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Hey! March is here, and with that comes some spring cleaning! I want to update the benefits given on Patreon to offer more. For that, I want to hear feedback from everyone! Here are the things I want to consider:

a) The introduction of a Reserve Poll, containing the characters who had lost the previous polling events. This would be a benefit added to the $3 supporter tier and would have voting running every two weeks. That means the minimum polling illustrations would increase from one to three! The current poll for $5 supporters will be renamed to the Primary Poll and allow supporters of the tier to have first pick on the new batch. Additionally, as previous benefits are cumulative, $5 supporters essentially receive an additional vote with this addition.

b) With $3 supporters receiving new benefits, any individual who supports me on Patreon would now have access to Early Access releases! Any amount of support genuinely means the world to me, and it feels fair that those who wish to support are able to see material early.

To summarize, the new benefits would look like this:

[  ] $1 Supporters: Discord Role + Direct Invitation, Early Artwork Access (UPDATED)

[  ] $3 Supporters: All previous benefits, Reserve Polling Access (NEW!)

[  ] $5 Supporters: All previous benefits, Primary Polling Access, MEGA Folder Access

If there are more potential benefits that could be considered, I would be happy to hear them below! And as always, I want to hear from you on how I can make your support worth it! Thank you so much for the continued support :D


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