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In the deep dark vastness of space, all was peaceful. Even as a blocky and brutish looking craft trundled on across the void, nary a sound nor whisper could be heard. Not even the primitive chemical rockets pushing the craft forwards to its destination could disturb the silence amongst the stars.

The red and angry sun blazing balefully in the center of a roiling disk of protoplanetary dust and debri while a single lone dwarf planet circled the star. The captain steered his ship towards the planet, keeping his course steady as he leaned back and performed his daily ritual.

“Captain's Log number 143245-A of the System Alliance Coast Guard Fleet ship Akitsu Maru, star date 2183 CE. After several long and arduous days of travel between the stars, we’ve finally reached our destination; the Apocalypse Star System.” Announced the captain over the comms earning him the collective groan of his tired and exhausted crew. Not even his passengers were amused. The various scientist and military men all just shaking their heads

The captain turned from his seat in mock shock. “What? No love for the classics? What are you? A bunch of philistines?” He asked, as he was booed and heckled by his crew.

“It was funny the first time chief but after the fifth, it ain’t. If fuckin ain’t.” Replied one of the jarheads joining him inside the cramped bridge.

“I’ll have you know that Star Trek is a timeless wonder that should be watched by you young’uns.” The captain then said, huffing and puffing as he did but it was all banter to keep the edge out of their systems.

Before the others could join in on the fun, the leader of the expedition cuts in as she reminded people of their mission. “Keep sharp people, we’re about to approach our destination. You know what we're here for. Shit might turn sideways any second so I want all of you all paying attention.”

People straightened up, even the eggs heads they’d brought along snapping awake from the tone of the woman. The captain had to admit, if he was a bit braver, he’d hit on her but those fiery eyes of her daring people for a fight was all too much. Still, that doesn’t mean he couldn’t play some jokes on her.

“Of course, Major. We’re here to go where no one has yet to go!” The captain said, making the grizzled major facepalm in response.

The captain laughed but it was cut short as the planet they were assigned to explore came into view. His smile quickly melted away as his jaw hung ajar from the sight. Shutting his mouth, he turned to the major and said “You know, major, hearing about this weird planet is one thing but seeing it is another. You sure it wasn’t here before, cause I’m seeing an ocean over here and clouds. It looks like a miniature Eden even if you know… it’s purple”.

The rocky planet ahead of them was a wonder to behold. A shallow ocean of blue water surrounded a singular content in the equator. Dotting the surface seemed to be land covered in purple plants. Floating above were streaks of purple and white clouds. There seemed to be regularly spaced holes along its surface as well as under the shallow sea. Were they sinkholes?

“Nope! We’ve never seen this planet before. We’ve combed through hundreds of hours of data and by all accounts, this planet literally came into being just a week or so ago. Like magic.” The techie egghead with them piped up giddy as she focused on the planet ahead with wide eyes filled with manic energy and wonder.

“Or Protheans.” Grumbled another soldier as he shivered at the purple planet. “I swear to god, it's giving me the hibbie jibbies. That thing ain’t natural.”

Turning back to the planet, the captain couldn’t help but agree. The way the planet spined felt a bit… off. As if it’s changing speed from time to time. It was eerie, almost imperceptible yet he swore he saw the planet speed up for a few seconds.

“Umm, major. You guys enjoy your trip on the planet. I’ll be staying on the ship.” he said, not wanting to be anywhere near this planet for too long.

“Noted.” The major mercifully accepted while the rest of crew appeared as apprehensive as he was as they squirmed in their seats. All of them were uncomfortable except the eggheads who had the gall to be excited of all things.

“Ohh, but you’re going to miss out on so many discoveries! iIt’s a whole new weird world. Who knows, maybe we’d find some other alien species.” The egghead once more said.

“No, I’m good. I’m good.”

The kodiak shuttle ride down to the planet’s surface was a bumpy affair, but for Annabelle it was all worth it. The sleepless nights in the cramped bunks, the horrible food, and being near so many crude men and women from the military was nothing compared to what she and her team could discover out here. While planets were dime a dozen, nothing could quite compare to the likes of Garden Worlds. The mystery attached was just the cherry on top of all. Any xenobiologist worth their salt would have killed for the chance to study the planet they were about to visit.

She turned to the window and peered down on the planet below as they made planetfall. She couldn’t help but stare in wide eyed wonder at their purple plants dotting the surface.

“Easy there Anne, we have plenty of time to take samples.” Said one of her colleagues, making her roll her eyes at them. All the teasing about her excitement gots old after a while.

“Got anything new, Betty? Besides, I’m not the one going down just to lick rocks.” She teased back.

“I’ll have you know those rocks were tasty!” Betty fired back causing even the hard ass Major with them to crack a smile.

With morale high and a rather bumpy ride down the weird atmosphere, they finally reached the ground. The small clearing in the forest gave them a view of the aurora filled sky above with its roiling clouds of rainbow lights as well as plenty of space for them to set up camp.

She stretched as they got off the shuttle. Even if they couldn’t breath in the fresh air with their suits on, it still felt great not being restricted in their seat, bed or anywhere really.

“Note to self, petition the Eden Prime government to buy us a third hand spaceship. I’m sure the engineering department of the university would be more than happy to learn how to fly a ship.” She said out loud as she worked out the kink she had on her back that had been bothering her for a while.

“Good luck finding an engineer with spaceship qualifications that’s willing to move into Eden Prime. It’s in the ass end of nowhere. I only went there to get some experience” Betty replied as she unpacked her miniature mining drone.

“I have a feeling that our discovery here will bring a lot of new colonists to Eden Prime. We’ll be living in interesting times soon enough!” She proclaimed. She had this feeling, this niggling sense that something great or terrible was going to happen soon in the sleepy colony of Eden Prime and this expedition was just the thing to put Eden Prime on the map, even if they have to map another planet first.

“Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that.” Betty replied, waving her off good naturedly. She’s way too pessimistic about things.

“Ok people, let’s set up the enclosed field lab so we can get cooking. Anyone up for some pasta?” The major called out much to the cheering of her men. Pasta did sound nice right now, a nice warm and hearty meal to get them all ready for the excitement later.

The sun was still below on the horizon and it was just about twilight by the looks of it. It wasn’t fun inspecting plants using a flashlight but it was still worthwhile as the other option was to sit on her hands while waiting for more light.

Turning on the lights in her helmet, she went to the edge of the camp to inspect some of the plants. Feeling the leaves crunch under her feet made her feel like she was just back in the greenhouse of the University back in Eden Prime.

“Hey Betty, don’t you think these plants look awfully familiar?” She asked as she looked up the trunk of one the trees and watched as the glowing line pulsed as if it was drawing the light from beneath. It was fascinating, and almost mesmerizing but if you pull away the crystalline leaves, the dark purple woody back and the glowing veins, she swore it looked like some sort of weird mahogany. She looked back at her friend as the coincidence seems to be way weirder than what convergent evolution could explain.

“Don’t know. Also, rather busy trying to set up Castle-3 over here. He’s having some problems with his drill right now.” Betty replied as she sat down beside her robot and started to fix it.

Turning back to the plant in front of her, she walked up to the foot of the tree and knelt before it. She activated the coring blade of her omnitool and stabbed deep into the plant to take some samples of its fluids and tissue. Just as she was about to pull back, a shadow appeared on the edge of her vision

“Hey.” The hooded humanoid figure waved as she found herself frozen in fear. Maybe screaming out her lungs and scrambling away wasn’t the best of ideas as the soldiers started pulling out their guns.


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