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Chapter 3

She felt bad having to wake up the old store clerk but they were going to be there all day if she didn’t. “Mr. White, I’d like to buy these,“ She spoke out gently as she placed several bottles on the counter. It was nothing much, just a few bottles of culture growth media; things she needed to make more stems cells.

“You know, I can give you some of my blood to bypass having to make them from scratch,” Mews voice echoed out inside her mind.

Frowning, she scolded him, “I’m not gonna drain you of blood Mew,” With her current grasp of her knowledge, she required a lot of stem cells and she doubt mew had enough blood in their tiny body to give her what she needed. “And stop reading my mind, it feels so weird!”

She knew the pokemon meant well but she didn’t appreciate having her thoughts read like that. Thankfully, Mew wouldn’t argue with her as the shop owner snorted awake. Jolting in his seat, he looked around bleary eyed in alarm and confusion before his gaze landed on her.

“Oh, it’s you Taylor,” he yawned out as shook his head, “Just give me a few seconds to wake up. Makes me wish that these old bones didn’t bother me so much,” Smiling, the man then added, “And didn’t I tell you Walter is fine? You’re one of my regulars.”

She rolled her eyes at that as she replied with a soft smile, “I’ll try to remember Mr. Walter.” Has she really visited this shop enough times that she’s now a familiar sight? “And more like your only customer.”

The man chuckled at that as he grabbed the bottle and inspected it. “BHI Broth again? And some glasswares… interesting,” he noted before ringing it, “I’m glad that there’s at least someone in this town that isn’t interested in just making drugs.” Looking up to her, he asked again, “You aren’t making drugs right? This isn’t some tinker tech drug or whatever kids these day call them? Your mother would kill me if I let that happen.”

For a moment, she felt cold sweat drip down the back of her neck. Did he know? Yes, technically she can make drugs but she wasn’t making drugs! Just something…. Possibly much worse. Laughing nervously, she replied, “Come on Mr. Walter, do I really look like a Merchant?”

Helping him pack her purchase, she then told him, “And I was looking to see what’s growing in the tap water,” It was definitely not her getting ready to make a Pokemon Center. She was just totally going to make some stem cells for the hell of it and not as a way to heal her future partners.

The man gave her one glance before he snorted and gave her a wry smile. “I doubt you’d hurt a fly,” She didn’t know if she should feel insulted by that, “And you don’t look high enough,” he added as he rung the value of her purchase.

“Trust me, I’d know since all my former students tried getting all the ingredients in my shop.” Shaking his head, he snorted, “What’s this? Amateur hour? Haven’t I thought them enough?”

She laughed at that. Looking up at stooped figure of old man White with his shaky hands and wrinkled skin, it was hard to see him as once being a famous chemist After all, why would someone so well educated be stuck in a shop? Looking over to the photo of the man’s family with the Boardwalk in the background, it was pretty clear why it was; Just plain old stubbornness.

The Bay started to die when the container ships blocked the harbor. With the flow of trade cut off, jobs started to dry out. It was just a downward spiral from then on. As the jobs left, so too did the people and they took with them the money that flowed in the city. The university got hit as well which led to some lay off.

The old man could have left but he stayed, just like her and her family. Maybe it was stubbornness or maybe it was just this was their home. Whatever it was, she shared that sentiment with the old man and she was going to support his business no matter what.

“Forgive an old man’s rant,” The man apologized, “I’m just annoyed that they’re not using their brains though I doubt there’s much left there.”

“It’s alright Mr. White,” She replied.

Taping her paper bag, he then told her, “It’s nice seeing young kids interested in science. It takes me back to the time before all this craziness happens,” Handing her her purchase, he told her, “And be careful with your experiments. I’m not much of a biology expert but you better be geared up when handling your culture you hear me?”

“Off course Mr. White,” She smiled back as she paid for her stuff and left the store.

Normally, she’d head back home to prep up her bioreactor but she still had a few dollars and the Boardwalk was just a few blocks down. Feeling her stomach growl, she decided that maybe it’d be best to see if there’s something for her there.

Holding her purchase close to her chest, she made a turn and headed for the bustling. “Hey Mew? How does Ice Cream sound?” She asked.

“Did somebody say Ice Cream because I’ll scream,” Mew pipped out as he popped out of the bag and flew around out in the open just as a small red car passed by them.

She felt her heart raced as she as she blurted out, “Mew! Get back in the bag!” She tired grabbing him but he’d prove to be elusive as he slipped through her frantic grasp. “They’ll see you!” Did the car driver saw them? Were they compromised?

“Relax Taylor,” The pink ball of fluff replied as he spun around. “I figured out how to blend in!” he assured him before he suddenly disappeared from her sight.

She whirled around, trying to figure out if the little ball of chaos had just zipped around or teleported someplace else. “Come on Mew, this isn’t funny!” She hissed out, feeling cold sweat as she looked around as well. Was anyone else looking at them?

The street she was walking down was empty and most of the buildings around Mr. Walter’s Shop were all boarded up from the lack of business but she can’t slip up, not when she’d been keeping her head down for months. She resisted the urge to just make something good enough and just do something to create a masterpiece so why does that master piece seem intent on exposing her?

“Come on Taylor, relax. Trust me,” His voice called out from behind her. Turning around, she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw just his floating head staring back at her, “Just think of what I’m doing as some Jedi mind trick.”

Making his hands appear, he reached down to her hand and guided it to his belly. “People can’t see me unless I wanted them to see me.”

“So, some kind of Stranger power then,” She nodded nervously as she was still unsure about all this. This seems like an application of Mew’s psychic ability but surely they had their limits. “How about cameras then? They’d be everywhere in the boardwalk!” She then asked him.

“I’m tiny.” he reasoned, “And I doubt someone would be in the lookout for a small cat like creature that looks like a plushie. Maybe I could pass off as one actually,” He then said as he stroked his chin as if contemplating the very idea.

She breathed deeply before letting out a sigh. She wasn’t going to get him back to her bag, was she? “Fine,” she relented as she slipped her purchase inside her bag now that Mew wasn’t inside, “But just keep a low profile ok?”

“You got it, chief!” Mew saluted her. She held back her tongue from his cheeky reply as she stormed off towards the boardwalk. Her mood might have been soured but she was still hungry.

As they walked down the lonely street, Mew then asked her, “Say Taylor, how long have you been a tinker? A few days, a week?” Swimming in the air, he noted, “Cause from the looks of it, you know that store clerk quite well. Definitely, a regular from the looks of it.”

Looking down at the cracked pavement, she answered, “He’s a family friend actually or rather a friend of my mom when she taught in college before she…” She paused, feeling herself tear up before she wiped them off. “Sorry about that. Just been a while since my mom died.”

“I’m sorry for your lost,” He told her as he gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder.

“No, it’s ok.” She sniffed as she tried to smile, forcing herself to push away the emotions threatening to overwhelm her. “It’s already been years since she passed. I’m sure she’s in a better place now,” She told him. The scar was still there but they were healing, somewhat.

Trying to distract herself, she focused back on the question he asked. “As for how long…” She whispered as she thought long and hard, “I think I’ve been one for a month?” before she then answered. Technically it was around two months but she didn’t count her time planning in the hospital as she was still to drugged up at that point.

“Wait…” Mew called out with a tone that caught her off guard. Stopping, she turned around to see her partner frozen in fear. “A month? And you haven’t changed shop, not even once?” he then asked, looking at her, eyes begging to tell him that he was wrong.

Confused at his sudden change in demeanor, she questioned him, “Why would I?” She’s been keeping a low profile and she had her alibi, wasn’t that enough? “I get discounts from there.” She then added. It wasn’t like there was any other option as well that wasn’t as reasonably price. She wasn’t rich by any means and she had to make due with what she had.

“Taylor, I want you to run cause I think we’re going to have trouble…” Mew whispered to her as his eyes locked on to something up ahead.

Turning around, she felt her blood run cold as a familiar red car once more drove down the street. Inside was a heavily tattoed man with cold blue eyes staring back at her. Had… they been trailing her all these time?


Apology for the late chapter. Had some mild food poisoning and damn did that hit me hard for some reason. Anyways, will try to post as many chapters as I can before the new month rolls around. Peace!



"With the advent of Tinkers however, STEM studies had taken a big hit. After all, why invest in science when you have a miracle worker ready to solve your problem? With the shrinking job pool and automation from said tinkers, it would simply be hard to compete." Is NEPEA5 not a thing, making this happening actually impossible??