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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

After receiving suggestions for nearly a day, there are a few people who decided to gamble with the details of their ideas on whether I'll accept them or not. Once again, this is something I can't really advise whether to do or not because it's so open-ended. That said, there have been a few ideas with details I can accurately nail down, so I thought I'd throw people a bone. 

1. Only one supporting character allowed with no TFs or growth implied (with the exception being dick growth). This is mainly meant to lesson my workload, but it's also meant to prevent an unfair advantage for certain ideas, since, historically, those types of ideas are noticeably more popular. I'm more lenient when it comes to High-End requests and I don't really care when it comes to secondary polls (where I come up with the ideas), but for the main poll, it's something I need to be strict about.

2. If the focus of a picture largely revolves around character's breasts, please don't skimp on the size, especially for normally well-endowed characters and anything involving fusion/absorption/conjoinment. Just because I don't like drawing breasts that are exceeding, jokingly huge for one-off illustrations, doesn't mean I prefer them to be "normie-sized" either. It's one thing if the character canonically has normal sized breasts or is as flat as a board, but I generally make it a point to make booba characters into BOOBA characters (unless I have a specific reason to do otherwise)

So there, that's your tip. Those of you who prompted me to write this will most likely know who I'm referring to. I went back and forth on whether to make this post cause I'm committed to being strict from here on out. However, even I think it's silly to completely drop an idea for something like breast size being too small or giving a side character too much oopmh anywhere other than their crotch. 

Anyway, that's all for now! Hope this helps!


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