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Between rests, I have been able to put the finishing touches on Mudrock and now she is ready for Early Access. As I said, there will be no extended hiatus for me, and I will be doing everything within my power to both catch up time lost and to deliver the items every Patron is deserving of.

Surtr and Patchouli will be getting posts extremely soon by the looks of it, and they will be posted here first at the earliest convenience. The August Poll will be going live in a few hours, giving everyone a week to vote while I get back on track. Should everything play out nicely, we should be smooth sailing before the week is over.

Thank you again everyone for the support through the months, it means the world to me!




She would probably make for an even better Defender like this, ironically. But good on the Doc to always look out for their operators' health first! Just lovely, I've been looking forward to this one and it turned out great!


Thank you! I profusely apologize to everyone for the delay on these, I couldn't have predicted getting a hand injury and it lasting as long as it did. But I am very happy to have it live now! Mudrock is one of my favorite Operators so this was a huge pleasure to make ^^ Surtr will be out soon too, so stay tuned!


Mudrock's a personal fave for me, too. I almost always have her in a squad ready to go. And getting hurt is not exactly in anyone's control so don't sweat the injury too much!