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Oh this hassle ...

The size difference between Bebe and Valtu seriously complicates the animations ... I am only telling you that !  :p

Impossible to fit this huge cock in Valtu's mouth, no way!

I had to faint ...

Here is the dialogue (in outline, it will probably be slightly modified by the finalization) to bring to the stage;)

You: I would like you to give Bebe a b l o w j o b !

Valtu: Oh yes !! Good idea ... I salivate in advance ...

Valtu: Hmm ... I'm going to have to change size though ...

You: Why?

Valtu: Did you see the size of her s e x  ?

You: Yeah, great!

Valtu: And did you see the size of my mouth?

You: Ah ... I think I understand the problem ...

Valtu: It doesn't fit !!!

Valtu: I can lick it of course, but I like to swallow it all, if you know what I mean ...

You: Yes, yes ... well ... done the best ...

You: And to do it the other way around?

Valtu: Well, it will be the same ... Bebe likes it when it's big and it fills her mouth well ...

You: Oooookkkkiiii! Go ahead !

That's it ;)

As for the animation where Bebe will take care of Valtu's bottom..  I'll tell you, no choice ... here too I'm going to cheat a little ... and you shouldn't look at it too much near :p

It's like making a cube fit into a triangle, it'll get stuck I'm telling you ... you'll have to put petroleum jelly in it .... :p






I'm very excited for this, there are so many growth things I love about these senarios, valtu swallows and -bwoomp- grows bigger than bebe's turn.


Since I'm not making a video and "forced" an automatic sequence is more frustrating for the player than anything else, chances are I will be planning different consecutive sequences and it will be the player, depending on what they are imagine / want, who will choose the moment when he goes from one sequence to another. For this animation it can actually take place as you describe :) On the other hand, the sequences are very difficult to do, so you should not be too careful on the intermediate sequences :) The imagination will have to compensate for the lack of technique and my know-how ;)


Personally I had no problems seeing the two characters having a growth off a video, it's rare to see a scene from the perspective you are giving us! I'm very excited to see more like it honestly!