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Yvraine gazed down from her hidden perch upon the procession heading for Khaine’s Gate with apprehension as it draw ever closer to the new built Arena at the foot of the Monolithic structure. With the vast fleet of reavers and raiders flying overhead, one would think that they were escorting vast quantities of prisoners to consecrate the pits or perhaps the ruler of the city was holding a triumph and was to parade an important prisoner. The truth however was far more stranger than that. 

“The Old One,” Her dear companion armored form approach, hand resting upon the sister of the sword she wielded, “He has arrived.” 

Letting out a shaky breath, she nodded as she stood up from her perch to get a better look upon the cage holding the powerful being. As big as that of a ship with bars fit for its size, the oversized cage was hard to miss. It was almost insulting how they treated the last of their creators but she held her tongue for this was necessary. After all, what would be a bigger distraction than a being as large a space borne ship?

Palming of the pomel of her swords, she smiled as she turned around and walked towards her followers and allies, “The time of reckoning is almost upon us,” She whispered as she took of the forces gathered for this occasion. Today was the day that Commaragh was to be freed from the shackles of Tyranny as the many desperate factions have come together under one banner.

Standing before here were not just the Ynnari, her fellow faithful, but those belong to other creeds, factions and even races. Be they Aeldari, Dhukari, Xenos and Slave, all gathered as one as the rally under the call of one being, Kermit  It was a heartening sight, to have such forces gather for one goal, to bring down Vect. 

Such a proposition would have proven to be madness before for the Lord of the Dark City was power and his forces vast. Faced with such an alliance, of slaves, rival cabals, her forces, free agents, a powerful Mon… Human Warlord and the blessing of the Old One himself, they might just have a chance. Still, she felt conflicted especially to who backed this coup.  

“I do not trust Lady Maly’s and her plan,” Her companion whispered as orders for readiness rippled over those that gathered at the top of the arena, “Are you sure this is the best course of action?” He asked as he eyed the Dhrukari marked by the symbol of the Poisoned Tongue. 

It was thanks to them that could mill about out in the open. Hidden atop the Arena’s roof, amongst the crown of thorn that lined its top and far above the theming masses down in the stand, None would find their force. Despite Vect’s claims of all knowing, there were still secrets he doesn’t know. 

“I can trust these… Kermitani,” Her companioned stated as he glanced as the various beings dressed in dark cloaks and green ornaments, “I can even trust the Xenos and the Mandrakes themselves,” He added as he eyed the fearsome Mandrakes, being who thread both reality and unreality as they milled about, sharpening their blades, before he glared back to the allied Archon’s men, “But Maly’s ilk? I do not trust them.”

“I do not as well,” Yvraine frowned, remembering the deal that Lady Malys, the Archon of the Poisoned Tongue’s, “But her reasoning is sound and Kermit has voiced his approval of such plan,” She replied with a bit of hesitation slipping into her voice. 

How could she not when the Old One offered himself as bait to keep Vect distracted? Yes, the Old Ones were powerful, but they had their enemies. The Old enemy were still out there and their weapons? No, surely Vect couldn’t have access to them. If he had, he would have flaunted it. Vect was cunning but he was vain. 

Still, as much as she hated the fact that Malys was all but endorsing the endangerment of the kind being, there was reason to such decision. “All we can do now is hope and trust our ally that she hold up the end of her bargain,” She whispered back.

The man let out a sigh as he replied, “The risk is high,” before pausing as the roar of the crowd below drowned him out, “But I trust your judgment. The Ynnari will follow your command my Lady,” he then said as he gave her a short nod. 

She smiled back before commanded, letting her voice be heard “Rally the rest of our comrades beneath the Arena. I want them ready to join forces with those under lady Malys once the signal is given, ” Leaning in closer, she then whispered, “I want you to be there near her if she ever renege upon our alliance,” She trusted the woman as much as she trusted a snake. Best to keep an eye on them. 

The man nodded before he slunk into the shadows, her unsaid command clear for both of them. Gazing down below, she watched in muted fascination as the OId One was released from theri cage and carted before the gathered crowd. 

With their long lanky limbs, a soft rounded body and an almost permanent look of wonder and innocence sparkling behind their wide, expressive eyes, one could easily mistake the old one for any harmless amphibian, that was until one consider their sheer scale. Standing about as tall as an Corsair Escort was abeam, the being towered above all. Not even the famed Squiggoths of the Orks could quite match them. While impressive physically with their sheer size, their presence was almost blinding. 

Even from way above the stand, she could feel his presence radiating out like a warm sun whose light wrapped around her like a warm hug. It was almost overwhelming in its intensity that she trembled, her limbs screaming at her to flee or bow. Only her own will prevented her from doing so even as the rest of the allied force knelt before them.

“So this is Kermit,” She whispered, letting the name flow across her tongue as she sat down and reflected upon its nature. Yvraine had always considered herself a well traveled and experienced individual, having seen a thousand worlds and lived a thousand live before she became the Herald of Ynnead. 

Born from in the Craftworld of Bel-Tien, she had drifted far from and away from home, traveling down paths to find herself. She had once been a dancer, a warlock, a warrior and once even a pit fighter in the Arena of the Wych Cults, yet never had she heard of name close to what she heard down below and to which some of her allies held in reverence. 

As strange as the name was, stranger still were his followers, “He who counts himselfs amongst the creators, he who was promised, he who will free us from our bond,” She heard her youthful companion, a young wisp of girl born from the blood of her people and that of those unfortunate souls enslaved in this cruel city, whispered reverently as the Vect introduce the Old One to the cheering crowd, “Praise be the Creators, Praise be the Almighty Kermit,” 

Amongst the mob that gathered, they were the most varied. They were an odd mixtures of slaves, half breeds, lone xenos and even an odd few Dhrukari and Eldari all praising the Old Ones’s return. Who can blame them for the miracles that the Old One has granted to all. They were simply worshiping a being that they felt indebt too, nothing more. 

Despite this cults oddity, with their weird clothes and inclusive, almost naive nature, she still respected them. Compared to the others present, theirs was far more welcomed than the “reformed” Dhrukari and even a couple of odd Mandrakes milling about. 

Giving the warp damned beings a wary glance, she found their presence unsettling. The shadowy presence was not one so easily missed. With baleful fires burning in their their hollow eyes, she found barely bloodlust and reverence shining through them? 

Today is a strange day, she admits, best not to question things. After all, an alliance such as this surely would never come to pass again in the future. It is an once in a life time event and one she will gladly take advantage off. They had their role to fulfill today and those hidden in the roof, the arches, the hidden passages, had one task; to overwhelm and slaughter those who aligned themselves with Vect and free the slaves. 

As the proceeding of the farce continued, the revelation of Vect’s plan, she felt her stomach drop when Kermit cried out, “Oh fuck, why does my limbs feel so numb!” A being as powerful as an Old One can be poisoned? 

She had to hold back the half breed from leaping down at the sudden turn of events. “No, steady, we can’t rush in, not yet,” She replied calmly even as her heart hammered away. Glancing towards towards the stands and down where Lady Malys stood, she found the woman equally surprised. Things were not going as plan. 

“Why are we just sitting here in hiding when our lords in danger!” The young girl hissed out as voicing the unease of those gathered, “We have the numbers, we have them surround, we should strike now!” She insisted but Yvraine held her back. 

“Patience,” She told him as she focused, letting the flow of the warp course through her as she prayed for guidance. Despite the unexpected events, the eddies of the warp remained steady and the future remained clear. “The time to strike has yet to pass,” she reminded her even as she clutched her sword. 

“Lady Malys and her forces has yet to take control of the city’s defense,” She whispered as she extended her sense, feeling them slowing taking over, “While the Mandrakes have yet to gather in the numbers,” She added as she felt the shadowy beings rise up to the surface. 

“An attack now would be foolish for Vect would not come to such a public gathering without the full might of his Cabal,” She concluded as she held firm, deciding to stay in course with the plan, “Our combined force might be many, but they are far better armed.” 

There was a reason she agreed to ally herself not only the Archon, but to the Mon’keigh Warlord as well and follow their plan. Vect’s forces was simply overwhelming. She cannot act of her own, she had to rely on them and now, she hoped that they do no stray away from their plot. 

Despite the setbacks, things were going accordingly. There was still time, time brought to them by Vect’s gloating. They can still make things work, “For now, we must stay hidden lest we alert Vect and his ilk,” She whispered. If she was going to make her part work, she had to wait till everyone was ready to strike. 

“But our lord is in danger!” The girl whispered in distress as her fellow acolytes stirred in distress, letting their displeasure be heard. The rest might have reluctantly remained, even the Mandrakes, had remind quite but the Kermitani were far more vocal and likely to break ranks. Yvraine needed to calm them down. 

Placing her palm on the girls shoulder, she asked her, “Do you have so little faith in Kermit?” before she turned towards the congregation. “Do all of you?” She asked, She could see it in their eyes, the shame burning in them. 

“I-I…” The woman eye’s widening in horror as Vect’s word echoed up to where they hid before they clenched shut, turning away from the scene, “You’re right Lady Yvraine, I shouldn’t be too hasty. My apologies.”

“We must have faith,” She whispered, praying to Ynnead for not only strength for herself but for the Old One. Death would be a mercy to what the Dhrukari, no, her people could inflict. However, what was more shocking would be the revelations after the Old One was hauled up before the Archon.

“What the hell did you do to her Asspull?” She heard the Old One shout, eyes set on the man as they yelled in anger, “We had a deal!”

“The Goddess?” She whispered as gasp echoed from behind her. She had heard rumors of a giant sickly being with the Old One but the goddess? If this was true then the importance of this coup had risen dramatically. They were not only taking the city now but securing the future of the very galaxy itself. 

She listened closer, wracking her mind as she tried to figure how Vect could even harm the Old One? She had seen him destroy parts of the city casually, she had seen him carve away at the webway to create knew pathways with his bare hands, what weapon could he possess that could bring harm to a being like him? 

Then came that feeling of dread, that clawing fear that clawed at her very soul. She felt the very ends of her hair stand as a silence hushed spread across the arena. “No, he couldn’t have,” She whispered in horror as her young companion looked up to her. 

“Lady Yvraine?” She asked, fear clear in her eyes. 

She could only watch in horror as vect revealed his ace, a weapon whose very being made her skin crawl. With its dark stone like build and the sickly green glow emanating from the cracks spreading across its barrel, she knew what it was. The scourge of the war in heaven, the stories told of the old to the young, the old enemy, “Oghyr…”

She stood there frozen, unable to move as Vect laughed. Was this why he felt so confident as to show it before the city? Have they failed? She felt her heart drop as the man laughed and the sickly grow brightened. Her cry drowned out as the weapon fired and the Old One screamed.

She thought it was all over, their plan having been for naught until she heard laughter. She stared, mouth agape as the Old One laugh and the great Archon fumed. Unable to control herself, she found herself laughing as well. Such hope brought about by such absurdity. She could now why her companion worshipped them. 

“Praise be to Kermit!” The young woman beside her cheered as her vox lit up, every one was in position. All that was left now was the signal. 

If she had thought whatever absurdity was to stop, she found herself dearly mistaken as the Old One made one last jest. “Caw Caw Caw!” She wasn’t quite sure what it meant until the Old One cried once more, glancing to Mayls and to her as well, “I said, Caw Caw, Caw Caw!”

It took a moment before she understood why the Old One cried out as such but her companion? There was not a moment of hesitation as the girl pulled out her gun and screamed out, “For Kermit! For Ynnead! Attack!” She stood there in disbelief as she saw the girl ran up to the edge before leaping off to the stands below with the other Kermitani following her example. 

Blinking, she then turned to her followers and the others with them as she shouted, “Well, what are you waiting for?” before pulling out her sword, “Attack!” With her battle, her allies and followers were roused to a roar as the coup started in earnest. 

The Battle for Commaragh had started has finally began. The only regret she had now as she leapt of the edge as well was the Kermitani beat her to the punch. They were strange but she respected their spirit; they’re almost like their god. 

Duty and Honour

Commargh, the Dark City, the accursed home of the Dhurkari, burnt as the broken husk of its fleet rained down upon its escher-esque city blocks. With the combined fleet of the Back Templars, White Scars, Vylka Fenrika, Blood Angels and countless other Space Marine Chapters, a force of which had not been seen since the end of the Heresy, scouring the skies and destroying any that dare stand before them, the very web way itself trembled. 

Faced with such overwhelming odds, the Dhrukari found themselves unable to mount any meaningful defense, thus the Angels of the Emperors did as they pleased. These wretched pirates might have proven to be elusive out in the galactic plane, here, in their home port, they were but sitting ducks for the salvos of the battleships now bearing upon them. They were out of their element and out of time, the time of reckoning has come. 

Standing before the helm of Eternal Crusade, High Marsh Helbrecht found the ghost of a smile gracing his face as the macro cannons of his Chapter’s Battle Barge ripped through one of the tiny Corsairs attempting to Intercept them. “Today is a good day,” He whispered as the sound of explosions rang out from the shops vox along with the thundering cracks of a thousand drop pods raining down below; It was like music to his ears

“The enemies forces are routing! We have caught them in the most of auspicious of time!” one of his brother shouted with barely restrained excitement as the men in the bridge cheered along with them. All across their feed, reports of whole fleets moored in their docks were wiped out. Entire flotillas rendered into burning hulks and the survivors fleeing. Sanguinella arrived early it seemed. 

“Keep her steady,” He reminded his men as he walked up to his throne and sat down, “Victory might be ours but we must never be too complacent. The Dhrukari might be weak but they are slippery and canny,” frowning as he watched a small group escape into the many tunnels dotting the wretched hive, “And the city itself is a maze, best not to loose sight of our guide” He hissed as his mood soured, reminded of how they even got here.

Normally, any attack of this scale would have been impossible. The sheer numbers of ships would have been too much to hide and the Dhrukari would have been able to close the gates to their lair. Only the xenos could operate such gates and there lies to problem he now faced.

Glaring at the sleek ships passing by him, ships of the same style and build as those they had been firing upon, he commanded, “Take time in lining up our shots, I do not want to have any incidents with our… allies,” The same xenos defending this city were also his allies, Dhrukari turning upon each other. 

“As much as it pains me to leave these fouls xenos alive and this blight of a city upon the galaxy unscarred,” He spat as he glared at the city below, “The council had decreed that we are here as allies and liberators, not as conquerors. Any stray shots upon the city without cause will be a stain in our honor, make sure to keep collateral damage at a minimum.”

This goes against everything that emperor taught but… he cannot do it, he cannot betray his brothers at arms just to seeks glory. He was duty and honor bound to see through this till the end especially as this was no ordinary call to battle; This was a rescue mission. 

Walking up to his side, his second in command frowned as he gaze up to the feed showing them their forces, a mix of Imperial and Corsair ships now working in concert to pacify this city, “My liege, trusting the xenos, the Dhrukari…” His battle brother whispered, “Is it truly wise?”

“If it were up to me my friend,” He replied, frowning at the memory of the call to his office, “I would have shot them the moment they had led us to this city,” he admitted as he reminisced on the sudden call for a Crusade to Commaragh. Of all the Legions to call, it was the White Scars that had started the rather abrupt expedition. 

They were no strangers to calling a crusade but even they had to prepared. The ones the White Scars proposed was madness, up until the message was revealed brough to them by Dhrukari emissary of all things. The Son of the Emperor calls for aid, “Unfortunately, it would bring me much shame for I would have gone against the command of the great Khan himself,” he confided, letting him in this secret.

“So it is true, the Khan has returned,” His battle brother whispered in reverence. The Primarch couldn’t have come back at a better time. Beset on all sides by the xenos, the mutant and the heretic, the Imperium was in need of a strong leader to guide it back and Jaghatai Khan was perhaps the best that they could ever hope for. 

Only Rouboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines would have been better but unfortunately, the primarch was in a Coma. Only a great miracle could wake him up… but with the miracle of the Khan’s return, is it too hard not to believe for one? 

“I wouldn’t have believed it if not for the side arm along with the recorded vox message the primarch has for his sons,” He recalled. Faced with overwhelming evidence, he had to accept it. Though… there was a strange line, it was as solid as one could get. “The Great Khan has called upon the forces of the Imperium to aid his allies amongst the Dhrukari to take this city and pacify it,” and what a great force answered the call. 

With access to the very webway itself, a council consisting of the various chapters that answered was made to decided on how to proceed with the call to arms. Despite the protest from him and other hardliners, they had to follow the Primarch’s command to a letter until they could establish a proper line of communication and command. ==

“Admittedly, I thought the message was a forgery at first as the mention of a great frog certainly come out as a sick jest,” He admitted, remembering the exact line. In my time here in this city, I’ve many friends and one of them is a great frog. Protect him at all cost, do not let harm fall upon him. 

Shaking his head, he sighed, massaging his aching temples,“If not for my counterpart from the White Scars convincing it was a metaphor for change did I agree to this plan,” Before he forced himself to gaze towards the direction of the great monolith that the Aeldari called Khaine’s Gate.

Marching under the fire of various Dhrukari small craft, a giant amphibian wadded across the street, swiping away at the nimble aircraft with terrifying speed. He couldn’t help but wince as he saw a winged Scourge got launched directly towards his craft before splattering all over the windows, “Get a servitor to clean that!” He ordered, groaning as he shook his head. 

“Seeing that frog now towering over the Arena however,” His second in command hazarded, “I don’t think the great Khan was making a metaphor.”

“This frog, I swear to the Emperor…” Helbrecht muttered as he turned to the feed and refused to acknowledge the giant currently wrecking havoc down below, “Can we agree to not talk about the frog unless necessary?” He told his companion.

“For the sake our sanity,” The men sighed, his hand pressed against his face, “I agree,” He had faced a thousand battles and countless daemons but to think that something so absurd would be the one to test his mind. 

“I do find this request odd given the history of the White Scars with the Dhrukari?,” The man then said as he turned towards before cautiously suggesting, “Could he be coerced? The frog is…” as he waved his hand at the beings general direction. 

He frowned, stroking his chin as he considered before shaking his head in negative, “Unlikely,” He told his battle brother, “Of all the Primarchs, Jaghatai stands above not only as a warrior of great might but that of great cunning.”

“If Guilleman was the Philosopher King and Leman Russ is the Warlord, he is the Warrior Philosopher. A man who exemplifies balance of both mind and body,” Leaning back, he then added, “Giant or no giant, I don’t see any way for them to make the great Khan do anything that would hurt the imperium,”

His second in command nodded before he replied, noting, “Still, as much of a genius in war as the Khan is, I still find no reason why we should help a faction of the Dhrukari win this civil war. It would be a waste of man power and resource in my opinion.” 

“Indeed it is but I see the reasoning behind this madness,” He replied as the map slowly turned gold with more and more sectors falling under their control. Soon, all that would be left would be the fortress of the mad tyrant who ruled this city.

“If we are to take this city and help those our Primarch have allied himself with into power, the Dhrukari as a whole would be rendered ineffective for a time,” He told his companion as a ghost of a smile stretched across his face, “The Imperium gets to be part of the deal which would shape this city future,” With all the forces in the city, there was nothing the Dhrukari could do about it. They can dictate terms with enough arm twisting. 

“If it means we have to play nice so that we have a dagger ready to strike them in their hearts down the line,” He whispered, watching a feed of a Space Marine squad supporting some weird group of cultist? In plain black robes and green markings, and seeing how easy it would be to send a simple command to cut them all down, “Then so be it,” He was a Space Marine, he can wait. 

“Quite the pragmatic approach,” His battle brother nodded, “Still, the high lords of Terra and the Inquisition would not like this once they hear of it,” his companion added, reminding him of those pompous fools. 

“Let them rage for all they want, we have the son of the Emperor to back our actions,” He dismissed his companions words. Still, a seed of doubt lingered in his mind, one he had to crush beneath his will. He just hoped that what he can achieve here would speak for his action.

Before his companion could reply, the ships communication officer would call upon his attention, “My liege!” The man shouted before directing his attention to the feeds of the battle, “Unknown forces inbound!” He watched in muted horror as a giant shape covered the map and soon, it’s shadow soon cast itself over his ship, “They’re above us!“

“Dear Emperor,” He whispered as he gaze upon and found himself looking upon the planetoid size ship the Aeldari call a Craftworld slowly pass overhead.

“The Aeldari? What are they doing here!” One of his brothers shouted as alarms blurred all over the bridge. Lances of fire soon shot up as some of the ships in the formation opened fight. Great explosions rocked them but the ship held, it’s bone white armor sporting nary a scratch nor scorch mark upon its surface.

Eyes wide, he opened his line to the rest of the fleet before commanding,  “Wait, hold your fire! I repeat! All Allied Forces, hold your fire!” He shouted. Some might call it hesitation but he was merely being practical. He simply could not fire until he could verify they were the enemy, not when his allies weren’t human. 

“My Liege, they’re hailing us!” The communication officer called out to him.

He nodded grimly as he ordered, “Patch us through,” Taking in a deep breath and squaring shoulder, he braced himself for what was to come, “Lets see what they have to say.”

The ancient screen flickered to life as the tech priest tending to it coaxed it to wake and soon the smarmy face of an Aeldari dominated the screen, “High Marshal Helbretch, a bit unexpected but well within parameter,” The mans condescending words echoed through the ancient vox caster.

“High Farseer Eldrad Ulthaine,” He growled out, barring his teeth as his hand dug into his throne’s armrest, “I’d say is a pleasure but we both know how it is,” Of all the Aeldari he had to encounter today, why did it have to be him?

“Former High Farseer actually. It’s long story but that’s not what’s important right now,” The Eldar laughed before he waved his hands, “What’s important is why I’m here. You’re probably wondering why exactly,” The man then said as an all too superior smirk stretched across his face.

Helbretch felt his blood boil as he replied, “Here to save your brethren?” He did not like dealing with the Aeldari and this man might just be the worst of them all, “I know your ilks preference. Sacrifice a whole world just to see one of your kind live another day. So what is it then? Destroying this city would doom a child's day?” He spat out.

“Saving them? Heavens no,” The eldar replied as he frowned at his words. Glancing towards the city below, the xenos then said, “I’d rather prefer you shoot them but that would lead to a horrible war which I’d rather like you to avoid so no,“ 

He sighed, gritting his teeth at the nonsense this eldar speak. This was why they were so hard to deal with, often speaking in cryptic ways as if they should have known what they were talking about. “Then what are you here for?” He asked, hostility soon giving way to weariness, “My patience is running thin Eldar, speak”

“Oh it’s simple really, we’re here for the Old One along with a few other things,” The eldar then said as coy smile now stretched across their ever so punchable face, “All you need to know is we’re here to help you.”

Frowning, he asked, “The Old One?” He did not expect them to be so open but even after telling him what they were after, he was still left with more question than answers. 

The Eldar gave him a condescending look as he began describing this being the Aeldari were after, “You know, tall, green, a bit awkward looking but quite the hit among the women or maybe that’s later? I do apologize but I’m just getting used to seeing that far in the future,” Closing his eyes and massaging his forehead, Eldrad then said, “With how clear visions can be around our dear amphibian friend, things can be quite confusing at times.”

“The Frog?” He replied incredulously as he turned to the giant below. The Eldar, with their entire world ship, here because of the frog? “You’re here for the frog…” He replied, not quite believing him as he felt his brow twitch at the sight of the giant scooping up some rubble and slinging it, peppering the whole block with hypersonic stone. 

“I know you don’t believe me but trust me, this is the truth,” Eldrad replied with an amused smile stretched across his face. This man was enjoying his suffering, he could feel it. 

“Why?” He groaned out, turning away from the scene. He simply could not fathom why. 

Eldrad smile turned to a frown as he asked, “Have I not told you already or do I have to give you a history lesson?” For once, the man was frustrated as they reached up and pinched the bridge of their nose, “Damn it all, I knew taunting you would have led to this but it was just so tempting, “ 

It was a soothing sight, one that brought a smile on his face. Still, he could not help shake the feeling that there was more to this than what this xenos was willing to admit. There was something that Eldrad wasn’t telling him and he wanted to know, “Why are you after him? Is he some form of weapon?” He questioned him, prodding for answers. 

“On the contrary, we’re their weapons rather than the other way around,” The eldar replied, making him scoff at such a claim. Yes, these Aeldari were a weapon and he’s a farmer. Shaking his head, xenos then said, “But we’re getting off track. We both know your primarch asked you keep this Frog safe and we’re here to help you on that front.” 

He frowned deepened once more but he kept his mouth shut, letting him explain his case, “Save your primarch, take the city, have all the glory you can ever hope for but do not let this Frog fall for that would spell the doom for our Galaxy,” Eldrad told him as the air of amusement around them gave way to a much serious tone, “Trust me when I say that keeping him safe would not only be good for us the Aeldari but to you as well my dear Human.”

He let out a heavy sigh as he looked down, considering his counterparts word. Should he trust the Aeldari, they who came out of nowhere and offer help, “My Liege, are weapons are primed and ready,” His second in command replied in a tone loud enough for the Eldar to hear, “Should we take our shot?”

If the subtle treat had any effect on the crafty bastard, he would not know as the man all but pleaded, “I know our people had our difference but believe me, we come to help and we mean it. If you don’t trust my word then go trust in your Primarch’s,”

As if on que, his communication officer would call to his attention, “Sir! Someones hailing us from down in the Arena!”  Turning to the man, they then asked him, “It’s an old emergency call sign but it matches. Should we pick it up?”

“I advice you to take that call High Marshall,” The xenos suggested. 

As the sound of the distress call echoed in the room, he briefly considered firing upon the Aeldari. They were not part of this alliance. It was just the forces of the Imperium, the Primarch of the Whites Scars, their Dhrukari allies and the slave freed below. No one can blame him to considering the safety of his men but this was not man out to fight, this was one in need of help. 

“Patch them through,” He commanded, eyes kept on the feed waiting for an excuse to let loose the emperors wrath upon this god emperor forsaken xenos. 

There was brief static as another screen lit up and lo and behold, the scarred and wizened face of the Khan along with their blood stained beard, “Lord Marshall, Do not fire upon the Aeldari!” they commanded, making Helbrecht freeze in place, “I repeat, do not fire!”

“My Lord,” He whispered in reverence before it gave way to horror as he shouted, “You’re bleeding!” Their lord was injured, he needed help, “Where are you my lord! I’ll send an Apothecary as soon as possible!” he begged the primarch as he got up his seat. 

“See, I told you you’re being like this Russ Guy!” A booming yet equally squeaky voice echoed in the background.

“Ahh, is that the Old One I hear?” Eldrad piped in. 

Before he could respond, a hand grabbed the Primarchs face much to the man protest as he was pushed aside to reveal Dhrukari Wytch, “Wait, is that Eldrad?” The woman asked as they let out a laugh, “This day keeps just getting better and better!” 

“Damn it all!” the Primarch shouted as he pushed back but the woman would prove tenacious, clinging tightly to their face even as the Primarch grabbed them by the root of their hair, “This is official Imperial line, not some random Vox with a friend!” 

“Oy Malys, did you invite that guy along the party?” The women asked she just laughed before suddenly let go, letting the primarch rip them away only for a shuriken to fly by their face. Helbretch paled as the menace popped back up into view, “I’ll take that as a no then!”

“Wait, what’s going on?” The Old One then shouted while the green background shook, “You know I can’t see you when you’re standing on my shoulder!” 

Wait, why was the background green, Helbrecht asked himself. It was then that he realized, “A-are you on the Old One, my Lord?” He asked as panic sets in. He was wrong, he was so oh terribly wrong, the son of the Emperor was in danger. 

“Quite hogging the line Jaghatai! That guy in the ship looks like loads of fun to stab!” the Wych shouted as she launched herself at Jaghtai who casually grabbed by the scruff of the their shirt. The woman however would prove quite flexible as she reached out for the screen with their legs. 

“Stop it! Don’t push that-!” Their Primarch screamed out before the signal cut off, leaving him and the rest of his brothers in the dark, confused and terrified at what could be happening with the the man. 

“A lively bunch aren’t they?” Eldrad laugh making little of the gravity of the situation. 

“Dear Emperor preserve me…” Helbrecht whispered in horror as he reached up and palmed his face. With burning fury rising in his chest, he glared back up and shouted, “Fine, your people can stay. Just don’t get on the way of this operation, is that clear-!” His warning however would be interrupted as the ship shook, nearly throwing him off his feet. 

He could hear the very hull of the ship bend as it nearly keeled over to the side before it righted itself, letting him stand as klaxons rang all over. “Status! What just hit us!” He shouted before he turned to the Eldari, “Eldrad! You curr, I should have known!”

His fury would be all but ignored as the man, their eyes fixed not upon the vox but towards the window of their ship as a pink glowed washed over not only the man but to his very own ship as well, “Oh no…” Eldrad whispered in horror before shouting at him with terror and an urgency that sent chills down his spine, “Turn your Gellar Fields on now!”

Confused, he ripped his eyes away from the screen to gaze outside, one he would regret as he felt his very eyes boil in their sockets. “High Marshal!” his officer shouted but it was drowned out by the clawing, screaming horror that reached out from inside the broken remains of a once proud gate, “The Gates… oh dear Emperor.”

Tearing his gaze away from the maddening sight as he ordered, “Raise the Gellar field-!” But his word were drowned out as a intense heat passed by them and everything turned pink.


So decided to mix things up and do a POV of other characters. It seems like Kermit throwing hands would have to wait for next chapter. I might have also had a bit too much fun writing about the POV of the Lord Marshal of the Black Templars. Anyways, hope you enjoy and see you next month!



Oh shit! Slannesh is going to get spanked like baby.


Where is red during this nonsense? is he still in a cage?