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Chapter 6 – Nina’s Ravenous Blowjob

I tried to escape, but Nina had already pushed me down the bed before I was about to move.

Her hands, which were making a tight grip on mine, won’t budge at all.

I wasn’t that not that of a strong person, but I still have a strength of an adult man, yet, couldn’t pull myself free even with all that.

What’s even more mortifying is that the opponent is a girl younger than me, albeit only a few years.

Seeing me struggling in full view, Nina cutely giggled.

“It’s no use, mister. You can’t run away from Nina.”

With those words, I realized that any further resistance was futile, so I stopped moving altogether to save energy.

I have no choice but to stay with her until the end.

Nina, perhaps satisfied with my act, released the hand that was restraining me and put her face between my legs.

“Nina, why are you doing this? And those eyes……”

I asked, curious about the sudden change in her features.

“Nya? Dunno? Also, Nina doesn’t cawe about that nyow.”

Yet, the cat-eared girl scoffed it off just like that.

Then, she drew her face further to the flesh stalk that was starting to shrivel up and sniffed it all over.

‘Sniff, sniff, Nyaa~ Nina’s gonna gwo cwazy just from the smwell.”

She has completely become addicted to the smell of my dick.

My guess is that it has something to do with the characteristics of the Beast People, but as for the details, I still have no idea.

What I’m sure is that she’s gonna try to squeeze semen out of me. Hard.

“Nnn, it’s gwetting smwall. Will it get bwigger if I lick it agwain?”

Nina, who has been observing my cock for a while, sucked it into her mouth after saying so.

As it wasn’t fully erect yet, Nina’s mouth was able to cover it all.

“Nfufufu, mogomogo.”

She began rolling my meat rod inside her mouth.

She pressed it with her tongue, then sucked and licked it lightly.

It was not a blowjob to encourage ejaculation, but more of a casual movement similar to licking a candy.

A completely different approach, but slowly, it aroused me.

“Nhyaaa……I feel like I cwould lick it fowever.”

Nina said before continuing to lick my meat pole.

Because of my experience with quite a number of blowjobs since I came here, I could say her way of stimulating is good, but it was too insufficient to make me come. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if this is what she was after.

For Nina, my stuff is like the finest candy. The more you lick it, the more the smell of a male seeps out of your mouth.

For that reason, it’s no doubt that she wanted to enjoy it as long as possible. That’s also why she’s giving this kind of loose stimulation right now.

I don’t think Nina is well-versed in sexual knowledge yet, due to her age, so I can only assume this is all due to instincts kicking in. What an incredible talent this beast girl has.

“I’ve picked something awesome……ugh”

Even though it was loose, it’s still a stimulation altogether. Soon, the meat rod rose up to signify its existence.

In a few minutes, it grew so large that it could barely fit inside Nina’s mouth.

That time, I felt relief, as it was also the signal that the pleasant torture was about to end.

Nina looked disappointed, but she quickly moved on to the next phase.

“Then, pwease let me trwy with my hands this time.”

The next thing I realized is she grabbing my meat rod in the shaft with her bare hands.

I remembered the strength of her arms from before and braced myself, but fortunately, my thing wasn’t crushed.

Her right hand is squeezing the shaft while her left is stroking the head on top of it.

“Dows it fweel good if I touch the twip hewe?”

Her dainty yet powerful hands rubbed over the area already wet with pre-cum, and I was overwhelmed by a pleasure I couldn’t even begin to describe.

It was even more pleasurable because of all the loose stimulation from earlier.

“You don’t have to twell me stwaight. It’s alweady thwobbing from exwitement.”

It’s pretty embarrassing to be said that head-on……especially if the other party is a cute girl.

Nina, perhaps realizing that I was feeling better, but strength in her hands even more.

With her right hand, she clamped the head part hard.

“Nina, that……Aah”

I let out an audible gasp. This made Nina have a cat-like grin.

“Eawlier, Nina was licking this spot, and it made you cum qwickly. Nina’s gwoing to lick it a lot agwain.”

Nina’s rough tongue clung to my glans and began her stimulation.

Her tongue gave almost the same level of sensation with her hands, but the added feeling of wetness made it surpass the latter.

And because I had drained a lot of patience in her slow licking earlier, I was no longer able to maintain my will.

“Lerolero, chuu, juu.”

Nina continued licking my cock with her tongue. She sucked the tip from time to time, all while using her hands to encourage me to cum.

My limit is already approaching.

“Nina, I’m about to cum again.”

Nina, who was fully absorbed in my cock right now, looked up.

“Then, do you want Nina to suck them up untwil the end?”

Remembering how pleasant it was earlier, though I thought it would be a wonderful idea, this time, I want something different.

“Nah, I want to cum by your hands this time.”

“But, it’s gonna spill all over meow?”

Apparently, our cat-like creature doesn’t want to waste a drop.

It was great that she’s this obsessed about me, and that’s considering this was her first exposure to sex.

I wonder if it’s because of her animal-related instincts acting up? She’s different from a human, after all.

“Then, how about this. You can suck the tip with your mouth as you rub the remaining parts with your hand. Are you okay with that?”

Soon as I said that, Nina quickly nodded and did as she was told.

“Nguu, mugumugu……Lwike this?”

“Yep, you’re doing great. It feels good. Don’t stop.”

“Okay, then I’ll gwet stawted.”

Nina restarted her blowjob-handjob.

I’m pretty much at my limit at this point, but I’m still trying my best to hold back, all because it would be bad for Nina if I had a sudden outburst.

Her cute hands commenced squeezing my shaft while her tongue started licking my glans, making my desires of wanting to ejaculate awaken as I was attached with pleasure from both directions.

And, in less than a minute, my patience already broke.

“Nina! cumming! I’m cumming!”

“Nyaaa, lwet it out! Let me dwink a lot!”

Byururu, byurururu!

With great momentum, a lot of semen was poured inside her mouth.

It was all due to my impatience and Nina’s patience, but I still couldn’t help but be amazed by the great amount I had let out.

“Gokuhgokuhgokuh! Nn, nbuu.”


Nina tried her best to swallow everything in desperation, but her cute mouth wasn’t able to take it all, causing some to overflow from the sides of her lips.

However, as semen is still coming one after another, she couldn’t muster any spare to catch them all.

When the ejaculation finally stopped, Nina’s mouth and my crotch were stained with the pure white, all of it from the seed I had discharged.

“Ehoo, ehoo, gupuh……you’re tewwible, mister. Nina’s stomach is alweady full!”

She stroked her cute belly as she said that.

It’s not as bloated as she sounded it, but she seemed quite happy with it.

“Ah, Nina will cwean up the spilled ones too.”

She called it cleaning, but she probably thinks it would be a waste if we left it alone.

Nina commenced licking all the remaining semen on my meat rod with her mouth.

After a few minutes, the clean-up was over, where then she raised her head with an expression of satisfaction.

“Satisfied now?”

‘Nyaa, my belly is already full.”

“That’s good.”

I was wondering how many times I will have to do this, considering she’s a beast girl and all, but apparently that was it.

For the time being, her libido has gone back to normal. 

it would be best to tell Irene about what happened to Nina while we’re at it.

But first, I have to clean up my body.

“Wait here for a while, I’ll gonna call someone.”

I left the room.

I headed to Irene’s office and told her about what happened to Nina and what happened afterward.

“……So, with that, I need hot water and a towel to wipe my body.”

Soon as I said that, Irene responded with a sigh of relief.

‘Sigh……Well, it can’t be helped. Tomo is exactly the type where he can’t refute when being pressed. Okay, I’ll get some prepared for you.”

“Ahahaha, sorry, and thank you.”

After a while, a maid came along with a towel and a bucket of hot water.

“So, Nina went in heat because of Tomo’s masculine scent, is it?”

“That’s what she said.”

“Though I don’t pretty much know about them, I heard that the Beast People have stronger physical abilities and animal-like instincts than normal people, as because they were treated more like beasts than people.”

Irene looked sad as she said that fact.

“Perhaps, because of that, all the libido she’s been suppressing all her life was released all at once.“

“Is that so……”

“That means she was saved, in more ways than one, all thanks to you, Tomo.”

If it’s Irene who was saying it to me like this, I couldn’t help but be happy.

“I’m sorry too, Irene. Lately, I've been letting the situation get the better of me, being pushed down by women so easily.”

It’s like being unfaithful to my fiancée, having sex with other women in a situation she doesn’t know about.

But even that, she still gave me a beautiful smile.

“In truth, yes, I feel a little lonely, but even in my circumstances, I won’t be able to bear, leaving a dying woman behind. I’m sure that’s also the same for you, right, Tomo?


“That’s why, even though it’s like this, I’m still happy with what you have done.”


The truth is, I really want to be alone with her.

However, as the mayor, Irene had the responsibility of holding this city intact.

I want to support her from there.

“I’ll do my best to become a man worthy of you, Irene.”

“Ufufufu, then I have to work harder, too, to deserve such a man.”

As we laughed with each other, a knock came on the other side of the door.

“Master Tomoaki, I’ve brought the hot water and a towel.”

“Thank you. I’ll be going now.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you later.”

I took the bucket of hot water and towel from the maid and went back to my room after that.

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