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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Update 6/19/23 #2: ...I guess the extension wasn't needed. Actually overshot the goal by $100, so I'll need to contact the person about that. 

Anyway, thanks everyone who contributed! Look forward to the finished version of this sequence sometime at the start of July (give or take). 

Update 6/19/23: The donor from the Suu Squish Drive has now put his hands in the Homura cookie jar. I tell you, while it's a joy to get a notification of a donation, it's equally as terrifying to see it come from the same person. Joyous terror, there's a new oxymoron for you. I wonder if they know my plans for the finale of each sequence...

Anyway, with the $500 mark reached, I'll be extending the deadline by one month. Thank you everyone who's donated to reach this point!

Update 6/13/23: Hurray! Some generous donors! Only $100 till I reach the midway point!

Update 6/11/23: It's been over a week, however, there's been no donations. Little discouraging, but there's still 3 weeks to go!

Let's waste no time and get right into it! Part 2 of Homura's Squish Drive has begun! The rules are simple: visit the link below, select an amount to donate, then leave a comment for what you'd like your donation to go towards!

Homura Squish Drive

Ideally, I'd like for all ten pages to be fully funded, but at the very least, I'd like for them to all reach greyscale status. With that said, part two will last for one month, but if at least $500 has been contributed, I will extend it for another month. To everyone planning to contribute, I greatly appreciate it!

That's all for now!



Emmitt Cleveland

Time to see this all fully paid for in a week.


I'd like that, but I doubt it. Even the massive donor for the Suu Squish Drive did so over a couple of weeks, and I don't think this one has an oiler like that, lol!