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Chapter 2

His name was Absolution and he was absolutely spent right now. He sighed wearily as he slumped against his throne. After that rather embarrassing display where he had basically opened up the well of power deep within him and having it burst out like a shaken cola bottle, things had more or less settled down.

“Your coffee my lord,” A two winged angel whispered reverently as came in with a pot of coffee, some cups and a whole lot of treats to chew on. From light and fluffy pastries to hard and chewy sweets, heaven truly had everything.

“Oh, thank you, just place it down on the table please,” He replied appreciatively as he gave her a smile. The woman blushed as she bowed and hastily flew away leaving him in peace to work on his problems

Yes, he had unlocked the powers of his throne but all it did was add more responsibilities down upon his lap. His little show of power might have some unintended consequences like there being no more single winged angel in heaven. He had to make new angels on top of all the other duties he had. Now that he could answer all these prayers, he found that it wasn’t as simple as just making it happen. One little push could send things spiraling into chaos. After all, there were consequences to his actions.

With billions under his banner, there were bound to be prayers that just can’t be answered. Why? It was rather simple, those prayers were in conflict with each other. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as two warlords down in the dark continent prayed for the others' destruction.

“Ophanim#42, please gather some of your friends and sabotage these two numbskulls. Oh, and make sure to give them all the bad luck like stubbing their toes and having their weapons jam,” he commanded as a form coalesced before him. Rings within rings floated before him and stared at him with countless eyes. The cute little thing chimed as it floated away to do its thing.

He found that ophanims served well as a stop gap to his current lack of angels. Yes, he could make angels, but making an entire being required him to come up with the soul which means personality and all sorts of things he needed to make which required a lot of attention. Far too much effort. Ophanims were mechanisms, heavenly beasts, that served well to help angels in their daily task. He sighed happily as he watched a flock of Ophaims fly down to the earth below to mess with the people he found annoying.

While it was simple to go biblical and wipe them off the face of the earth, it wasn’t something he wanted to do. Was it the fear of going too far or was he afraid of his own powers going to his head? He wasn’t sure, but there were better ways, ways that were just and righteous. He could change them, alter their very minds; but he stayed his hands. Free will was something sacred but that didn’t mean he was just going to stand by and let people suffer.

Besides, giving the soldiers that were about to descend upon these evil men the bravery to keep fighting and giving wisdom to their leaders by having angels be with them was far better. He smiled as he watched his cute little biblically accurate creation descend upon the poor souls while they were attacked by the forces of good. Of course, there were some problems he just needed to meddle with directly like healing the sick, smiting assholes that are just too good at hiding and that one problem that had been occupying the back of his mind for a while: The Sacred Gear System.

He sighed as he reached out and pulled out one of those tools that had been waiting to be cycled back. Lifting up the large and ornate golden axe, tossing it in the air before catching. This was the Regulus Nemea, one of the legendary Longinus his predecessor made before passing on. When he got his powers back, he recalled just about every single Sacred Gear that had gone autonomous or had taken over and killed their wielders.

Some gave quite the fight and none more so than the lion that this weapon had become. To think that the user would have bonded to their partner that they manifested and slaughtered the people that killed his master. He almost felt bad pulling him up but… he can’t have him fall to the hands of devils, not when the Sacred Gears were meant for humanity.

He really didn’t hold any hate for devils, this was just a side effect of their pursuit of regaining their population, but did they really have to poach all those people? Sacred Gear users were tempting to grab… and it would no longer work now that he was here, not when he could disable it if they joined or send some angels their way. Was it petty? Yes, but he just didn’t like how the best of humanity was getting poached.

He scratched the back of his head as he tossed the Longinus back into the timeout corner for his system, or rather their own little corner in heaven. “I’m sorry about taking from your master. I just had to check if you were ok,” He apologized as the lion was reunited with their partner.

There’s still the matter of the other gears. Yes, reincarnated devils are still human in their very core, but these tools weren’t meant for them. These were for humans to protect themselves. It was a rather vexing problem all things considered. He wanted them back but he didn’t want to kill people since that’s part of their soul. Then, there were those in the hands that annoyed him like a certain descendant of a great hero. There were also the humans that were held prisoner and used for their abilities. It was a mess, one that could be solved, but first he needed his angels as he was about to do something insane.

“It really is true… father.” Speaking of his angels, finally the rest of them arrived. Flanked by his Four Seraphs, the rest of the Seraphim knelt before him in supplication.

“F-father?! Father, you're alive!” An unknown, yet oh so familiar female voice called out before he found a red haired rocket slamming against his stomach. He felt the wind get knocked out of him as a young looking girl nuzzled against him and held him tightly. He sighed as he stroked the girl's hair while Gabriel fumed in anger and envy.

“Metatron! Get down here this instant!” Gabriel sputtered out while Michael hid his smile with the rest of the seraphs giving the ninja various looks of exasperation, amusement and frustration. Sendalphon, who looked like a more masculine version of Metatron without the oriental garb, could only hide his face in embarrassment.

“No! I don’t want my father to go away! Not when he came back from buying milk!” Metatron cried out as he felt sweat drop down his forehead. He looked up and turned his attention at Michael who pointedly refused to meet his gaze. He squinted before he continued petting Metatron.

“I’m sorry it took so long but I’m back,” He apologized as he felt the dampness on his stomach. He really had a lot of fixing to do huh?

After a bit of sweet talking and promises to pry Metatron off him, he could finally talk to them in peace. With all ten standing in front of him, Uriel then stepped forward as he introduced the six newcomers, “Father, the Ten Seraphs, just as you ordered.”

“Father, we have returned and heed your call,” They voiced out as they knelt before him once more.

“Up, all of you. I don’t want this much formality when it’s just the eleven of us here.” He scolded them lightheartedly as a smile graced his face. There before him were Sandalphon, Raguel, Sariel, Remiel, Raziel and of course, the ever so lovable Metatron. They were a lovely bunch and, surprisingly, half of them were girls. ‘God, you sly dog,’ He thought to himself with a shake of his head.

“It’s good to see you alive and well, father.” Raguel replied as he stood up. Clad in heavy armor and armed with an executioner's sword, he was a big and terrifying angel to behold. A fitting look for someone who dispensed justice.

“If I may be so bold, might I ask why you gather us here?” Raziel asked as she tilted her head at him in confusion. Even with her hood on and her near perpetual refusal to open her eyes, it was clear that she did not know why she was there.

“Oh, that. Can’t a man see his children every once in a while?” He asked them. He also wanted to see them and know them better. He might have memories about them but he really didn’t know them.

“F-father!” Gabriel stammered, scandalized yet the smile she sported was all too happy. They were his angels and he was God. To recognize them as his children might look bad but, can’t he just spoil them just a bit?

Chuckling, he then said, “And I kinda want you to be around when I talk to my followers. I have some announcements and changes I want to make. It’s been a long while since I last talked to them directly”. They nodded in understanding. Maybe it was a bit of a power statement but he wanted everyone to be there just so no one would complain, “Oh yeah, that and I need your help with a little plan of mine,~” He added, making the Seraphs look at him in concern.

“Father’s doing one of his genius ideas again…” Metatron deadpanned which had him all flustered as he tried to defend himself.

“H-hey! Don’t give me that look and I need you here cause the newcomers might need help going around.” He reasoned with a pout to which his angels looked at him in confusion.

He smirked as he cracked his knuckles and prepared the throne for what he’s about to do. If he couldn’t have those gears, he'd just disable them; every last one. He might not have the knowledge to tear it off without causing great harm just yet, he did hold the proverbial console. All he did was flip off their switch.

He took in a deep breath as he allowed his power course through him and had it stretch his senses out to the world. He could feel every last one of them, every Sacred Gear user be they human, half humans, or a converted human. He felt their gaze as they heard his call. With the reincarnated devils now in the mix, he made sure to temporarily stop them from feeling any effects from his divinity. There were some half devils he had interest in and he didn’t want them to be hurt.

“Ohayo~! I’m sorry to call you but I need your attention for a sec,” He called out cheerfully, surprising everyone. He allowed his divinity to mix in with his presence to reinforce the point.

“To all Sacred Gear users, Heaven would like to announce that we’re rolling out a new patch for our Sacred Gear system. It has come to our attention that several third party companies have acquired our product without consent from the manufacturers so we are announcing that within 24 hours, we will be disabling every last sacred gear in circulation.

Do not fear, however, as this only serves as a measure to block some tampered devices. To disable the lock down, simply call us at Heaven Co. We only require you to call us by simply praying, even if it's not sincere, as to discern if the product is still being used by the intended users. The following races are the ones that are the intended users of this product: Humans and Half Humans.

We are also rolling out a banlist from now on. The names that I’m going to utter will be permanently barred from ever using the system. The individuals are the following: Cao Cao, Leonardo, and Georg. These individuals have abused their privileges and are now being barred from ever using their tools.

Finally, we would like to announce that heaven will be providing customer support from now in. If the individual possessing this Sacred Gear is in danger or in need of help, please call God. Thank you!”

With those words, he cut off his connection to his sacred gears and watched the ensuing pandemonium. It was a bit cruel subjecting those converted humans to his voice, but it was fun seeing them panic. He could feel some of these devils trying to pray to him, powering through the pain, but he ignored their cries. He’d deal with them later.

Oh, some of them might be soon cast out but it was exactly what he wanted. It would make it easier for him to separate those that were only converted for their gears to those that actually willingly converted. It might take a while, but no one could hide it for too long, especially when most relied on this very same gear to hold their status. What will happen if they’re no longer useful to their masters?

It didn’t take long for others to call him as well. Countless people from all walks of life talking to him. He accepted their praise and their curses in equal measure. This gift could be both a curse and a blessing for the power it gives. As much as it helped countless people, it also hurt hundreds more. Sometimes he wondered if his predecessor was right to give them out, but seeing the world as it is, humans do need it and even those humans that possessed these tools needed saving too, sometimes.

Countless cries of help soon called out from the world below and he listened to every last one of them. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he forced himself to listen. Amidst the whirlwind of voices, two stood out.

“Please… save me.” A hollow voice called out in pain somewhere in Transylvania.

“Will you even listen to a devil?” Another called out as they fought against the haze of sleep.

“Raphael, ready the kitchen. Gabriel, please get ready to tend to the sick and wounded,” He asked shakily as he wiped away the tears falling down his cheeks. The two didn’t hesitate as they flew off to do as he willed.

With power flowing through his veins, he could feel his throne waiting for his will. The wind howled as light flooded the room. Even his Seraphs were having difficulty keeping themselves from being swept away as they knelt down and buried their weapon down on the floor for support. Still, doubt clouded his mind. Healing the multitude was one thing, but taking everyone in? To pull them all up to heaven, with a few being in the depths of hell itself? Shaking his head, he steeled his resolve as he cleared his mind. He was God and was he so cruel to deny those earnest requests?

“To those in need, I provide Sanctuary!” He declared as light flooded the room. The very heavens themselves shook as he once more performed a miracle. His Archangels gasped as hundreds of humans, half humans, and even some reincarnated devils came dropping to the floor of his throne room. They looked up at him and his angels in wonder with the reincarnated devils and half devils patting themselves in confusion. There were also some non sacred gear users mixed in as he pulled in those that were in the same dire situation as those that he had personally saved.

“Like I said, I provide sanctuary. I would be a poor host if those that I took in burned in my presence,” He explained reassuringly as they gave him a look of dumbfoundment.

“Are you really him… have you really taken us away?” A small voice then asked out from the multitude. He turned his gaze upon the voice and there sitting on the floor was the broken dhampir who held the holy grail, Sepiroth Gral. Her empty eyes watered as hope shimmered beneath the surface and he felt his own eyes water once more as the rest asked him who he was.

“Yup! I’m God. Nice to meet you!” he replied with a grin even as he tried to hold back his tears. “Also, no, you’re not dead. Hey, give me a bit of credit here,” He then joked as he tried to lighten the mood.

It was then that the flood gates broke as Valerie Tepes cried her heart out and the rest followed suit as loved ones held each while those that were torn between crying and thanking him. He rubbed his eyes as he did his best to look dignified yet the reality was that he really wasn’t the best with hiding his emotions, “What do we do now…” One of them then asked.

“Well, you rest. Let’s figure out what’ll you do later,” He answered as stood up from his throne and walked down to join the angels helping them. Metatron was already on her knees helping some of the younger ones while the rest checked on the older visitors, “My seraphims, will you guide our temporary residents to their quarters?” He asked them as they nodded before they shepherded them away.

While it did take a while to get everyone some room, it was well worth it even; if he was a bit late for his meeting with the church. After all, it was his people that made up the church. He was sure that they’d understand why he was getting a bit late.


“Man, did we really gather here for a no show?” A blue haired swordswoman complained as she stood in guard for the congregation before her. While it was interesting seeing Imams, Rabbis, Priest and various other wise men speak amicably without trying to kill each other, it wasn't what she was here for as a very special occasion was about to occur.

“Xenovia, Please don’t speak about the lord in such a manner,” Her companion scolded as she fiddled with her hair band and checked herself for the nth time.

“What? I’m just stating the truth here.” Xenovia scoffed but cringed back in fear as she felt her mentor's stare bear down on her from behind. She raised up her hands in surrender and sighed out, “Fine. I’m sorry. I’m just so excited you know. It’s not everyday that God gets to speak to us. When was the last time he did?”

Truly, this day was a special one as it was the first time in centuries that the lord himself would speak to his followers. Everyone was here and when she meant everyone, it was everyone. From the Miaphystes, the Catholic Pope, the various Protestants denominations, the Orthodox to even the Jews, along with the Shia and Sunni Muslims were here. It was an unprecedented gathering, so much so that the hidden meeting place deep within the temple mount was feeling rather cramped as she stood shoulder to shoulder with her fellow guards. The fact that the Ark of the Covenant itself was laid down in the middle of the room was quite the occasion all on its own.

I believe it was a few hundred years ago,” An Imam answered her as the priest beside him started discussing with him when it actually happened.

“Xenovia, please stop bothering the Imam,” Griselda Quarta, her mentor, scolded her. She sighed as she leaned against the wall and waited. She yawned as weariness overtook her but she didn’t stay tired for too long as light poured down from the heaven above. A hush fell upon the room as everyone fell to their knees and bowed down.

The bluenette felt excitement fill her veins yet she held back from looking up and staring up before the Lord. Even when she heard the beats of wings along with the beautiful voice of the Seraph Gabriel singing, she held her head down. Eventually, the fan fare died down and all of them got up to their knees. Only then did she decide to take a peek. The smiling visage of the lord looking straight at her had her quickly look down on the floor once more.

"Greetings my lord, your angels have called and we answer. How may we serve you?" The pope welcomed the lord as she watched him descend and sat upon the Ark. He was not flanked by just the Archangels but all ten of the Seraphs. She swallowed as she fought the urge to tap her floor. What was the lord doing here with all his angels?

"Hi everybody! I'm sorry I was a bit late. Had to do some last minute savings. You may now rise. You know it would be uncomfortable to stay too long on your knees," A young and androgynous voice called out which threw her quite in a loop. She did not expect the lord to sound like this.

"The lord's mercy and magnanimity knows no bounds.” The gathering of priests called out.

"So, is everyone here?" God then asked.

"Your children have gathered to hear your words.” She, and the rest, replied as they listened to him intently. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks at the soothing voice of their lord. Even if she couldn’t look up to his face and despite the overwhelming brightness emanating from him, seeing him made her quiver in excitement.

"Good. Now everyone, please gather around cause I'm making this quick. I'm a bit busy now but I want to tell you this directly rather than having my angels say it to you all." Their lord called out and everyone scooted a bit closer.

"In two weeks' time, I want you to gather every last priest and scholar of note from your various sects and have them gather in Mount Sinai at the foot of Mount Sinai. I want everyone that could pitch in ideas to be there." He declared causing the gathering to murmur about what this could possibly be about. Still, they kept to themselves and refused to ask anything directly about it?

"Understood my lord, we will do as you command. Should we also bring those you blessed with your gifts?" The mountain of a man, Vasco Strada then asked.

"Oh right, thank you for reminding me. Bring every last Sacred Gear user and Holy Sword user there. I want to bless them and tell them they're doing great!" God replied and Xenovia had to bite her tongue to stop herself from squealing out. Even Durandal felt happy as it let out what she could only describe as a happy hum. But before she could celebrate in peace, her lord changed his mind, "You know what, just invite everybody that you guys want there. I'll provide Water, Manna, and Quill, just like last time!"

She couldn’t help but gasp at that. Truly, God was generous beyond measure. Maybe she could even invite her family if her finances allowed it? Given everyone that would be gathering, ticket prices might shoot up…

"So, any questions?" Their lord inquired as an uncomfortable silence descended in the hall. There was still the question of what this gathering was for and even she couldn’t muster up the courage to ask. There were looks and ribbing but none spoke, that was until a lone Rabbi raised his hands to catch everyone's attention, “Yes, you there, with the big well groomed beard.”

"Umm… if I may be so bold my lord, what is the purpose of this gathering?" The rabbi asked as he stroked his big bushy beard. With those words, the room descended into anarchy.

"Ishmael you old goat! How dare you question the lord! I should have you lick the soles of my shoe!" One priest shouted as accusations and threats were thrown at each other. Heretics and Non Believers were the lightest of these words. She along with the rest of the guards grabbed on to the nearest priest as punches were thrown. Thankfully, the lord was quick to act as he clapped his hands which had everyone returning to their stations if a bit ruffled and bruised.

"I'm glad you asked. I actually want to go down to earth and see you all!" The lord shouted and Xenovia could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed. She gasped as she stared up at the lord in horror and confusion, feeling a leaden weight settle within her stomach at the lord's declaration while her legs felt like jelly. One unfortunate soul, an old cardinal, dropped face down on the floor while everyone, along with the seraphs, looked at God with unease. God in turn looked at them in confusion.

"Should… I bring out the trumpets?" Gabriel hesitantly asked.


Luker number 5

Oh right that whole 'Rapture' thing, uhm it won't count this time?