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Someone mentioned intruder cnc and I second that. That and like... stalking? Mostly just for the obsession aspect. The idea of someone being so obsessed and attracted to me that they think of me so consistently is... whoo. And I'm almost constantly imagining that someone breaks into my apartment, probably just a natural reaction to living alone. Like I know in reality that's a terrible situation but y'know, my fantasies aren't super logical.

cami ᰔ

I love what u did with inevitable dreams. So more monster/demon stuff 🫶 yeee


Punishment No nice words No comfort Mean


Well done, luv your work. Your voice & sounds are great but I’d love to hear you be more descriptive. Tell me in graphic dirty detail exactly what you’re going to do… take me through it. Also would like to hear more non relationship scenarios…strangers, acquaintances; the darker, the better 😘


A compilation of your favorite orgasms from previous audios.