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The Fool (Humans)

When the leaders of the Abrahamic Religions announced that they were to gather in Jerusalem, Billions set their eyes upon the holy city. Never had such an occurrence of this magnitude been seen since the very birth of the religion. With it coinciding after what many called the “Voice of God” and the recent rise of miraculous events happening in the world, the world was gripped with a sense of wonder. Was this gathering related to such a wondrous event seen around the world and captured on camera?

Even with the announcement of their intention, of that to open dialogue between the various groups that effectively worshiped the same god but in different ways, speculation ran rampant. Some saw a conspiracy in the making, a cabal of powerful convening to affirm their grasp on society. Others meanwhile thought it was the group acting upon the changes that happened around the world. Many more however thought it was simply what the religious figures said, a simple meeting where bonds could be remade and strengthened. After all, the news did show the leaders talking and meeting like old friends.

What the world didn’t expect was for the leaders of the Abrahamic faith to take to the desert and make their way down south. It started off incious enough, the faithful declaring their intention to journey to the mountain where god met his chosen and it was covered extensively. The PR stunt that people expected only to last for days turned to an actual trek in the desert as many faithful followed their leaders to the wilderness.

Some called it madness, others called it a simple demonstration of faith or rather a PR stunt but as the crowd gathered, many questioned if it was a shared hysteria brought about by the changing weather or some disease. After all, what could have compelled them to make their way down to Mt. Sinai like Moses and his followers? They did ride in various vehicles and mounts but the sheer number slowed them to a crawl.

Many questioned their decisions with some even attempting to stop them but they were merely rebuffed as they marched onward, ever ceaseless aside from them making camp and resting. Despite the ceaseless questioning, they remained cryptic with their answer. “God has called upon us and we answer the call.” They claimed and they were derided about it.

These words soon ceased as Mana soon fell from the sky to feed the multitude as they made their way to the Sinai Peninsula. Scientists gathered in droves to the country to sample such a biblical occurrence but they’ll soon be frustrated with the divine food's legendary inability to be stored. The fact that it followed the crowd only made it hard to study.

Cries of alarm soon rang out as the mother of all sandstorms now brewed in the desert. There was so much interference that not a single journalist, scientist or those not explicitly invited couldn’t continue yet the multitude walked through unscathed and unbothered. They would be lost to the sands and many feared for the worst as soon as the sandstorm subsided, none of them could be found.

Days turned to a week and all feared for the worst until a glint caught the eyes of one of the rescue choppers searching for them. They have returned and they brought with them an Ark that was long thought lost to history. They have returned and they brought with them changes that would resound across the world as the Ark of the Covenant was brought over to the temple ground.

Details would remain scarce about what happened in those lost days but one thing would be clear to all. The Abrahamic religion might have been divided but they now stand together as one. They still retain their doctrines but they now convene as a council to discuss matters of the faith. The Abrahamic Religion has become whole ones more and echoes of what they had decided on in that faithful week still echoes to the far future.

It could only be described as a Reformation for the modern age. The various holy books were updated and even new commandments were spoken. What was more intriguing was they proclaimed it as a whole, they who hated each other now talked to each other as if they were brothers. The changes were liberal and far reaching.

With their unification, a call for peace and understanding were set out in the war torn region. Conflict was too cease as the new age of understanding and cooperation was

Why did they unite? Why now of all time when they had remained divided all these time? A simple answer was sent out as they echoed each other's sentiments, “When we set out for the desert, we merely wanted to call upon the world and see our conviction to our faith. It would soon be tested when we became lost in the desert.

There we realized that we were not so different. When the veil of countless generations of dogma was lifted, we realized that our conflict was meaningless. Why do we fight over our interpretation when we could work together and take action upon those messages we interpret?

Maybe it was our god that brought us together or it could have just simply been chance but our meeting brought us not only closer together but also allowed us to rediscover the lost Ark.” Pope Vittorio declared to his followers. Many would note that he wore a peculiar ring as well as having his hands wrapped in red cloth but many did not pay it mind after the pope explained that it was to show the blood that had stained his hand for inaction for so long.

These changes were met with confusion and apprehension. What did it mean that they now stood as brothers at arms? It soon became clear as the churches, mosque and synagogues were opened to each other. Holy sites that had religious restrictions were lifted and interfaith marriages were all but encouraged.

Liberal change aplenty, an updated book for each religion, and so much more. While their combined weight was concerning, the religion affirms that they will not meddle with the affairs of the state. There were even reports of the Pope attending a Hajj much to the amusement of those that saw it on the internet. Forged through the tribulation in the desert, they have been effectively made one.

Some decried the changes, calling upon false prophets among the leaders to misled the multitude. There were even some denominations that broke off to continue their old ways. Many more meanwhile welcomed these changes though some only reluctantly due to the far looser restrictions they have. Still, despite their unity, they were still separate entities with their own agendas. They still answer to their people, they simply have an avenue to voice their grievances.

As far reaching as the changes, the leaders assured the people that it was not the end times which was met with much laughter. News would soon die down as the novelty of such a monumental event faded. Even the rediscovery of the Ark as well as the proposal of the Third Temple going underway with the Dome of the Rock being integrated to the architecture would soon become yesterday's news with the world moving on, albeit a bit more hopeful for the future.

Wars still happened in the region but it now took a far more political and cultural stint now that the religious figures were vehemently against it. There are still conflicts between the denominations but now they have an avenue to pursue it constructively. Conflict arose as always and life goes on. What many didn’t realize was this was merely the start of a new era, an era where the lines between fantasy and reality started to blur.

As the days go by, reports of men and women of various backgrounds appear all over the world. They spoke of courageous stands and selfless acts where these heroes would soon disappear. A bit concerning however was the mark upon their forehead but many paid it no heed for the good they brought. These men and women, whoever they are, come and go seemingly without purpose, throwing their lives for the sake of what is right.

On the side of science and discovery, the recent strings of miraculous recovery soon brought about new data for scientists to work upon. There is a mechanism that the body could use but they couldn’t quite access it, it was as if they were missing something that could help it. As for the Mana gathered, some were frozen enough that they lasted long enough for their structure to be studied and there had been headways on recreating it in the lab.

As for the supernatural aspects of life, strange and stranger things were appearing. While it was normal for the world to see a grainy video or two of the supernatural along with those that claimed to have made contact with them, none could quite compare to the strange wheeled beings that seem to grip the attention of the internet. They seemingly pop into existence only for the briefest of seconds before those that were taking the video either stumbled to a fortunate event or were saved from an unfortunate one.

Even with all these strange things occurring, things were looking up for once. The world has truly become weird but maybe it was for the better.

The Tower (Devils)

Deep within the bowels of hell stood its beating heart, Lilith; a modern wonder in sharp contrast to far older cities nearby. It was not only a testament to the prosperity brought about by the New Satan’s but a symbol of their mission, that of peace and change. Gone were the iconography of old and in came the new. Reincarnated Devils roamed the street along with those naturally born in hell. It was paradise for these people yet an uneasy air hung in the air for their way of life was now threatened for God has awakened.

Faced with an existential crisis, the families were forced to convene but such an event brought about conflict. On one side were those clinging to the old ways, bedecked in their traditional armor and garb. They were of the older, more storied families that survived the war. On the other side were those who followed the new way who abandoned their old regalia in favor of a more modern style with cleaned pressed suits and technology brought by the reincarnated devils in full display.

Both sides bayed at each other, demanding that they’re sides' solution was taken. War for the Old Satan Faction while Peace for the New Satan’s faction. Considerations were made but an accord could not yet be reached. With the failure of the session, the factions both walked out as soon as the current meeting ended, both refusing for pleasantries as they retreated to their homes within the capital. Hostility was in the air as they were in the deadlock.

Left to themselves, the Four Satan’s convened on their own as they decided on the fate of the devil kind. In the privacy of Sirzechs room, they talked and discussed the matter at hand. Even the normally sleepy head of the military, the devil who claimed the title of Asmodeus was wide awake and drinking coffee.

“Mou~ Holding court to such a rowdy crowd was a pain. It would have been fine if the big man just woke up but no! He had stirred the pot and messed everything up. Having to deal with all the complaints and trying to calm everyone down is just so much of a hassle.” The woman who claimed the title of Leviathan complained. Dressed in an outfit far more suited to that of a magical girl, she stood out of place yet her companions treated her as equals. “How can you stay so calm through all that Ajuka-chan?” The girl pouted as she turned to her fellow ruler.

“It is the price we have to pay for taking up the mantle of the rulers of hell, Serafall” The green haired man replied with a chuckle. Serafall could only sigh and wondered if it was worth it but as he turned to the city, she was reminded of why it was. Not too long ago, this was but a mere medieval bastion, but now a glinting modern city stood. Free from the shackles of the old ways, they could actually pursue far more constructive avenues.

“But it’s making it hard for me to schedule some sisterly bonding time with So-tan! I need to be there with her especially with that feathered bimbo around my sister!” She whined, lamenting the fact that she couldn’t be there with her sister especially after such a tense situation happened over at Kuoh town. She loved her people but her heart still belonged to Sona. Raising her fist in the air, she shouted, “Curse you Gabriel and your lovely figure! True love shall triumph against such base emotions!”

“Ah yes, the Kuoh Town incident. Having two of the greatest assets of heaven tied up in that town is quite the consolation prize for all the trouble they brought but we’ll have to talk to them eventually. We can only drag our feet for so long and I dare not risk two heiresses against those two.” Ajuka replied with a sigh. Even she didn’t expect the Boosted Gear user to be in Kuoh Town.

Technically, the angels were at the wrong here as this was territory that the Devils have negotiated with the Yokai’s but there were considerations to be made due to the fact that the Fallen Angels were involved and the fact that Boosted Gear wielder prayed for help. If they were to pursue legal actions, this could lead to a precedent that a devil's territory is theirs and theirs alone depriving lesser devils of the chance to grow as this call was similar to their own.

This thankfully didn’t become an international incident due to Rias’s and her own So-tan’s quick thinking of keeping it under wraps and made it a personal matter to which only the four Satan’s knew about. Now, if only Michael and that bitch Gabriel had to get personally involved.

“You should! That’s my So-tan and Sirzech’s Rias-chan you're talking about.” She growled out in warning. She felt uneasy due how close it was to her sister.

“Thankfully, that incident didn’t set off the powder keg we currently found ourselves in. We can only hold back our subjects for so long until emotions overwhelm their reasoning.” Ajuka then said as he leaned back on his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose. She could only wince at the reminder of the volatile situation they were in.

“The fact that many of the troublemakers suddenly lost their precious pieces only made it all the harder to reign them in. The only saving grace we have is the fact that they’re far more disproportionately affected with God's change on the Sacred Gears. It would still require an answer however due to the nature of such a move and most of these idiots will want war, a war that would be quite costly. Troublesome” The greenette muttered to which the three of them nodded.

There were a lot of changes that happened but the most damning thing of all was the fact that God locked down the Sacred Gear system. A lot of young devils were affected as many of their peerages suddenly lost their power. Even the older ones were affected but not to an extreme extent given that Sacred Gear poaching was a recent trend. Technically, it was their fault for trying to take advantage of the situation. It was the nature of the Evil Pieces to be used to recruit the best and brightest of other species and Sacred Gear users often are the best of humanity.

Turns out, trying to use the weapon that heaven specifically made was a bad idea even if they could subsume it. It was powered by the System and remained attached to it even after they became devils. Ajuka could close that backdoor but that also meant effectively cutting out a vast majority of the Sacred Gears power and the damage was already done. They couldn’t act upon it as most,if not all devil Sacred Gear users lost their primary tool. Some devils even lost their peerage but investigations are showing signs of abuse and these devils were trouble makers for the current regime anyways.

“Troublesome is putting it lightly.” Serafell groaned out. That doesn’t stop those idiots from complaining and they have deep pockets and deep connections. “Speaking of war, what’s taking him so long anyway? He’s just sitting there all prim and pretty while he had our citizens running around like headless chickens. It’s honestly frustrating as hell!” She shouted with unease clearly in her voice. She couldn’t help it, especially with how the big man was acting.

“He doesn’t want a war.” Falbium suddenly interjected, surprising her. The laziest of them all was working, truly things were taking an unexpected turn.

“I don’t know Falbium. He’s pretty hostile to me.” She gripped out in frustration before adding, “He even messed with my So-tan’s peerage! That big meanie took away the toys from my sister's peerage!.” Yes, everyone was equally affected but this was her sister. Even Sirzech’s sister was affected and she might have been hit the hardest with her entire peerage weakened.

Ajuka hummed as he stood up and paced around the room. “No, Falbium is right, Serefall, whatever misfortune befall your little sister was merely a side effect.” The man reaffirmed their lazy comrades' observation and he quickly started to explain, “All the actions he has done so far are reactions rather than actions. It wasn’t so long ago when sacred gears made reincarnating some people hard until it didn’t.”

“The only moves so far that I can say for certainty is a move he pursued all on his own was his reformation and even then it’s an inward looking approach rather than being aggressive.” The man further elaborated. Framed in such a way, it does make sense that it was merely a side effect rather than the intended result of the action. “A reasonable move given how he has effectively been forced out of the game for a few turns only to come back to a whole new board. He’s consolidating his forces rather than actively going to war footing.”

“I still don’t trust him. We have words that he actually stopped the active witch hunts and incidents involving devils are at an all time low but there’s something we’re missing here. Something doesn't quite make sense.” She worried, hoping that it wasn’t true. Yes, she didn’t have the stomach for a war but she was being realistic to their current situation.

“If you don’t trust his words, trust his action or rather his lack of it.” Falbium fired back.

“Oh, do tell what he hasn’t acted upon then Falbium?” she then questioned him.

“He hasn’t made any move to invalidate or break any of our treaties with heaven.” Falbium easily answered and she couldn’t refute it. The fact of the matter is, when God died, the Angels picked up the slack and with them came the peace treaties. They were made in his name and so far, they were actually being respected and even further enforced.

“That he hasn’t. These treaties were made in his absence so it should be invalidated but it is not and it’s simply business as usual.” Ajuka pointed out and that was when the fight left her.

“Hmmm… you do have a point there.” She relented as she slumped on her seat. Was she overthinking it? Maybe the stress of the current situation was getting to her and she hasn’t had her alone time with So-tan in weeks. “What do you think of this Sirzech? Think the big man lost his appetite for war or is he merely bidding for time?”

If there was anyone she’d trust to lead them all, it was Sirzech. He had led them through the rebellion and he had yet to fail them once. With the matter discussed to its entirety, it all depended on the man's decision on what their next course of action would be. “Ajuka, what are the chances that we can win a war against heaven?” The man who claimed the title of Lucifer asked.

“Before his awakening, I say we have a 60% chance of winning but now? 1%. Why? Simply put, with God back in the helm, they can actually take on the losses of a potential war.” The man reported. The forecast he made brought grim tiding but the fact was undeniable. They no longer have the Queen of Hell, Lilith, to replenish their numbers. They simply had to rely on the Evil Pieces and their own birth rate, which admittedly is abysmal pun not intended.

“We can attack now, win every single battle, defeat every single angel that heaven throws at us but we will lose the war in our current state as we will be unable to keep up with heaven's pace. Eventually, they’ll grind us down and we will be forced to the table at a disadvantage.” The man admitted as a pained look graced his face. Winning the battle but losing the war? It was arguably a worse fate compared to losing out right. Being given a glimmer of hope only for it to be snatched away? Truly a cruel faith.

“But it’ll cost far too much for heaven to pursue that path. Like I said, he does not want war. It’s simply the worst choice right now.” Falbium reminded them, giving them a much needed balm to ease their minds. A war now would be catastrophic, something that Heaven couldn’t afford. It would be what the humans call, a mutually assured destruction.

“Indeed. The mere specter our forces project is far better than actually using them. So long as we have our forces at tip top shape, the calculus of war makes it costly to actually act upon us.” Ajuka added in agreement. A paper tiger was a far more daunting prospect to fight if one didn’t see through its illusion just yet.

Still, there is the matter of answering heaven's actions. She reminded them, “Even if he doesn’t want war, we simply can’t just stand here and do nothing. What are we going to do?”

“We simply buy ourselves more time. Prepare for war.” Sirzech declared making them all freeze but the easy going smile he sported eased their minds. Their friend had a plan so they listened to him intently. “Heaven might not want war but it must be reminded that we can still bite back if they dare thread upon us. It’ll help with the loudest of the warhawks for now at the very least and I have a feeling that we’ll soon need those soldiers anyways.” he explained. ‘So that's what he meant’, she thought. They were indeed going to be buying them if they were to look busy enough but their friend brought up the matter of foreign intervention.

“Oh? Why’s that?” She asked, wondering who among the Divine had a bone to pick with the big man upstairs. He had a lot of enemies but few would dare fight him.

“Just a gut feeling that someone or some group would strike now. Heaven is at its weakest in centuries even with him back in the helm and while we might not win, that’s not to say other forces couldn’t.” Sirzech replied before he stood up.

“Serafall, I want you to go to Kuoh Town.” He then ordered as he turned to her. “Talk with Gabriel and Michael. Get as much information as you can. If they want something aside from what they already have, delay them and keep them distracted..” and keep their sisters safe, remained unsaid between the two as she nodded and smiled back.

“You can count on me!” She declared with a wink. With a goal in mind, she felt more at ease. The fact that she could go up to the human realm and talk to her baby sister was a huge plus. “I’ll make sure your sacrifice is not in vain,” She whispered to which the brocon could only shake his head in wry amusement.

Turning to the general, he then ordered, “Falbium, raise the banners but delay as long as you can.”

The Lazy Devil laughed as he asked him with a smirk on his face, “Are you really asking me not to do my work?”

“Do you really want more work Falbium?” Sirzech teased the man who held up his hand in surrender. Turning to the scientist, he then asked. “Ajuka, I’ll need you to appease some of those that have their pieces lost due to god’s actions. They might be an annoyance but they still lost their pieces.”

“It will be costly in terms of material but I can see what I can do.” The man nodded. They were in full damage control mode and now, it’s up to them to keep everyone calm.

“I’ll deal with the families. Getting my relatives to reign in the Old Satan Faction should be doable” Sirzech then said as he walked up to the window overlooking the city they had built. They could lose this all if things come to blow. Never again, never again should blood be spilt. “If we are to keep the peace we won, we have to buy ourselves as much time as we can.” he declared, a sentiment all of them echoed.

The Star (Fallen Angels)

The camp of the fallen angel was astir today as leaders among the Grigori, Azazle and Kokabiel faced off inside an arena before their followers. ”Is this really the hill you want to die on Kokabiel? Are you really going to piss me off just to show the world that your dick’s the biggest there is?” Azazel asked as both men circled each other. While Kokabiel looked tense with his wings outstretched and in full display, Azazel looked at ease as his wings remained hidden while his spear dragged at the ground, marking the ground as they passed.

“So what? I intercepted a message from heaven. What use are their words to our cause anyways? They cast us out from heaven when we were merely following the natural order of things. It’s not our fault that humans are far too helpless for their own good.” Kokabiel spat out heatedly. There were murmurs of agreement but it didn’t phase the blonde one bit.

Azazel could only snort out as he briefly looked to the stands to see the four that were involved in this incident. Through Kokabiels order, Raynere and her compatriots kept an important message from him and now he had to deal with the vampiric looking weirdo.

“Cut the bullcrap Kokabiel, you’re too much of a tryhard to go with such an angle anyways.” Azazel fired back as he lifted up his spear and aimed it at the man. “Also, don’t lump me with your pitiful cause. You rebelled due to your weird superior race kink bullshit, I on the other hand rebelled because breast is the best! The only reason you’re here is because you’re mildly useful but your recent action’s making me reconsider.” He openly declared. He was a pervert but he wasn’t the type of pervert Kokabiel was. He was only annoyed at the fact that people actually listened to the man but then again, he was part of the original rebellion.

The man scowled as he growled “You’ve grown soft Azazel, maybe it’s time for a change in leader.” Azazel had to hold himself from rolling his eyes at the man's spiel. He almost toned the man out if not for the fact that he needed to hear him out for appearance sake. “If you surrender now, maybe I’ll be merciful and cast you out instead of killing you where you stand. What do you say, old friend?” the man then offered to which Azazel laughed at.

Grinning at the man, he gave him an answer that was worthy of such a dismal and quite frankly insulting offer, “If.”

It was all over in a flash. As soon as Kokabiel took his paltry bait, his fate was sealed. His fellow fallen angel dashed towards him with murderous intent, his spear pointed straight for his heart yet he did not move. He merely smirked as the ground before Kokabiel glowed before it exploded upward with the force of a thousand suns all thanks to the runes left behind by his spear. Half blinded and off-balanced from the explosive rune that Azazel etched on the ground, he was left exposed. It was then Azazel lashed out.

Kokabiel screamed as his arm was lopped off and sent tumbling away. With the dismembered limb still clutching his weapon, Kokabiel was figuratively and literally disarmed. The man fell to his knees as he clutched at his bleeding stump only for him to be sent flying backwards as his face met Azazel’s boot.

“Come on Kokabiel, is that it? I know you have some Phenex tears on you. Why don’t you use it? I’ll even wait for you to attach your arm back before we continue our fight.” Azazel taunted the man as he stalked forward, his spear of light still slick with the blood of his fellow fallen angel.

The bloodied and beaten man let out a high pitched scream of terror as he scrambled backward but he soon ran out of ground when his back met the wall of the pit. He almost felt pity seeing the wretch try to get away, almost. “Please, mercy! I give! I was wrong!” The man begged as he cried. All his bluster and pride melting away now that he was defeated.

For good measure, Azazel kicked the fallen once more, sending him skidding across the arena floor. “Cross me one more time and it won’t be just the arm that’s coming off.” He warned the man as he gestured for the medics to treat him. “Take him out of my sight. ” he spat out as they took the gibbering mess away.

As much as he hated the man’s guts, he still needed him especially with the old man coming back into play. He needed every last fallen angel working in concert if they were to survive this decade. Jumping up to the stand, the four cowered as he loomed over them. “Now, what will I do with you four idiots? Did you really think that I’d have Kokabiel carry out my will?” he asked them with an exasperated tone in his voice.

“Azazel-sama! Please forgive us! We didn’t know!” smallest and youngest of the foursome folded first and soon the older of the two quickly followed, “You have to believe us Azazel-sama! We were merely following orders!”

He honestly couldn’t blame them as after all, they were attached to his troublemaker, Raynere. He waved them off without, just wishing for them to go away so that he could deal with them later. They however were frozen in indecision and he was forced to shout at them, “Now fuck off while I’m still in a good move!”

The trio quickly scattered leaving him and Raynere alone. By this time, they were the only ones left in the Arena. Sighing tiredly and crossing his arms across his chest, he then asked, “So what’s your excuse this time Raynere? What hare brained scheme were you pulled in this time.”

Under his disappointed stare, the girl broke into tears as she cried out for forgiveness. “I-I’m sorry” She whispered as she tried to stem the tide of tears only for them to fall nonetheless.

“Oh now don’t cry. You know I hate it when you cry. You’re a big girl aren’t you?” Azazel asked as he crouched down low and looked her in the eyes before he placed his hands on top of her head. The girl tensed up but quickly relaxed as he started stroking the girl's long silky hair.

“Y-yes” the girl whispered, sniveling as she looked down in shame.

“I’m not bad really. I’m just… disappointed. I know you’re really doing your best but maybe the front line mission might not really be your thing.” He then said, easing her in for his judgment. Raynare was just far too eager for her own good.

“N-No! Please don’t cast me away! No, not like this please!” The girl then pleaded.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, he then assured her, “Raynere, I’m not casting you away. I'm merely going to be pulling away from the front and sending you somewhere safer, somewhere you’ll be of great use to me.” He could practically see the gears turning in the girl's head as fear gave way to the same enthusiasm that had him falling for her once upon a time.

“Anything! Anything for you Azazel-sama!” the girl exclaimed.

“Good. I need you to go back to Kuoh Town and apologize to the owner of the town along with the boy you almost killed. Go make yourself useful to them, offer them your help. Can you do that for me?” Azazel then ordered her. Ruffling her hair, he then stood up as he gazed upon the stars of the underworld. With God waking up, the cadre was packing up. After staying in this spot for so long, he had to admit that he’s going to miss these stars. “You really had to go for the Boosted Gear user huh? You know Vali would have gone after you if you pulled that thing off the kids soul and used it.” He joked as he turned back to his wayward angel.

“I can apologize to the two devils but that pervert! That pervert punched me in the chest!” The girl fumed and he couldn’t help but laugh at her misfortune. The girl pouted as she looked away.

“No buts, I need some eyes there and best to mend relationships with those two. I don’t want the actions of Kokabiel painting the Grigori as power hungry idiots.” He then explained, hoping the girl could see his intention. It wasn’t her fault, it was that racist asshole’s fault.

Thankfully, the girl relented, “If that’s what Azazel-sama wishes…”

After sending her on his way with his blessing and a letter of apology, he went back to his tent to pack up the last of his belongings. There however, he’d find a particular angel munching upon some of the apples he always kept near his person. “I have to say Azazel, you haven’t lost your touch one bit. She was practically like putty in your hands.” the red head twin to a certain ninja said as he leaned against the support pillar.

“Oh shut up Sandalphon. I’m just trying my best to diffuse her.” He fired back as he walked up to his chair and slumped against the backrest. Running his hands across his face, he then added. “I really shouldn’t have made her fall.” He was horny and drunk and this particularly eager angel who had just gotten her wings somehow found him. The rest was history and here he was, dealing with such an emotional angel.

“You reap what you sow.” Sandalphan jabbed at him with a shit eating grin across his face.

“Fuck you.” he cursed him, flipping the bird at him to which he angel merely shrugged off. “I swear I would rather spend time with your twin sister rather than your smug ass. At least I can talk to her without insults even if most of our talks are about ninjas and father.” He groaned out. The headache he felt could only get so much worse.

“You wound me.” The boyish seraph replied as he feigned being hurt by his words.

Still, the boy had a purpose and he could only tolerate him for so long especially with the events that happened today. “What does father want this time around? Getting them all to agree to talk is annoying as is so he can shove any more demands up his ass.” He growled out threateningly as his patience was running thin.

“So you probably don’t want to see what’s inside this letter then. As much as I want to take another peek inside, it’s far too dangerous. Let me use your fireplace and burn these pictures.” The boy then said as he waved a letter in front of him. His senses tingled as his eyes locked upon the photo-like imprint upon the folder.

“Wait, wait wait, let’s not get too hasty there.” He called out as he got out of his seat to stop the boy. Quickly snatching away the letter, he quickly found the scent of his father all over it. Even buried under so much seal, he could feel that the letter was more than what it appeared. Still, he had an inkling of what’s inside and if their father was so desperate to use this to call him, something was up, “I’m listening.”

“Same old Azazel.” Sandalphon replied before he gave his message, “Anyways, if you want to see the contents of this letter. Father asks for an audience with you before the meeting.”

“God fucking damn it old man, you’re really forcing me here.” He groaned out in frustration as his hands moved to throw the letter to the fire but… he held back and held the letter close.

“You can take it or burn it, the choice is yours” The boy reminded him as he circled around him.

Glaring at the seraph, he then asked, “Why the hell are you still here anyways?”

“Watching you suffer is funny.” Sandalphon chuckled as he spread his wings and backed away.

“Fuck off will you.” He waved him away, wishing for some time to think.

“I’m glad that I got to see you again Azazel. Cyao~” The seraph bid his goodbye and disappeared in a flash of light leaving him in his tent.

Checking his tent for any spell or bug to spy on him, as well making sure that he was truly alone, he found nothing. Now finally and truly alone in the privacy of his tent once more, he could let loose and inspect his wings once more.

Stretching his wings, he found the same twelve wings he had all his life with their dark feathers saved for the last pair which were now as pure as the day he was born. No longer were they stained and he could only point to one being responsible. If he wanted answers, he had to call him. With little choice left, he walked up to his chair once more. There was no use calling him when he wasn’t comfortable.

For a second he hesitated but he was quick to make up his mind as he tore open the letter before letting it down on his desk. Turning around, he came face to face with the man that threw him out of heaven.

“Good evening father,” He greeted the deceptively young God before his eyes wandered to the serpentine like spear clutched in his hands. “I see you brought him along.”

The Hierophant (Hero Faction)

Deep within the Black Forest, the camp stood hidden from the greater world. Runic scripts and magical circles were carved upon the wooden palisade, hiding it from outsiders. While impressive in size and organization, it was merely a temporary camp as its inhabitants were always on the move. After all, they were the men and women who willingly joined the Khaos Brigade. These were the supposed heroes and heroines of the world yet they had to hide like thieves for the church now hunted them with a passion equal to their hunt against those that threatened mankind.

Amongst the camp followers, segregated and made to camp near the edge of the camp itself, was a lone man who trained even as his compatriots rested and regrouped. His form was impeccable, each movement without waste, as he struck with a dull and rusted spear which had seen better days. He flowed through the movements, his attacks striking true against his imaginary foe yet he struggled as he forced himself to strike as many times as he could even when his form gave emphasis to the first strike.

Up in the trees, a divine being watched the mortal man as he worked and modified his stance, adjusting his ways to strike with ceaseless energy. “Boy, why do you insist on training with a spear when your sacred gear has been locked away?” The god asked the man who kept training.

“In fact, why train at all when now, you’re just a mere human. Without your spear, you are nothing but a burden.” The god questioned him in an almost teasing manner with the smirk that spread across his face as he jumped down from his perch to observe him. The divine walked towards him, heedless of the potential danger that he could pose with the rusted but still very sharp weapon in hand. “You don’t even attempt to use some of the last snakes specifically set aside for you. The only reason you haven’t been cast out of this camp is due to me. Even your so-called friends have abandoned you. You’re crippled, give up.” The god derided him, discouraging him even further.

It was only then did the man stop as he let out a sigh. Resting his weapon against his shoulder, the man then asked the god, “Do you really believe that the Longinus is what defined me, Lord Indra?” Even before the god and with respectful tone with how he spoke, he showed no reverence as he gazed at the divine with boredom and apathy.

Indra quirked a brow at the cocky man before firing back, “Am I not wrong Cao Cao?” Cao Cao could only sigh as he gazed down upon the spear that was once an active True Longinus. Once, it was a god killer, a spear capable of striking any being down but now, it was nothing more than paper weight. It even took a more rusted and disused appearance now after its abilities were sealed.

“Before the Christian god locked away my Spear, that might have been true. So blinded was I by its power, believing that the very world itself grants me such a gift to become a hero, that I did not realize that I was more than just the wielder of such a powerful weapon. I have become arrogant and complacent, I have forgotten what I truly am.” the man lamented as he clutched the spear before returning to work on his stance. His strike became sharper, his movement less hesitant as he trained his body to handle the new stance he adopted.

“What are you then? Who are you really? Do you claim to be more than just the wielder of the True Longinus? Do you claim to be better than the very creation of gods?” The divine being questioned him, judging him before him. Gone was the joviality in his tone as his gaze sharpened, his eyes narrowed as if daring him to say otherwise. Unfortunately for him, he was talking to no mere man.

With conviction burning in his heart, the man shouted for all to hear, “Yes, for I am Cao Cao and I am the one that dares to strike against Heaven and claim what is rightfully mine!” Without a hint of hesitation, he turned against the divine that dared claim that he was done. He might have lost his weapon but he was still Cao Cao. With all his strength, he lashed out at Indra and the god dodged his attack.

He could only smirk as the divine ran his hand across the thin line over his skin as the spear tore through his shirt starting from where the heart was over to his shoulder. The god scowled as he inspected the damage made against his being. “You have some guts boy, destroying my favorite shirt with a strike like that.” Indra growled out as he glared up at him but he was unrepentant, proud of his actions. It was then that the god laughed and Cao Cao joined him. “But I like that. At least I know that such trivial matters didn’t break the spirit of such a powerful hero in the making.” the divine praised the man.

“You doubted me Lord Indra?” Cao Cao asked mirthfully as his smile now reached up to his eyes. Gone was the cocky young man that dared talk against the arrogant god as now, they stood as equals.

“Just making sure is all. Now, how about you deal with those Exorcists that’s bothering your friends,” The god explained before he gestured at the walls of the camp that glowed a deep unsettling red as tongues of fire licked against the wooden palisade. Cries of warriors rang out as weapons clashed against one another while spells were thrown with reckless abandon.

“Of course,” The boy bowed, this time more respectfully, before he marched up to battle with a confident gait to his step.

“Oh before you go, catch,” The god called out and Cao Cao turned to find the god handing him the shaft of a mighty spear. He looked up at the god in surprise as the god pressed it into his hands before adding, “You still need a proper weapon. I’m sure you’re familiar with Vasavi Shakti? She might not be my favorite spear but she had served only one worthy master but that could soon change.”

Cao Cao smiled as he buried the tip of the True Longinus on the ground before testing the spear that Karna once used and found it agreeing with him. The spear crackled with energy, singing a deadly hum as Cao Cao wielded it like he had used it all his life. “I’ll be sure to make great use of this, my Lord.” The man reassured him before he jumped into the fray.

“You better.” The god reminded him as he watched the ensuing carnage. With the longinus left behind, the god reached out to grab it only to find it crumbling under his touch. He could only scowl as the weapon turned to dust. The weapon was still there but it had been hollowed out which explained how easily the man took the weapon of the gods without him writhing in pain for Vasvi Shakti was a jealous spear that wished only itself to be used and nothing else. Still, he did gain a warrior out of it which was plenty good enough in his eyes.



Hmmmm... I don't know what to think about these guys, all I see is arogance, do they really think they can go against The Creator? I'm not true believer, but even then I hold God in respect, not Church mind you... Still, nice chapter, by the way that tibbid in previous chapter about God's true form, is he like Lovecraftian form that would bring madness to anybody who looked at him, or just evaporate anybody with his presence like in Supernatural, where angels true form was too much to handle for humans? By the way, it would by funny if there was certain club in Las Vegas, with certain Lucifer Morningstar as it's owner...