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Chapter 1: Angels and Demons

With the wind on its back, a proud ship cut through the ocean's waves. Tall and mighty sails stood proudly, catching the wind in its cloud of sails as it sailed ahead; the ship creaking as its rigging pulled against the spars. For the hundreds on board, this was but an ordinary journey but for one woman, it was her way out of these wretched seas.

As the sound of gulls filled the air, she couldn’t help but look up and watch them as they flew overhead, weaving through the rigging and clouds of sail that pushed her ship along the vast sea surrounding them. From her seat above deck with food and drinks at hand, she adjusted her hood as she watched silently, admiring them while they glided in the orange sky.

To most sailors, seagulls were nothing more than a nuisance with even the News Coo who brings the denizen of all Four Blues being barely tolerable. For Robin however, she saw them as the freest beings in the sea.

Unbound by the land, unbothered by the sea and held aloft by the sky itself, they could fly wherever they wish. “Will I ever fly with them?” She whispered as she reached out to them, wishing to be carried off to the sky. It was all rather silly for man to wish to fly but one can dream that one day, just maybe, she could join them up there.

Called upon by her hands or maybe by her food, one of these birds would swoop down and land by the railings. Preening its feathers, a lone and weary looking News Coo, with its pouch still containing one last newspaper, sat as it stared at Robin with expectant and tired eyes. Already, some of the people in this part of the ship got up, throwing her and the bird looks of disgust but she didn’t mind them; she had gotten worse before.

“I’m sorry Mr. Coo but I don’t have any money on me but you can have some of my food, ” Robin offered as she slid the half eaten plate to the drooling coo. Undestandly, they hesitated, shifting upon their perch as they looked at the food before looking back at her  “I’m sure you’re probably tired from flying all day,” She whispered, giving the bird an encouraging nod.

The Coo crowed, bowing to her, before devouring the meal offered to her. Smiling, Robin watched the bird as it fed. As she reached out, the bird froze and looked at her hands in fear. Pausing, Robin whispered soothingly .“It’s ok, I’m not going to hurt you,” In a gesture of good faith, she gently bopped the bird on its beak.

Startled and bewildered, the bird looked back at her while she waited. The bird seemed to take a deep breath and sigh before rolling its eyes as it offered its head to her. “I’m sorry Mr. Coo but you just look like you could use a pat,” She chuckled as she gently laid her hands behind their back before stroking it gently. The bird stiffened before it shuddered, relaxing under her touch.

She smiled, petting the bird, as it continued feeding. Sometimes, she wished she could be just like them, unburdened by worries and free to go where she pleases but it would be just a dream. After all, so long as she carries the knowledge of her people, she’ll find no rest in the four seas.

The smile on her face quickly melted away, to be replaced with a look of melancholy as she pulled away and leaned on the railings of the ship. Catching the island ahead in her sight, her mind drifting off to a time before it all. “Oh Saul…” she whispered before a rolled up bundle of paper filled the corner of her eyes. Blinking, she turned and saw the News Coo offering her the last Newspaper in its pouch.

“Oh, I don’t have anything on me,” She admitted, her pocket painfully empty aside from the papers concerning her “identity” and her ticket heading to Alabsta. Aside from that, all she had was the cloak over her head, the clothes on her back, and a knife to her name. She simply could not afford to be weighed down.

The gull simply shook its head before scooting closer, pressing the paper up against her chest “T-thank you,” she whispered as warmth bubbled up her chest and filled her heart. The gull squawked back, puffing its chest as it sat there with her, its job done for the day.

Unrolling the paper, she reached for the hood, before freezing midway. Grimacing, she slipped the paper under her arms before closing her eyes. Crossing her arms across her chest, she reached in, tapping into the well of power in her chest before she whispered, “Ojos Fleur” and her vision bloomed as a hundred eyes opened around her.

With an unparalleled view of the upper deck with her many eyes, she saw everything and found none with her in the viewing deck. Sighing in relief, she finally pulled away her hood, confident that no one would see her face. It was already getting a bit too stuffy for her taste despite the setting sun.

Resting her chin against the palm of her hand, she then started reading today’s news, her eyes scanning the pages while making sure not to let her vision around her go. It was jarring to see the world in such a way but she got used to it, she had to be used to it.

Sights of great shadows over islands, whispers of a great pirate from the age of the Pirate King himself coming back, movement from the three of the four Yonkou sending ripples of fear among the masses and Marineford assuring the public that such possibilities were nothing but unfounded rumors; it’s the typical type of paper one would find in a slow news day.

Turning the page over, she’d find herself staring at the new bounties for the West Blue, the sea that had been her home for all these years. New faces and old ones mixed in together and found some familiar faces among them, old companions and enemies she once had with their faces crossed out, their bounties claimed.

Leafing through the bounties, she stopped as the familiar image of a young girl looked back at her. With a frown upon her face and with eyes far older than they have any right to be, the girl in the poster looked angry… yet so lonely and afraid at the same time. Hidden behind those looks, she saw eyes fearing for daggers in the shadows. There before her was a girl silently crying for help, a girl that would find no peace in these seas.

“Nico Robin,” She whispered as her fist clenched, tearing through the poster. Red hot rage filled her chest as she tore through it, reducing it to mere specks that flew across the orange sky. It was not fair, it was not fair that her life was ruined for simply knowing the wrong knowledge, how an entire island died because of that knowledge and how she’s still alive even with that knowledge…

She blinked as she felt tears running down her many eyes, her vision wavering as emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Furiously wiping her tears, she straightened up before raising her hood once more. Just because there’s no one around does not mean she should lower her guard she reminded herself. She had already come this far, she could not be caught now, not if it means that her old friend would become a liar.

As she reminisced about older times, the words of her friend echoing in her ears, she then asked her companion, “Mr. Coo, do you think I’ll ever find someone that I could call on as my friend?” Looking out to see and marveling at its almost infinite expanse, she added, “Do you think… I’ll ever find someone that makes me feel safe?” She had no one to talk to, no one to share her woes aside from this lone News Coo who squawked back at her.

Smiling a self deprecating smile, she honestly found it pathetic that she, the Demon Child, wanted to feel safe for once. It should be her enemies that should be afraid, not her. Shaking her head, she leaned against the railing as she stared at the island ahead. Just a few more islands to go and she’d be at the reverse mountain and her next destination, Alabasta.

There were a few marine Battleships docked but nothing too concerning. She had slipped past them before, she’d slip by them again. She then noticed her friend squawk in panic as they flew off. As he flew up high, her eyes came upon a sight that took her breath away. For a moment she thought she saw an island, a tiny speck of one, above the sky before it was swallowed up by the clouds.


Like a cannon shot, she heard something echo across the sky. Turning her eyes away from where the island floated, she shifted and saw something far more pressing. She barely had time to react when she saw a shape shooting down from the thick clouds above. Her heart stopped as she saw the shape of an injured man come into her view, his form unmoving as he approached the water with such great speeds, speeds that would flatten a man.

Without thinking, she reached to the heavens before hesitating, her mind screaming at her that she should not do this, she should not blow her cover. Yet… could she live with herself after this? Could she allow a man to die because of inaction? Will she let him die just because she was afraid?

Seconds ticked away, precious time that she did not have if that one was to survive. Gritting her teeth, she powered through, squaring herself up as she dug in deep, her heart hammering away as she aimed her hands at the man. It was now or never.

Sucking in a deep breath, filling her lungs till it was about to burst, she shouted “Mil Fleur!” and her power answered. She let out a scream of pain as she felt her energy sapped as she poured everything she had in this one shot.

Far faster than she expected, hands bloomed atop her palms. One after another, they shot out, grabbing onto each other as they reached ever higher. She could feel her tank flagging, her vision wavering as her hands were merely specks in the sky. She prayed and hoped, willing herself to continue until finally she felt her hands touched silken clothes. She grabbed hold and never let go.

She reeled, almost falling over the ship as he kept falling, his speed simply far too great for her to stop. Gritting her teeth, she let out a muffled scream as her many arms strained to support the weight of themselves and the giant of a man. She felt like she was trying to lift the very world itself but even as her joints strained and her bones creaked, she refused to let go. Digging in her heels against the metal railings of the ship, she pulled.

She shouted as she swung him around, trying to bleed off as much speed as she could, before she reeled him in. As he shot towards the ship, she finally faltered, her hands dissolving in a cloud of flowers before she fell to her back, exhausted from the ordeal. Down on the floor, she could only watch in terror as the man crashed to the deck, caving in the hard teak floor of the ship.

She pushed herself, her limbs threatening to give out under as she stumbled forward, trying to reach out to the person who slipped past her hands. As the dust settled, she felt her legs finally give out under her. Shakily, she reached up and covered her mouth, her heart stopping as she found a golden haired man her age embedded upon the wooden floor. He laid there, Motionless and still, with cuts and bruises covering his form while blood dripped from his wounds. She was too late, she acted too late to reach out and-

Her train of thought would come to screeching halt as the man coughed, groaning as he started moving against all logic. She let out a gasp as he moved, watching him trying to get up before she caught herself, silently scolding herself as she got down to her knees before laying his hands on his chest. “W-wait, please don’t move too much. Just stay there and-” She begged him before she paused as he felt his hair against her hands. Fluffy, almost like that of a Lion.

With a wince, the man eased himself back down, gritting his teeth in pain.“F-fucking dick, tossing me off the ship like that, six fucking miles” He cursed out, breathing heavily as slumped against the crater he made.

She blinked in surprise at his words. He fell from that height? It was a miracle that he survived. Why was he even in the sky to begin with? Could it be… the tales of Nolan? He doesn’t have wings however… Still, wherever he’s from, he’s hurt and he’s hurt badly.

Gritting her teeth, she called out, secrecy be damned,“Someone! Please, Help!” She then reached out to him as he tried to push himself up again.

Opening his eyes, the man stared at her in confusion before it became that of bewilderment as he whispered, “R-robin?”

Before she could even think, her hands lashed out and struck the man on the cheeks, her knuckles crunching under the man's iron hard cheeks. She clutched her hands, biting her cheeks as suppressed a scream of pain and agony. Cradling her broken hands, she crawled away, trying to shake off the pain. It felt as if her hands shattered but looking back, the man looked like they were out, their eyes rolled up as their mouth hung agape.

Despite it all… he remained unmarked with not even a bruise in his cheeks despite those all over his body. Did she really knock him out? With narrow eyes, she crawled back to him. Reaching for her knife with her unbroken hand, she felt its handle, gripping tightly as he hovered over his unconscious form with more questions that's she would have liked

Who was this man? What was his purpose? Was he a Cipher Pol agent hunting her down? Her head spun as she reeled from these questions yet one burning question stood out among all, how did he know her name?

Pulling her knife off its sheet, she raised it high, hands still shaking from the stunt she pulled off. Was this how the world treats her? Even her single act of kindness was to be punished? He knows her name, he was a danger yet she couldn’t bring her hands down as he found herself trapped in indecision. Before she could decide, she froze as the sounds of shouting and footsteps approached.

Turning, she felt fear grip her heart as a large, stocky man stumbled into her with a knife in hand. Pointing at her with his mouth hanging open in wide, the man stood there rooted to the spot, gibbering in terror. She reached out to him, mouth opening as she tried to explain when the greybeard suddenly shrieked out in a surprisingly high pitch, “S-shiki!”

She took a step back, blinking in surprise as she looked at his finger and traced it to the man she had rescued. Looking back, she didn’t find a withered old man from the age of Roger as the man laying there was the golden haired youth. “Shiki! Shiki has returned,” The man cried hysterically before pausing as he noticed that the man he claims to be Shiki was knocked out. “Wait, he’s knocked out!”

Before she could even blink, the man was upon her, holding her hands as he sang praise to her, “Praise Nika!” The man shouted as he clutched her hands close, making her her wince as she felt her broken knuckles scream out in pain yet she stood there frozen, taken aback by his show of gratitude. “Thank you, thank you lass for saving the Hardy Merry front his terror,“

“Thank you?” She cautioned out with a pained and confused smile before she gestured at the man. “But… he might need medical assistance,” She told him, shaken by the sudden turn of events.

“Bah! He’s a pirate, he deserves more than whatever you dished out,” The man waved off his concern, spitting near the downed man despite the fear he still held in his eyes. Patting her on the back, he told her, “For a second there, I thought we were going to be assaulted by some devil fruit users in Shiki’s crew. Those giant chain of arms sure wasn’t normal!” the man shivered, grimacing as he uttered out with much disdain, “Unnatural, the lot of them with their strange powers! Good thing that the sea can turn them into dead weight!”

“Y-yes,” Robin nodded, sweating at his words. She silently thanked her stars for his seemingly lack of clue on what had actually happened.

The man then laughed as he elbowed her in good nature, grinning at her as he said, “But you scared them of real good huh? Knocked the captain with a good right hook and they went fleeing?” Robin could only nod along, her eyes flitting about, trying to find a way out but all the commotion brought people atop the deck. She was now surrounded by the crew and curious passengers. “By Nika, that must have been one hell of a punch if it knocked out the Golden Lion himself,” The man whistled.

“Dear Lord, that really is Shiki! A bit younger looking that I remember but that’s definitely him!” Another fellow gray beard shouted, making the crowd that had gathered to rear back in fear.

“He even has his mane of golden hair!” A younger sailor shouted, braving to poke the man who remained unresponsive before reaching out and grabbing the large nodachi he had on his belt. Maybe he’s really knocked out…

Staring at her red and depressed knuckles, she nodded, smiling as she lied, “Y-yes, I scared them off but as you can see-!” She paused, wincing as she pulled her hands away and showed how badly she hurt herself. “I hurt myself in the process,” she admitted. It felt like she hit a brick wall… but at least he’s not getting up any time soon, she thought to herself.

“Right, right!” The Man replied, bowing apologetically before calling out, “Medic! And somebody got those sea stone chains I bought! We’re going to throw this monster inside our brig and bring him straight back to Impel Down!” The crew and the crowd around her cheered, asking for her name and congratulating her for such a feat.

For a brief moment in time, she felt like a hero but the bitter taste of deceit tainted this moment. She lied just to save her own skin, just like all the other times before her yet here she was getting celebrated. What a cruel world she lived in.

As she was helped along and guided to where the crew assures her was the medic, she couldn’t help but look back at the man she had saved yet so casually betrayed. As the chains were wrapped around his limp form, she reminded herself that she could be her in his place, weighed down by chains with the power of the sea.

Turning away, she looked ahead, just wanting to get away from here as soon as he could. So long as she was alive, it was ok. So long as she was free, it was ok. So long as his blood wouldn’t stain her already bloody hands, it should be ok… All she had to do was just never look back.


She couldn’t stop herself from looking at what came to mind as she found herself stepping down the flight of stairs. Escorted by a young lad into the bowels of the ship, she was led into the brig of the ship where not a touch of light would reach. The darkness seemed almost all encompassing despite the lantern attached to the walls.

“Are you sure miss? I know you’re a strong woman but that’s a pirate there.” her guide whispered before he gestured at the lone cell that was occupied down below. Illuminated by the moonlight, his seastone bound form laid there with his back against the entrance, his mane rising and falling making him look like some great beast.

“It’s fine, I can handle this myself,” She replied, smilingly up reassuringly at the young man, “I just need to ask him a few questions…” Behind heavy bars and under all that chain, he should be all but helpless.

The boy then grinned as he replied, “If you need a bucket of water and some towels, just say the word,” She chuckled at his enthusiasm but she needed him alone.

“Oh there’s no need,” She whispered, wearing a cruel smile upon her face as she assured him,  “I have my ways,” The youth stiffened, shivering as he shakily nodded before scampering off. She watched as his form retreated, waiting for a bit before dropping the smile she sported.

Lifting up the keys to the brig she stole from the boy, she sighed and asked herself, “Why am I doing?” She could just run as the ship had already docked yet here she was, looking to talk to the man she had condemned to die to escape. Looking back at the lit hall behind her, she then looked over to the man behind the cell. If she wants answers, she needs to do so now or never at all.

Clutching the key, she walked forward, her steps echoing loudly in the underbelly of the ship. As she approached the man, she realized just how big he was. Even in his curled up form, he occupied much of the cot. It was almost comical how he tried to fit in the hard bed provided to him. Still, he remained unmoving, snoring away as he ignored her very presence.

Standing in front of the mysterious man’s cell, she called out to him, “I know you’re awake,”

The man’s snoring stopped, his form shifting as he turned to her. As their gaze met, she felt her breath taken away, her heart skipping a beat as he looked back to her with a smile, a smile so similar to a man he once knew.

“Well you caught me,” The man chuckled as he sat up, rolling his neck as he leaned back against the wall. “What could be I off service?” he asked, seemingly unburdened by the chains wrapped around him. Frowning, she realized the man had no devil fruit but this made things easier for her.

Crossing her arms across her chest, she willed hands to bloom behind him before grabbing hold of him, holding on to his head, feet and fingers as well as wrapping around his exposed neck. Gritting her teeth, she could already feel her tank flagging. Sweat dripped down her forehead while her hands felt leaden yet she powered on.

“I’m here to ask you some questions,” She spoke to him as she schooled her features, looking at him impassively as he grinned back at her. “Speak one lie and I break something, do I make myself clear?” he warned him. Despite having him in her hold, he remained relaxed, not even bothered by her hands all but ready to twist and rip him apart.

“Of course-!” The man laughed out before wheezing as she squeezed, her limb digging into his neck in warning. As she let go, the man then grumbled, “Jeez lady, I was just being polite,” Sighing, he just smirked as he asked, “So, what do you want to know from little old me?”

She had so many questions burning in her mind. There were so many things she wanted to ask yet one question stood out amongst the rest. “Why?” she asked.

The man blinked slowly before he asked her, “You have to be a little more specific about that miss.” Pausing he closed his eyes. She wondered why he stopped until she heard something in the distance, the warning shots of a ship demanding another to stop for inspection. Snorting, the man then quipped,“There’s a thousand little why’s out there and I can’t answer that all… especially when time’s running a bit short for both of us.”

“Stop playing games,” Robin warned him, silently cursing at how fast they got here but he still hadn’t answered her question. “Why did you help me? You’ve been awake this entire time yet you told no one about me? Why? What do you want?” She pressed on.

The man quirked a brow at her before asking, “Do I really need a reason to help you?”

She narrowed her eyes, refusing to believe his lies. “No one does things out of their own free will, people always want something,” She hissed out. There were always ulterior motives to one's action, a thing that the sea had all too cruelly reminded too much to ignore.

“My my, you’re quite the jaded one aren’t you,” The man chuckled before shrugging, “Well, I was expecting you to be jumpy but jeez. You actually packed a punch simply cause I know your name-!” His banter quickly stopped as she broke his pinkie, the digit bending unnaturally. Glaring back at her, she met his gaze, having already warned him of the consequences.

“As I said before and I’ll say once again,” She told him as she unlocked his cell, the bars swinging upon as she stepped inside, swinging the door close behind her. Looming over him, she smiled as she cupped his cheeks. “If you want to get out of here alive, I suggest you stop playing around,” She wanted him, his eyes widening as she started bending, feeling his hard joints straining under her hold. Despite all his composure, he was still an ordinary man.

“I only ask one simple yet you fail it already,” She told him as she gave him a patronizing pat on the cheek before she pulled away. Crossing her arms across her chest, she let her words sink in before adding, “I suggest you pick your next words carefully”

Dropping the smile, he held, he looked up to her, his deep blue eyes staring back at her and straight to her very soul. She held back a shiver as he spoke out,“Fine? You want to know the truth?” She gulped, suddenly feeling parched as the air felt heavy. “Then I’ll tell you everything.”

“Nico Robin, Born on the Island of Ohara around 26 yrs ago. The Demon of Ohara they call her…” The man started, before he then said, “ Or should it be the last surviving victim of the tragedy in Ohara?”

Robin paused, her mouth opening at his words before he cut her off. “But we’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves so let’s start from the beginning shall we?” With a casual flex, the chains strained before snapping, making Robin rear back in surprise before she made more arms. The man slammed back against the wall as his chain slid down on the floor.

Robin's heart picked up as the man continued unflinchingly, “Your mother left at a tender young age in pursuit of the truth, the truth about the world and its true history,” He continued, making her step back.

“Stop,” She stuttered out. How?

“Leaving in the care of one Professor Clover, you’d find yourself surrounded by scholars and books dedicated to history. There, in that tree, you’d find yourself within those pages, hoping one day to follow in the footsteps of your mother.” She breathed heavily, her heart hammering away as he spoke of days that he shouldn’t have known. She knew every last person in Ohara but he wasn’t there, he shouldn’t know.

“Stop!” She shouted more forcefully this time as she twisted his hands or attempted to do so as all her hand would do was hold him back, his limbs refusing to even move. Slowly, the man stood up, making her take a step back.

“Unfortunately, your mentor would try to steer you away, trying to protect you from their own forbidden research,” He told her, his gaze unblinking as he forced her to remember the words her own father told her, and how he tried to push her away. How did he know? How! “You didn’t take it well and you ran away. On that fateful day, you’d find a Giant washed up on the beach, A giant by the name of Saul.”

“I said enough!,” She commanded as she forced her many hands around his mouth, trying to stop him yet the man forced his hands up, her limbs shaking in effort as he tried to hold back his titanic strength yet she could not. She cried out, hands loosening as she found his callused hands clamping down on her limbs, tearing them away off his mouth as he kept going, digging in old wounds she longed to forget.

She’d freeze as she felt the cold bars of the cell against her back. The arms she had holding him down dissolving into a mist of petals which fluttered away in the unseen wind. Looking up, she saw his almost ethereal form illuminated by the moonlight looming over her, like some yama rendering judgment upon. She did not see anger in those eyes however or righteous indignation, rather she saw sadness behind those eyes.

“You two would quickly become friends but tragedy would soon strike as in their pursuit of knowledge, the people of Ohara drew the ire of the world government,” His voice rang clear even as she tried to block it out, screwing her eyes shut as she tried to forget. “For their crimes of knowing too much, they were sentenced to death and the instrument of their end? What else would be more fitting in their eyes but the Buster Call?

“N-no,” She whispered before she blinked as she saw her vision wavered while her cheeks felt wet. Reaching up, she felt tears flowing once more as memories came back to her and the feeling of terror and heartbreak as the world burned around her.

”A Flotilla of Battleships would soon come to the island and raze it to the very ground. They showed no mercy, killing every last archeologist on the island.” She shook her head, wanting no more of this but he’d continue, “Even the civilians weren’t spared as they all burnt before sinking into their water grave,” Robin squeezed her eyes shut, trying to bury those memories deep but how could she forget? How could she forget their dying screams as they burn and sank to the bottom of sea

“P-please, please stop,” whispered feebly, her chest aching as she was made to relieve the tragedy all over again. She felt like that girl again, so weak and helpless. Remembering her mothers face and Saul's smile, she sobbed silently, holding up her hands in a futile attempt to protect herself as he reached out to her.

She hiccuped, looking back at him in confusion as he wiped the tears off her eyes. “After this tragedy, after all the lies that the government would heap upon Ohara in their attempt to suppress the truth,” He whispered, “All that was left after everything that happened was you and you alone while those who committed such heinous actions were free to go,”

Shaking and trembling, she swallowed as she tried to calm her aching heart. Sniffing, she asked, “H-how do you know all this?”

"In truth, I've heard about what happened through my old man. He told me how he befriended a burned giant over at Elbaf who in turn told him the tale he told of Ohara and of the brave little girl he met all those years ago” He said to  her with a smile and Robin felt heart skip a bit, her lips trembling as she felt a lump inside her throat. Could… could it be? No! Shaking her and pushing herself away, she refused to believe it yet her heart wanted to believe.

“No, you’re lying!” She spoke up, her voice cracking as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Hope she once thought lost grew in her heart despite how she remembered that very day of how everything good in this world ended. “He’s dead!” she screamed at him.

"He told my old man about this incredible little girl who made friends with the smartest people on the island... How she is able to keep up with people who have decades of experience over her..." Genji continues, and Robin's hands begin to tremble, "And how proud her mother is of her."

Robin turned, hands raised to striked him for daring to use the memories of those he loved against her only to stop, her heart calming as she found his hands gently laid atop her head. “You have loved ones out there Robin, just like everyone else." He gently says to her, ignoring the stream of tears coming down her face, "After all this time, he's still thinking about you over at Elbaf."

The man’s head turned as she slapped him across the face, hating every fiber of his being as he looked at her with those eyes. Robin couldn’t take it anymore, all these lies he speaks, all these poisoned words, she didn’t want to hear any of it. She turned, running away, her hands reaching up to stem the flood tears flowing down her eyes.

She fled, pushing away a boy from earlier rushing down to meet her, pushing away the old captain that came with him. She kept running, never looking back, just trying to get away from it all only to come to a crash stop as she slammed against someone’s back. She was thrown back, landing hard on the hard unforgiving deck.

Wincing, she tried to get up, glaring up at the person she crashed into only to wither, feeling ice course through her veins as she came face to face with one of the faceless figures that haunted in her dreams. With the symbol of justice boldly written in their back, the tall feminine figure of a marine turned, eyes widening as their gaze landed upon her.

“Rear Admiral Gion, is that!” A voice called out from behind the woman who scowled at Robin. Before she could even react, she felt a burst of pain across her cheeks before she met the cold hard ground. The last thing she’d remember was Saul’s words echoing in her ears and how it might never come true. “I’m sorry Saul,”


And that's a wrap. I planned to cut this chapter in half but I kinda felt that this needs to be whole. Do you think It would be fine if I did? Also, hope you like the emotional roller coaster that Robin went through.


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