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modern love 



Those first 3 minutes tho, that shit had me on the verge of tears... Listening to things like that, makes my heart hurt for myself. That's the kind of love and care I deserved and still do deserve. I carried someone's child for 9 months and had the hardest pregnancy, all I could do was sleep when I wasn't working as a housekeeper at a local hotel... Come to find out, my baby daddy was "lonely" so he was having multiple online affairs behind my back. Sleeping in our spare bedroom, blaming me for always wanting to sleep, blaming me for having a fucking pregnancy pillow. Jesus, that shit still burns me with straight up white hot rage. I fucking deserved better. ugh.


Rant over. Now I'm gunna make myself cum to your voice and it's gunna be a big ol' fuck you to him. LOL 🤌🏼