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Before you enter you must understand the implication your decisions have on the outcome.. This is an audio/fantasy... real steps need to be taken and a lot more work than you think... Communication seems like an easy subject, but a majority of people don't truly understand its meaning...

telling someone you need something isn't communication there must be discourse and a understanding.. shit complicated.. I love you.. thank you for listening to my fantasies laid out in audio form 



This was… Simply amazing❤️ I was touched really deeply by it - and still felt safe in that space. Thank you.

Elly Beth

This goddamn audio. Man, honest to god it never fails to make me feel better. The banter, the comfort even in the roughest parts of the dominance, the IMPECCABLE aftercare... Thanks again for this, chef. I know I say it a lot but I hope you know how much you mean 🧡 you're a good dude.