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And for my patrons, the textless version and added commentary!

Total Drawing Time: Apprx 13 HRs and 55 MINs

This actually turned out better than I thought it would. Given how particular I am about GTS pictures, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to imply that well on a title page without anything to compare her size with, but it seems the combination of stretched out, shrunken clothing, along with appearing to be in a cramped room was the right call. Granted, I'm pretty sure her clothes wouldn't have survived at the implied size, but meh, details. 

As for why I made her muscular and a futanari, well, those things were also pretty prominent in this batch as well, but it was really me just being a hornrock. That said, I'm slowly becoming more and more fond of muscle growth, if only because it prompts me to do a lot more detailed work when it comes to shading and I'm slowly getting the hang of it. Now all I need to do is something more beefy while trying to preserved the feminine appeal. One day.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this! Please be sure to leave a like, and/or comment below, and check out Patron Picks Book 13 if you haven't seen everything in it yet! 



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