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Hey there, Oxdarock here!

Apologies for the suddenness of this post, but I'm going to have to stop accepting giantess related pictures that require the inclusion of a background for monthly Patron Pick polls. I've tried to work around it, but ideas like this tend stress me out most of time when they're pitched since, more often than not, I feel like they're added in as a detail haphazardly along with several other TFs. A large part of it is my aversion to backgrounds, but I also feel that most people don't share or understand my particular interest in the subject.

As such, I figure it'd be better to keep things simple and remove the option than to be overly difficult about it. However! I'm a stubborn and horny person (rock), so I will make two exceptions, the first being that I will still accept ideas that include characters that are giant 90% of the time canonically (i.e. Mt. Lady, Diane, Oriko Fujido, etc). Since these characters are giant most of the time to begin with, I don't consider the giantess element as a focus, so my interests probably align better with the people who pitch ideas for them. 

The second exception is for ideas that feature a minor extra character, like those above. There's a clear size difference in the first image, and I could remove the background entirely from the other three and it'd still have the same effect. Basically, so long as the minor character is being used for the size comparison, I shouldn't feel as stressed or limited in how I approach it, no matter the angle (plus, there's the self insert factor to satisfy my horniness). 

So, that's the gist of how I'd like to approach giantess ideas with regards to monthly voting polls. Two last things to note, however. One, will I avoid ideas, giantess or otherwise, if they have a background? No, not at all. So long as I don't have to spontaneously think of details for a background and am not desperately trying to use it and the PoV to emphasize the size difference, then it's fine. And two, will I still accept giantess themed pictures for the High-End Request list? I want to say yes, however, I'll still be particular about the details, otherwise, I'd simply accept it, but never have any intention of drawing it (which is a scummy thing to do).  

Anyway, again, apologies for those who like pitching giantess ideas and for my pickiness on the subject. Don't get me wrong, I do like the giantess theme. It's just that I feel my interests are deeper than ideas that can be equated to "a woman in toy town." I'd also rather not feel any stress when it comes to a monthly thing that's meant to be simple and for fun.

Anywho, that's all for now!




Welp glad that I got one giantess idea In there before things hit the fan XD. Tho guess there might still be a chance after reading. Mainly be detailed of how you want the giantess pic to be.