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Chapter 5

Explaining things to Maine and the Crew went smoother than she had expected. There would be no outburst from her friends as they sat around the barrel fire and listened to what she had to say. It was a lot, given that she had to explain the Company, its Agents, and how she got tangled into all this. She hid nothing and told everything to an extent. They were her friends after all, and prospective recruits as she had to remind Tanya from time to time, so she couldn’t leave them out in the dark.

With the help of Katsumoto and Tanya, she explained things, even getting a demonstration done with her man offering to move their conversation  to a more secure location in his personal dimension but Maine would decline. It was understandable given that Katsumoto held the power on who gets to enter or exit. Still, despite their up front nature on the matter, the atmosphere was heavy and tense.

It was a long tale, but eventually she’d get them all up to speed. Pulling Katsumoto’s arms around her and clutching it closely, she’d look up to her crew with a nervous smile as she told them, “And that’s about it. My brother sold himself as a husbando and I’m now a waifu?”

No matter how she told it, it all sounded strange and even terrifying to some extent. She offered herself to what can be amounted to an interdimensional horror, selling out even as they were a megacorp in every sense of the world. She knew her brother well enough that she knew he’d accept what she did but her friends? She was afraid of what they might think.

Maine, as always, was a calm bastion to the uncertainty she had brought with her situation. He remained cold and collected, listening intently while staying reserved about his opinions. The rest of the group meanwhile  were in various states of shock and disbelief.

Dorio was confused, seemingly unsure on how to process what he just said while Kiwi immediately reached for her pocket, shakily pulling out a cigarette for herself. Lucy on the other hand remained unreadable, her face blank as she looked down on the ground, clutching her arms with her fist clenched till it was white.

There was a brief moment of silence before Maine spoke up, cutting through the din, “When you said that it’s going to be weird, I didn’t think it’ll be this kind of weird Bee. Interdimensional Mega Corps? Our reality being a hit show? I don’t even know where to begin,” There was a hint of teasing in his tone as he smiled in amusement at her, “I knew you were thirsty but getting yourself tangled up in all this. You’re certainly your brother’s sister?”

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” She fired back, feeling her heart ease at his words. “I found myself a good man. A bit of a gonk but he’s cute,” She then said as she leaned back against her man’s broad shoulder, “My brother on the other hand left it all up to chance when he asked to be sold.”

Kiwi snorted as she pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette she had in her mouth filter. “I knew he’d do something insane but the gonk actually got himself sold into multidimensional sexual slavery; willingly at that,” Taking a good long drag from it, she then exhaled, letting out a small streams of smoke dancing across her face, “I shouldn’t be surprised but here I am.”

“That’s Pilar for you,” She sighed out, already missing her brother even after it being just mere hours since he left. “What’d you expect him to do if you tell him that there’s some company out there that would be willing to buy him and then sell him to some horny girl that likes him enough to get him out of the infinite multiverse of men,” she then asked, letting out a small chuckle at the end. They’d always been weird but he was the one to take it a bit too far

“At least he didn’t get zero’d?” Dorio then said, the muscular butch running her hand across her short buzz, before scratching the back of her head. “But this is so weird…” She added, her tone confused as a look of uncertainty washed over her handsome face.

“I got the recording of his heartwarming speech?” Katsumoto would offer but was quickly met with looks of disgust from the crew.

“Please no,” Kiwi deadpanned but she could see amusement lighting up over her eyes as the woman’s shoulders lowered. The tense atmosphere quickly lightened up as the group took their turns, taking potshots at her foolish brother.

Shaking his head, her chromed out friend would laughed out, “I’m usually not one to kinkshame for what happens behind closed doors is their business but this time, I think Pilar earned himself one,” earning laugher from the group, except Lucy who remained quite, “Shameless son of a gun.”

“Might I just say that I’m grateful that he wanted to get sold?” Tanya piped up, earning a few laughs from the group. It seemed that not even Tanya was immune to the good mood of the group as she saw the corner of the girl's lips quirk up.

“You bitch,” She said to Tanya without heat, giving a playful punch for that joke. Shaking her head, She then nodded, “But yeah. Him in the harem? No thanks.” In hindsight, she really shouldn’t have begged him to stay but thankfully, he stuck to his guns.

Letting out another puff of smoke, Kiwi then said,, “Atleast Pilar showed us that what we think is the lowest level a person could go is still way above what the most depraved of us could get into,” mocking Pilar for his questionable life choices.

“It’s his life and if it’s the path he think it’s best, props to him for having the guts to pursue his dreams,” Dorio would reply as a soft smile stretched across her face. “But seriously Choom?” She then asked incredulously. There would be more chuckles but that would soon die out as the reality of the situation sets in. With Pilar’s bone headed decision to jump into the multiverse, the crew was now missing one.

There would be another brief moment of silence between them but this time it’d be Kiwi to break it. Letting out an annoyed puff as she said, “As much as I hate his guts, he did keep our guns serviced and made sure our chrome’s all fixed on the cheap,” Letting out a sigh, she then told them, “We needed him.”

Maine grimaced as he nodded, “His… departure certainly complicates things. He’s been with the group for so long that I can’t even remember the last time I got someone else to have a look at my stuff!” it certainly was as he’s the lone techie of the group for the longest. He’d been with Maine and Dorio way before she got old enough to join and they were now in dire need of someone to fill that gap. Luckily for them, she just had that person.

Seeing the look in her eyes, Maine would smirk as he said, “Unless Becca’s new Input is here for just exactly that.” giving her man a once over, the former stroked his chin as he sized him up.

“It’s technically my fault that Pilar went off on his little adventure so it's the least that I can do,” Her Input admitted, “And I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I’m a huge fan of your crew, Maine.”

“And he can double as another muscle for the group,” Rebecca pointed as she leaned against his husband's broad chest, “He might be a bit of a gonk but he has some brains there and some freaky abilities,” He had all the tools necessary to fill up the hole that Pilar left. As his waifu, she got to see his abilities and she was certainly impressed. To think that he’s only starting out, she had to wonder how much higher he’d reach once he gets more experienced. She reminded herself to make him invest in more fun for the bedroom.

“If Becca’s gonna vouch for you then that’s good rough for me,” Maine nodded before he turned to the other members of the crew, “How about you three, think he’d be a good fit?” to which Dorio would nod, a bit skeptical, but that was to be expected.

“He sounds green but he looks tough enough,” Kiwi meanwhile would give her input an appraising look before replying, “All those chrome can’t be just for show.”

As she turned to Lucy however, she would feel her heart drop. Looking into the other girl's eyes, she’d see only hate and loathing as she spoke up, “You’re seriously not considering having him in the group, are you Maine?” Rebecca shifted, feeling concerned at the wild look in the girl's eyes as she took a step back. “We can’t have him, you can’t have him here!”

“Lucy…” Kiwi called out, reaching out to her ward but the young woman would slap her hands away. The girl looked at them terrified, her breathing ragged as she turned and bolted away. “Lucy!” Kiwi would cry out, lunging for the girl but she would slip away.

“Fuck! I’m going after her,” Rebecca cursed loudly as scrambled to her feet before running off to catch the girl and her friends were not far behind. She knew someone was going to not like this but she didn’t expect Lucy of all people to react like this. Cursing herself, she ran as fast as she could, hoping that the girl wouldn’t do something stupid.


“Any sign of her yet?” Maine’s voice would ask through the phone as Rebecca looked around the dark alley with only the flashlight of her gun to guide her way. It’s been hours since the girl ran off and still, there was no sign of her. Not even Kiwi could track her down in the net; Any and all communication with the girl had gone dark.

Everyone was on the lookout as even Tanya had gone to the sky, risking detection just to track the girl down. As much as Rebecca found Lucy to be all too insufferable with her charms and good looks, she’s still her friend and this was technically her fault. She could have worded it lightly or even kept some of the details vague but she just had to let her mouth run.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to the path ahead, squinting at the bright lights of the advertisement flashing in the distance. “Nothing yet,” She replied, eyes straining as she got out of the alley and out to a ledge overlooking the traffic going underground. She sagged, feeling defeated as she had yet to see neither hair nor hide of the girl. That was until she saw a flash of white in the corner of her eyes.

Whirling around, she saw Lucy standing there, her tear streaked face looking back at her with wide-eyed fear before she bolted off again. “Lucy!” She called out, running after but this time she wasn’t letting her go. Aiming her pistol between the girls legs, she fired, making the girl flinch back as sparks flew from the bullet hitting the ground ahead.

Tossing her gun aside, she then leapt at the back of the surprised girl, wrestling her down to the ground. “Let me go! Let me go!” The girl shrieked out in terror as they tumbled to the ground, punching and clawing at her like a woman possessed.

Rebecca hissed in pain, as she got atop the girl and grabbed her by the wrist. “Calm down you bitch!” She shouted, growling as the girl bucked, trying to get her off but Rebecca clamped her thighs around her stomach, digging in her thighs as she asked Lucy “What the hell is wrong with you? Running off like that and getting us all worried! Calm down!”

“No! Get off!”, Lucy wouldn’t listen however as she cried out, struggling hard against her grip. “I can’t! I can’t go back! Let me go!” She cried out as fresh tears fell down her face, her struggle going feeble as she started to tire out. “Please let me go…” she then begged, looking away and sounding so defeated. She could hardly believe how broken she sounded and how vulnerable she was.

Rebecca was at a loss for words as she loosened her grip, feeling sick to the stomach at her own actions. Freed from her hold, Lucy would pull herself off, crawling away as she tried to get up on shaky legs, sobbing openly as she struggled to get a hold of herself. She wouldn’t get far as as she collapsed to her knees and buried her face against her palm.

“Lucy…” Rebecca called out as she got to her feet. Reaching out to the other girl, she would find herself rebuffed as Lucy slapped her hands away.

“Don’t touch me!” Lucy shouted as looked back at her, fear all too evident in her red and puffy eyes. Rebecca didn’t know what to do or say at that point so she walked up beside her and sat down, keeping Lucy company as she cried.

Slowly, she’d reach out to Lucy again, flinching at the glare that the girl leveled at her before she pressed on, pressing her hands against the girls back and giving her a pat. She stroked her back soothingly despite the anger in the girl's eyes as Rebecca just simply wanted to comfort her. This time, Lucy wouldn’t push her away as both of them sat there in silence.

It would take some time before Lucy would finally gather herself as she hissed out, “What do you want, don’t you have a master to please?”

Rebecca smiled softly as she replied, “He’s more of my partner really… or maybe my husband,” She wasn’t really sure herself. Was this merely just her finding a boy toy that satisfied or had she already fallen in love of all things. “Come to think of it, maybe he’s more of the pet of the harem,” She joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Lucy remained dour as she pulled her knees close and hugged them tightly, “Just… just leave me alone,” she whispered tiredly but Rebecca would refuse. How could she when her friend was clearly hurting?

Rebecca sighed, slinging her arms around the girl's shoulder as she said, “That outburst earlier… that really wasn’t about Pilar getting sold was it?” She would be met with silence as the girl looked away from her, her shoulders trembling and her hands still shaking. “Wanna talk about it?” She then asked.

She watched as Rebecca slowly turned back to her, giving her a look through the corner of her eyes before she let out an annoyed huff. Slowly, she whispered, “How… How can you all be so calm about this?” looking down at her shaking hands, Lucy then asked, “How can you remain calm when you just learned that everything that happened and ever will happen was already written down?”

“How would you feel when you realized that all the suffering you experienced, all that pain and misery you experienced was for the enjoyment of some unknown force. How would you feel if you realized that you’ll never find a happy ending at the end of it all because somebody out there decided that your life is a tragedy?'' Lucy told her, the girl's voice trembling as Rebecca sat there, listening to her friend let her heart out. Looking out to the distance, Lucy looked so lost and confused. “I… I don’t know what to do…” The girl admitted, sniffling as she wiped her tears.

For a moment, Rebecca sat there, unable to find words to respond as she thought about it. Looking down, she then replied, “You know, I’m really not…” Letting out a wry laugh, she admitted, “In truth, I’m actually terrified Lucy, I’m terrified of everything that I’ve learned about the world. The show, the company, hell the fact that this world was dreamed up as a dystopia… it’s just one big ball of suck.”

It was quite the kick in the cunt to learn that her world was merely a show, to learn that she was a mere work of fiction. “I’m not even sure why I haven’t broken down and cursed everything when I realized that I’m supposed to fall in love only for them to never return the feelings that I have. That I’m supposed to die for a tragedy that would pull the heartstrings of strangers,” She told her, letting the fears she didn’t know she had kept out for Lucy to hear.

“Maybe I’ve gone numb from the horror of it…” She mused out a loud as she looked up to heavens and saw the infinite pillar of light streaming their advertising into the dark void above. “that out there is an infinite cosmos and we’re just insignificant specks to the grand scheme,” she whispered, feeling a sense of melancholy washed over her.

Pointing up at the sky, she told her friend, “There’s thousands of different worlds out there Lucy, millions of stories and countless people all living their lives, not knowing what we think or feel or even caring at all,” It was truly humbling knowing to know all this. It made her feel so small, so tiny, it was almost dizzying how infinite things truly were, “Makes you feel that nothing matters anymore huh?” She then asked her as she looked over to her.

Lucy leaned against her, her breathing even, as looked unseeing into the distance.“This… this is so unfair,” she whispered, her words ringing hollow as she felt her sag against her, “Everything that I’ve done, everyone that I’ve lost… and will lose… does anything even matter?”

Rebecca stroked her hair as she nodded, “It really feels like that sometimes…” With how things were in this world, of how so many people tried but ensign up forgotten, merely a statistic to be told for the shock of viewers in the news, it really was. Despite that, she felt… happy.

Letting out a small chuckle, she then said, “But you know what, maybe nothing ever matters isn’t all bad.” With a smile on her face, she continued, “When life has no meaning… it just means that you're the one that’s supposed to give it meaning.”

“The people you love are important to you because you love them. What you did matters because you chose to do it and no one else did it for you,” She told her, remembering all the memories she made, all the choices both good and bad before this very moment. It might nto have been the best choice but they were her choice.

Patting her on the head, she then added,“You matter because you’re you and all that ever matters. There might be thousands of other copies of you but inside here,” She then turned to her, grinning widely she declared, “You're one of a kind Lucy and don’t you forget about that.”

Lucy would stare back at her in wide-eyed wonder and it was then that Rebecca felt her cheeks burn. She felt the embarrassment bubble up from deep within her chest but she pursed her lips and sucked it up, refusing to back down. If nothing matters then everything does.

That look of awe from Lucy then melted away as the girl started giggling. The girl’s shoulder shook as she pressed her face against Rebecca's shoulder. Rebecca felt her cheeks burn as she gave the girl a pat on the back, “Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Of course you wouldn’t take me seriously. I’m just little Miss Rebecca after all.”

Lucy would roar out laughing at that, earning herself a bop on the head. Clutching her head, the girl then asked, teasing her, “Who are you and what have you done to my Rebecca?”

“Bitch,” Rebecca pouted, ruffling the girl's hair in revenge. She smirked as the girl shrieked, pulling herself away and both of them laughed soon after. As she got herself back in control, Rebecca sighed out as she looked back at the sky and said, “I’m still me you know… maybe just one that had a look at things and realized how things can get better.”

Pulling away from her, Lucy would wipe her tears as she whispered, “Things can get better huh…” Her soft smile then gave way to that of melancholy as she then said,“It’s hard to believe when the world was destined to suck.”

She gave the girl another bop of the head as she scolded her, “It’ll keep sucking if you keep sulking like that!”.The two of them would glare at each other before Lucy smiled as she raised her hands in surrender. Grinning, Rebecca then slung her arms around her shoulder as she laughed, “Come here you! Let me give you a hug!”

Lucy pushed her away once more, struggling under her grip but this time, she laughed as  well, “Stop!” the girl giggled as she playfully swatted at her.

There would be a couple more rough housing and teasing between them before things eventually calmed down. With Lucy no longer looking like she was gonna bolt at any moment, Rebecca called her crew and her man to let them know that she found them. Lucy just needed some time to think.

As they walked back to their meeting place with hands linked, Rebecca would then ask, “Hey Lucy, you wanted to go to the moon right?” She could still remember that scene from that what if show of her life. Seeing Lucy look that happy was almost jarring given how she had this aloft and serious air around her.

Lucy slowed down to a pause before coming to a stop. Stopping as well, Rebecca looked back at the girl. There was a bit of hesitation from her before she nodded. “It’s just a dream of mine. Probably sounds silly but it looks so peaceful up there.”

Feeling the mark on her back, she paused, considering it before she made her pitch. Looking up to her eyes, Rebecca asked, “What if you can go farther than that? What if you can go beyond the moon and even our solar systems reach. Maybe even further than the galaxy and across the void between everything.” giving her hand a squeeze, she then added, “What if you can get away from it all and step into a whole new universe, all the universes even...”

She saw a hint of longing in her eyes as the girl’s breath hitch. Biting her lips, Lucy squeezed her hands before loosening her grip as she slowly pulled away and hugged herself, “I… I’ll think about it,” She whispered before she gave Rebecca a warm smile, “But if I’m going to give you an answer right now… maybe I’ll take the chance if it’s with you,”

Rebecca felt her cheeks warm up at that radiant smile as she grinned back, laughing as she grabbed the girl’s hands. “Come on, everyone’s getting worried!” She shouted as she pulled the girl along much to Lucy’s protest, “I’ll have Katsumoto whip something up to make you smile. He’s an amazing cook and his fridge is always stocked up with fresh food! Real food!”

Lucy might be an uptight bitch at times but she’s not that bad. Maybe she just needed someone who could understand her…


With the insanity behind them, Lucy and the rest of the gang were back to the empty lot they chose but this time Katsumoto pulled out some folding chairs and a table he had laying around in his mansion. With a portable stove top, he whipped them up with a thick and hearty stew of meats, potatoes, carrots and beans.

The group was noticeably excited as Tanya poured them all a generous serving but most of their attention was still on Lucy. Rebecca sat by her side while Kiwi stood behind her, combing the girl's ruffled hair. She still had tear marks from earlier but she was now smiling again, her cheeks a bit rosy at the attention she was receiving.

“You sure you’re ok Lucy?” Maine asked, his bowl of still steaming hot stew forgotten by his side, as he looked at the girl in concern. “We could just push this meeting later. Our targets are not going anywhere,” He told her as he wrapped his arms around Dorio who leaned against his shoulders.

“I… I’m fine,” Lucy replied as she gave them a smile, “I just needed someone to talk to clear my head,” The girl then said as turned to her. Rebecca gave the girl a thumbs up while she dug in her meal. Giving them a small bow, Lucy then apologized, “I’m sorry for getting you all worried,”

Maine grinned as he reached out to the girl before Kiwi swatted his hands away, gesturing at the brush she had in hand. Raising his hands in surrender, he backed away before telling Lucy, “If something’s bothering you, don’t be afraid to tell us alright?” Slinging his arms around Dorio, he reminded her, “You're part of my crew, remember that. We stick together and we help each other. We always have each other's back no matter what.” He then opened his mouth as Dorio gave him a spoonful of the stew.

Lucy smiled as she pulled Kiwi’s hands around her before replying, “Thank you.”

“If you run off like that again, I swear I spank your ass red,” Kiwi scolded the girl as she pulled her closer to her, “Don’t think just cause you’re bigger you’re bigger that that would stop me. I spanked you once and I can spank you again,” the older woman growled out making Lucy’s cheeks turn red, a sight that Rebecca was quick to take a photo off.

“Ok mom,” Lucy pouted as Kiwi shook her head.

“I swear you're going to give me gray hair despite all my implants,” Kiwi grumbled as she rested her chin against the younger girl's head.

Nodding, Maine would clear his throat, calling everyone's attention, before he told them, “Well I’m just glad that things are sorted out. Anyways, how about we get back to business?” With a lazy smile across his face, he then glanced over to her Input before asking him, “So, Katsumoto, you said you want to help my crew out on this job ain’t that right?”

Katsumoto would nod back as he took off his apron and set it aside before he replied, “You can say we both share a common enemy.”

Maine chuckled as he asked, “Oh? Someone has beef with Arasaka?

Katsumoto would simply smile as he sat down, finally letting her and Tanya have a sit, before telling Maine the job that he took for their world, “It’s nothing personal really. My employers wanted me to wipe them off the face of this earth along with every other corporation. Just a small task.”

Rebecca snorted at how casual he talked. It was a big task up ahead of them but maybe, just maybe someone was actually going to kick the Megacorp’s teeth in and finish the job and maybe take out all the others as well. Still that was way into the future. Best to keep her sight on what’s in front of her now.

Maine let out a small laugh at her input words. “Hah! Small task he said.. Crazy Motherfucker,” Shaking his head, Maine then said “You… I like you, Katsumoto. I think you and I would be great friends.”

Looking up from his sunglasses, Maine then, “Still, is that all of this is about?” Giving him a once over, before he noted, “You certainly look strong enough with all that chrome.” Pointing at his arms, he pointed out, “Those ain’t no normal chrome. It’s far too slick, far too refined in a way that I can’t put it. You move like it’s part of you rather than a replacement or augment to what you have. I’d dare say you’re the second coming of Smasher with all that tech once you get your feet wet.”

Turning his attention to Tanya and Rebecca, Maine then added, “Your two lady friends are certainly no joke as well. One’s a former soldier and Rebecca’s a special brand of firebrand,” This certainly took Tanya off guard as she blinked in surprise.

“How did you…” Tanya asked with a whisper before a dawning look of realization washed across her face as she gave Maine a terrifying grin, “Ahh I see.”

Rebecca looked at them in confusion, wondering what the two were on when Maine answered that for her. Giving her fellow waifu a mock salute, he then replied, “Let’s just say when you serve in the military, you’d develop a sense whenever an officer is around,” He then shrugged as he added, “But that part of me is behind me so let’s just leave it at that. ”

Turning his attention back to Katsumoto, he then told him, “Like I said, you three could easily poach this job from under me and do it in less time yet here you are, offering a hand to some small time Edgerunners. Why is that?”

Katsumoto gave her a look, silently asking her if she wanted to go with this. As she took a look at Lucy and Kiwi and how close they were here and how things would change far in the future if they keep to their current path, he nodded. She wanted them to be all happy and it was in her power to fix things.

Her input turned back to Maine as he replied, "Like what Becca told you when she called you guys for a meeting, I’m here to offer you all a job,” With all eyes on him, he then offered, “I want you all to be part of my group.”


One down, three more to go. One update of the Frog Pic, another update on the Shovels And Shotguns and then I'll go deal with the GoT fic and I'll be free from commission... or at least freed enough that I can actually stop it from encroaching on time spent on other updates.


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