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First of all, I'd like to apologize for not delivering a chapter out recently. Friend offered a Commision and it was simply an offer I couldn't refuse.  Then shitty thing happened on work... let's just say I now have a lot of free time. So yeah, trying my best to deliver as soon as I could this week. Hopefully I get something done before the upcoming vote this 15 for the the fate of 3 weeks worth of chapters for the current active stories.

On topic of voting, Patron rewards got updated. Some perks were moved down and higher tier gets new stuff. 3$ tiers get 1 vote, The 5$ and 10$ tier gets 5 votes :V and 20$ and 30$ tiers get 10 votes. 20$ might be the best value imo though might add more stuff for the 30$ if it proves to be unpopular.



Also, please join discord ;_;. I swear it's easier to talk to you guys if you guys are there.


I don’t have a discord account…