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Bandle City was a city of plenty whose roads were paved with sunshine and happiness. With how magical the place was, Pan was pretty sure that maybe half of all roads in Bandle City were literally made out of happiness. The other half was probably made with Rainbows or Candy. This made it a perfect place for Yordles like him. The limitless bounty of the place made it the best home one could ask for but that was the problem for Pan.

Bandle City was a nice place and all but he couldn’t stand it. The overwhelming happiness was almost tooth rotting with its intensity. People were way too content and the atmosphere around the place was just right that it was often hard to think about anything else aside from sitting down and relaxing. It would have been perfect if it only made him restless. Where was the action? Where was the passion?   

The city bored him. He was restless and being in the city only made this twisted reverse cabin fever worse so he did the only logical thing he could think of. He started packing.

“Ma, I’m going on an adventure!” Pan shouted as he packed everything he could inside his magical backpack. It was almost comical seeing it swallow a whole shield and a couple of other weapons but it did so without breaking and returning to its original size. It had every essentials an adventurer would need. From a length of rope to a spare mana bottle. He had everything Teemo suggested to pack. Even a couple of highly volatile Puffcaps.

“When will you be coming back for dinner?” A female voice called out from below as the smell of pasta wafted from below. Pan remembered it was Pasta Friday and he almost regretted planning his big damn adventure now of all days but he made a promise to himself.

“I won’t be coming back for tonight’s dinner!” He shouted back as he continued packing, stripping his room of almost everything of worth. He even chucked a couple of human novels into his bag but he had a feeling he wouldn't be reading them with all the sights and locations he'd be going to be seeing and exploring.

“What do you mean you’re not going to be back for dinner?” His mother asked back as he heard her shout back in surprise.

“Going to climb a mountain, explore the deserts, maybe map the entire Gateway Network!” He shouted as he walked over to the last thing he needed for his journey. Pinned to his wall was a large half finished map. The large twisting mass of portals superimposed upon the continents of Runeterra would make his exploration a daunting one but it would be more than worth it once he finished it.

“But it’s your favorite!” She shouted as he heard her footsteps stomping up the stairs that were just right beside his room.

“It’s fine ma. It’s not like I’ll be going away forever! I’ll write letters! Send pictographs!” He replied as he reached up and pulled his map off the wall and carefully folded it.

Packing it inside his bags, he made sure it was secured inside a waterproof container before it was tucked in inside one of the corners of his pack. He had his tools, his map and even his trust pipe strapped to the side of his pack. He was ready.

Hefting the bag and strapping it on himself, he was surprised with how heavy it was and teetered around, waving his hands around till his hooves managed to find some footing once more. He sighed in relief as he gripped the strap of his pack.

Steadying himself, he took in a deep breath as he stared at his room for what might be the last time for a long while. He was finally doing it and nothing was going to stop him, that he swore to himself. His resolve however was quickly tested as his mother came bursting through the door bawling her eyes out.

“Oh my baby! Is there anything your dear mama can do to stop you from leaving?” She cried out as she enveloped him in her large arm and pulled him in a bone crushing hug. Not even the combined weight of his bag and himself could prevent his mother from lifting him up if she wanted to hug him.

This was one of the many reasons he wanted to get out and explore the world. He wanted to leave the nest and go experience things on his own and not be protected and coddled on every step he took.

“Ma, I really want to do this. I need to do this and please, you’re crushing me. Help!” He replied before he slowly ran out of air as her hug only got tighter. He could feel his ribs creaking in protest from her motherly strength.

“Oh dear, sorry.” His mother replied as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “It's just I can’t help but worry. I know you’ve been planning this trip for a while but can you blame me for worrying you, my little prince?” He blushed at his mother's use of his diminutive nickname.

“I know it’s scary but I really need to do this. I just can’t help but not want to go out. Adventure calls and I’m going to answer it with a brave smile on my face! The world will soon hear the name of a great new explorer and the next thing you’ll know, my name will be in the mouth of every household. Just imagine it ma! Pan the Explorer!” He declared as his passion took over.

“And besides, I’m not going alone on this journey! I have friends!” He added.

His mother could only smile as she asked him “And did you tell them about your little plan mister?”.

Pan faltered a bit as stuttered out a reply  “Well… no but!”.

His mother hushed him as she guided him out of his room. “This is why I was so worried but it didn't matter. Your heart is already set on this adventure and I would be a horrible mother if I tried to stop you when you finally found your calling. Don’t worry about the details, I made some calls with my friends and a breath of fresh air would probably be good for those girls. That and you need someone to stop you from jumping off a cliff.”

“It was one time and I really wanted to give that flower to Vex!” He whined.

“And it’s one time too many mister. Now, go before I change my mind.” His mother replied as he was pushed off into the streets. With eyes brimming with tears once more, his mother stood there ready to watch him go. Pan couldn’t help himself as he ran back and pulled his mother into a tight hug of his own.

“Thank you.” He whispered as his mothers warm hands wrapped around him once more.

“Just remember you have a home to come back to. The door’s always open and there’s more than enough time between adventures to come back for a rest.” She whispered as she let go.

Wiping away the wetness from his eyes, he smiled brightly at her as he promised her, “I’ll always come back!”

“I know. Now go before it gets too dark to explore!” She said as he ran off to go fetch his first companion. It didn’t take long before he finally arrived at the home of his first friend.

Greeting his friends' lovely parents who were expecting him, he ran up to his friends room. Checking the door, he found it locked like usual.

“Vex! Are you there?” He shouted as waited for a bit. Silence answered him but he was sure she was there. He gave her some time to prepare before he finally lost patience.

“Ready or not, I’m coming in!” Pan could only grin as the mumbled curses of his best friend could be heard from behind the door. Rearing his head back, he took a deep breath before he slammed his head hard against the door. He expected the hard door against his horns only for the door to open leaving him unbalanced as he tried to grab onto something.

He fell down on the floor face first. Looking up, he found himself staring up at the ever so impassive and dispassionate Vex with her trademark blank stare. Vex only rolled her eyes at him as she helped him up.

He took a breath as he was about to make his pitch only for Vex to shut him down hard.

“Whatever your planning, No.” Vex said as she stared at him, the capital letter audible. Pan could only deflate at that.

“But I haven’t even told you what I was planning!” He complained but Vex wasn’t really the most outgoing type. Pan needed to get her interested before she would even consider moving.

“Does your plan involve exploring the forest just outside the city?” Vex asked.

Pan smiled from ear to ear as he proudly answered “Nope!”

“If we’re going to map that forest one more time-wait what?” Vex asked as her brow rose up in surprise. This only made Pan smile all the wider.

“I’m going to explore the gateways! Every last one of them!” He proudly declared. Vex could only look at him incredulously as she gave an exasperated sigh.

“Why do you even bother? It’s not like people would care if you explore all the Gateways in Bandle City.” Vex replied. It was something even Pan could agree to.

“That might be true with how people here seem to be way too obsessed with what they have now rather than what they could have or achieve but I do have a good reason.” Pan replied.

Vex rolled her eyes as she asked back “And what would it be Pan?”

Pan grinned as he answered, “Making you smile seems worth it.”

Vex stared at him for a while with a deadpan look before she slowly turned scarlet and pulled her hoodie down over her face. He wasn’t sure why she did this every time but it was a clear sign she was interested if he ever saw one!

“Now come on! We still have one more person to go to before we can start our adventure!” He shouted as he grabbed on to her hands and dragged her out of her gloomy room.

"Do you have cupcakes? Wait, nah, better just grab one over at her favorite bakery." He added as he kept walking all the while a dawning sense of horror washed over Vex.

“Oh spirits no, I regret everything!” Vex shouted as she realized who he was planning to go to. She struggled and pulled yet Pan kept going. He always found it funny that Vex can get extremely expressive whenever their other friend gets involved.

“Next stop! Lulu’s hut!” Pan declared, marching onwards with Vex in tow.

“I hate you.” Vex growled out even as she was forced to follow him. With her face being a funny shade of red, Pan couldn’t help but laugh. He has a feeling this will be the best adventure in the whole wide world.

Note to self: Step into the first portal all confident only to end up running and screaming with Noxians running after them.


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