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Written by a patreon member, I apologize if someone was looking forward to an exact rendering of her script, but I followed it pretty closely... ish kinda

As a reminder to everyone here.. Sometimes we need to be in the right headspace to experience parts of ourselves and if you aren't ready or are curious but afraid don't be scared to ask others in our discord what to look out for in this audio, Read tags. 



I can't describe how perfectly amazing this audio is! The patreon member and you did a fantastic job! Thank you for always reminding us that it is ok to be who we are and that it is okay to desire the things we do. I don't think people who crave these type of things hear that often enough. You are right! We have to love and accept ourselves for who we truly are. It's hard to admit those things to ourselves sometimes because it is scary to be that vulnerable with others and even ourselves. Acceptance, support, and love is what we all want and need to feel fulfilled, desired, and needed. Because the things we crave is a type of love even if others don't understand it. People are afraid of what they don't know and don't understand so they judge people like us for it. They don't realize how detrimental that is to people like us because of their ignorance of what and why we desire the things we do. Sorry to get on my soap box but i really felt like someone else might need to hear it.

RynRyn MothSloth

The other voice is really playing into my monster kink lmao