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sorry about the quality, more NSFW audio soon.





Man, you’ve had some pretty rough times. I’m really sorry. You deserved better growing up. Thanks for sharing such a private part of yourself with us. ❤️ It must be kinda a nice to be able to share things like that with strangers on the internet and know that you can remain anonymous. I suppose my private journals fill that purpose for me, but it’s a shame they can’t talk back to me. Also having the stalker is not cool! Be safe. You sound like such a driven and focused guy. I really admire that. Also even though you said you got crappy grades in school you sounds like an educated person. I thought that from the first audio I heard. I wonder if it’s from having to grow up so fast at a young age. I don’t know where I’m going with this. Now I’m rambling. Ha! Just wanted you to know I heard you I guess. Thanks for sharing. I love your rambles.


i like your ramble sfw audios , really, keep making them pls, rambling about everything and nothing, pls dont think they are silly and delete them nooo, yeah they silly but silly in a relaxing vibe. Cause i'm working like through the night every day and i get super lonely, i dont want to hear my own thought and i can't listen to your nsfw audios cause they will turn me on and i cant work anymore haha. So yeah, you are a funny guy, i like it tehehe