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EDIT: It has come to my attention that some people misunderstand the price and drawing time, so I've added a brief explanation underneath. Please keep this in mind when commissioning me.

Hey there, Oxdarock here!

As the title says, I'm reopening commissions! Below is a link to my commission sheet, however, here's the main thing to keep in mind: I now work at an hourly rate of $15. A general estimation of each shading level's completions time is as such:

  • Sketch: Apprx 2-4 Hours
  • Lines/Greyscale: Apprx 2-4 Hours
  • Flats: Apprx 30-90 Mins
  • Simple Shading: At Least 3 HRs
  • Full Shading: At Least 5 HRs
  • Comic Pages: N/A

***The times listed above are for a particular step, not the entire commission. (ex. A full shaded picture will, at minimum, take at least 9 HRs and 30 MINs to complete.)***

For more info, please visit the link below.

Oxdarock Commissions 2023

For now, I'm going to open up one or two slots for commissions. I'll be choosing commissions based on my preference, not first come first served. That said, current patrons will get first dibs before I start accepting them everywhere else.

I'll make my final decision in a day or two. If you'd like a commission, please contact me via private messaging, Discord, email, etc.

That's all for now!



Wow, these prices are actually really cheap. I might have to try and put one in. Gotta check my bank account though


I’m definitely getting on


Cheap? Have you seen the total drawing times of my works? Is my sense of what's expensive really so warped?!


So $75 for a full shaded drawing?


It seems I'll need to add a line that says "All times are cumulative". Also, the answer is no.


Ah. So apparently the pricing was misunderstood. I hope the adjustment I made clears things up.