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Chapter 16

In the end, a compromise was made between the races of the Citadel on the matter of Nevermore’s citizenship. As his allegiance to any single nation would cause the balance of power to tip to an untenable level, he was given what was effectively a citizenship to the Citadel. He technically only holds allegiance only to the Citadel and the Citadel alone. As for what’s the perk of this particular citizenship?

“We should ban pants,” Jinx suddenly suggested, making him and Raven pause while they were discussing possible new islands and which corporations to take in. Even the Spectre, Octavia, was taken aback at the rather insane request. Nevermore bit back a groan of frustration as he was reminded that he and Raven had the power to effectively set any rules and Jinx had been rather proactive in suggesting new laws.

Setting down the file she was reading, Raven then reached up for her temples and massaged them before asking his chaotic familiar, “... Why?”

“Hey, we’re effectively running a planet sized resort. Might as well make it as appealing as possible,” She reasoned out. Yes, the entire planet was in essence a resort but he shook his avatar’s head as he knew damn well the reason why she wanted that law.

Ever since he’d become a public figure, he went out and hired himself a team of lawyers. It was the most sensible thing to do given all the legal quagmires he could possibly face now that he was a citizen following some rules, even if was also a state at the same time. The only mistake he ever made when he acquired said lawyers was having Jinx find them. With unlimited resources at her fingertips, she went and hired an all female law firm. Yes, they were really good at their job but Jinx chose them not for that but for another reason, a pair of them to be exact.

“No,” Raven was quick to shut her down before she could get any more crazy ideas to add on top of her already insane request but Jinx was not one to give up so easily.

“Awww come on. Back me up here big guy!” She whined as she turned towards him with those big puppy eyes of hers. He glared back at the manipulative little hellion he called his familiar. She pouted and crossed her arms, huffing as she did not get her way, “And here I thought being your familiar meant you'd spoil me.”

“Just… Just listen to Raven alright? Also, do not bother our lawyers on their private island,” He asked her before reminding her not to pester them. Given they were all enjoying a day out on the beach, he really did not want Jinx let loose in that area.

“But consider all the possible revenue we could have!” Jinx then argued as she tried once more to have him change his mind. She skipped past a peeved Raven as she slung her arms around his avatar’s shoulders before she continued, “I can see it now! Planet Gone Wild.”

He raised his hand before gently placing it down as he fought back the urge to facepalm, “You just want to see those lawyer Asari’s without pants don’t you?” He asked her incredulously.

Jinx smiled back ever so innocently as she asked back, “And~?” Pulling away, she deftly avoided a cuff on the back of the head as she teased them both with lurid images she projected out of her Omni tool. “Come on now, you two aren’t going to tap a race clearly built for sexual fun? LIke look at them! Every single one is a work of art and they age like fine wine!”

As much as she could be quite lovable, he did have his limits, “God damn fucking damn it. Jinx, to your room. Go play some video games or watch some cat videos,” He ordered her back to her cave. Given all the games and the unlimited funds she had, one would think that she wouldn’t get bored but here they were.

“You’re not my dad!” She answered back with a smirk making him growl out. As horny as she was, she was also if not much more of a brat.

“Talk back one more time and I’ll whoop your ass like I am your dad.” He warned her as he waved his tentacles threateningly at her. He had the tentacles to carry out his threat and he wasn’t afraid to use them.

The grin that spread across her face made him wish he didn’t just say those words, “Don’t threaten me with a good time,~” She moaned out with a rather lurid tone as she batted her eyes at him. Raven turned away as she let out a snort which made his face burn all the brighter. The only saving grace he had was that his tentacles were a dark purple.

With that, Jinx ran off cackling, escaping the retribution he had for her. He slammed his head down on the table in front of him as he groaned out, “I swear, she’s getting hornier by the day.” Yes, she and Raven were no longer at each other's throat but now this was his problem.

Raven gave him a once over before she said with a teasing tone, “Not a surprise.”

“Is she always like this?” Octavia asked as she watched the retreating figure of the sorceress.

“You haven’t seen half of it,” He snorted out and chuckled as he raised his arms in surrender. There was a reason why she was the one that popped out when he tried summoning something more powerful. Still, he wished she wasn’t so hyperactive.

“Now, back to business,” Raven coughed as she filed away the rest of the files they were supposed to read for now before pulling up a map of the island continent that would serve as the perfect place for Octavia’s species. It was a lush tropical island, much like every other island on his surface, located west of his main continent. Plants and animals that were imported from Palevan to fill the continent; though he wished he’d managed to convince the Turian government that he should be allowed to revive ancient fossil animals.

“Let’s get back on topic then, shall we?” He then said before turning over to the Spectre, “How’s the Turian friendly island doing? I do hope it’s to your liking.”

“Oh yes, it’s marvelous really. All the game I could hunt and all the fruit I could harvest makes it feel like paradise, or maybe it's more appropriate to compare it to what humans call their origin point; Eden,” Octavia sighed out as she looked longingly for the island. “You’re making me want to retire here, which wouldn’t be a bad idea. At least I don’t have to eat Asari rations for a while.”

As he learns more about the universe he found himself in, the more he notices the tiny difference that separates this place from the game he once watched. While the Dextro-Levo food allergy was a bit overblown in the game, as Turians here can eat human food and vice versa, there are still some allergies that can happen.

Different flavors and aromas due to the chirality of their chemistry were also of great concern and just made some food hard to enjoy for both species in some extreme cases. The amount of stuff each species could tolerate varies as well as some species from Palevan can have some toxic levels of micronutrients, like some metals. All these chemicals opened up a whole new field for him to explore. Now, how would he make a levo-sugar version of mangos so even Octavia can enjoy it...

“I’m glad you're loving it here. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind having you live here permanently,” He openly shared with the young Turian. She was quite well spoken and seeing her hunt was actually a treat all on its own. Maybe he should ask Raven if she’d like to spend some time with their newer residents as a change of pace.

“Maybe after all this is said and done. I still have to guard our little matriarch,” She replied with an easy smile on her face.

“Speaking of Benezia, how is she?” Raven then asked as all of them were reminded of their unofficial prisoner. Yes, technically she was under house arrest but she was effectively their captive. She had her own island and he monitored her just to prevent her from harming herself if her indoctrination pushed her to that end.

“Yes, how was she after her operation? While you can’t actively change her, it’s quite fascinating how you used living creatures to reverse some of the alterations already going on inside her.” Octavia further inquired while complimenting him for his work.

He could only grimace as he tried to think of a way to break the news, “Well… best to see for yourself and I kinda need you on this one,” he replied before he turned his attention to his wayward familiar. “Hey Jinx! I need you to lower the barrier on Benezia’s island.”


On one of his islands was the temporary home of Benezia T’soni. Copying Asari’s architecture's flowing curves and organic structure to create the mansion made his job all the easier. The smooth white wood of the tree was a sight to behold. The only thing marring it was the damage that Benezia caused.

Chairs broken, cabinets torn off the walls and wood warped from the intense pull of her Biotic might, which necessitated her house being restrained. The proud matriarch was stuck against the wall while tentacles held on, “The Harbinger will have you all!” She screamed out as she spat out the tentacle covering her mouth only for another tentacle to quickly silence her. Even Octavia was taken aback as she took a step back from the sheer vitriol in the Asari’s voice.

Jinx whistled at the maddened look in the Asari’s eyes as she gnawed at his tentacles while glaring at them all, “As you can see, she went nuts. While I was able to excise the physical alterations along with all the nanomachines inside her, it still hasn’t quite fixed her. It seems like indoctrination goes deeper than I expected,” He explained as she secured her before he started mixing up a chemical cocktail to further make her docile.

Raven black light poured out of Raven’s eyes as she reached out for Benezia only to flinch back, “Much deeper,” she remarked with a shake of her head. It was just as he feared, this went further than the physical, “I need to dive deeper into her mind,” She then said, as she walked away from Benezia and searched around the house.

“Is there anything you need?” He asked.

“I need a lot of chalk. Setting up the ritual to open up her mind will take some preparation,” She explained as she pulled out a pen and ran it against the wall. The ink barely marked and smudged as soon as she ran her fingers against it.

“Or… you could just hook your mind to hers? Just look at Nevermore. With how strong his biokinesis is, I think his tentacles could serve as a pathway for your mind if you stick 'em in real deep,” Jinx then suggested making everyone turn towards her. Her cheeks burned as she blustered and sputtered out, “Hey, I’m not just all lewds!”

“Rather graphic but in theory… it could work,” Raven replied as she looked at Jinx appraisingly. Jinx puffed out her chest in this perceived victory.

With a goal in mind, it was easy to make preparations for them. Finding a room to grow his tentacles in, he made a platform for Raven to sit upon while Benezia was brought inside. As she was fighting him tooth and nail, he couldn’t directly affect her but making his tentacles slip into her skin was easy enough.

Taking inspiration from the movie Avatar, he gifted Raven a small braid of hair with a connective tentacle to connect herself too. Working out the kinks to it was easy enough with all the animals he had on his surface. An added benefit he found in making this project was now he could take over the bodies of his creatures.

“Now I want you to relax because this will start to feel funny,” He whispered soothingly to Benezia as he felt the level of stress hormones and adrenaline spike in her blood with his tentacles latched on and connected to the base of her skull. The connection was almost seamless with blue skin melting into the purple tentacle. Connected to this tentacle was a ‘port’ for Raven’s connection.

The woman cried out in pain as her shoulders disconnected with a slight crack. As she struggled hard enough to rip some muscle, he was forced to take some drastic options. With a lightning fast jab, he plunged a syringed tip tentacle to her neck and injected her with a potent mixture that is often released in a near death experience.

The woman shuddered before relaxing as the potent drug flooded her system, “There we go. Just let the DMT work its magic and let Raven do the rest,” He whispered while Raven lit some scented candles.

With their prisoner docile, they could finally begin. Raven sat down before she grabbed the braid she now possessed. Seeing the tentacles in the end writhe in the air was quite the sight. Slowly, she pressed the tip to the offered tentacle that would connect her to Benezia before she sighed out and closed her eyes.

Already, he could feel magic pour into the connection. With him as the conduit, he could feel Raven slip into Benezia’s corrupted psyche. He chose not to follow her as he stood vigil over her with Jinx and Octavia. There was nothing much that happened for the first few hours but things quickly changed when he felt Raven pour more of her consciousness into Benezia.

As Raven reached deeper inside Benezia’s mind, she suddenly screamed out as a magical wave exploded out of the two. He froze up, blanking out for a second a shiver of pleasure rocked his body. His entire body seized up and the next thing he knew was the eyes of everyone on the surface turning black as an intense feeling of bliss and arousal spread out from Raven and Benezia.

Raven reared back her head as she let out a scream of pleasure while Benezia struggled against her bonds, orgasming as he felt a link get established not only between the three of them but also to every single person in the planet. His control of his avatar slackened as it unraveled to a writhing mass of tentacles.

“Oh, oh fuck!” He gritted out as he tried to remain in control even as the instinct to breed overwhelmed him. The scent and sight of the girls cumming their brains out as they became one with eternity was driving him mad. He had his tentacles clawing at the ground, groping and caressing anything just to occupy them.

Octavia groaned out as she fell down on the floor while cupping her crotch. Her eyes blackened as she started clawing at her clothes while gasping out in pleasure.

Even Jinx wasn’t safe as she was already knuckle deep inside her own crotch as her fingers filled her up. “Oh god what the hell did you do! Shit fuck!” She screamed out as she gushed out all over her floor. He couldn’t respond as his mind grew hazy with pleasure. Tentacles sprouted from every surface as the feelings of all the girls hit him like a mack truck.

“Fuck~ Make it stop~ I’m losing my mind!” Jinx begged out and that’s when all rationale was thrown out the window.

His tentacles grabbed on to Jinx’s hand, pulling her hands aside much to her protest only for her cries to turn to one of ecstasy as a large horse cock filled her pussy up. She squirted all over his cock as he started pumping her snatch. Her voice would soon be silenced, however, as a tentacle filled her throat.

Spit roasted, she grabbed onto nearby tentacles and pumped away at them as her hips buck in their own volition. She drank away at his precum as she spread her legs out wide for his tentacles. More soon followed as both holes were filled up while his tentacle battered her womb. The tapered tip of his cock teased her cervix open, spreading her wide before his tentacles filled her womb.

“More~!” The petite girl begged as she bucked her hips against his tentacles and clamped down hard against his length. His cock plowed on regardless, earning him her beautiful screams. Her eagerness and energy quickly pushed him towards the edge as cum came pouring out of the tentacles plowing Jinx.

She sputtered and gagged as his hot sticky seed was forced down her throat yet she recovered and gulped them down. Her stomach bulged as his tentacles filled her up before he pulled out only to be replaced with a fresh tentacle.

The feeling of her snatch clamping down on his cock and how she sucked on his length made him roar out as he grabbed on to every last girl on his surface. He wanted this, he needed this. The overwhelming urge to breed them all overtook him as he tore at their clothes. The Asari’s on his island didn’t even protest as they bonded with him, further pushing him down this path of bliss and madness.

The turian spectre soon called for his attention as she threw herself into the remains of his avatar. He felt her shiver in pleasure as his tentacle slid along her slit before he filled her up as well. The woman moaned out like a whore as he violated her pussy. The warmth of her core was intense, far more so than Ravens, and he could only want more as his tentacles wrapped around her limbs and restrained her.

Bent over and restrained, he pounded against her womb, battering away as she gushed out with each body shaking thrust he made. The animalistic moans she made spurred him on and his blood ran hotter with each second. He could feel her womb, feel how she was more than ready to breed and he didn’t hold back as cum came pouring in. His seed came rushing inside her, filling every last crevice as she cried out loudly.

He felt her tremble in her hold, her hips buck involuntarily as he pulled out. Thick globs of cum came gushing out but the tide was held back as another tentacle slammed deep into her.

He could barely think now as his tentacles wrapped around their beautiful bodies. His tentacles glided across their sweat covered form, touching them intimately, while his tentacles filled them up. Raven had it bad as mouth like tentacles latched on to her swollen, milk laden, breast. The creamy white liquid poured out as his tentacles groped and squeezed at her generous chest.

She didn’t even fight back against him as his cock slipped deep inside her ass. She could only mewl out at the tender embrace of his tentacles as he cocooned her within their writhing mass. He slid inside her, exploring every last inch of her, and feeling as he slid in deeper. Only the last vestige of his sanity prevented him from going deeper inside her pussy but her colon was fair game.

She groaned out as he slithered inside her, passing by her intestines and crawling up to her stomach. His tentacles bulged out her body as he slid up her throat before they came pouring out of her mouth. Her muffled moans was all he heard as the tentacles writhed about before her lips met that of Benezia.

The restrained Asari could only let out a squeak of surprise before his tentacles flooded into her. Her eyes rolled up as he invaded her body, slipping in deep as her stomach bulged out. The outline of his tentacles moved against their toned stomachs before his tentacle slipped out the other end.

Her muffled scream of pleasure pushed him onwards, stretching out his tentacles as they curved back and filled her dripping wet slit. He plunged deep inside her blue folds, feeling her body become malleable beneath his touch as her will broke. Old wounds healed while her womb was quickly made ready to bear another girl.

The matriarch felt his touch and he received her sweet reply as she gushed all over his tentacle. Even as she forced her to ovulate, all that they felt now was the primal need to fuck and breed. Even the prideful matriarch that had struggled mightily in his care could only struggle so much before she gave in.

Raven reached out and grabbed onto her, holding her before pulling her partner in for a deeper kiss as both girls shared his tentacles. Benezia moaned out louder as she let herself go, letting her mind drift off as she kissed back with an intensity he could hardly compare to. Their tongues and his tentacles coiled with each other as the Asari accepted her faith. Her struggles stopping as she grinded her hips against his tentacles.

The tentacles restraining her loosened before Benezia practically threw herself at Raven. Benezia pushed her down, restraining her for him as pressed herself against her. They held onto each other, with Raven clawing at Benezia’s back as the matriarch mounted her. The elder asari’s hands wrapped around her as both girls bucked against his cocks.

Pointing some of his free tentacles over them, his tentacles bulged as cum quickly came rushing in. Holes along the length of his cock forced his cum out, spurting his hot spunk and covering every last inch of their bodies with his spunk. Their forms glistened as they were covered with cum both inside and out.

As the long tentacle was pulled out of their body, they were left gasping and coughing as they sucked in the air. With lust filled gaze, they launched themselves at his tentacles as they lapped on the tip, swapping kisses and cum as they shared his tentacle with equal and ravenous lust.

All thoughts fled him as they were all lost in a sea of pleasure. Not even the Asari lawyers were left alone as they were covered with his tentacles. The slender and lean form of the maidens and the mature forms of the matrons only deepening the global bond that they had accidentally formed. Every little gasp of pleasure was thrown back at him two fold as he shared the pleasure of every last girl

He lost track of time as his lovers craved for more, pushing them back to the psychic embrace even as one broke out of it. Eventually, they gave in and even he was worn out. The last thing he remembered was their sweat covered bodies laying atop the field of cock-like tentacles that covered large swathes of his surface.

They never did break out of the bond on their own and only after their own bodies gave up did they escape this torturous and blissful prison. When everyone came to their senses, there were some consequences and a lot of stern talking but for now, they rested beneath the starry stars and held each other for warmth.


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