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Breakfast Bagels

He spent the rest of the day with Rebecca. It was just mindless fun, hanging out with her and watching movies together. With each other’s company, they had everything they needed to pass the time. Good food, entertainment and a shoulder to lean against. It was a nice change of pace but all things do come to an end.

The next day had to come around and they had to get back to their line of work. As much as they were part of night city, they still operated in entirely different worlds. His was that of a lowly street vendor and cook, following the rules laid upon by the city. She on the other hand was someone who thread the fine line of the law, someone who lived their lives like it was their last; She was an edgerunner. That however does not stop them from having their time together.

“You sure you don’t want to stay for the opening?” He asked he held Rebecca closely, wrapping his arms around her, “I could use an extra hand in here.”

It was early in the morning and the light of dawn had yet to peak from horizon. The streets of Cherry Blossom Market were still empty as it was still a few more minutes before the next shift start. With noone around, they had his little stall to themselves.

“Maybe next time Chef, I already had my little break so it’s back to the grind,” Rebecca replied as she pressed her cheeks against his chest, holding him tighter before letting go. Looking up to him with a grin, she then added, “and somebody has to bring the eddies home ya know?”

“You’re really not letting that go huh?” He chuckled, shaking his head ruefully.

“Nope!” She replied unashamedly. Smiling up to him softly, she then reassured him, “Come on Chef, it’s not like it’s going to be forever. I’ll drop by on the way home. Who knows, I might even crash in your cushy apartment~” Ribbing him with a teasing smile, she then said, “Mister Bigshot over here’s been holding out, living in that castle!”

“It’s not that high class,” He replied with a smile of his own before teasing her in turn, “And you’re just there because of the food aren’t you~?”

“It’s not my fault that you make everything delicious,” She fired back with a pout, “I swear, you’re going to make me gain a few pounds.”

He hugged her tightly, shaking his head as he told her, “You’re perfect no matter what Becca.”

She blushed as she melted into his hold, staying there together before she gently pushed her away. Growling, she fumed, “Damn it Chef, don’t make this so hard on me. It’s hard not to stay you know?” Crossing her arms and turning around, she grumbled, “You’re lucky your cute.”

“I love you too,” He replied as he gave her a pat. “Well, the shift worker are coming so better get going,” He then told her as he gave him a parting kiss on the cheeks, “Go get them tiger.”

Her face turned red as she stared back at him all wide eyed before beaming as she leaned up to him and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. Leaving him stunned, she ran off giggling as she waved at him, “I’ll catch you later! Good luck!”

“Shot them first!” He called out, making her laugh one last time before she disappeared in the crowd. He sighed fondly before he turned to the other love of his life, his passion project. Seoul Kitchen was open for service and he was ready to knock them out.


With the shutters half closed, he prepped the kitchen for the day ahead. He still had an hour or so before he fully start his day. He was bit late all things considered but he really didn’t have a set time. That was the beauty of being his own boss, he gets to decided when enough is enough as well as what he’s going to make. Speaking off, he still has yet to decide on what to make.

Washing his hands, his eyes wandered off to the oven in his shop. “No more pizza,” he told himself, shaking his as he rolled his wrist. “That was way too much pizza for the day,” he said aloud. He knew that somebody was not going to like it but he wanted a bit of variety in his restaurant. What he didn’t expect was voicing their disapproval so soon.

“You’re not making pizza,” A deadpan voice spoke out all the sudden, making him jump in fright. Whirling around, he found a red hooded girl starring up to him as she sat in one of his stools. With her face scrunched up in a grimace, she asked, “Why?” demanding an explanation with narrowed eyes.

“Jesus fuck, don’t scare me like that!” He exclaimed as he held his chest, breathing deeply to calm his racing heart, “You can’t just come her unannounced! I’m not even open yet!” he shouted, pointing at the still empty menu display. The only thing that was there was Chibi Kiwi giving them a V sign, that he’s going to keep.

“I can and I will,” the brat replied, challenging him with that hair raising glare of his. He felt his skin crawl as he recoiled in fear. “The question, I want answers,” She reminded him.

Fearing for his life, he broke rather quickly, “Damn it, I just wanted a bit of variety ok?” He told her, “I did burgers the other day and pizzas yesterday. I wanting something new,” Rubbing the back of his head, he then added, “Don’t you know variety is the spice of life?”

The girl remained silent at his answer. Sighing, he then told her, “Look, I can cook anything you want the way you want it. The only reason I did pizza was a friend of mine wrote it down to attract more customers.” He then pointed at Kiwi, “You can thank her for it.”

The girl turned to the drawing and nodded before looking back at him. He felt sweat drip down the back of his neck as the girl kept staring, already preparing to duck if she pulls out a gun before the girl suddenly spoke up, “Make some bagels.”

“Bagels?” He replied as he gave her a look of confusion. That came out of the left field. “Why Bagels?” He then asked, wondering what that was about.

“It’s breakfast,” She answered, “You get bagels and coffee when it’s breakfast,” She replied as if she’s stating a fact. Looking over to his empty pot, she then asked him, “Speaking off, where’s your coffee?”

He blinked at her reply as he mulled over the request. “You know… Bagels wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Glancing over to the back door and knowing he’s running a bit low on flour, he then told her, “But you know, that’s going to take sometime. Proofing is going to take some time you know?”

“I have time,” The girl answered easily with scoffed as he turned around and glared toward the city center, “It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

“I can respect that,” he replied, nodding along. The girl had some business with some powerful people and she’s was just a grumpy little gremlin. A good meal aught to stop her from scowling. “A large batch of bagel, coming right up!”


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