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The Streets of Night City

While her input pursued his passion in the Cherry Grove Market, Rebecca pursued hers in the streets of Watson. Riding shotgun in a loaned Chevalion Thrax with Kiwi in the driver seat and Lucy in the back seat, Rebecca found herself in a job to protect some corpo. 

She really didn’t paid attention to who the guy was or why he needed Edgerunners of all things to protect him when he’s some bigshot in Militech but she wasn’t the one spending the eddies. In all honesty, she could have just stayed at home or maybe worked another shift at her input’s store but this was her life and he already gave her a parting kiss.

She sighed out longingly as she leaned against the window of the car, eyes watching the street as they cruised through the overpass criss crossing the busy district. As much as he cared for his shop, she felt happy knowing that he was all for her making a name for herself. It was all sappy and saccharine but she didn’t care. She definitely hit herself a jackpot~

He was cute and he could cook just about anything she could imagine? Yes please. Of course, he had flaws. He was a bit of an airhead and was a bit too friendly, but that just makes him all the more adorable. He was like a big dumb dog and she just wanted to hug him. 

If only they weren’t worlds apart. She was an edgerunner while she was just a civilian but they could make compromises. They could live the dream they wish to have and be together. At the end of the day, they have each other to come back and that was all that was needed. 

While she would have preferred to day dream away, Kiwi decided it was the perfect time to tease her. “He really got you bad huh?” The woman told her as the woman's eyes lit up with amusement. Shaking her head, the blonde then said, “I do like you better like this. The lovesick virgin schoolgirl is definitely suits you better than the foul mouthed loli.” 

She felt her cheeks burn as she flipped her off, “Oh fuck off,” Crossing her arms and pouting, she mumbled, “It’s not like you’d understand, being an old hag and all.” She wasn’t some lovesick girl, she was just in love, that’s all. 

The older woman blonde simply rolled her eyes as she leaned back on her seat. “You are luckier there, gotta give you that,” Kiwi sighed as she reached for her pocket and fished herself a cigarette. “Don’t let that one get away, you hear me?”

Rebecca snorted as she lifted up her feet against the dashboard and leaned back against her seat, “Maybe you should consider getting those fox ears and tail biomod,” she snickered, making the Kiwi’s eye twitch. Even the normally cool and collected Lucy couldn’t help but crack a smile at that. 

“It definitely fits your image. Beautiful, motherly, a bit of a trickster,” she listed off all the traits of a kitsune before she grinned, “And if you have 9 tails, it’ll definitely match you being nine hundred ye-!”

She wouldn’t be able to finish that sentence as Kiwi suddenly made an abrupt stop, launching her down the floor with her legs raised up high. Groaning, she glared back up to Kiwi as she tried prying herself off the uncomfortable position. “What the fuck Kiwi!” She fired back as Lucy rubbed her forehead. 

“Oh sorry about that” Kiwi apologized half heartedly, “My foot slipped. Maybe you should be careful next time.” 

Rebecca pouted as she got back on her seat. Making sure that she was strapped in, she muttered, “Stupid hag, can’t even take a joke.” She rolled her shoulders and pushed on her back before she then told her, “But seriously, it’d look cute.” Furry’s often take it a bit too much but some animal ears wouldn’t hurt the bank.

Kiwi gave her a glare before she sighed, “I’ll keep that in mind.” There was some silence between them as Kiwi sped up to catch up to the convoy heading for Militech Headquarters when Kiwi suddenly spoke up, “So, wanna hear some gossip about your boy toy?”

Rebecca perked up at her words but she kept quiet. Being so far away, she didn’t exactly have time to check up on him. Kiwi on the other hand had quite the gossip ring. Who knew Netrunners were a talkative bunch on the net?

“A good friend of mine told me that a girl just strolled in his shop and demanded he put some buns in the oven,” the woman casually replied, making Rebecca whip her head around. Giving her a look of amusement, she added, “Which kinda explained the bagels. Another girl literally gave your boy the means to make hundreds of bagels.”

Rebecca gritted her teeth as she glared at the woman. She almost forgot that he cooked bagels this morning. “From all the photo’s flooding the net, very good looking ones,” Kiwi noted. 

“I’m kinda glad we had some reserved for later,” Lucy added, “They were selling like hotcakes from what I’ve heard.”

“God damn it Kiwi!” Rebecca fumed as her cheeks burnt red, “He’s not going to cheat on me,” she insisted, glaring at her and daring her to say otherwise. He was a gonk, not a cheating gonk.

“Hey, I’m not whose imagination went wild…” Kiwi replied, “Or the one accepting the gifts from strangers,” humming, she then noted, “Though it’s kinda funny how they described the girl as short in height and temper. Kinda like a certain someone huh?”

“I swear I’ll punch you in the cunt,” She threatened her, waving her fist at the blonde's direction.

“At Least we know his type,” The woman chuckled as her glowing eyes flickered about. Her eyes would light up in amusement once more as she sang out,  “Oh hello~ Our lover boy wooed himself another girl.He even got her to man her cash register and isn’t she quite the bombshell.”

“Kiwi,” Rebecca warned her as she did her best to keep cool. Kiwi had the wheel and as tempted as she was to punch her, she rather not have them crash. As her friend described the girl however, she felt her gut sink. 

“Tall, blonde, and quite the athletic build. I thought he loved girls more petite-!” she told her, reminding her of a girl she almost threw hands with. Before Kiwi could confirm her suspicions, all three of them would find themselves rocked in their seats as a car slammed up against them.

“What the fuck!” Kiwi exclaimed while wrestled against the wheel as they nearly careened out of control. Only her seat belt prevented Rebecca from flying off as well.

As the car that rammed them got in between them and their target, a bear of a man would pop out of the roof. “You ain’t getting away this time pretty boy!” the big burly man shouted as he pointed at the car ahead. “Not even your bodyguards can stop you from collecting child support!” he screamed out and she heard him loud and clear despite the roaring of their car’s engine and the whipping wind, “You fucked Sasquatch so you better man up and take responsibility!” 

As the man pulled out a rocket launcher, Rebecca found herself cursing, “Oh shit,” grabbing her shotgun beneath her seat, she shouted, “Floor it Kiwi, now!” 

Kiwi didn't think twice as she heard the woman's foot slammed down on the pedal before Rebecca felt herself lurch backwards. Just as the man was about to fire, they slammed hard against the back of their car, throwing off the man's aim and making him lose hold of his weapon. Watching the tube fly off and tumble past their ride had her sighing in relief. Unfortunately, the mans attention was now on them

Rebecca and Lucy held on for their dear lives as Kiwinswerved around, dodging the gun fire raining down on them. “God fucking damn it,” Rebecca shouted as she unbuckled her seat belt before wrapping it around her thighs. With herself secured, she peeked out of the car window and fired back, “You really couldn’t have come at a worse time!” She wanted to hear that gossip damn it all!

“Die!” she screamed before she was forced back into her seat as they fired back at her.

“God damn it” she cursed as she reloaded  “Lucy, I could use some quick hacks right now!” she told her crewmate.

“What do you think I’m doing!” Lucy shouted as she buckled herself up while her eyes glee. Sweat dripped down her face as she stared unseeing ahead of them.

Rebecca then turned to her blonde friend as she commanded, “And Kiwi, send me the pics now!”

“Rebecca, really!?” Kiwi shouted back, her eyes fixed ahead as the three of them found themselves in a deadly dance of gunfire, “Is this really the best time?”

“Just do it!” She shouted as the return fire died down. She watched as the man spasmed and shook while his vehicle started to swerve. 

“Make it fucking count!” Lucy shouted. 

Popping back out, Rebecca aimed at the wheels, trying to pop them before the image of the woman in question popped into her vision. Memories of the bar came flooding in as she found herself staring at the picture of that same cowgirl from before, leaning closely towards her man.

“Oh that fucking bitch! I knew she’s after my man! I swear once I get my hands on her,” she exclaimed her shots simply bounced off the armored hull and wheels Of the vehicle ahead.

The man stopped convulsing afterwards and their vehicle got back under control. Ignoring them, they started speeding up, catching up to the VIP vehicle easily. Not even the return fire from Maine and Dorio's ride could stop the heavily armored car as it sped ahead.

“Damn it, I knew I should have brought Asuka for this!” Asuka was a heavy bitch but she could always rely on her being a spitfire that can tear through armor. Tearing her attention away from the fight ahead, he turned back to her friend before shouting, “And Kiwi, keep those pictures coming! I need to know what that bitch is up too!”

“You know what? Here! Get a live feed off his store!” Kiwi shouted exasperatedly.

Rebecca braced herself for the worst and almost lost it when she watched her with Chef but all that anger melted away and gave way to fear as the camera shifted to bedecked, and gold encrusted car rolling up outside her man’s store. Panic soon overtook her as she saw who stepped out of the car. 

Closing the feed, she shouted, “Kiwi, I need you to get me as close as possible to their vehicle now!” Without thinking, she unlatched Herself from the seatbelt and crawled up to the roof of their vehicle. With gun in hand, she found her legs unsteady buy she could stand.

“Rebecca, what the fuck!” Lucy shouted,HeGrt back here!”

“Just trust me!” She exclaimed, begging her to just listen. Kiwi hearing the plea, obliged as Rebecca nearly found herself stumbling off the roof. Grabbing the roof for her dear life as she knelt down, they sped ahead.

As they got close, Rebecca breathed in deep before screaming out a warcry. With a powerful leap, she jumped to the vehicle's roof and aimed her shotgun. She shouted in rage as she kept firing, turning muscle into pulp. She fired till no one was left.

Kicking off the corpse of the driver, she plopped herself down on the seat before shouting to Maine's comms, “Problem solved! Jobs done, need to save Chef!”

Flooring it, she turned around and jumped to the other lane. Campo Orto has decided to come visit Seoul Kitchen and like hell if she was just going to let his man there unattended and without someone to back him. She just hoped she wasn't too late.


Sorry it took a bit. Got a bit sidetracked with headaches and having to deal with IRL stuff. Will try to make up with more updates tomorrow


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