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The Pizza Man

Sitting there on the train, arms crossed and legs tapping, with earplugs stuck in his ears, Chef felt like he was going to go insane. "Come one, when's the next stop," He muttered as he glanced at his clock, eager to get off his current ride.

Chef never really liked the public transportation in Night City. Now don't get him wrong, he admired just how well built and efficient the transportation was. In fact, his current ride was actually quite pleasant despite the rush hour volume. Sure there were still people standing but they weren't crammed in there like sardines. He could even confidently say that Night City was better at moving people.

The maglevs were almost always on time and spacious, bus stops were plenty and covered large parts of the city, and the taxis were some of the best he ever had. What the city offers is leagues better than in his timeline both in volume and in coverage. Despite all this however, he hated every minute he had to be in one due to one thing and one thing alone; they were absolutely riddled with ads.

It was actually ridiculous just how much ads were there. On the street, the bus and maglev stations, at every stop, hell, it was there inside the maglev as well. Hell, even now, they're stream up to god damn space! "Who the hell even sees those? Astronauts?" He muttered before pausing as he watched a launch from the space port, "Oh right, I forgot about that, "he sighed as he reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose.

With the mass driver buried deep in Morro Rock, the Night City International and Translunar Spaceport was capable of sending thousands of people and hundred of tons of cargo up into orbit through large, streamlined space planes. Seeing one such vehicle shoot up to the sky, trailing sonic booms as its after burners kicked in, never failed to bring some sense of awe in him. There was simply something magical about them.

Feeling a bit thirsty, he reached in reached inside his jacket's deep pocket and pulled himself a can of Coke Zero. Still sweet but slightly less destructive than the candy in a can that was the original. As he cracked it open and pushed it up against his lips, he remembered a promise he made, "Oh shit, fuck, I forgot!" He hissed as he brought his drink down and immediately opened up his contacts.

Ignoring his overflowing inbox, he scrolled all that way down to Yang's number and sent her a text. "Hey Yang, you there?" He wrote as he kick himself for forgetting. How long has it been since the Valentino Incident? Almost a month? Time sure does fly by.

Thankfully for him, he didn't have to wait for two long as the Jode replied, "Yeah, I'm up. What's up?"

He let out a sigh of relief as he quickly typed a reply, "This is a tad bit embarrassing but I kinda forgot my promise?" Taking a sip from his drink, he then asked, "Are you free this weekend or the next?" There was a brief pause as he watched the typing icon flash on and off for a good bit.

"Wait what?" Yang asked before she quickly replied, "Oh shoot, righttt, that. I honestly forgot it myself. Maine's Crew is amazing and all but they're running me ragged!" He chuckled as he read the message. It seems that he wasn't the only one that got busy this past few weeks.

"Still shitty of me though, I'll make it up to you," He apologized as he run the math on how big the trailer had to be to get what he promised and some more. "Huh, I'll probably need a whole sixteen wheeler…" He mused out loud before turning his attention back to the open chat.

"That's sweet Peach Boy but no need, it's an honest mistake," The blonde replied, "Beside, I couldn't have landed my current gig with the crew," there was a brief pause before another message slipped through, "Speaking off, how's the missus? Heard you two got yourselves a little hellion."

"Huh, oh yeah, she wasn't there," He remembered. Then again, Falco wasn't there as well. Shrugging, he then replied, "She's doing fine if a bit tired," He was still getting used to living with the two but he welcomed it, "Toga's a handful but she's an angel. Becca absolutely adores her," he told her as he sighed out fondly.

"Glad you two are doin good," Yang texted back.

Nodding, he then typed, "Yeah," Before he paused as he checked if they were getting near his stop. He was just in time as the maglev started to slow down and made its way to the station, "Anyways, just need to get things sorted out here in the home fort before I go hire some transport for the trip," he excused himself.

The Jodes, if he remembered correctly, are still roaming the great lone star state. It'll be a long trip, one that he can't just go on a whim. He'd have to handle the red tape, find a shipping company to handle what he'll be bring as he can't just make it there (not if he didn't want to get caught using his powers), and get himself the money to do all of it. He wasn't' exactly flushed with cash at the moment.

"I might have to drop by Japan Town," He whispered to himself as he got up just as the maglev came to a stop. Aside from his monetary constraints, he also had Toga to deal with. She was still kind of feral and he didn't quite trust anyone with her. Maybe Pillar? But that would be a long shot. She need to be at least somewhat home trained before he even consider leaving her on her own with minimal supervision. Following the flow of people, he quickly read her message.

"Copy that," She replied, "It's not everyday a kind heart helps the tribe. Thanks Chef, I mean it."|

Smiling, he quickly type a message, "Your welcome," before stepping out of the maglev. Still, despite the difficulties ahead, he'd make it work. He made a promise and he was going to get that done even if it kills him.


Stretching, Chef cracked his back and let out a groan. Another thing on why he hated using public transportation was he'd gotten too used to riding with Becca. "That car of her is just way to good," He grumbled as he rubbed his back. Technically it was stolen but the Crew's tech wizardry and a few fingers greased had it named to Becca.

Just as he was about to walk off to the bus stop just outside the station, he found himself bumping a kid. "Oh shit!" He cursed as he knelt down, helping the young kid up, "You ok kid?" He asked as he dusted off the kids uniform before picking up their glass. As he gave him their glass he noticed the mark on their uniform. Huh, an Arasaka School Kid. Why's this one in a train station of all things?

"Y-yeah," The kid replied as they slipped on their glass. Looking up at him, the Kid blinked before a look of recognition washed over their face, "W-wait, you're the Pizza Man from the Cherry Blossom Market!"

"The what now?" He replied, slightly amused at the title. Pizza Man, now that's a first if he ever heard one. "If you're talking about Seoul Kitchen, that's me," He replied.

The kid beamed as he whipped around and shouted to a haggard looking woman running after them, "Mom! Mom!" before pointing at him, "Look, it's the Pizza Man!"

Coming to a stop, the women gasped for air. She looked dead tired, dark rings around her eyes and cheeks a bit sunken. Straightening herself, she then scolded the kid, worry clear in her voice as she gave him a wary look, "Sweetie, it's not ok to bother the nice man," Grabbing him by his collar, she then pushing him away, "Just wait by the stair for me ok? I'll be there in just a bit."

The boy was about to protest when the woman pleaded, "Please sweetie?" With a grumble, the boy walked off leaving him with his mother. As he left, the woman then turned to him before bowing low, "I'm really sorry about my sons behavior. He didn't mean to cause any trouble. If he broke anything, I-I'll pay."

He was taken a bit aback by the womans apology until he saw just how afraid he was. It was as if she was looking to someone affiliated with the gangs. Frowning a bit, he then realized why. Given how often some of the gangs were hanging out in his place, he couldn't fault her for mistaking him for a part of them.

"Nah, its all good. I should be the one apologizing," he assured her as he held up his hands. The woman flinched as he reached for his pocket before blinking as she saw the sandwiches he pulled out of his jacket, "Umm, I know this isn't much but here, have these for your trouble,"

In his hands were two perfectly made and wrapped Yakisoba Sandwiches with eggs and extra meat. Savory noodles, eggs and meat stuck in a bun, a strange yet flavorful food sandwich. It was not something someone would usually find in a vendo but more a meal made for someone's snack or lunch. This seemed good enough for an apology in his opinion as well as a way to show them he didn't mean any harm to them.

As the woman looked at the sandwich is confusion, he then explained, "I always have some on me cause I never know when I'll get hungry," In truth, he pulled them out of thin air but she doesn't need to know about that.

Flustered, the woman pushed the sandwiches back to his hand, "N-no, it's fine! You don't have to-!" She assured him before he stopped her and pushed it back.

"It's ok, I have more where that came from. I have a shop after all!" He laughed yet still the women hesitated, " Please, if not for yourself, do if for your kid," He told her as he gestured for the kid walking up to them.

"Mom? The bus is here," The boy whined before his eyes trailed towards the food he was offering, "Wait, are those Yakisoba Sandwiches?"

Faced between him and her own kid, the woman sighed as she accepted the offered food. "A-alright," She nodded before turning to her kid and handing him both, "Here, the kind man wanted to give you this."

"Oh sweet!" The boy cheered as he opened one up and took a bite before letting out a satisfied hum. "I knew they were delicious! Thanks Mister Pizza Man!" He thanked him with a thousand watt smile.

"It's just Chef," He chuckled as he reached up and ruffled the kids hair, "Make your mom proud in school ok?"

"I will!" The boy nodded before perking up as he saw the line shrinking, "Mom! The bus about to leave! Let's go!" he urged her as he ran off.

"C-coming sweetie!" The woman shouted before turning to him. With a look of gratitude on her face and warm smile across her lips, she thanked him, "Thank you," before she walked away.

He watched as the mother and son duo left, leaving him to himself. Satisfied, he slipped his hands in his pocket before walking off. Sometimes, there's just some people that are too prideful to accept any form of help. Easing their burden though by helping those they care about? That was how he need to approach them.



Man, by the time he finishes his walk, dude will be manifesting Mr. Blue Sky by ELO into existence.


Can’t wait to see the next chapter, just re-read the story and it’s even better than I remember