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The progress page to the Raiden Mei and Ei Squish Drive, which you can learn about via this post and donate to here! I'll be updating this page as the Squish Drive progresses, so be on the lookout!

Update 2/3/24 V2: Hurray! The final goal has been reached! Thank you everyone who donated! (Especially the one person who donated for 2/3rds of it and will claim a majority of their body space at the end, lol). I'm gonna work on final image sometime soon, look forward to it!

Update 2/3/24: Just a reminder that only $100 are needed for the final benchmark and for the Squish Drive to be complete! Check out the links above if interested!

Update 1/17/24 V2: $980 raised! Only $100 to go to complete the Squish Drive!

Wow, someone saw the update and jumped at the opportunity...

Update 1/17/24: $840 raised! Only $60 more for the next benchmark!

Also, I've made a small adjustment to the format after considering the results of the previous pictures and frequency of donations. From here on, for every $10 donated, you can boost a sub-TF by 1. This change has been retroactively applied and will continue for the remainder of the project.

It took a minute for me to realize this and I apologize for not doing so sooner for the earlier sections of the drive. It was a matter of me not completely putting myself in a donor's position when looking at this in that it was kinda only worth it if you donated $60. Not only that, but despite the couple that did for the blue light, it still rolled Belly Growth, twice, which I'd imagine would feel like a ripoff for people who donated, despite how well it came out. $10 is much more reasonable and leaves a much bigger impact, in my opinion.

Lastly, for those wondering what will happen for leftover colors that don't win, they'll be applied to the stretch goal pictures, which will be rerolls of the colors and TFs of those that were donated each round.

Update 12/20/23: Thanks to a generous donor, the $720 benchmark has been reached! And oddly enough, the point value didn't change. Not gonna lie, I actually think Mr. Wheel might be sentient.

Update 11/15/23: Thanks to a generous donor, the next benchmark has been reached and the next transformations have been decided for Raiden Mei! What kind of changes will they be? All I can say is... This isn't rigged, I swear. XD

Update 11/11/23: An update on the current progress of the Squish Drive. The current amount reached is $430. Only $110 more and another page will be drawn!

Update 11/7/23: Updated the stretch goals to ones I felt would be more appealing. Also added links to this page since they weren't there for some reason. ^^;

Update 10/18/23: Ok, so after holding off on rolling for 24 hours, the first round pictures for Mei and Ei have been fully funded and the TFs have been decided! For Mei Raiden, she'll be subjected to two doses of the purple light and one dose of the blue light! For Ei Raiden, she'll be subjected to one dose of the purple, orange, and green lights! I'll save the sub-TFs as a surprise for when I finish the sketches, but just know that Wheel-kun has some interesting tastes... Anyway, here's the current color tallies for the next round. If you're not sure how I calculated this, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment below!

Update 10/17/23 V2: ........So yeah, this happened. Uh, in the spirit of fairness, I'm going to hold off on rolling for the first round of TFs for 24 hours to give other people the chance to donate. To the philanthropist who has his finger on the money trigger, thank you for your patronage. Please be sure to contact me on which TFs you want boosted.

Update 10/17/23: Welp, no more than 20 minutes in and some madlads already got us to the halfway mark of the first benchmark. Least this means the drive will continue for another couple of months.



Firestorm blade

…I just noticed the end goal for the stretch goal and… I *really* hope it gets funded to that point because HELL YEAH.


I think it might be different than what you expect. Basically, it means that I'll do extra rolls for any remaining colors with points. Course depending on what happens, I may have to adjust that one.

Firestorm blade

JESUS. Someone already bought a whole round!


Would you believe it's the same person who funded the Suu Squsih Drive? They've returned to assert their dominance.