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Chapter 1

Weiss blinked as a cold bottle of beer was forced into her hand. She had just survived a night out in this messed up city and now, here she was celebrating with its inhabitants as the chaos died down and order was restored and what a celebration it was. She had been to parties before but not quite like this with the loud and heavy music blaring in the background while people drank like there was no tomorrow. The lights, the sound, it was all overwhelming and she couldn’t help but feel out of place amongst the colorful assortment of characters around her.

The more she looked around however, the more she realized she was not in Remnant any more. The lack of Grimm, the liberal use of cybernetics, and so many other things. Night City was just unlike anything she’d seen before, so raw and chaotic yet so vibrant and alluring. She was out of her element and she just hoped she did not stand out too much.

“Come on Ice Queen, live a little! We just survived Night City’s deadliest riot to date!” Rebecca shouted with a playful grin as she plopped down beside her with a drink of her own.

“Miss, I’m not yet old enou-!” Weiss tried to excuse herself but she was silenced as Rebecca pressed her fingers against her lips.

“Hush you. First of all, it’s Rebecca or Becca. I told you that one already. You saved me so we’re friends now, capish?” The girl replied with a tone that brook no arguments. Weiss could only nod as the girl pulled her in close to hug before adding, “Second of all, fuck that! Old enough to kill, old enough to drink, so have at it!”

“Loosen up will ya? You’re in good company!” Another voice added as she felt the gangly arms of Rebecca’s brother being slung across her shoulder. “If you’re worried about paying, drinks are on me. You saved my sister so it’s the least I can do,” The man then said as he grinned at her. She was sure he meant well but he was a bit too touchy for her taste.

Thankfully, Rebecca came to her rescue as the pint sized girl blew her top as she pulled out a gun and aimed it at the much taller man. “Get your stinking paw off her, Pilar! Get your own princess,” the girl growled out angrily, making the man back away.

“Possessive much?” Pilar snorted only to get a pistol whipping from his sister who stood up from her seat to get closer at him. The man immediately got the message as he pulled his hands away from them and raised them to shield his face.“Ow! Ok, ok, chill you little brat! Geez,” The man replied as he slinked off to bother someone else. Weiss grimaced as she watched the man try his luck with the masked blonde.

The girl sighed as she plopped right back on her seat before turning to Weiss. “Sorry about my brother. He can be a bit of a gonk sometimes,” she apologized before taking a swig from her drink. For a girl her size, she could certainly handle her drinks. “But seriously, live a little~ I know you’re a rich girl and all but you gotta open up to new experiences and try stuff out!” she prodded, making Weiss look back at her in surprise; How could she have known?

Rebecca snorted as she gave her a once over before asking her, “Heh. How do I know you’re a rich girl? Come on, that fancy sword you have. the custom made outfit and those boots? Plus, the way you talk gives it off so easily.” As she listed those off, she felt rather silly but her worries would be eased as the girl slung her arm around her shoulder. ”But you aren’t like those snobby corpo’s. You don’t spit on us and talk shit so you're good in my book. Just know that from now on, I’ll have your back if you ever need it.”

“Fair enough and thank you… Becca,” Weiss replied with a smile. With how far from home she was right now, any help would be appreciated. She was lost but at least she might have just someone she can rely on for now.

They sat there in silence for a while, enjoying each other as the music changed to a more relaxed soothing thone. Setting aside her now empty bottle, Rebecca then asked, “So, how are you liking Night City? Not like what the stories told you huh?”

“I… Actually, I don't know much about Night City?” She admitted. She was lost yes but how lost, she did not know.

“You're shitting me now right?” Rebecca asked in surprise but Wiess could only shake her head. “Holy shit, you actually came here without knowing what you’re getting into? Do you have a death wish or something?” Rebecca added as she poked her in the cheeks.

“It’s not like I want to be here,” Wiess replied a bit glumly as she pushed the finger away. Staring down at her drink, she then continued, “One moment, I was sleeping in my dorm and the next thing I knew I woke up in some alley way.”

“That’s one way to wake up. Whoever dropped you here really wants you dead. Where did you say you’re from again?” The girl questioned her. She frowned as that uncomfortable thought was brought up. Whoever could have brought her here could have ulterior motives.

“Atlas, but I’m currently studying in a city named Vale,” she answered, hoping that this city was just a city she just didn't read about. She hoped but it was swiftly crushed by the girl’s response.

“Hmm… doesn't ring a bell,” Rebecca hummed before shaking her head much to Weiss' dismay. Patting her on the back, she then said, “But don’t worry about it. Once things are up and running, I’m sure your parents will come and pick you up. Since I owe you and all, you can crash in my place.”

“I would appreciate that,” Weiss replied. At her current situation, it was one of the better outcomes that could have happened. Gazing back down on her drink, she then shrugged as she pressed the lip of the bottle against her own before taking sip. She immediately regretted it as she winced at the offendingly sweet taste of her beverage mixed in with the scent of sewage and cabbage filling nose. “This is definitely something but… it’s not bad? Why do I want to keep drinking this stuff?” She questioned herself as she took another drink, enjoying the gentle burn of the drink while she did her best to ignore the scent until nothing was left.

“I know right? Probably something they added in but who cares? Let’s just drink the night away!” Rebecca cheered as another bottle found their way in their hands. She shrugged as she took a swig, nothing minding the smell anymore after the first one. She was a long way from home so might as well enjoy her stay here while she can.


As the night wore on, things were starting to get a little hazy. She was no stranger to getting a bit tipsy as wine was the drink of choice for high society but she had yet to drink this much. She was already at her 10th bottle but she felt like she was sky high. She giggled as Rebecca held on to her for support, her hands wrapping around her waist as they staggered out of the bar and into the alleyway behind it to get some fresh air.

“Damn girl, you sure you don’t drink?” Rebecca giggled as Weiss helped steady her as they walked. Weiss couldn’t have drank a bit too much but she couldn’t care one bit as she was surrounded by good people. She just wished her friends were her to enjoy this but at least she got Becca by her side.

“Nope! After this though, I’m gonna drink as much as I want!” Weiss hollered out, not caring if anyone could see them though not like anyone could.

Rebecca laughed with her as they staggered up against a nearby wall where Weiss would soon find herself pinned up against by the much smaller girl. The haze of the alcohol was lifted as she found Rebecca far too close for comfort. She felt her cheeks heat up as the painted girl gazed up to her with those striking red eyes of hers. All the sudden, she felt her mouth dry as an uncomfortable yet familiar tightness made itself known to her and to Rebecca which had her new found friend grinning up at her.

“Oho? Well, isn’t this a surprise~” Rebecca purred out as the girl's knees pressed against her bulge, rubbing against it which only got her harder. “Looks like a certain someone’s getting excited to know more about me.”

“B-Becca, I’m sorry. It’s just that-” She stumbled upon her words before she was silenced once again by the girl's fingers pressed against her lips.

“It’s alright silly. It’s not everyday that a beautiful girl I know comes packing,” Rebecca whispered as she knelt down in front of her before reaching up her skirt. Weiss could only bite back a moan as Rebecca’s fingers danced across her thighs and up to her ass.

“Now, let me show just how much I appreciate you for saving me.” The girl then said as her fingers hooked on the hem of her panties and pulled, finally freeing her cock for to see. Even with her fluffy combat skirt, it couldn’t hide her cock as it stood proudly in front of Rebecca’s face.

The girl looked in awe while Weiss’ covered her face as it burned. She covered her face in shame as her biggest secret was there for anyone to see. She was about to bolt when Rebecca suddenly grabbed hold of her cock and started to stroke its length, her hands barely big enough to hold it. “Oh my, you’re certainly something and no chrome? All natural, just how I like it,” the girl whispered as she gazed up to her hungrily, lust burning behind those eyes.

“Think about this for a second! I think we’re doing this a bit too-! Oh my god!” Weiss tried to push her away but Rebecca would not be deterred.

She felt her mind blanked out as Rebecca’s lips wrapped around his length. Her toes curled as the smaller girl's tongue wrapped around her shaft as the head slipped down her throat. She let out a heady moan of pleasure as Rebecca pulled her in and kissed the base of her cock. She trembled as she stood there, unable to pull away as the girl's hand wrapped around her thighs.

Grinning at her from around her cock, Rebecca winked at her as she bobbed up and down her length. Weiss could only moan as Rebecca eagerly sucked on her cock. It was a miracle she could stand at all as she felt her legs turn to jelly when her tongue swirled around the tip of her cock, tasting every inch of it before pushing it back in.

The sound of her moans mixed in with the wet slurps and other lurid sounds Rebecca made as she pleasured him. Taking care of herself was one thing but having a woman do it for her was just something else. She swore it felt like her cock was melting as it throbbed wildly inside the girl's throat.

Grabbing hold of her head, she pushed her down, aching for more. The girl merely smirked, taking it for a challenge as she started bobbing in earnest. Her hips buck, meeting the girl's lips, as Rebecca sucked the soul out of her. Drool and precum dribbled down the girl's chin and down her heavy stones but it made her harder.

It was all too much for her alcohol addled mind, the pleasure too great for her to hold back against and Rebecca knew it. She amped the ante, allowing Weiss to fuck her throat until she finally cum. Rebecca held her down, pressing her up against the wall, as she pressed her lips against the base of her cock. Her throat bulged as she started drinking the cum gushing out of her girlcock. Thick ropes of cum poured down her throat as a veritable flood filled the girl's stomach and Rebecca took it without a hint of complaint.

Weiss blanked out for a second, her mind stewing in pleasure until she was snapped back to reality when Rebecca started to pull back. She was still so sensitive after just cumming but Rebecca kept sucking. Her lips tightly wrapped around her cock, cleaning every last inch of it before pulling off with a pop.

Weiss panted as she stared down at the girl's mouth which was filled to the brim with her spunk. Closing her mouth, Rebecca then swallowed, making a show of it all as she licked her lips before sticking her tongue out and opening her mouth once again to show that nothing was left. “Thanks for the meal,” Rebecca giggled as she stood up. Weiss was left panting as the smaller girl left her breathless.

Shrugging off her oversized coat and revealing her risque outfit underneath. Without her jacket, she could now see the girl's intricate tattoos, her body seemingly sculpted to allure and inflame one’s lust and she flaunted for Weiss to see. Pressing her soft body up against her, she then whispered playfully, “Don’t think we’re over just yet. We’re not done until I’m satisfied and it looks like you could use a few more hmmm?”

Wrapping her hands around her cock, she stroked its length as she guided him away from the wall. Pressing herself against the wall, Rebecca spread her legs wide as pressed her throbbing length against her entrance. Even with fabric separating them, she could feel just how sopping wet the girl was. She wasn’t the only one eager to feel the other. “What are you waiting for, big girl? How about you show me just how much of a woman you are~” The girl offered as pressed her rear against her hips.

All reason flew out of Weiss' head as she leaned down and wrapped her arms around the girl. Rebecca moaned under her touch as her fingers danced across the girl's generous curves. She might not be top heavy but she certainly wasn’t lacking down below. She couldn’ stop herself from tearing away at her cloth, growling as the stretchy fabric refused to yield.

“Here, let me help you~” Rebecca giggled as she slid her panties aside, finally allowing her to feel her against his length.

Grabbing hold of her hips, she pressed her cock up against her entrance before she pushed. She slammed his cock in deep, making Rebecca gasp out as her length filled her up. Weiss groaned as she felt the girl's tight cunt clamp down hard on her cock, refusing to let her move an inch. “O-oh fuck, You’re a big one aren’t you?” Rebecca gasped out shakily, her form trembling beneath Weiss as she kept on pushing.

Rebecca let out a throaty moan as her cock pressed up against the girl's womb, forcing the tip of her cock right up against her cervix. Weiss could feel her pulling her in, squeezing down hard as she pulled back before she slammed it all back in. The girl beneath her seized up as she started pumping away, her cock pounding inside her.

Weiss bucked her hips, forcing as much of her cock inside the smaller girl and loving the cries of pleasure she made as they fucked out in the open. Her plush rear jiggled as she pounded away, her pussy molding around the shape of her cock as the girl easily took in every last inch. They had just gotten to know each other in the party but here they were, exploring each other’s body, fucking like wild animals. Both of them seeking only more pleasure as they met each other’s thrust.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck~!” “Yes~ Fuck me up~ Tear me apart with that thick fat cock of yours! Make me cum until I can’t think straight!” Rebecca cried without care, letting her voice be heard and Weiss was loving it. The thought of getting seen in such a state, both of them submitting to their baser instincts only served to heighten the pleasure.

With her face pressed up against the wall, Weiss pounded her, refusing to let up as she grabbed her by the hair. Forcing her to look at her, she then locked lips with her, kissing her heatedly. Her cries of pleasure, muffled into moans as their bodies against each other. Her cock hitting her deepest spots as they seeked ever greater heights.

Weiss’ lips trailed down her neck, kissing her and groping her as she clung. She just couldn’t get enough of her. She would feel her cock bulging, the pressure at the base of his cock mounting as Rebecca pushed her ever closer to the edge. She held on as long as he could, pleasuring her lover as much as she could until both of them couldn’t hold on any longer. Rebecca cried out as she squirted all over her cock.

Weiss felt her mind go blank as the girl clamped down hard, squeezing down as she plunged her cock in, and she cum with her. She shivered, her mind awash in pleasure as Rebecca cried out in ecstasy. Like the waters of a broken dike, Cum came pouring inside the girl, filling the girl with her thick fertile spunk. She pressed her cock as much as she could inside, refusing to let a single drop spill until the very end.

They held onto each other for support, both of them panting, as sweat dribbled down their bodies. “T-that… was amazing!” Rebecca gasped out but she wouldn’t have time to rest as Weiss started bucking again. “W-wait! I just cameeee~” Rebecca cried out, moaning out as Weiss stirred her up.

Both would find no rest as Rebecca awakened the lustful beast deep inside Weiss. Weiss would keep fucking her, cumming multiple times through out the night inside the girl who was more than eager to take it. Soon enough, all the alcohol she imbibed as well as her own exhaustion would take its toll on her, making her black out as the last dregs of her aura and stamina was spent. The last thing she’d remember was Rebecca pulling off as she shakily leaned up against the wall of the alley.


Weiss groaned as the light of day filtered in the room she was on. The hard, lumpy bed she laid on was a far cry to the one she slept in Beacon, much lest the bed made for her in her home in Atlas. For a second, she thought she was back at Beacon but the sight of a naked Rebecca, with her distinct green hair and red eyes, sitting atop her and staring down at her quickly removed such notions. She was still stuck in Night City with no way home in sight.

She winced as the harsh light struck her eyes and she was forced to lift up her weak and heavy limbs to cover them. Her head was pounding, her stomach churning, and her mouth was as dry as desert yet Rebecca sat there, as fresh as a daisy. She hated how she wasn’t suffering a hangover like her.

“I’m never going to drink again, ever,” Weiss groaned out, promising herself to avoid drinking so heavily. She learned her lesson and all she wanted now was some relief.

Rebecca snorted as she got off her and pulled a bottle of water from a vending machine? inside her home. Plopping down beside her, she handed Weiss the drink before she said, “Yeah, I told myself that way too many times. You’ll get used to it. Now drink up before your headache gets any worse.” Weiss struggled to open the drink but she eventually managed to pop it open. The slight chemical taste that immediately assaulted her tongue was concerning but the cool refreshing taste of the drink was like a balm to her battered form.

As she sat up and her head cleared up a bit, she noticed that Rebecca kept staring at her. Weiss noticed she was also naked but the girl's eyes seemed to be focused on her neck and face. She was a bit offended that the girl wasn’t staring down at their chest but also confused at the expression Rebecca had. The uncertainty and confusion written all over Rebecca’s face had her feeling concerned.

Weiss sent her a questioning look which prompted Rebecca to ask, “I know it’s a bit early but and all… but why don’t you have any chrome? I’ve yet to see a chip slot or anything. Just from where the hell did you come from Weiss?”

Weiss sighed as she reached to scratch her head. “It’s a long story…”


Luker number 5

Usually not a fan of futa but the Shneenis cares not, it also helps that the setting has hermaphrodites part and parcel. Just a generally enjoyable story. Looking forwards to what(if) Weiss can summon and whether or not she gifts aura to anyone else. Thumbs up and hoping for more.