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Hello guys^^

I make a little step by step because many of you ask me how i draw my fanarts. It's very simple so i don't know if its interesting, but for the littles curious tadaaaam XD

Step 1: i love draw in my sketch book first.

Step 2: i draw the line with a basic brush on photoshop.

Step 3: basic colours and blush on cheeks^^

Step 4: shadows with watercolor texture.

Step 5: details like light on hairs and colours on the line (for the skin i love use a pink colour on the line).

Step 6: final, sometimes i use a watercolour texture for finish the drawing and add "grains", but here i used "noise" in photoshop.

Hope you like it^^ 

See you soon (i'll post a special illustration just for you soon♥)

♥Thanks for you support♥



