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TLDR: Your voice is pavlov's bell and I'm the dog. 🥲 I've been fantasizing about you so much recently that now as soon as I hear your voice, my cheeks get red and I can feel the blood start to pump in my clit, I get squirmy and start grinding my hips against anythinggggg around me. You've made me orgasm a few times without even touching myself, just the swelling of my pussy and the sway of my hips while listening to you... It sends me completely over the edge. If I push my hand down on the bottom of my stomach while I'm so dripping wet and my body on fire with desire to serve you, my pussy squirts and I just start bursting from every inch of my body with pleasure. I've never felt so intensely sexually connected to a stranger before, but you... There isn't much I wouldn't do for even a singular evening of being yours to use, tie up, bite and suck. I want to be your servant and make you as good as you make me feel.


😗🎶 *whistling innocently by.. again.. *sigh* 🤤


Me too, my love. Me too. 🤭☺️🤤