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patreon has changed their TOS and have deleted some creators accounts entirely and it will affect a lot of your favorite creators so incase my channel disappears I have mirrored all my posts to


I will be uploading to both as normal but subscribe star will be my new main platform..

it shouldn't affect any of you I hope you all understand and follow me into a new world, I planned to get deeper into dd/lg and darker content but it will no longer be able to meet patreons tos but I should be fine on subscribe star for now I hope..

youtube may also end up getting deleted as they have also updated their TOS and have forbidden users from linking to third party sites

so in short I'm here to stay and I hope you want to come with me wherever I go and If you have other creators you love let them know so they don't lose their livelihoods..

uploading to both sites and if something happens follow my instagram - audiogasmph




Wait for meee, I’m coming!!

Gemma Down

What are the new rules this time? Its ridiculous that you have to keep jumping to new sites when you have worked hard to gain an audience here, it's awful that some creators have just lost their livelihood overnight like that. I'm happy to follow where ever you need to go, I just wish they stopped changing the TOS to the point that people have to move, I dont see how this benefits them at all