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Homurahara Academy was your typical Japanese school. It sported big blocky buildings housed inside a walled compound. What sets it apart from the other schools in the area was its size. Not only does it cater to highschool and middle school, it also caters to preschool. That along with its exceptional sports facility made it all the more attractive for parents to send their kids to this school.

Rumor has it that there were plans for a Homurahara College but that plan was scrapped due to several prominent “gas leaks” and a serial killer set loose in the city to scare off any potential backers. Suffice to say, it had everything a student needs to learn and succeed, maybe even excel at times. It wasn’t a bad school but Yuri really didn’t like having to attend this school.

Now here he was, Yuri Makira, the sole heir to the ancient and storied Makira family, still needing to go to Middle School. Oh sure school was fine, the best in the area even but he’d rather stay home and read through the family library. Yes he wanted to study, he was a magus by trade after all, and he has every single secret in the universe right at his fingertips but here he was, forced to attend Middle school.

“Come on Yuri, turn that frown upside down.~ You know you’ll get wrinkles early if you keep frowning. Just look at Zouken-Ojisan!” cheered Sakura making him snort as he cracked a wry grin.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the petals of the Sakura trees were fluttering all around them as the wind carried them. It was a nice day today to be at home for Yuri, maybe even somewhere else. He could carve out some rituals on various important sites or maybe even go to London again just for sightseeing but summer’s over and he needs to study in school once more.

It’s not like staying in Fuyuki doesn’t have its perks. He was far away from the monsters of this world and he was protected not only by his grandfather's reputation but also the church along with the Tohsaka’s and Einzbern. No one steps inside Fuyuki outside of the grail war without three families bearing down on their heads. He could almost compare his situation to a butterfly's Chrysalis, developing and waiting until the moments finally here.

That time might now finally be here with Luz coming into play. His benefactors from the other side gave their signal. The show’s starting and well, he was here to make things as entertaining as possible. Easier said than done but he wasn’t complaining. He was going to be living in interesting times from here on out. If he was being honest, he was kinda excited.

“You’re doing that again. That creepy smile.” Sakura then said as he poked his cheeks. He batted away at her hands as he let his smile slip into a more comfortable one.

“I can’t help it, Sakura. Things are about to get much more exciting.” He replied he stepped inside the school with Sakura in tow, following the crowd of faceless students as they filtered inside the school.

“Oh? Is that so~?” She asked as they stepped through the gate.

The moment he stepped in through those, He felt the subtle influence of his ward inside the school. While it was normal for middle school to be sexually charged, his ward upon it cranked things up to eleven. Those subtle glances of classmates upon one another and even himself, the way they carried themselves. They were a dozen school sweethearts already and maybe a threeome or two if his eyes didn’t deceive him.

He didn’t sit idle all those years. The board was set and now all he needed to was act upon it. Speaking of things to act upon. “Does that mean my sister and I can finally…?” She asked as her smile developed a dangerous glint. He nodded back as a thrill of excitement ran up his spine. He wasn't going to deny it, he was a greedy bastard and he wanted both sisters. The fact that one of them wanted it was all the more reason to pursue the other.

“Sakura! Yuri! Over here!” A familiar voice then called out from the crowd. Turning towards the voice, the two soon saw the waving form of Tohsaka Rin coming into view. The twin tailed beauty never failed to capture his and his bride's eyes. Her smile and bright blue eyes were a welcome sight for sore eyes this morning.

He ignored the cries of several boys around them after they were stung by various stinging insects as he waved back at the other Tohsaka sister. Sakura had already schooled her features as a bright smile stretched across her face. “Rin!” She cried out happily in turn.

Rin ran over to them, launching herself at Sakura, and hugging her sister tightly. Sakura blushed at the intimate contact and was nearly bowled over by her sister but Sakura came prepared as she held her sister while they spun around. Sakura stuck out her tongue at him as they settled down making his brow quirk up. His eyes were then drawn to the hand resting upon Rin’s ass making his brow twitch at the teasing little minx.

“Someone’s feeling a bit touchy feely today.” Sakura said as she gently stroked her sister's hair who nuzzled against her and was all too oblivious to the hands touching her down below.

“Can’t a girl have some bonding time with her sister?” Asked Rin as she practically buried herself against Sakura’s chest. “I only have a few more years before I’ll lose her to you! No more sister to cuddle against and no more sister to hug.” She added, not noticing where Sakura’s hands rested.

“You’re making it sound like I’ll be hogging Sakura and keeping her for myself.” Yuri fired back with an annoyed smile across his face.

Rin turned her head towards me before asking “Am I wrong, Yuri?”

Yuri raised my hand in surrender as he answered “Fair enough.” Sakura was a sweet angel and he was lucky to have her. He couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime.

“Now now Rin, there’s more than enough of me to go around.” Sakura then said as she gently pat the girl on the head.

“You're the best sister a girl can have.” Rin declared as she pulled Sakura closer.

“You know I wouldn’t mind sharing her with you, Rin.” He then suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at the other Tohsaka. Rin froze as her ears started to turn pink before she started babbling incoherently.

“Lewd.” Sakura replied with a chuckle.

The lack of admonishment from Sakura never failed to get Rin as red as her favorite sweater. She pulled back as she tried to compose herself and act all prim and proper once more despite how red her face was. It was funny how she tried to act like she didn’t like the idea but her body never lied.

“H-haha Yuri. Very funny.” Rin replied as she gulped as if she was suddenly thirsty.

Before they could talk any further, the sound of the bell called to their attention. They’ll need to get to their classes before they’re tagged as tardy on the very first day and the disciplinary squad were getting twitchy. He might not like spending time at school but that doesn’t mean he didn’t take it seriously.

“Lunch on the rooftop like always?” He asked as he gestured towards the school before lifting up the Bento boxes Sakura had prepared for them. There was more than enough for three, maybe even four if they were feeling a bit generous.

“Y-yeah. Like always” Rin replied before Sakura pulled her closer once more and whispered something in her ears. Whatever it was that she whispered made the girl blush scarlet as she gave a scandalous look at Sakura who merely gave her a coy smile.

“S-sakura! You can’t just joke about things like that.” Rin shouted as she gave Sakura a scandalized look as she covered her chest.

Sakura merely smiled cryptically as she grabbed his hands and skipped away with a happy hum. “See you later Rin.~ Come on, we're going to be late.”  Sakura said with a teasing tone as she waved goodbye to her sister who was left standing there confused and aroused.

“W-wait! Come back here! Tell me you’re just joking! Sakura!” Rin shouted as she tried running after them only to be swept up by the sea of late comers all rushing to get to school before the gates were closed.

“So, did you get it?” He asked as they walked inside the room and headed towards their shared class.

Sakura grinned as she lifted up a lock of freshly cut hair and a familiar looking strip of black ribbon. “Yup, a lock of hair. That along with a piece of clothing I nicked off her just for the occasion. She always does carry a pair in her pocket just in case she loses one of hers. We have everything that we need for later.” She replied as she handed both of them over to Yuri so he can finally work his magic on Rin.

“Seems like we’ll have a lot of fun today.~” He declared as they entered their class room.

“I’m looking forward to today’s meal.” Sakura added as both of them sat in their respective chairs in the column just before the window seats. They were in the center row with Sakura sitting behind him. Beside them was an empty seat for the new student coming to their class.

With potent Arcane links in hands, he rested his head against his desk as he channeled his energy through them, letting them be consumed to fuel his art. Now, all he had to do was keep the ritual up for several hours. His eyes might be directed towards the board but his attention was preoccupied with molding the curse like spell.

While his hands were preoccupied with the spell, his mind drifted off wondering what this universe version of Luz would be like. He was sure she was going to be a riot.


The first thing that came into Yuri’s mind when he finally saw Luz was that this girl had one of the worst cases of Middle Schooler syndrome he had the pleasure of seeing. It wasn’t bad enough that she was wearing a cape or witch hat but she did have quite the obsession with magic and the occult. Still, he was impressed with her passion as she told a “quick summary” of her favorite story in fluent Japanese. He half listened to her as he snuck in some shut eyes.

“Ummm, Noceda-san, while we find your book interesting… I think it’s time for you to sit down.” Their homeroom teacher as the young teenage Latina from across the ocean deflated.

“But we’re just getting to the good part! The Good Witch was just about to fight the evil Gildersnake.” Luz whined as she lowered her props.

She had the whole class as a captive audience but he had to agree. This was getting out of hand. Sakura, on the other hand, was quite enamored with the other girl as she whispered into his ears, “She is certainly quite the spirited one. I can see why you chose her.”

He nodded in agreement. Luz was just a ray of sunshine and while he was a bit peeved that he had to take her manually due to some clerical errors, he was still more than happy to do so. It’s not like he’s not going to have fun.

“It’s been 30 minutes already Noceda-san…” Their poor teacher tried to reason with the excitable young woman.

“Alright. Sorry about taking up your time. I was just kinda excited to finally have an audience that might listen.” Luz replied as she scratched head in apology.

“It’s alright. It’s not everyday that I get to see someone so passionate about literature. I’m sure you’ll love some of the novel’s we’ll be tackling this school year.” The teacher replied with a smile before adding “I do have to say though that your command of Japanese is quite impressive. Where did you learn how to speak Japanese, by the way? You must have quite the amazing teacher.”

“Oh this? I self-studied.” Luz replied casually, making him raise his brow. “I actually wanted to watch some anime early and the wait for the subtitles was too much of a pain so I decided to learn how to speak Japanese!”

He chuckled at the crestfallen look at their teacher. “Ohh, ok… You can take the empty seat beside Yuri-san.” the teacher then said.

Luz gasped as she immediately perked up. “A seat by the window! You shouldn’t have!” She squealed out, making their homeroom teacher pinch the bridge of their nose.

“Just… just take a seat Noceda-san.” Their teacher begged the young girl.

Yuri glanced up at the latina as she practically skipped to her assigned seat. As she got closer, he finally got a better look at her. She wore a jacket over her uniform and that along with her slouch socks plus her short cut hair, all that she was missing now was a baseball bat to complete the delinquent look. Still, she wouldn’t be able to fool anyone with all the anime paraphernalia she had on her person. From the pins on her jacket to those silicone wristbands that were still popular.

“Hey there, looks like we're going to be seat mates for the school year huh?” Luz whispered conspiratically at him.

He eyed her for a bit before smiling as he extended a hand to her. “Yuri, Yuri Makiri.”

Luz blushed, making him grin, as she shook her hands “L-Luz, Luz Noceda or should it be Noceda Luz, Yuri-san?” She replied.

“Oho, moving to a first name basis already? I didn’t know you were so bold, Luz.~” He teased her, making her turn a funny shade of red. She was making it way too easy for him to tease her.

“I-I! I’m sorry! I didn’t know. Did you just-” She babbled out but he cut her off before she attracted the attention of their teacher.

“I’m just messing with you Noceda-san but I wouldn’t mind the first name basis.” He replied light heartedly.

Luz gulped as she smiled back “I’ll hold you on that… Yuri'' she replied with an unsteady grin. If she wasn’t so tanned, he’d swear she was blushing harder than a tomato. He questioned if he’d even need to prepare a ritual for her and use up a foci at this point to bind her.

“I feel like we’ll have fun together, Luz.~”Luz gulped as she looked away.

Yuri's grin grows all the wider at how she looks away. They were going to have fun indeed and he couldn’t wait to sink his claws into her.


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