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For a brief moment, Chef wondered if he had offended the man as a long and uncomfortable silence descended between them. He felt sweat drip down his brow as the man gave him a long hard stare before they slowly replied, “You want this shit chipped in you skinny ass?” Snorting in amusement, they then commented, “You know, there’s plenty of other ways to get zeroed but this one ain’t it chef, it ain’t a fun way to go.”

“Hey, if you want skinny, look at Pilar, not me,” He replied with a huff before he shrugged as he took a sip from his drinks. The man was simply massive, simple as that. Looking up back at them, he jested, “But compared to everyone else, we might as well be all skinny.”

With steepled fingers, Chef leaned forward before letting out a sigh. “But seriously, I want it but I’m not gonna use it,” He admitted. Letting out a wry grin, he then added, “Beside, I’m not really a fan of chrome. I’d rather keep myself organic for sentimental reasons.”

Maine nodded in understanding before he looked at him with quirked brow, “But if you don’t need it, why buy it off me then?” he questioned him.

Chef stopped and thinked for a moment before he replied, “Would you believe I like to barter?” It was half a lie as he wanted this particular piece for other reasons but Maine didn’t have to know. Ignorance from bliss is often far better than knowing the truth. “A rare piece of chrome can go a long way,” he then added.

It might have been years since he dropped here but he couldn’t quite forget how powerful this iconic chrome was. This Sandevistan was no joke… but it also caused a lot of problems. It was a certain kid’s first step into becoming a legend but at what cause? He’d rather have it be hidden away than be used.

The man raised a brow at him before they let out an amused chuckled, “You, goody two shoes , knows a fence?” He then asked.

He flashed him a conspiratorial smile as he replied mysteriously, “Where do you think I got the money to get all that?” before gesturing at his humble restaurant. It might not be flashy without all the neon signs but it stood out, being in a premium spot. He idly felt for his non existent wallet at the thought of having to spend that much ever again.

Maine let out an uproarious laugh at that as he replied, “Fair enough,” grinning from ear to ear, the man then said, “Well since you’re a close friend as well as Rebecca’s boy toy, Imma give you discount. Here’s my asking price.”

A message would soon flash at the edge of his vision. Opening the discreet message, he raised a brow at the price, “Huh…”

The man gave him a comforting pat as he then told him, “I did warn you it cost a pretty penny,” Standing up, he stretched a bit before adding, “Don’t worry about it though, I’m not holding this against you. You’re a good man but I’d understand if this is beyond your budget.”

“Oh it is, just thought it’d be much more expensive,” He then commented, making Maine pause as he gave him a questioning look. Looking back, he then asked the bigger man, “Say, are you willing to barter?”

Maine frowned light as he looked away and stroked his chin. After a quick thought about it, the man nodded before he asked him, “What do you have in mind?”

He nodded back as he got up. “Just give me a second, I’m going to get something,” He told him as he walked back to the shop. Ignoring the quizzical look leveled to him, he ducked beneath the half closed shutters and jumped over the counter. Fishing out some keys, he opened the door leading to the stores pantry.

Flicking the lights open, he closed the door behind him and made sure it was locked. Looking around, the fully stocked pantry looked in order. From non perishables lining the shelves to the large meat locker he had for bigger things, he had everything a restaurant needs. However, keep things a bit neat as he found an empty tomato can.

“Damn it, must have left this last time I made pizza,” he muttered as he grabbed it and place it somewhere he could see once he leave the room. Aside from that little hiccup, the room was in perfect order.

With all the stuff he had inside and how spacious it, it was easy to have something hidden in here; exactly what he needed for what he was about to create. Closing his eyes, he reached in deep, feeling the stars just within reach. It was a strange feeling every fruit, every vegetable, every meat and every other type of food at his finger tips but it was not the common stuff that he needed. He needed something more expensive. Reaching out, he felt for a particular melon.

Opening his eyes, he smiled as the fragrant scent of the Yubari King Melon filled his pantry. The famed melon was a sight to behold. With it’s perfectly round shape, large size and smooth rind, it was a step above the competition. All of it, nestled inside a finely carved box, ready to be presented to an auction.

It was the one weird thing about his powers. Aside from the food product itself, he also made the packaging with it. While normally a nuisance since he had to say, open a can of tomatoes, making something rare with all the bells and whistles is a whole other mother.

All the serial numbers, all the exclusive tech made to ensure that the product is authentic, even the very biomarker is cloned. What he got in his hands was the real deal as far as any method of verification can attest to. Yes, there was another like it… but how would any be able to say which one is the original if both is the exact same in every conceivable way?

Giving it a cursory inspection and matching its serial number to the company that sells them, he left his pantry with his loot. Running back to Maine, he excused himself, “Sorry it took so long. Took me a bit to pull this out of the pantry,” He said before handing the box to his friend.

Opening the box, Maine fished out the fruit and inspected it, “A fresh fruit?” He whispered in confusion before he inspected it. Take a sniff, he noted “Definitely smells delicious but you might need a few thousand of these.”

He simply grinned back as he replied, “Oh you might be surprised,” Walking over to the man, he then pointed at the serial code and QR code stamped on the box, “Check this one out, I promise you it’ll be worth your time.”

Maine frowned before nodding. For a moment, he stared ahead, eyes glowing. Slowly, one of his brow rose before the other soon followed as he slowly slipped the fruit back inside the box and set it down. Breathing in, he then grabbed him by the shoulder before asking him, “Chef, what the fuck did you just gave me?”

“Just a Yubari King Melon,” He replied casually. “It’s definitely sweet but I can buy a thousand melons for the price of what I got it for,” He then added, making Maine choke.

Pulling away, he pinched the bridge of his nose as he paced around. He thought he heard the man muttering about some crazy beaver but he chalked it off as something he miss heard. Sighing, the man then turned back to him, “Ok, you made your point.”

Slipping his hands back into his coat, he pulled the implant out and handed to him, “You know Chef, I wished for the day when things made sense. A god damn fruit being more expensive than this is just fucking crazy,” the man whispered in disbelief.

He just shrugged as he replied, “It’s just how rich people work I suppose,” This earned him a flat look from the man.

“Said the man who auctioned for the fruit,” Maine fired back as he picked up the box and tucked it underneath his arm. The man held it as if he was holding some fragile glass art work.

He chuckled at the sigh and raised his hands in surrender. “Fair enough I suppose but really, I’m not that rich. I just have enough to live comfortably just how I want to,” he told him. The process of creating expensive fruits was dangerous. Dealing with bulk products? That he can deal with.

Shaking his head, Maine then told him, “I swear one of these days, I’m going to figure out just who the hell you are.”

Chef grinned back as he replied, “I’m looking forward to that day,” It was doubtful he could find anything substantial. After all, he had ten years to make an identity and no background to speak off.



Years later they learn he's the owner of one the nicest cleanest mega corp selling free food because he can


I’ve just found this story on QQ and I needed to read more but now I’ve hit the end, please tell me there’s a plan or schedule to update this soon?


Is going to make one today. Already had a plot on going and want to see that little plot point finally tied down so I can move on to the next