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Chapter 13 – Princess Knight Edith

After our intense sex was over, we headed to the living room of the manor.

As expected, a beautiful girl was waiting for me there.

She’s carrying a sword at her waist, and despite her highly-revealing clothing, she still gave off a somewhat dignified appearance.

She literally looked like a female knight I see in erotic novels.

“Let me introduce her to you. She’s Edith. She’s the one I assigned bodyguard duties in this mansion.”

Then, Edith stepped forward.

“Onee-sama has already told me about you. The name is Edith. Please take care of me, Tomo-sama.”

“Oh, yes. Likewise.”

She came over and politely bowed her head, so I also did the same.

Her breast was not super big like Irene’s, but she’s slender and very cute.

It was already pretty amazing that she can work here as a bodyguard.

“Ufufufu, Tomo-kun, you are really so……Are you worried about Edith’s appearance?”

“N-no, I’m not.”

“I wonder? ‘She’s thin and cute after all, and she didn’t look strong, something like that?” 


“Fufufu, it looks like I’ve hit a bulls-eye. Edith.”

“As you command, Onee-sama.”

A moment later, a small breeze blew softly past my cheek.

Just when I was about to wonder where it came from……


Before I knew it, the tip of Edith’s sword was already pointed at my neck.

And it was followed by an amazing thrust in an instant.

She was so fast that I couldn’t even follow it with my own eyes.

“Please forgive my rudeness, Tomo-sama.”

“Ah, hahaha……I don’t really mind. It’s fine.”

That’s what I said, but my insides were freaking out.

If she’s this strong, then she is more than qualified to be her bodyguard. 

‘Okay, now that you know what Edith is capable of, let’s get back to the subject at hand.”

“The main subject?”

“Yes. Actually, I’m thinking of making Edith a personal attendant for Tomo-kun.”

“An attendant!?”

So that’s why she wanted to introduce her to me.

“But why do I need to have an attendant?”

“Good question. Firstly, she will take care of your basic necessities.”

“If that’s the case, isn’t a regular maid already fine?”

“Second is to protect you from harm.”


Is this getting a bit overboard?

I unconsciously took a stance.

“You don’t have to be so nervous. It was just in case an incident happens.”

“Like what?”

"To the women in this city, a man is a literal feast. Also, as Tomo-kun doesn’t feel disgusted by our appearance, it would be bad if something like a rape happened or worse, they resort to kidnapping. Am I right?”

‘I-I see……”

Wait, if I were to consider walking out of this city, does that mean I have to be even more cautious? 

The city is ruled by Irene, so it won’t be lawless, but that doesn’t mean that people who can’t control their desires don’t exist.

That’s probably where Edith comes next.

But still, talk about men getting raped and kidnapped often, truly a reversed world indeed.

“Edith can also take care of your personal needs. Well, just think of her fighting ability as a bonus.”

“I understand.”

“I look forward to working with you, Tomo-sama.”

Lifting her skirt a little, Edith bowed gracefully.

A true noblewoman in the real flesh.

“She has a lot of class.”

“Fufufu, curious about her upbringing?”

“Eh, yeah,……well……”

I wonder why, but Irene-san’s tone is as if she wants me to ask about her.

“You see, that girl……she’s actually a princess.”

“A princess!?”

Seeing my reaction, Edith smiled at me, as if saying, “you don’t need to be surprised that much”.

“W-why is a princess working as a bodyguard?”

“As you can probably guess why, she too has been discriminated against because of her looks. Because she’s the fifth child and her right to inherit the throne is not particularly high, before she became a stain to her family, she was sent out to a rural area when she was still a small child. I decided to give her another chance, bringing her to what she is today.”

“T-to think she has this backstory……”

“Well, all of it doesn’t matter now. I was drowned in a lot of nasty insults because of my appearance, leading to me being thrown away. Still, I was able to push on by focusing on studying the way of the sword instead. This is how I got strong.”

“And, you’ve been in this city ever since? Are you fine with all that?”

“Yes. Though I don’t have any status in this city, I felt much more comfortable, because here, there’s no need for me to wear the shackles of nobility. Because here I can live free.”

“Allow me to add this here, but this city doesn't care about your past status. Each of us is free to live in freedom, free of the world we used to live in.”

“So, that’s it.”

Certainly, for Edith-san, the past of being a princess is something she wants to erase.

And by being a knight……bodyguard for Irene-san, she was able to reborn herself anew.

“Therefore, I hope to get along with you.”


Even so, Irene and Edith are very close to each other, based on what I’m observing.

Edith doesn’t stray too far from Irene, in fact, she was too close of a distance for an ordinary bodyguard.

“You two must be very close.”

“I held a lot of respect for Onee-sama. After all, she is the one who had led us in building this city from scratch.”

“Ufufufu, geez, Edith, you. I also hold a lot of respect for you. Even in my position, I see you as someone excellent and dependable.”


Edith is completely swooned over.

From what I heard in Irene-san’s stories, because of the way they look, some of the citizens resort to lesbianism to relieve them of each other's sexual needs.

Perhaps it was also the same for Edith-san.

“Tomo-kun, how is it? Do you find Edith to be reliable to you?”

“Yes. She seems to be level-headed as well, and that’s already reassuring for me.”

She’s a princess. No matter how much she was treated coldly because of her looks, she was still a legitimate princess.

Compared to an average citizen, she must have lived a graceful life before this.

However, her movements right now are different, as they are those completely of a servant.

It must be out of loyalty to Irene-san.

Assuming she’ll be serving me on her order, Edith-san will be good to me. I hope.

Still, I never thought that such a pretty girl would become my attendant.

I’m really glad I was transported to this other world.

“Okay, Edith. Take care of Tomo-kun, okay?”

“As you command.”

And that’s how my life in a different world began.

End of Volume 1

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