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A Chaotic Modern Family

Chef thought he’d finally some peace and quite after all that he’d been through today; Oh what a naive fool he was. Once more, he found himself in a scene of chaos. His carefully arranged living room was a mess, pillows lay strewn about, his books scattered on the floor, bloody footprints tracking through his carpet, while his kitchen? The less he tells about his kitchen, the better it was for his mental health.

“God damn it Himiko, get off the fridge!” He ordered her as he held a broom, trying to poke her out while Rebecca stood on standby with her jacket on hand, ready to grab her if she bolts.

“No! I don’t want to!” She shouted, using one of his throw pillows as a shield while he hunkered down atop his quite frankly, oversized fridge. Why he got this antique that was taller than her was was beyond him. “You’re never going to take me alive! Never!” The girl cried, swatting at his make shift weapon

“Oh come on, it’s just a bath!” Rebecca shouted in exasperation as she glared at the girl only to be met with a loud hiss, “What are you? A freaking cat?!” she yelled as frustration mounted. All this trouble, all the mess that she made, simply because the girl refused to bathe.

Seeing that her spot atop his fridge was secure, Himiko decided it was the appropriate time to taunt his Output, “Nya!” The girl meowed back as she gave him and Rebecca the cheekiest shit eating grin.

“Oh don’t you sass me young lady!” Rebecca shouted as she threw her jacket down on the ground and waved her fist at her. “I swear if you don’t come down this instant, I will spank your ass till it’s cherry red!” She threatened her only to be met with a raspberry as the girl glared back at her.

“Ohhh this girl, I swear-!” Rebecca fumed before he cut her off, shaking his head as he sighed; This was going nowhere. They needed to change tactic.

The two of them shared a look, with Rebecca glaring up at him but thankfully, she backed down as she crossed her arms. “Ok fine, but it’s on your ass if she decides to hole up in our bedroom before she gets a bath ok? I’m not going to clean that up,” she muttered.

He nodded, giving her a kiss on the forehead before he turned his attention on the girl. Himiko tensed up, eyes dilated as she stared back at him. “Ok, you win, I’m not going to force you to take a bath,” He told her as he held up his hands.

Rebecca was quick to give him a questioning look but he gave her a reassuring look in turn. “Trust me,” He whispered as he looked up to see Himiko relaxing, her form no longer look like she’d bolt at a moments notice.

“Your not?” She asked cautiously as she peeked down from her spot.

“I’m not,” He reassured her as he laid down his broom. Leaning against the stone top counter of his kitchen, he then asked, “But, I atleast want to know why you don’t want to take a bath?” It was honestly quite baffling for him to see someone so hostile in taking a bath. She didn’t simply resisted, she outright ran before hiding atop his refrigerator.

There was a pause as the girl looked away. She bit her lips, hesitating for a bit before she replied, “Its cold. I hate being cold…”

He smiled back to her as he told her, “I hate the cold as well, that’s why I only use hot water in my tub!” He wasn’t quite sure what it was with what he said but now, Himiko’s attention was fully on him.

“A… tub?” She asked slowly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and intrigue.

Seizing his chance, he nodded as he told her about his bath, “Yes, a bathtub,” A japanese style tub to be precise, one that’s common this part of town from what he’d experience so far. Given the japanese diaspora and ruling corporation, it was no wonder. “A bit expensive getting that much water to fill it up but once you sit down and let the warm water wash over your sore muscle, I think its worth it,” He then said, sighing fondly at the idea of a hot bath right now.

It seemed that it wasn’t just him that was intrigued as Rebecca stared back at him. “Wait, that wasn’t just for decoration?” She asked, as he nodded, confused on why she thought it was merely for decoration as she cursed out, “Fuck, why didn’t you tell me!” With a pout, she then said, “Damn it, now I want to bath in that tub now…”

He chuckled, ruffling her green hair as he told him, “You know, the two of you can get fit inside right?” Before he gazed up, hoping that she finally got interested enough. Thankfully, it seems that he was getting through.

“A hot bath…” She whispered as she gazed towards his bathroom. Turning back to her, she then asked hopefully, “You promise it won’t be cold?”

“I promise,” He replied as he extended his hands up to her, “Trust me, ok?”

Slowly, she reached out, wavering before she committed, “Ok,” She replied as she grabbed hold. Reaching up to help her down, he found himself surprised once more at just how light she felt in his arms despite the inches she had over Rebecca.

As he set her down, she stood there sheepishly, rubbing her forearm as she averted her gaze away from him. “I’m sorry,” She whispered, “For messing up your room.”

He smiled as he reached out and grabbed her, pulling her in for a hug. The girl tensed, before she melted into his hold, “It’s ok Himiko,” He whispered as he gently stroked her hair, “I know you’re just a bit scared.”


Things finally calmed down as Himiko allowed Rebecca to give her a bath and from the sound of it, they were having fun. “Quite it! Stop splashing me damn it!” Rebeca squealed out, laughing as the sound of splashes echoed out from the nearby bathroom.

“More bubbles! More!” Himiko laughed out happily. Despite the earlier difficulty, it seems that all well that ends well.

“Don’t use to much soap ok!” he warned them, “I don’t want any of you slipping because you can’t see the floor!” It was all too easy to forget for someone that they’ll eventually need to get out of the bubblebath.

“Ok~!” Both of them shouted as their giggling echoed out from the bath.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention back on his task at hand. All this excitement had him a bit peckish. Cracking a few eggs, he mixed in some dried oregano, pepper and salt. Looking at the dried spice and then to his window where the morning sun was starting to shine through. “Maybe I should get some fresh Oregano growing here,” He whispered as he whisked the eggs.

In theory, he could force the whole plant into being. Barring that, he could just form the seeds and start from scratch. Either way, it might just be a worth while experience. Having a fragrant plant around wouldn’t hurt.

Humming a song of an bygone era, he set the eggs aside as he checked the pans heat. Tossing a few drops of water, he watched as it dance along the surface. Satisfied, he tossed in a generous helping of butter to serve as his fat of choice.

The smell of its creamy goodness filled the room as it melted slowly in the pan. Making sure not to burn it, he quickly moved over to grab some bread before dipping it in the eggs. Making sure he had a good coating on it, he then tossed it to the pan. One after another, he tossed them in, making sure that the sides turned brown before he had a small stack on his plate.

With the French Toast dun, he still had enough eggs to scramble. Into the pot it goes, sizzling and curdling as he slowly stirred it around. Eggs and butter just makes for a perfect pairing. As the eggs were just in the right spot between cooked but not too dry, he tossed them in beside the toast, finishing his quick snack; just in time as he felt Rebecca’s hand around his waist.

“Mmm, smells delicious~” Rebecca whispered as she let out an adorable yawn. Grabbing one of the toast, she chomped down on it as she leaned against him.

“How’s Himiko doing?” he asked as he slung his arms around Rebecca before guiding her to their bed room. With his snack in hand, he helped his sleepy little gremlin into the bed where she’d plop down unceremoniously.

“She’s fine. Just had her try out some of my spare outfits and no, I’m not giving her my usual outfits,,” She groaned tiredly as she plopped over to her back, “Fuck, I’m so tired. Is this what it feels like to have a little sister?” She paused for a moment before she cursed out, “Shit, I need to give Pilar a cold one for everything…”

“It’s hard yes, but it’s just how we are to our siblings,” He chuckled as he sat down beside her. Setting down the plate, he then got himself a spoonful of eggs as he fed his exhausted partner. Opening her mouth, she accepted his offering without any protest.

Swallowing, she then turned up to her with a serious look on her face. “Chef, we can’t let her get taken by Arasaka,” Curling up against him and pressing his face against his side, she told him, “I think I found out why she hates baths. She flinched when I used the shower on her. They might have hosed her down at one point…”

He frowned as he mulled over her words. Considering it’s Arasaka they were talking about and she may have been a subject in one of their facilities, she might very well be. It was all too easy to forget that she wasn’t just a normal girl but someone that maybe a living weapon.

“She’s a fucking mess and it’s all their fault,” Rebecca whispered, fist clenched, “But hiding her would be a problem. Sooner or later, they’ll find her and when they do… I don’t know…” It was a depressing thought but what can they do?

Blinking, he turned to Rebecca before asking her, “What if we can do anything about it? What if targeting us becomes too much of a hazard for Arasaka? What if taking us down would only bring more trouble for them than Himiko is worth?”

“Chef? Where are you going with this?” Rebecca replied slowly as she got up, looking at him in concern.

“I’m saying that maybe… somehow, I can make Seoul Kitchen that much of an iconic place, that much of a part of Night City that harming it would make everyone mad,” He replied as he reached out for his drawer and pulled out the gun that Don Orto gave him. It was not merely a gun but a symbol freindship he had struck with one of the gangs of Night City. “Maybe… just maybe… we can make Seoul Kitchen a safe heaven for anyone looking for a hot meal.”

“Your… your pulling a fucking Lizzie,” Rebecca replied incredulously, her voice rising as she sat up, fear creeping in her features, “I can’t believe you right now!”

“Yeah, maybe I am,” He replied as he slipped the gun back to inside its cabinet.

“Lizzie fucking died Chef,” Rebecca hissed, “If Arasaka finds out, they will kill not just you, but all of us!” Biting her nails, she then asked, “There must be a better way? What if we run? What if we contact Militech or something?”

He shook his head at that as he replied, “We can only run so far and you of all people should know that all Megacorps are the same,” Taking in a deep breath, he then sighed, “Staying here and making something of this is our only way forward,” Smiling, he gently reached out and grabbed her hands before he told her, “Besides, I have someone that Lizzie didn’t have, you.”

Rebecca turned red, flustered as his words. A hundred different emotions flashed through her face. Anger, fear, rage, excitement and hope, all mixing in together. “You know… maybe your on to something here Chef,” She whispered as she looked up to him, holding on his hands tightly, “But how do you plan on getting even bigger?”

“You know, there’s a certain someone that kept suggesting that I should try and turn my shop into a restaurant,” He smiled, making her laughed as he added, “Maybe I should have listened to them a bit more closely.”

“You know you have to raise prices to cover your cost,” Rebecca replied, smiling softly as she pressed her forehead against his, “You’re not made out of money after all. Think you can do it?”

He paused for a moment to consider until Himiko suddenly barges in, “Becca! Becca! This one! Can I have it? Pretty please!” Standing there in the door way was Himiko, clad in the female uniform of one of Arasaka’s school. In that one instant, Himiko was not an escapee, nor a possible test subject, but a normal girl, “Don’t I look pretty?” She asked, twirling around.

Rebecca stood up slowly, getting out of the bed as she walked towards her. There was a few tense seconds before Rebecca suddenly reached out and grabbed her, grinning from ear to ear as she hugged Toga. “You. Are. Adorable!” She cried as both girls hugged each other.

Chuckling, he leaned back as he replied, “How can I say no to that?” Their smile had his heart melting. If raising the price of his shop and turning it into a proper restaurant was what it takes to keep those smile going, then any price was worth it.


Holy shit is this chapter just saccharine filled. I want to hug those two so much.



prices increased from 10 eddies to 30 eddies