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It was once again winter time in Zaun. Fresh snow fell from above, piercing even the ever constant veil of the Grey that hung over Zuan. With the snow, came the cold and frost that seeked to snuff out every last bit of warmth there was in the city. Still, not even the miserable could bring the spirit of Zaun down any further.

The cold only brought communities closer as they huddled among shared fireplaces, sharing tales and eating meals. Everyone gathered together in their own little groups, not wanting to spend the winter alone and miserable. Only the most miserly of chembarons would want to spend their time alone, not that the people were complaining as celebrations were often much more joyous without them. In one such gathering, there upon the heart of Zaun itself, was where the most unlikely legend began.

The people inside the bar of Till the Last Drop were having a merry time. The adults were sharing drinks among themselves while their children gathered around a boy who told such fantastical stories that he had his audience listening in rapt attention. No one could leave their children at home at this time of year and the bar had a massive fireplace to keep them all warm. The fact that one of the bar patrons was a decent story teller was only a bonus.

“And thus concludes the Tale of the Two Brothers. No matter how Volibear tried to ruin Snowdown, Ornn will always be there to foil his brother's dastardly tricks” said Ark as he turned the page of a massive pop up book. His audience,  There on the next page was the comical image of Volibear swearing atop a mountain of stolen presents while Ornn was carried atop Anivia  with an equally comically large bag of gifts upon her talon. They were guided across the night sky by none other than Janna herself who called upon the north wind to help Anivia with her impossible task

The children cheered while Jinx scoffed at the tale. “Again! Again!” Shouted the kids as they clamored for an encore of the tale and Ark could only grin as it seemed even Jinx wanted to hear it again as she glanced at him. Vi could only shake her head in amusement while she sat down beside him sipping some eggnog.

“Now now, that was the third retelling and my voice is getting a bit sore so it’ll have to be next time. It’s already getting late so we’ll have to go for now but I promise you, we’ll be back” Ark replied as he closed his book of stories. Various awws and groans filled the bar but the kids were soon fetched by their parents who thanked the trio for keeping their children entertained even for a little while. The small pile of bronze and even some silver was also a much appreciated tip.

As the trio headed home, passing by other groups who huddled close together, Ark asked “So how did you like my Snowdown Special?”

“It was ok I guess. It’s a good story for children” Jinx replied as she looked away.

“Oh come on, don’t tell you didn’t want to join those kids when they asked for a second and third time” Vi teasingly said as she poked a sputtering Jinx

“I did not!” replied an indignant Jinx as she denied it vehemently. All she received for her effort was having her hair ruffled by Vi and Ark chuckling at her expense. Jinx pouted as she finally caved it. “Fine, fine, I kinda liked it. Volibear was silly and I liked how Ornn saved Snowdown” she said with a faint smile on her lips.

“Hey, maybe Ornn will send you a gift this Solstice.” Ark then said, making Jinx snort in amusement.

“And Vi gets a sock of coal” Jinx teased back to her sister whose turn it was to be indignant.

“How am I the Volibear here all of a sudden!?” Vi shouted to which Jinx replied with a raspberry

“Cause you’re a big meanie to me right now” Jinx said just as she ducked under a grab by her older sister. She spirited off ahead as she shouted “Catch me if you can!” and off the two chased their wayward sibling as they raced back home. They did manage to catch up to her just before they got home thanks to a snowball.

Jinx skidded to a halt as she felt the snowball hit her in the back of her head. She turned back to see a panting Vi and Ark floating with wings outstretched beside her, each with a snowball in hand.

“Oh it's on!” Jinx shouted as she ducked under the next volley and scooped up her own snowball. The return fire was accurate as it was deadly as it flew straight at Vi’s face. The redhead wiped her face clean as Jinx laughed at the look she had in her face. Even Ark joined in but this only made Vi throw a snowball at his face.

“Traitor!” Ark howled out in glee as he fired back making the snow ball fight a three way one.

“You started it!” Vi shouted as she hid behind cover and started gathering a large amount of snow.

“It was only a chuckle!” Ark shouted back as she dodged the manic firing of Jinx. The bluenette proved to be an endless well of boundless energy as she threw small yet numerous snow balls.

“You were laughing! Now it's my turn!” Vi shouted as she stood up from behind her cover as she carried a massive snowball above her head. Vi laughed out loudly as she threw it half heartedly making sure not to be that accurate with her aim yet it still sent Ark and Jinx diving for cover. The ball of snow sailed across the air and exploded when it hit Jinx’s cover.

The snowball fight just outside their home would go on for hours leaving Jinx spent by the time they got back inside. The howling winds didn’t bode well so they headed inside where it was warm and cozy. Jinx fell asleep almost as soon as they settled in.

Vi and Ark tucked in Jinx for the night while they stayed up for a bit longer. There in the kitchen, they sat together with Ark on Vi’s lap. Ark remained diminutive even as both sisters grew which made him the smaller spoon when it comes to cuddling not that he minded.

“I think we should decorate our home for the Winter Solstice” Ark suddenly said as he sipped a cup of warm milk

“Like in your story earlier?” Vi asked as she wrapped her arms around him

“Yeah. It’ll be fun” Ark replied as he snuggled in closer and enjoyed her warmth. It was cold, far too cold for his taste. He wished he wore more socks right now.

“Hah, you're always looking for an excuse for a celebration” Vi poked at Ark’s cheeks to which Ark simply smiled back.

“Like I said~ Plus, I’m sure Jinx would love to decorate the Solstice Tree. “And thus the children of the world erected a tall tree with a shining star of gold on top to guide Ornn on where he should drop his gifts for the world” ”. Ark said, quoting a line from his work

“She’ll stay up all night guarding that tree from Volibear” Vi then said, making Ark laugh at the image it brought up in his mind.

“Yeah but it’ll be worth it to see her face if she suddenly wakes up to a gift on her bed” Ark but his mind wandered off as he looked outside. It was snowing pretty hard and he remembered the times he was alone and trying to keep himself warm underground. Making some extra gifts to drop around wouldn’t hurt.

And so, Ark got to work. It was still a week or so before the Solstice. He spent his time making and buying gifts for Vi and Jinx. For Vi, he bought several sets of clothes, some of which was for both of them to enjoy in private, along with a pair of sturdy and stylish(in his opinion) new steel toed boots.

As for Jinx, he also bought some sets of clothes, a box of tools for her tinkering which he made all on his own to make sure they were as good as they could get with current machining technology and a knife. A knife was always a good thing to have.

On the extra gifts he was making, he kept making toys as well as warm articles of clothing. The toys were nothing special but they were sturdy and much better to look at than any scrap toys out there. As for the articles of clothes, he kept it with scarves and gloves. He wished that he knew how to make nylon and polyester but that was a long way off. This was all he could think for now and cheap enough he could make them en masse.

Sometimes, he would find himself falling asleep in front of his desk or the mechanised sewing machine he had just bought. ‘Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to keep working on these gifts with all the responsibilities I have,’ he thought to himself.’

“Hey Ark, I know you’re trying to make gifts but don’t wear yourself out ok?” Admonished Vi as she gave him a cup of hot milk to keep him warm while he worked on.

“I’ll be fine, just need to do some last minute gifts” Ark yawned as he pulled the blanket over himself a bit closer.

And so the days passed and the toys and clothing piled up until his and Vi’s room was brimming with them. Every nook and cranny was jam packed with simple toys. From rubik's cubes to dolls and from chess boards to simple snakes and ladders, such a variety of toys now lined his workshop.

The actual day of the solstice was a joyous affair. It was only the three of them but it was a big enough crowd to celebrate in Arks opinion. With their room bedecked in Christmas decorations along with a tree made from painted bottle brushes. Food aplenty was placed upon the table while gifts were placed beneath the tree.

Much to Ark's surprise, there were a duo of roughly wrapped gifts, one for him and another for Vi. With the glitters and liberal use of pink paint, he knew who made those It was long and cylindrical and Ark had no idea what was inside with how much wrapping was used.

“Who could that be from. That wasn’t there just a minute ago” Jinx said as she whistled innocently. Ark couldn’t help but pull the younger girl into a hug.

“Less touchy feely!” Jinx shouted but her actions betrayed her thoughts as she pulled herself into the hug.

“Group hug!” Vi’s bone crushing hug only made it more cozy despite the bruising.

The trio spent the rest of the night talking and just spending time with each other. Ark pulled out the pile of cookies and warm glass of eggnog for Ornn as midnight approached. Vi meanwhile tended to the fire in the oven as she readied it for a certain ritual Ark thought would be appropriate as he wrote those in the story he had for Snowdown.

“You sure you don’t want to read this?” asked a bleary eyed Jinx as she looked at the letter in her hand.

“Yup. Off it goes to Ornn but maybe I could have a little peek? I wonder what embarrassing thing you wrote in that letter” Ark replied with a grin to which Jinx replied by tossing the letter to the fire in haste.

“Too late” She yawned as he tossed the letter inside the oven. Vi and Ark’s letter followed soon and thus their request to Ornn was sent on its merry way.

“So Jinx, you sure you want to stay up for the night?” Ark asked as he sat down on the comfortable chair. The cushioned seat and backrest was making his eyes a bit heavy but he could last a bit longer. He still had some deliveries to make after all

“Yeah… just need to have a few minutes of shut eye… can you wake me up mmmkay?” Jinx asked as she yawned. She curled up beneath the large Snowdown tree and dozed off. The two waited for a few minutes before she started snoring away, having gone to the land of sleep and oblivious to the world around her.

“I’ll carry her to bed. Going for a trip tonight right?” Vi asked as she lifted her younger sister up.

“Yeah. Going to rest for a bit. It’s been a long day” Ark replied as he yawned.

Vi rolled her eyes as she teased “Don’t go sleeping on me ok?”.

Vi came back to Ark dozing off on his own, drooling a bit as he failed to remain awake. Vi smiled as she shook her head. This was exactly what she warned about. Still, she could always wake him up. It was so warm and comfortable beside him. Sharing a blanket with him, she kissed him on the forehead before snuggling up beside him. She soon dozed off as well

It was only at the crack of the new dawn did Ark bolt awake. Vi was jolted awake as Ark realized how he missed his delivery. Ark groaned at the ruined surprise he could have done.

“We could always do it today. Besides, I think the kids down at the Sumps would like it better to see the gifts coming from you” Vi said, trying to cheer him up, as she led the way to their room

“Yeah, it’s just I’ve been planning this for so long and it gets ruined” Ark replied with a defeated tone before he opened the door to their room. For a brief second, Arks' heart froze as he saw naught but a room devoid of presents. For a hot second, he thought they were robbed but it was only the presents that were gone.

The two searched the house, trying to find where the presents went. Even Jinx joined in as she woke up

“Umm… Urk, honey, I think you should see this” called out Vi from their room.

Ark found her holding a metal plate with glowing letters. It was quite the peculiar message if he was to be honest. There written on the tablet was these words:



“Ok… I know you like pulling off elaborate stunts but I didn’t know you'd do this. Nice touch on the letter though. Feels warm like it came fresh from a forge” Jinx replied as she inspected the letter and marveled at the craftsman ship.

“I didn’t do this… Vi and I were planning something else” Ark said to which Vi nodded in agreement

“This… ‘Ornn’ said he left presents” Vi said. Ark had a feeling that he knew what gifts were tampered. He and his family went off to go to the tree to find three wooden boxes. He found his presents looking like someone pulled out items from inside them without unwrapping them.Jinx looked piss as her present for him was unwrapped

Still, they had Vi pulled out her crowbar to open the boxes and there they received and out came three items. A boot, a pair of daggers and a blue sword. The boots were for Vi, the daggers were for Jinx and the sword was for Ark.

“A Mercurial Thread?” Ark said as he recognized the boots. There were still the materials he used but this Ornn remade it into this. He was starting to believe that he might have just contacted another supernatural being.

“Wait, if that's what’s that called then what are these? Woah, they’re very light” Jinx said as she lifted up a pair of yellow daggers.

“Those are called Zeals…” Ark said in disbelief at the second item but it was the third item that caught his attention the most. He grabbed the blade and lifted it up. It wasn’t quite like the Sheen he knew, it looked more like…

“Sting!” Jinx gasped.

“Wait, you made a sword for me?” Ark asked

“What? It was a Solstice present and and I want to make it pretty” Jinx replied

Their day would get a whole lot weirder as cries of surprise and joy filled the halls outside of their apartment and even the streets outside. People were celebrating as they found themselves with gifts. Children run around with their new toys while the adults wore new gloves and scarves. Ark couldn’t help but laugh. It was a miracle.

“Did Ornn did this?” Vi asked a bit dumbfounded at what happened

“I think he did… I think he did” Ark said as he closed the window and decided today was too weird of a day to go out

While Zaun celebrated, a certain being sat beneath the mountains as he feasted on a huge plate of cookies and a mug of eggnog. He snorted in amusement as he watched his brother having to deal with being buried by an avalanche of coal.


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