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mhmmmm yep yep



Whalecum to the COVID club baybeeee. That shiiii sucks donkey dick buuuut TY TY *joey voice* for the update. You funny af fr even when you’re sick af. So good to hear from you again davidurrr. You needa gargle with salt and warm water 3x a day. Eat tingz rich in vitamin C and D too. Glad you didn’t lose your sense of smell and taste like I did. Get well soon love xo


Eat some spinach and mushrooms sautéed in salted butter and you’re golden👌🏼 and don’t eat spicy foods with a fucked up throat.. tf you trying to die? Stop livin on the edge Lmfaaaao


Gargling salt water is 100% the way to go.


Late to the party, but the way you detailed this out by the day number gave me flashbacks to learning about Genesis in Sunday school 😂 “And there was evening, and there was morning — the 6th day.”