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for a while
I'm in that mood you know.. it'll remind me and feel healing and will be fun for me

Edit' Not going anywhere and I'm not comparing myself to a songwriter but I think I'll try to convey those feelings like they do 😅..

Also I almost became jaded a long time ago but that's not what's happening here.. I just fall more deeply into romance and that's what I'll create.. I know I'll be fine I'll manifest it all, I'm just trying to be open.. men don't do that for reasons. But I'm trying to change that



Been going through shit for the last few days and I just want to say that romantic audios are why I fell for you in the first place. With you fairy tale love feels so real. I love you so much David <3


recently, i’ve been stressed out from life and deeply lonely. i could really use some softness and romance. i could use a reminder that men can be loving and kind. i always like what you make, but this could be a comfort for all of us. i can’t wait to see what you do David, xoxo

Maryam Nazr

I don’t think I can express how much I appreciate this as a woman…