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A Midnight Visit

Kermit raised his pick with a grunt before bringing it down as hard as he could. Dragging away the rubble he made from the webway, he lifted his tool once more and did it over and over again. It was just him, his guard and the tunnel he was making. Even as sweat dripped down his form, he found the monotonous motion wearing away at his mind.

With only his work to keep him busy, he found himself in the very same hell he wished to escape. He was once more stuck in a monotonous job, working away for some uncaring overseer. Looking over to his captor, he found them dozing along, not even bothering to keep watch.

“God damn it,” he whispered as he set down his pick and leaned against it; it’s not like his guard even cared. What if he just up and decided to leave? They’d definitely get in trouble, that’s for sure. However, as he glanced at the long tunnel he had made, he muttered, “But I’ve already made quite the tunnel… I wonder what I’m actually tunneling towards too?”

Shaking his head, he stared down on his pick. Sometimes, he wondered if they were really going to keep their promise. All the talks Jaghatai was getting too him. He wasn’t a man with prejudice, though he had his lapses due to ignorance, but maybe their was sense to what his friends was telling him. Maybe these Dhrukari were just as duplicitous and treacherous as he described them… but what does the first word mean exactly?

Some big and fancy words for being a dick he shrugged. He sighed as he lifted up his pick once more but before he could, he found a familiar voice calling out to him. “Old One, I see that you’ve done well with your… community service.”

Turning around, he found himself smiling at the familiar face of the head honcho riding atop a floating ship. With him were an assortment of guards and as well as a few of those people with very dull lights. What’s more concerning though was the spiky lady beside the man.

Tall, for a tiny elf, with blood red hair and quite the risque battlegear; this woman was certainly quite eye catching for all the wrong reasons. He could have just ignored here but that look, that stare she had leveled at him. He felt naked under that stare and that just makes his lack of clothing so much worse! Why was she staring at him?

As unnerved as he was, he still needed to greet them. He couldn’t just stare and look like an idiot by not saying anything. The only problem was as he tried to speak up, he found himself tongue tied. He had forgotten one crucial detail, what was the guys name?

Panicking, he just threw out the first thing that came to mind, “Heyyy, Antonio! Glad that you’re still looking good. Had a nice breakfast? You certainly have a healthy glow to you,” He didn’t even have to lie at the last part. Aside from the light that all the Dhrukari had, a deep and swirling purple, he found him glowing a whole spectra of colors or rather his clothes was. Whites, Greens, Blues, all sorts of wonderful colors.

His compliment though did not go through as he was met with silence. He cringed back as the man’s face immediately fell at the mention of the nickname while his lady companion snorted, turning around and shaking. That… did not go well.

Chuckling nervously, he admitted, “Can I just say that your name’s kinda hard to remember?” He knew elves would have very complicated names but he did not expect it to be this complicated.

“It’s Asdrubael Vect,” The man gritted out as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Is it really that hard to remember?”

“Yes, it has to many syllables. I mean, just look at my name. Kermit. Short, sweet and rolls off the tongue like butter!” He answered immediately making the woman just flat out laugh. Was there something wrong to what he said?

“She Who Thirst must be testing me,” The man sighed out as he shook his head. Clearing his throat, he then called out to him, “Well, no matter. What’s important is the good news I bring you!” Putting out a thousand watt smile, the man then told him, “Rejoice Old One for the date of which I shall render my final judgment unto you have been decided.”

That got his full attention as he knelt down to get to eye level with the man. Smiling wider, the man told him, “I have decided that with you’re impressive work, having carved out such an impressive tunnel in such a short time, that your time at community service is about to end.”

“Aw shucks, I was just doing honest work that’s all,” He replied, blushing at the compliment.

The man chuckled, nodding as he continued, “Indeed and what great works you have given us. Truly, all the servants in my kingdom should look up to you.” The look he gave his servants(?) who cowered under his gaze was a bit concerning however.

The man should really stop being hard on them. Maybe that’s why they have dull lights, they must feel horrible. He knew he would be if he was compared to someone else at work. He didn’t have time to dwell much as the man then said, “Now, back to more pressing matters.”

Clearing his throat, the tiny elf then told him, “In three days time, you shall be brought before Khaine’s Gate in your chains to be judged by yours truly,” before gesturing himself with a smirk, “There, I shall judge your work and give you a reward fitting your work,” As he looked behind him and gazed upon the long winding path he made, he then said with a chuckle, “And seeing that you did well, it wouldn’t be hard to think of what awaits you in the trial!”

Kermit nodded, pleased at the results. “I’m really sorry about everything Aston. I’m a changed frog, I promise!” he swore and the man turned an interesting shade of red.

“It’s Asdrubael, As-Dru-Bael!” the man gritted out through a strained smile.

“Right, Assbael,” he replied before covering his mouth. At this point, even the guards that the poor man had brought with him couldn’t hold it in anymore as they started snickering.

Meanwhile, the woman from earlier was bent over and wheezing, begging for air as she laughed out, “I can’t! I just can’t! Help,” She was turned purple from laughing so much.

If this was his old boss, he would expected a loud scream and the threat of getting fired but the man showed something that his old boss has never shown him; restraint. The man took one deep breath, before sighing. “Let’s just agree that you shall call me… Vect.” Looking at him straight in the eyes, the elf demanded, “Look me in the eyes and repeat after me, Vect.”

“Vect,” He nodded, fearing for his case. He had already fumbled hard enough, best to make him happy. Thankfully, the man smiled as he clapped.

“Good, just be a good boy and never say Asdrubael ever again,” The man requested before leveling a glare at him, “Understood?”

Kermit nodded hastily as he raised his hands, “Understood, Sir!”

The man smirked as he then said, “You know, I like that one better. Call me that instead hmm?” He just nodded along, keeping his mouth shut this time. He already caused enough damage, best not to make more. Walking up to him and giving him a light tap on the cheeks, the man then said, “I’m glad we come to an agree. Now be a good boy and just continue with your work. We’ll get to that golden light in no time!”

With a bid of farewell and words of encouragement, he was left to his own device. He was pretty sure he pissed him of real good if the shouting from the distance could attest to. Best to do an even greater job so that he forgets everything about earlier then!

Turning to the strange solid fabric before him, one that was both transparent and not, he stared ahead and watched as the golden light waxed and waned. “I wonder what Vect wants there? Probably a vacation or something. Must be quite the place to be this bright and still visible from here.”


As the days work come to an end, Kermit once more found himself back in his cell. While he used to hate coming back here after a long day out in the tunnels, he found its inhabitants strangely charming.

“Ohhh man, thanks for the extra portions Warden,” He thanked the warden as the Druhkari brought with him not just one barge but two of them, “Tell the missus that I love the cooking. She’s a miracle worker!” He told him as he dug in with gust, savoring the tasty treat.

“I’ll make sure she hears about it,” His warden then chuckled as he shook his head, “Never seen someone else like her cooking before but hey, more for us right? I mean, what’s not to like? You have everything in a single plate.”b

At first, the gruel was just that, sustenance but after a while, he started to appreciate the taste. It was almost tasteless but it was filling and unoffending to the tongue. The flavor was subtle but they were there.

Hints of sweet and spiciness brought from some fragrant spices along with a hint of salty umami to round it out. Honestly, he’d love this with some eggs right about now but he doubted that he’d find an egg big enough for him… but then again, he did have have a sandwich big enough for him once.

“They don’t know what they’re missing!” He nodded as he shoveled another spoonful into his mouth. “You’re a lucky man, Warden. Wish I can have this everyday,” he chuckled as he lifted up the barge in shape of a bowl.

“Oh come on, you’re just going to feed her ego! It’s already big as is!” The man laughed before he paused as the screaming whistle the told the time came ringing across the prison. “Welp, lights out big guy,” The man told him as he pat  “Best you get some rest cause I can’t have my favorite prisoner all grumpy tomorrow!”

“It was one time,” he shouted back as he watched the Dhrukari man retreat and closed the door behind him. “And goodnight Warden! Take care!” He waved, watching the man go as the lights of the prison went out. Finally, there was darkness with only the sobbing and screams of the prisoners to keep him company. He really hated those.

He waited for a minute before he let his light out and spread out, illuminating his cell to reveal an exasperated Jaghatai Khan hanging from the ceiling. “Hey, he’s gone,” He whispered, beckoning him down, “You can come down now.”

“Finally,” Jaghatai replied with an exasperated tone, “I thought you’d chat him up all night long,“ The man then dropped down the ceiling before rolling his shoulders, “I missed the days when they just left my cell to myself,” The man muttered as he walked up to the barge of food.

“Aw come on Jaghatai, you know you like me,” He chuckled, keeping his voice low as to not alert the prisoners. They really needed their sleep based on their cries. “Also, it’s good to be acquainted with your warden you know? How else can I have this extra serving of gruel for you~?” He then said as he pushed the barge forward.

The man chuckled as he hauled himself up the edge of the bowl and dug in, “Well, I have to give you that young tadpole,” Unlike the first time he met him, Jaghatai was more active and was starting to fill out. No longer was his cheeks sunken and his complexion unhealthy as he got more food. Looking up at him, the man then asked  “Do you always try to make friends with everyone you met?”

“Well, not everyone,” He replied before he told him, “There are some animals that I tried befriending but that kinda goes out the window once they start chasing you.”

“But if your talking about people… huh, come to think, I’ve only met like a couple of guys I don’t like, like my old boss.” He then admitted. Shaking his head, he then reminisced on his previous work, “Man, was he a control freak. I couldn’t do anything without him getting things approved! It took me ages before I got myself a proper vacation…”

“Sounds like a certain someone I know,” The man grimaced as he gave him a look of empathy.

Nodding back at him, Kermit then said, “But you know… I kinda miss them,” It was a strange feeling yet it lingered inside him, this longing to go back to his usual routing, “As much as I don’t like them… I kinda miss having them shout at me for messing up or praising me when I did good. As bad as it was, it was my life…”

Sighing, he stretched his legs before laying down. Looking up to the ceiling, he couldn’t help but compare his stars to the starry sky as they made their procession. “Before everything I had here, before meeting you and everyone else, I just had a simple boring life,” He closed his eyes, remembering the sound of people talking, the scent of coffee filling the air, and a hundred fingers dancing across keyboard.

“It was just me, my friends, my work and the life I lived. It was so boring that I wished for some change; something, anything really,” He told him, chuckling as his smile became a frown “Turns out though, I really didn’t want it.”

Turning his gaze to Jaghatai, he just let his heart out, “It’s only after you lost something that you realize that you really wanted it. I lost my comfortable bed, my spacious apartment. Technically, I even lost my job… and just my entire life.”

“I have nothing,” He whispered sadly as he curled up, “No coworkers, no family… no friends…” He then let out a long suffering sigh as he felt the weariness of it all settle atop his shoulders, “It just sucks you know? I miss them so much…”

There was silence between them as a somber mood settle upon the room. He shook his head, this was a terrible idea; he shouldn’t have burdened his friend with this, “Sorry about that, it’s just how I am when I get thinking,” he apologized.

“What is there to apologize?” Jaghatai’s comforting voice echoed out. Wiping his hand clean of the gruel, the man then grinned ashe asked, “And Come now Young Tadpole, have you forgotten the friends you have now?” gesturing around him, the man listed, “The Warden, the Lights of all the Souls you carry, and dare I say… even Magnus the Red,”

“I… ” He choked out only to find himself tongue tied. He almost chuckled as he heard a loud squeak echo in the prison.


Jaghatai laughed as he got off the barge and walked up to him. Laying his hands against his forehead, he remind him, “You have friends here Kermit, friends looking out for you.” He felt at ease already but he felt his spirit lifted as the man told him, “And even those you thought lost aren’t my friend.”

“They’re not?” he asked in confusion.

“Have you not tell me of your tale? How you were pulled into this galaxy?” Jaghatai then asked.

Kermit frowned as he answered, “Yes?” Indeed, he may have told him a bit too much about himself but he had no one else to talk to that could relate. He wasn’t quite sure how his warden would react if he said something as crazy.

“Then they are still there Kermit, they’re waiting on the other side, waiting for you to return how.” Jaghatai reassured him,, “So long as you have them in your heart, so long as you believe that they will be there, you will never lose them.”

Giving him a comforting smile, Jaghatai then told him, “Remember this Kermit. Remember it well as you keep on moving forward,”

He nodded as he felt the burden he felt lifted. No longer did he feel so down, he felt happier. “Thanks Jaghatai,” He thanked him, “You’re a great friend.”

He needed those words of encouragement and reminded. How could he felt so down when had them with him? Yes, his old friends were a way but they were definitely looking for him, he just know. He needed to continue moving forward… so maybe he could come back to where he came from.

Their peace would be soon interrupted as a feminine voice called out from the bars to his cell, “While I hate to interrupt such a heart warming conversation, there’s something I wish to discuss with you Old One… that is if you don’t mind.”

Turning towards his cell’s door, he found a lone woman perched up in the small barred window in the thick slab fo steel. With her neon green hair, her mask and gothic dress, she had that air of self importance; something further reinforced by a scary looking elf standing beside her. She looked important enough, probably below the head honcho? Who was she?

“You,” Jaghatai hissed out as he glared at the woman.

Confused by her request, he greeted her, “Ummm, hi?” Making himself a bit more presentable as he stood up, he admitted, “Gotta to be honest, I did not expect to be visited by a lovely lady.” to which the woman tittered, hiding her lips behind the bladed fan she carried with her.

“Or is she your visitor? I’m not really sure,” He then asked, turning to Jaghatai who looked offended at the mere mention of it. He gave him a look demanding why Jaghatai wasn’t into her. Despite the heavy make up, Kermit had to admit that she looked gorgeous. How can Jaghatai turn her down? Was there history between her and Jaghatai? Were they… exes?

“Ohohoho, don’t you have a way with words Old One,” the woman chuckled before shaking her head, “And while I would love to have a conversation with your dear friend, this mon’keigh, I’m far more interested in you~”

“M-me?” he stuttered out.

“Yes~” The woman all but moan making Kermit swallow thickly. He then glanced over to Jaghatai a look of apology. He had to take this, he was sure that Jaghatai would understand.

As he combed his non existent hair and cleared his throat, Jaghatai barged int their conversation and demanded, “Just cut to the chase already, What do you want?” Kermit gave him a silent plea to not be so hostile. While the man was a fun room mate, he can be quite rude especially with the Dhrukari. Jaghatai off course would ignore his plea as he kept glaring at her.

“Such impatience, no wonder you got captured all those years ago.” The woman laughed before he started taunting his friend, “How long has it been again? A couple thousand years? I wonder how your Legion would react knowing that their primarch had been a prisoner all this time?”

Kermit took a deep breath and sighed at her words. “While I appreciate that you came to visit me,” He started as he looked up at her and gave her a disapproving gaze, “I do not appreciate having my friends insulted.” Crossing his arms across his chest, he then told her off, “Now, if you come here just to insult my friend, it’s best that you leave.” He might find her beautiful but she definitely had a not so appealing heart.

The man beside the women bristled as he grabbed his sword before the woman placed her hands over his hand. Grimacing, the woman the replied, “I… Apologize,” The woman looked like she just swallowed a lemon as he explained, “Excuse me for my rudeness but things have just been a bit tense in the city. Everyone is just on edge for the insanity of our dear leader.”

Astaroth, insane? That certainly caught his attention and so to did Jaghatai’s. Snorting, his friend then said, “An Dhrukari, apologizing?” With a scoff, he noted, “Now that’s a first. Things must be quite dire out there and what I would give to watch it all as this city burns.”

“Jaghatai!” He hissed out as his friend racist tendencies rear its ugly head, “Can we please not antagonize the nice lady?” He had to remind himself that Jaghatai really hated the Druhkari but they can’t be all bad right.

“I apologize for my friend, he didn’t mean it,” He apologized before Jaghatai butted in.

“I mean it and wish for you to all to die,” The man casually told the woman, making Kermit cringe. At Least he wasn’t throwing harsh insults?

Smiling through it all, Kermit then asked, “Now, what do you want from little old me Miss…?” Hopefully, a change in subject would distract Jaghatai enough not to throw something akin to a hard R in the language of the Dhrukaril; something that he had a feeling that the man was more than capable of doing. What he did not expect was what the woman would tell them.

“It’s Lady Mayls and I come bearing news,” The woman bowed before she continued, “Asdrubael plots to have your soul torture and your torment harvested to power the city,” This caught him completely by surprise. Jaghatai meanwhile looked wholly unimpressed.

“Wasn’t that a given?” The man replied as he stroked his bear, “I’m actually quite surprised that he hasn’t attempted to do so now.”

“Oh it is but our little friend over here doesn’t quite understand what he had landed himself in” The woman then said as she shrugged.

He stood there for a bit, mouth agape as he tried processing what she just told him, before he blurted out, “Excuse me but he’s going to do what to me and harvest what?!” He would then turn to his friend as he asked him, “And Jaghatai, you knew about this and you didn’t tell me!?”

The man looked back at him mystified as he asked, “Wait, you’re telling me you’re not just playing nice with the Dhrukari?” There was a look of dawning realization in the mans face as he shouted back at him“You actually believe their words?!”

“They’re misunderstood!” He shouted back, his face burning as he defended the Dhrukari. This however got a laugh out of the woman.

“He is cute yes, but he is not exactly that perceptive,” She chuckled, making Kermit want to just curl up and disappear. “Dear Old One, just know that we are a very naughty race,” the woman moaned out and Kermit felt like his cheeks was going to burst into fire. So there was truth to what Jaghatai had been telling all this time?

“Dear Emperor,” Jaghatai sighed out as he dragged his palm across his face, “I thought you were just faking it  but no; You truly are just that friendly.”

“I know I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but can we please get back to Aster trying to kill me?!” he blurted out, feeling all defensive. So the woman might have admitted that her people was evil. It could just be her being an asshole right? Surely, they can’t all be bad. Then, there was the matter of the head honcho wanting him dead. There was a lot of things to unpack here.

“Eh, I don’t see anything to worry about,” Jaghatai dismissed his concerns as he turned towards the Dhrukari, “Unless your dear leader found a weapon that can knock out the Four, there is nothing to worry about,”

“But, but!” he blurted out, feeling afraid for once.

“From the looks out it, our visitor here is just trying to get into your good grace by scaring you and then telling you their truth to make them look good,” Jaghatai accused them. Turning towards them, Kermit watched as the woman merely shrugged in reply.

“What harm is there to telling the truth~?” She fired back as she crossed her legs,“After all, being honest would surely be the best way to get into the good grace of a God. Are we all not in the same side?”

“Trusting a treacherous Druhkari?” Jaghatai scoffed, “Hah, don’t make me laugh”

“Bwah?!” He blurted out, looking back and forth between them, “I’m… now confused. What’s this about sides? Also, can someone please explain why both of you sound so unconcerned when there’s someone planning bodily harm against me?!”

Jaghatai nodded as he began explaining by asking a simple question, “Ever had a pony try and bite you despite knowing that you can kill them at a moments notice?”

Kermit paused, taken a back by the question as he tried thinking about it, “Well, I had my boss Chihuahua try and bite through my shoe once,” laughing at the memory, he added, “It was funny how angry they were.”

“That’s the situation you’re facing right now,” Jaghatai nodded, making him blink at such a comparison, “Asdrubael wishes to torture you but he’s way over his head,” The man has been telling him he was powerful but he doesn’t feel powerful. He felt like his normal self and even if he could learn half of what Jaghatai can do, it’s not like he’ll be that more powerful… right?

“But why?” He then asked. Why go through all that trouble just to get to him? Was it some sick kick for Asbull?

The woman gave Jaghatai a look before asking, “Are you going to tell him or shall I?”

The man gave him an evil look as he started to explain,“Kermit, when I told you that the Dhrukari are an evil race, I mean it in every sense of the work. The Druhkari as a species feeds of torment,” Looking back at him, he then said, “The stronger the creature, the better of a meal it would be and there is no bigger creature than what you are now, Kermit.”

“It’s not like we want to live like this,” the woman scoffed as she turned away from them, “In order to live, we must inflict suffering upon others. That is merely the reality brought to us by living under the yoke of She Who Thirst,” Smiling sadly, she then said, “If we don’t feed off suffering, let’s just say that she will suck us dry.”

“Suffering that you brought upon your misbegotten race!” Jaghatai shouted back, making the woman grin. “And do not tell me that you can’t live off without it for your cousins have done so for eons,” he then argued. There were other kinds of elves? Come to think of it, he should have expected that.

“And live dull lives, without pleasure?” The woman chuckled darkly as she gave him a toothy smile that sent shivers of fear up his spine. “I’d sooner cut off my own tongue than become like those puritans,” the woman proudly replied.

Sitting up from her seat, she then floated down toward them. Confidently, she walked towards them, not even flinching as Jaghatai stood up and towered over her as she landed in front of them, “Our very power, the ones the Old Ones gifted us, would be weakened if we do not bow to their will,” Looking up at Jaghatai, she continued, “Without it, we can’t access our weapons and technology. Without our tools, how do you expect us to live then Monkaigh?”

Barring her teeth, she then asked, “Should we just bow down and let our heads be cut off by your swords like father intended?” The two faced off, daring each other make the first strike. With the guard coming down soon after the woman, he had to intervene.

Before things come, Kermit slipped his hands between them as he ordered. “Ok, back up.” Making sure that they were well apart, he then asked, “She Who Thirst? Wait… is that why you all have this thin line tethering you to some place… or rather being?”

“Ahh, you see our souls getting siphoned then,” The woman replied, sighing fondly as she asked, “Is it not a cruel fate? To be born knowing that you must torment others in order to live?”

“That does suck…” He admitted, “And I can see why Ascot want’s to torture me… he could probably feed of me like I’m some prime cut of meat!” Things were coming together now. While he does not approve of him getting tortured, he could now see why.

“Indeed,” The woman nodded before she continued,“But he will fail and once he angers you, my city will be gone and we can’t have that. Thus, I offer you knowledge of all his plan as well as cover for your escape… so long as you support me on my endeavor to take control of the city.”

“Hah! You think we need you to escape this prison? You must be just as mad as Vect,” Jaghtai replied, before turning to him, “We do not need her help. Just wait for a few more days and both of us would be free.”

“I…” he whispered before pausing as he considered their worlds, “Let me think,” He hated that he was being made to chose. While she offered her help, in his ears, it sounded more like a plea for help. He could just leave now… but that would mean leaving them in this situation. They didn’t chose to be like this, something was making them like this.

“Kermit, are you really going to trust her words?” Jaghtai asked before pointing at her, “Her species has brought nothing but misery to this galaxy and for what? To continue living their lives without consequence?”

“That is true but getting out would be problematic for you,” The woman argued as she told him, “After all, you would have snapped my neck here and now if you could~”

“Do not test me witch,”Jaghtai hissed, “Your species day of reckoning will come,”

“Like your signal calling in the forces of a Legion’s worth of your precious soldiers into the very heart of Commorragh?” The woman replied, “Oh don’t be surprised, subterfuge is not really your species greatest feat. You’re better off actually just running around… well, up until you get caught once more.”

That made Jaghtai freeze up. Was this what his friend had been planning all week, a rescue to help him? But this lady knows and if she knows… then the main man might now. The friends of his friend was in danger and it made his decision all the more easier.

“I’ll help you,” Kermit replied.

“Kermit!” Jaghtai turned to him, “My children knew what they signed themselves up into when they answered my call. We do not need their help. Nothing about her getting into power would help us.”

Kermit nodded which made Jaghtai look up at him in confusion, “Oh I think both of us can just kick the door open and walk out but that doesn’t really solve the main problem here,” He then told them, earning a look of interest from the lady.

“Oho?” She replied.

Turning to her, he then said, “I’ll help you… if you can promise me that you will help me stop the Dhrukari from being dicks.”

“Have your friend not tell you of my race’s condition?” The woman sighed as she reminded him, “We are bound to She Who Thirst and we must feed off suffering. It is the only way we can live if we want to keep our way of life, one that is tied to our innate psychic might and one that will be dampened if we live like our cousins, the Eldari.”

“But what if you can keep your power and not be dick to everyone?” He then said and now even Jaghtai’s attention was on him.

“While I hate them, I would admit that I am intrigued,” Jaghtai told him, “But I have my concerns. You are powerful yes, but you do not have the experience to wield this power. You can’t will them to change. Even my father would balk at the prospect of changing the very nature of a being as complex as a Dhrukari.”

“Wait, I can do that?” He asked before shaking his head as he got back on track, “But that’s not what I want to do. I’m thinking more of… what if I just talk to She Who Thirst and make her stop trying to eat you guys?“

This got everyone to stop and look at him like he had just told something stupid. Blushing, he fired back, “What? I can do it!”


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