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Hello everyone,

Finally ! He's there !

The new version of TSOE, now Eternea, can now be downloaded from the itch.io site: https://anthrius.itch.io/eternea

I'll let you discover the game.

Patreon "Wolf" and "Alpha" subscribers will receive the unlock file for the patreon part (sandbox section) in a few minutes.

This is the first launch of Eternea.

It is possible that some bugs have passed through my controls. Please do not hesitate to give me feedback so that I can correct them as soon as possible!




Bonjour à tous,

Enfin ! Il est là !

La nouvelle version de TSOE, désormais Eternea, peut dès maintenant être téléchargé sur le site itch.io : https://anthrius.itch.io/eternea

Je vous laisse découvrir le jeu ;)

Les abonnés patreons "Wolf" et "Alpha" vont recevoir dans quelques minutes le fichier de déblocage de la partie patreon (section sandbox).

C'est la 1er mise en ligne d'Eternea.

Il est possible que certains bugs soient passés à travers mes contrôles. Merci de ne pas hésiter à me faire des retours pour que je les corriges le plus vite possible !






I just sent an email to all the wolf and alpha patreons. Check your spam box if necessary. This contains the link to the unlock file. Regards, Anthrius. ------------------- Je viens d'envoyer un mail à tous les patreons wolf et alpha. Contrôlez votre boite spam au besoin. Celui ci contient le lien vers le fichier de déblocage. Cordialement, Anthrius.


awesome i just upped my subscription just for this <3 welcome back friend we are glad to see you fully posting again!

Fang The Mightyena

Seems like Progression is being halted by a bug. After selecting a choice (to progress the story) with Worgy, the end scene circle disappear and Worgy just won't interact anymore. Absolutely love the new settings, and man, the Food Truck food looks absolutely delish xD


ETERNEA_V_2.0.691-win : ​bug correct : bad position of fluide in runtime....


rhaaa bug ! Can you tell me when this is happening. On what choice of dialogue?


ETERNEA_V_2.0.695-win : dialogue flow bug fix​ in runtime mode ​​


really cool, i just kinda stuck on the "Grab the Torch in VR" witch i cant do somethign with it. also not click the red button.


In fact, you just have to click on it (a little below the flame). But actually we would tend to want to take the torch. I'll try to find a trick to make it easier to understand. What is the red button ? :)