problems.

“I understand. I’m gonna do it until Julie is satisfied, right?”

Soon as I said that, Julie’s cute face gradually softened.

“……Tomo, I want to kiss you.”

Due to our difference in positions, her eyes were looking up at me as she moved her tongue.

A beautiful woman’s eyes as she stares up at me……they’re incredibly destructive.

“Okay, I understand.”

I brought my face next to Julie.

Then, she locked her lips with mine.

“chuu, chuuu, lerolero.”

“Chuu, leroro, juruu”

We got into a deep, tongue-tied kiss for a few minutes or so, before letting each other go.

“Haa, haaa……Tomo.”


She tugged my hand towards the bed, then pushed me down after that.

“Tomo, I can’t stand it anymore……!”

Julie is usually calm and collected, but when it comes to sex, she becomes really aggressive.

I took her in, wondering in my head if I could still go home today.

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